John Cardiel Epicly Later'd FULL (PART 1)

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I remember hearing about the accident and people talking about him like he died. His recovery and his mindset is just fucking incredible

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ToddGack πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 16 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bad cut off at the end, I wanted to hear the rest of that story

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KillahHills10304 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This episode just got me super stoked to skate.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 16 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

All hail cardiel

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/crooklyn94 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
you wanna do it all probably gonna get a flat at this spot is your Clark on it yeah [Music] cruising all right just follow me it was the [ __ ] crazy situation ever I thought I hit my head you know I mean from the Schlampe but I didn't know that I [ __ ] hit my back and [ __ ] my spinal cord up you know I look down and I see Matt Rodriguez and Julian they're looking at me and I was like what's wrong Maddi [ __ ] was like dude can you feel this and he [ __ ] was squeezing on my legs I couldn't feel it yeah yeah they [ __ ] said that I will not walk again there's no way they told my mom that in front of me and it [ __ ] just broke her how could he how could I not be able to walk and I was like [ __ ] you then I was like just no way they don't want to be stuck here I was like I'm not I'm walking out of this hospital I told the dude as time went by like maybe a few months later all sudden I got like a little flicker of my toe just a tad bit and I was like it's on [ __ ] some people are just like blessed and touched in certain different ways and that you know some people are born with more than others I mean it's a it's a fact and I mean John represents that like he was born with a little bit more than some people all my time dude Oh [ __ ] with music this that's what's up what are you the favorite ones you have like the most valuable or the like the treasures of this is part of my favorite album the house Barrington Levy run come yeah [ __ ] heck it tight in I think maybe people like skaters out there would have this perception of you like being into like Slayer I think it would come as a surprise to know how chilled out I that's all good dude I mean that's always been my things I mean I say everywhere I've ever been skating and stuff like that people are always just like you know come at me all sideways and [ __ ] no my you know really like you don't even know yeah I mean I saw I love Slayer you know I love hard music you know I mean but really where I want my heart's at you know I mean I want to talk about some [ __ ] let's talk about some reggae you know what I mean how long have you been into Reagan stuff like that since why we like fifth grade sixth grade it just you know smoking weed and [ __ ] listen to Bob Marley [ __ ] Peter Tosh you know he skating yeah oh dude this was my mom just had brought this stuff this what is it all just some art [ __ ] had done like all such a [ __ ] stoner dude look at this like this was my [ __ ] [ __ ] there this was everything I was into right here being a [ __ ] high school skating [ __ ] surf phibes ocean weed this was it where are you from I'm from Half Moon Bay and then I moved to Christ Valley and it was in [ __ ] out and I was the only kid from the ocean or whatever they would you know basically smoke [ __ ] skate and everybody's like who are you you know I mean like we ride dirt bikes shoot a backup you lock it out in here in the kitchen yeah so John what do you do on a normal day I go swimming skateboarding you know Rob dem little things round yeah you know I like to just have fun all big you know Jong moved up to Grass Valley when he was like in seventh grade I've seen him one day riding his bike around and I was like oh yeah you're that new kid I seen at school or whatever but he super just had so much energy and so fired up he could just light run up walls and do backflips and stuff like that I just you just do weird [ __ ] like that like he was like a almost like a performance artist I guess kind of like how Gaughan's like runs around and does weird stuff you know like that like John was into doing that kind of stuff like when you as a kid I always like flipping you know it's [ __ ] weird I've always tried doing flips on whatever I think I just hit so juice dude when I'm around my friends and people are like gone that's it I'm like I got something for you I got something I'm trying to just flip for some [ __ ] you know I'm not just do something you know I mean do something basically is what I feel like doing something just basically going for it I guess when his dad took him on his little kid to some bridge and said hey [ __ ] jumper you're walking home and he was like you know 9 or some [ __ ] he jumped off some 70 foot bridge into the water that was like you know his dad some combat-ready Vietnam vet and John was like okay you know so John had already learned at a very early age that you know air was very important I remember I had Spanish class with him the bell rings right chumps ride onto his board right out of class just I just see him go down to it I'm like oh my god he's going for it from the get-go John was really good at skating I don't know how he was just like magically good all of a sudden I went to John's house one time and he had he had this launch ramp at his house and it was a super tight [ __ ] launch ramp but it was like a legitimate like skateboard launch ramp and like the first thing he does he's like all dude it's nothing he's like y'all hit it whatever check it out so he just like charges at it and does a judo kick backside 360 off it just like first track BAM like all sick like judo kick backside 360 and I was just like like what well what's that like I had no clue I was just like dumbfounded like holy [ __ ] dude I can't believe you just did that well John got sponsored for snowboarding first before he got sponsored for skateboarding I remember he got sponsored by like Avalanche snowboards or something like that and there was a contest at boreal like in 1990 I think there was a skate and snowboard contest so it was like the first day was a snowboard contest the second day was the pro skate contest I've ever seen d'Alene was just wasted out of his mind and he's [ __ ] spit on me dude why'd he spit on you like you suck it here's his [ __ ] noses all blasted lips all cut up walk around the parking lot and I was like bro your face is all [ __ ] up you're bleeding and he's like [ __ ] just spit on me dude I was like like I knew it was Dwayne I was still like the street contest and I remember like you know Andy Howell and Matt Templeton and sell Barbie a Mike Carroll all the guys were there Tommy Guerrero it was it's a big gathering a storm came in so it was kind of cold and during the practice sessions there's his kid he's just killing the course and Tommy comes up to me - who's this kid I said I have no idea and it was John Cardiel you know it was the first time anybody ever song next thing you know Red Dog came up to me with some boards it was just like bro [ __ ] ride for our company bro [ __ ] dog town and he was like I'll send you some more boards or whatever send a video so I was like [ __ ] juice bro new boards brand new boards and he came into mail I just [ __ ] next-level took my skating dude I was like all over it JOHN CARTER yo the new King Lake of the pines California insane check it out holy [ __ ] even a mil I don't know what you I don't know what you've archived so I don't know I mean I have stories of my own heart from John I was there from his tryout for dog town with me Stacy Gebo Noah peacock Brice tonight's Red Dog Jim you're we're all at [ __ ] studio 43 and red dogs like you got she cardio ski I just I love this photo cuz it shows the whole time for me it's like we'd all this is 1991 John was like 17 this photo right here just that this is this is the time this is Cardiel method to fakie [ __ ] chukka boots no I'm just going for it no we were all like shocked that he was trying [ __ ] that was like unmei Keable I was like how can you not like this style it's every trick you [ __ ] his make or die so we were all like [ __ ] okay kids on the team the thing is the way he skates you can't not appreciate that just his style of skating first time I saw him was NSA and finals and it was in Atlanta and then there was this snaking like slider bar you know with double PVC it was it was like unscalable and he's goes full speed like running as fast as he can run run run jumps on his board push but actually like too much for the fish fish he's going he tries the board slide the whole thing sticks right away on it and just goes tumbling on the bar it slide bar just boom goes back try sitting again and does the same exact thing dude that was like that's my introduction to John Cardiel also now he makes stuff of course [Applause] you [ __ ] hick back here God dude I felt so gnarly dude that's what you love about skateboarding huh JC jumbo cojones John Cardiel DTS the video my video was sick dude I'm kidding me yeah of course I remember it like in the dog town video he rode his board backwards and did a 180 nose grab you know like people aren't really doing those grabs back then you did a front 20 nose grab and then turn around did a switch 180 it wasn't too long after you know the Gonz did the switch 180 down it you know six months later a year later Jon's doing it you know and he was still doing kind of progressive moves I guess as you could as you're saying skateboarding at that time was really small it was like little wheels and pressure flip and just going wicked slow it was like skateboarding had to go real small before I could get really big again and had to get the control that you learned from being down in the ground John had already superseded all that you know he wanted to just catch [ __ ] air no I mean he was down Embarcadero a lot and then like he I think he was at my house a lot because of staying with Greg you know staying in my house you know I think everyone down there thought it was super sick like he's just a sick skater different than everyone else down there this is the first time anyone ever did anything but ollie over the Gon's and very few people even did it ollie back in the day yeah oh yeah dude you could always go to marketer and hang out he kind of thought we didn't like him at first for a while too cuz he was more like rocker kind of like out in the country style guy and we were more like the city [ __ ] kids with the tag of marketers in one day it was like it's so good me being here all the time I was like of course I can't think I'm like a single just a gnarly tree just not he's like a just a big blur of mad kardi honest yeah he wasn't trying to like nollie flip grind no he would just go full speed and Smith grind the [ __ ] out of it instead like and go about two feet instead of two inches it was always just mad respect for those dudes Henry my [ __ ] all those dudes just everybody straight up you know when he blew up and the new progression of Street skating was coming in John was there and he was skating EMB but he was also writing other parts of the city we're coming to San Cisco and ride the avenues and the hills and everything that you put a skateboard on yeah I don't think it was too hard for him to gain acceptance the fact that he would just go for it so hard and the slams he would take and the screams he would yell when he would slam I mean everything John D like every moment of his forward miss it was just like all of him is being used like I mean even LA those tech dudes they weren't using their body to their fullest potential like that they weren't using every ounce of themselves like that you know I mean I heard stories from people that it's all John for the first time and they would be like this kids [ __ ] crazy sorry for scaring you sorry I just got back from LA and I was standing with Tobin and he had a photo of someone doing this really twisted slob one-footed err on a on a mini-ramp and it was ridiculous and I was like this is a bail and he swore to me it was and I was like you're full of [ __ ] and and then when he kept telling me it wasn't a bail this kid was really that crazy and I was like well I got a I got a [ __ ] see for myself and then I ran into him down at the Powell skate zone and I just went out of my way to [ __ ] go skate with him and and see if it was for real and it was it's [ __ ] so cliche you know like his 100% [ __ ] commits me you know and it just comes through you know and you there's probably there's been I guess not earlier like hash dudes it at around the same time you know but there's just something in John skating that is so I don't say obvious but that just can't be imitated camp it can't be faked you know it just it's yeah he's definitely on the gnar gnar bucket side of the whole deal awesome us good smells like [ __ ] this whole society is based on a child mentality imperialism global it like taking over colonialism that's what it is going into taking countries because we deserve it they call it manifest destiny it's our destiny to manifest little planet to own every country that was just [ __ ] traveling we just go and with aunty Roy and Julian do we used to [ __ ] do these missions and if I can skate and just like eat I'll go for breakfast dude and just [ __ ] skate all day this does with the time [Music] [Music] [Music] look I forget the year I want to say 91-92 we [ __ ] skate in the verrat [ __ ] Danny Way was up there right and I was [ __ ] skating vert with Danny Way right and I'm like dude a [ __ ] these game call him McKay and these guys are all busting right and I'm trying to get my ID in there I find a couple Smith grinds and [ __ ] you know they scratching a couple errors [Applause] I was like [ __ ] it I want to do a 540 you know [Applause] so I [ __ ] asked anyway I was like what's up with the 540 dude he's like you know you just [ __ ] do you told me and I'll tell you the key to it is an alley-oop it that's what he told me in the middle of a practice session and start throwing down crazy tricky but he was like the Ross do because he didn't wear pads used to try backless in the first guy ever even saw tried backflip on a burn amp with Pat without pads before its logo or anybody you notice the trip is jake has the photo because I told him I was gonna do this I'm gonna [ __ ] make this [ __ ] Jake and he didn't believe me any [ __ ] he saw it going down I was the trip yeah first one I've ever made and I we just skate in the rap and I was so [ __ ] juice because I'm skating the ramp with column and K and Danny way it's like that's [ __ ] insane you know I mean yeah if those dudes are like straight gnar you know so this if I can see some [ __ ] down here but [ __ ] I mean there's not old boards dude I just kept I just got [ __ ] a little look a bunch of [ __ ] yeah look anything that's cool to talk about this like oh dude I feel [ __ ] gay though why is that okay cuz too much [ __ ] snowboards [ __ ] dude Santa Cruz a [ __ ] we're hella tight' they made up well I go attribute I was a pro snowboarder 400 how long were you first snow boarder for four years man I don't know just [ __ ] growing up in the in the sticks or whatever and just going snowboarding I don't I just [ __ ] I was Pro for a party like four years or some [ __ ] like that skating was just better when you think about it right snowboarding to learn snowboarding you have to [ __ ] buy the boots by the snowboard by the close by lift ticket I mean you [ __ ] that's a hundred bucks easy two hundred bucks just to [ __ ] go but up to the snow gasps everything food so you you you semi gotta be of means to even [ __ ] kickstart the sport you know I mean so it's kind of like when you then now you're around all these dudes at a professional at it and they're like yeah [ __ ] grew up in Aspen [ __ ] just you know whatever snowboarders you know I mean you're like they don't know no kind of [ __ ] hard times you know I mean and you're just like like you we don't really vibe you know I mean side I just was like what I just whoa just I mean these are my [ __ ] people like I [ __ ] vibe with skateboarders I don't know I really know how much more to explain it you know how long do you know mark I don't know you know I went to England with the dude when I was a [ __ ] I'll tell you right now huh since 92 oh yeah August of 92 let me see photos amazing well basically we I went on a Black Label trip you know I was just like just kind of in awe of the dude and next I don't know we he just we started skating and we kind of just switched to hanging out like it was just like automatic friends it was hella trippy no I was like this dude's tight and then like we started like just doing little tricks and [ __ ] I I made up some trick because I didn't know it was a pressure flip but like look like a kickflip or a heel flip and I was like look I made this trick up I do this straight person he's all Jerry flip or whatever and I named my trick like it's melt off I could stoop it or whatever but hope I was tight it I don't know we just got along it's always just been like cutting on the level didn't you know how I got mad respect for mark and I don't think he's crazy it off straight up hmm straight up he rides all kinds of ice marks multibyte talented as everything right but [ __ ] one time one night we're riding it was me Julianne and Mark we just us three we're riding mark was taking us a ride and he was flexing for us in front of us right he was like doing all kinds of crazy [ __ ] right everyone's just looking at him like what the [ __ ] you know bobbing through traffic going nuts and everything and she [ __ ] starts riding without hands and he starts [ __ ] just jam and he's like yeah making all kinds of noise and [ __ ] going through traffic without my hands and me and Julian are just like looking at each other like dude this is crazy Nelson yeah and he's just [ __ ] hits the ground and just just [ __ ] slams so gnarly and his [ __ ] both tires were bent and [ __ ] taco he [ __ ] get you [ __ ] gets off his gets the bike together but I can start stomping on the [ __ ] rims fixes the rim so they're [ __ ] semi straight or whatever [ __ ] the front tires flat and he's just [ __ ] hops back on it no hands like starts doing it again you know it's just like this is [ __ ] sick oh I was just solid hype to see that I don't know if that sounds crazy to you guys look my favorite gating is like skating pools skating ramps skating Street like anything that's scalable pretty much like I always have just brought a backpack in a board box on every single skater ever and it's always just been like boards to sell and [ __ ] your backpack and [ __ ] clothes for weeks you know what I mean and then wash them if you need to like wherever some stream or some [ __ ] it's a water faucet only thing is I I just think that we're all [ __ ] skate rats you know I mean that we're all [ __ ] just dirty ass people but you know I mean just down for whatever type of people every single one of us I don't think that nobody can't ain't you know I mean every I think everybody's really secretly down for it my name is Jake Phelps and I'm in Brazil to check out some skate scene or around your country the only reason that I work with reporting is because I've devoted my life to it and I love it I love it to death skating is a universal language and people are gonna do it you know even if they can't speak your language that they're still just as devoted to it my name is Joey che I'm 23 years old I've been skating for 10 years I guess I'm like that yeah you guys got the best stuff to skate man cement the best stuff to skate so you know you guys got it all here you guys got hit pools but you guys got ripping pools we get to one spot and we'd be talking about where's another [ __ ] spot and we just want to go skate spots we didn't even care that's what we would do we would just go everywhere we could was a trip didn't anyone tell you about me and John's fight in Brazil it's a stupid story you won't have any footage to back it up but uh everyone's going a sushi place we had to take her shoes off and my feet spilled so bad that I was like I even pulled John aside I was embarrassed and I was like John man like I can't go in there man I gotta take my shoes off and [ __ ] they're gonna bum everyone out he's like he's like all right let's just kick back outside so we kick back and we had a soccer ball and we're kicking it around and these Brazilian dudes are like hey let's play soccer or whatever in and we kind of blew him off her life [ __ ] you get out of here not realizing that in that the [ __ ] you was the only thing that
Channel: Jacob Kuny$z
Views: 244,870
Rating: 4.8636565 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
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