John 16 - September 8, 2021

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father thank you for this day lord we think of parts of the country that would give anything that have the kind of rain we're having we thank you for uh lord even even when it's a lot for the blessing lord of just reign lord even your provision but as we go back into the upper room this evening and the disciples are trying to take in in real time that they're on their own but they're not alone we understand because we have the benefit lord of the holy spirit dwelling in us by faith in christ all they knew is they were left behind themselves so i pray lord the things you were trying to encourage them and lord may we have ears to hear hearts to understand eyes to see just how much you were telling them that night so they wouldn't be afraid so lord thank you that in this world we have trouble eclipses is the word tribulation but you have overcome the world and you've drawn us to yourself so bless your word this evening touch our hearts we pray may our walk with you change because we understand the things you've said to your your church in jesus name amen well sometimes it's good to get a running start because we're basically jumping into an open dialogue here and so if you remember chapter 13 he was telling him one of them would betray him they're going around his eyes that i he gave the sop good to see mr frank good to see you no it's good to see him he's good to see you and so they had a sop and then he told him one of you will betray me and you know what happened there then he said little children i'm leaving and you cannot come and of course peter just stuck on that idea meanwhile he said a new commandment i give you that you love one and others i've loved you by your love for one another when men know you that i'm you are my disciples peter of course asking were you going and then he challenged them i go to prepare a place for you in my father's house if it were not so he would have told you i will come again and receive you to myself chapter 14 verse 3 that where i am you may be also and of course thomas said lord how can we know the way and how can we know where you're going and he said i am the way the truth and the life and no man cometh unto the father but by me and he gave him these encouraging words he is the way he's the only way we can be right with god and then he began to exhort them in verse 15 of chapter 14 if you love me keep my commandments and i will pray the father and he shall give you another comforter that he may abide with you forever even the spirit of truth that is the holy spirit whom the world cannot receive because it seeeth them not neither knoweth him but ye know him for he dwelleth with you and when we put our trust in christ he shall be in you and i will not leave you comfortless he said in verse 21 he that hath my commandments and keepeth them he it is that loveth me and he that loveth me shall be loved of my father and i will love him and will manifest myself unto him judas saith unto him not iscariot because he's already left lord how is it that thou will manifest thyself unto us and not into the world in verse 23 of john 14 jesus answered and said if a man loved me he will keep my words and my father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him he that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings and the word which you hear is not mine but the father which sent me these things have i spoken unto you being yet present with you verse 26 again our subject will be this evening but the comforter which is the holy spirit whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever i have said unto you peace i leave with you my peace i give unto you not as the world giveth give i unto you so let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid and then he challenged him in chapter 15 verse 5 he said i am the vine and ye are the branches he that abideth in me and i in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me you can do nothing if a man abide not in me one who doesn't keep his commandments he's cast forth as a branch and is withered and men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned if you abide in me and my words abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you and then you again reminded him this is my commandment verse 12 chapter 15 that you love one another he keeps trying to get this into their hearts greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends now if they were able to understand what the benefit of hindsight he's leaving they cannot follow and he's going to lay down his life it's all here if you could see what he was trying to tell them it's all here but in the moment they're just listening and you know they're around the room they've been eating and they're trying to take it all in and it's all fresh and in real time but he's told them what's coming greater love hath no man than this than a man lay down his life for his friends and you are my friends if you do whatsoever i command you henceforth i call you not servants for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth but i have called you friends for all things that i have heard of my father have i made known unto you and then this amazing humbling truth you have not chosen me but i have chosen you and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit just abide and that your fruit should remain that whatsoever you shall ask of the father my name that he may give it you and then he warned them if the world hates you verse 18 you know that it hated me before it hated you verse 20 said remember the word that i said to you the servant is not greater than his lord if they've persecuted me they will also persecute you if they have kept my saying then they will keep yours also but all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake because they know not him that sent me then he exhorted him again but when the comforter verse 26 has come whom i will send unto you from the father even the spirit of truth which proceedeth from the father he shall testify of me and you also shall bear witness because you have been with me from the beginning these things chapter 16 we started a little bit into it two weeks ago these things have i spoken unto you that you should not be offended scandaliso to be scandalized i've warned you it's going to happen before it happens so you won't be overwhelmed they shall put you out of the synagogues yea the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he do with god's service and that's solve tarsus among others these things will they do unto you why because they have not known the father nor me but these things have i told you that when the time shall come he's actually giving them a lot when the time shall come you may remember that i told you of them these things i said not unto you at the beginning because i was with you but now i go my way to him that sent me and none of you asketh me wither goes now now let me ask you a question if you've been paying attention through this long dialogue we just went through where is he going in chapter 14 he told us he's going to go to the father's house but what's going to be the process he's going to lay down his life but now i go my way and he's going to lay down his life for us to him that sent me by the way that's again pimpo to dispatch and none of you asketh me whether goes though but because i have said these things unto you i'm leaving you cannot follow they weren't catching it i'm going to lay down my life for my friends because i've said these things unto you sorrow hath filled your heart you see do you remember when jesus fed the five thousand and they said wait of a truth this is the this is the one who's to come to the kings to come into the world and they wanted to take jesus by force and bring him to jerusalem and install him as king remember that okay well i hope you do he had to get rid of the disciples if you read the gospel account all four gospels have it and he basically constrained them to get into a ship because the people are going this is the messiah here we go let's make him king the disciples get wind of that that's like right on government jobs we're going to have him take over the romans will be gone that's the last thing they need to hear so he had to get get in the boat and that's actually a miracle one to get them in a boat two to get the people to leave and then he goes up in the hill and he starts praying there was an expectation in their hearts will the kingdom come now daniel interpreted that dream for nebuchadnezzar first told him the dream and then interpret it in chapter two and he told him in the last days that king the god of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall have no end his dominion will be an everlasting dominion this has been in the heart of the jew that one day god's going to reign and he's going to put everything in submission to him and that's in the heart of us as true believers that one day christ will return and has he taught us to pray his will will be done on earth as it is in heaven and man wouldn't we love to have that today oh i think it's a stretch that they had that in their hearts okay fine turn acts chapter 1. acts chapter 1. we've talked about the holy spirit will be with you and we talked about when we believe the holy spirit will be in you a third relationship of the spirit comes up from acts chapter 1. but here they are in acts chapter 1 verse 6 and when they were therefore come together the disciples with jesus who is now resurrected from the dead they asked of him saying lord will thou at this time restore again the kingdom to israel are you going to be declared king messiah now and put everything under your authority can we have those government jobs and he said unto him it's not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father hath put in his own power but you shall receive power after that the holy spirit has come upon you and what happens when the holy spirit comes upon you you shall be witnesses unto me both in jerusalem and all judea and samaria under the uttermost parts of the earth so they had that expectation even after his resurrection now now so put that in mind and then listen to what he says to us again in chapter 16. now i go my way to him that sent me none of you asketh me whether goest thou but because i have said these things that i am leaving peter's going to fumble on the one-yard line one of you is going to betray me they're going to hate you because they hated me and oh by the way you're going to be persecuted and thrown out of the synagogues see you later because i've said these things unto you sorrow hath filled your heart definitely unmet expectations are being realized right now verse 7 we pick up now again nevertheless i tell you the truth it is expedient for you that i go away why what's he going to do when he goes away lay down his life for his friends and laying down his life he will make the way open for god to forgive our sins to pardon us of our iniquities and to adopt us as sons and daughters and bring us again into his presence we can be reconciled to god nevertheless i tell you the truth that's expedient for you that i go away for if i go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if i depart i will send him unto you and when he has come he will reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment and if you're not sure about this just flip over to john chapter 20 for a minute john chapter 20 jesus now risen from the dead shows up in the upper room says peace be unto you and they all freaked out you'll see the other accounts when he had said this in john chapter 20 verse 22 he breathed on them and said unto them receive ye the holy spirit let me ask you a question if jesus breathes on you and says receive you the holy spirit what's going to happen this half is a week you're going to receive the holy spirit right so this is going to happen i tell you it's expedient for you that i go away i go not away the comforter will not come unto you the holy spirit but if i depart i will send him unto you he will fill them and dwell them there in the upper room and as we saw in acts chapter 1 verse 8 after jesus ascends about 10 days after that the spirit of god then this working of god among the church comes upon them and thousands come to christ that day now the spirit of god begins to move so when he has come the holy spirit verse 8 chapter 16 he will reprove the world of sin hamarti is the word hamartia it's a word that simply means to miss the mark like someone shooting arrows at a target you know if you don't shoot arrows very often you don't hit the round thing you end up in the lawn into the trees and the neighbor's yard and all that but it means you missed the mark what you're aiming for you didn't hit anybody have a day like that you know what you should have done anybody here married you know you should have done you didn't know you should have done and you know you tried but that's missing the mark and it's all around us hamartia he will prove the world of sin and of righteousness that's which is justice righteousness or just and of judgment that word is crisis where you essentially execute judgment of sin verse 9 why because they believe not on me what can wash away my sins as the hymn says nothing but the blood of jesus but aren't there a lot of sins in the world yes there's nothing new under the sun we've just improved the delivery mechanisms well then why is it the sin that really gets you in trouble is they believe not on me well the answer is quite simple turn to revelation 20. go to the far right of your bible revelation 20. basically two pages from the end revelation 20. everybody always wants to know what happens at the end well here you get it this is what we're told i saw a great white throne at least the end of this age i saw a great white throne in him that sat on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away and there was found no place for them and i saw the dead small and great stand before god you've just learned there is a life that is to come the question is to which i saw the dead small and great stand before god and the books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books the things you've done according to their works and the sea gave up the dead which were buried in it and the dead and death and hell death they say claims the body hell or hades claims the soul delivered up the dead which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire this is the second death and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire well pastor didn't it just say in john's gospel of sin because they believe not in me how are you getting that here flip the page john 21 27 or sorry revelation 21 27 further on this thought talking about this new heaven new earth the new jerusalem there shall no wise enter into it anything that defileth neither whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh a lie here we go but they which are written and who's the lamb's book of life trick question who wrote revelation john very good whose book are we studying tonight john very good what did he record of john the baptist when he saw jesus behold the lamb of god so whose book of life is it jesus you see if you refuse to believe upon jesus christ then your name is not in the book of life and when you get to that final judgment of god and you are judged according to the deeds you've done when you reap what you've sown if the book of life has not got your name recorded you're cast into the second death the lake of fire and you are the one who determines whether or not if you open your heart to christ whether or not you're in the book of life the salvation has been given that the gift has been made the payment's been done but you must be the one who opens your heart and says god be merciful to me a sinner turning from your wickedness that god has to judge and asking for god's forgiveness which is found through his son when you will take that directional change and come to the feet of jesus he'll forgive you he'll give you the holy spirit who's always been with you convicting you of righteousness sin and judgment when you open your heart he comes into your life and as you're willing to step out he'll come upon your life and use you to be a witness but you are the one who decides whether or not you'll receive that gift he will not force you he will he'll knock sometimes you'll even squeeze you a little but you have to decide there's so many parents who wish they could decide and believe for their kids there's so many kids who wish they could decide and believe their parents or extended family you have to decide for yourself it's a one-to-one relationship you to god and you're the one who must say lord be merciful to me a sinner of sin because they believe not on me well who is he he is the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the father but by him second thing 16 10 of righteousness what do you mean because i go to my father and ye see me no more what do you mean the resurrection of jesus christ proves that god accepted his payment proves that he's able to lay down his life and take it up again proves that he's the sinless son of god who's able to die on our behalf his death and resurrection shows the righteousness of god and that he's willing to redeem sinful men and yet he himself takes their punishment he is just and dismissing their case because he himself has become the justifier through his death of those who believe righteousness god will give righteousness to those who believe upon his son he'll make their standing just as if they'd never sinned which is a working definition of justified told to us in romans of righteousness you want righteousness with god you get it through believing in his son jesus christ who died and rose for you and having trusted him by faith he gives to you eternal life and a right standing before god righteousness because i go to my father he's paid for us and ye see me no more now remember john would talk about sea we had different words the rail and bleppo and all that and thea and all that well we're back so now here we go again verse 10 because you see me no more that's thoreau to gaze her to look with interest we're going to have a few words that play off here of judgment because the prince of this world is judged how what was our first prophecy we have in genesis i will put enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent that the followers are descendants of the women and the followers and minions of the satanic realm satan himself he will bruise his heel and the seat of the woman will crush his head that death and resurrection of jesus when he died on that cross he paid for our sins and he took the wrath our sins deserve he has restored what satan did to man crushed it you know we say now it's a modern vernacular like how did you do in your test crushed it how'd you do in your redemption crushed it i like it look at that the bible is way ahead of the modern slang crushed it he crushed it of judgment because the prince of this world is judged in fact he crushed it by the cross rose again to prove it i have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now why well it's late they've had food now come on because the words that he speaks are spiritual and he hasn't breathed on them yet and dwelt them by the holy spirit they aren't ready yet they can't they can only handle so much you cannot receive it now you cannot bear them now how be it when he the spirit of truth has come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak for he will and a jello to make known to announce to declare he will show you things to come okay what's the commandment he gave him there in the upper room that what that you thank you that you love one another okay by this all men will know you're my disciples okay i'm gonna give you another comforter okay the holy spirit okay he's going to show you things to come okay he's going to teach you all things okay he's going to guide you in all truth okay so if you're really full of the spirit the fruit of the spirit is love turn to galatians all right we're going to review turn the galatians to the right 522 what does it mean to have had a saving faith in christ what does it mean to have the holy spirit take up residence within you what should you look for in a genuine relationship with god these things should begin to appear in your life the fruit of the spirit the holy spirit who was given to you the day you believed is love joy peace long suffering always a good one gentleness goodness faith or faithfulness meekness humility temperance are self-control against such there is no law and they that are christ's by faith have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts if we live in the spirit let us also walk in the spirit so a life that is filled with the spirit because a person has put his faith in his love and his trust in jesus christ is a life that should show the love of god one thing that drew me to reading the gospel was the the my now wife then friend who had gotten saved and we dated and broke up and dated and broke up and she got saved and i thought she lost her mind and and she thought i was an absolute dirt bag and she was right two years after that i called her up see how she was doing around this time near her birthday and she said what we had was lust it wasn't love and she said i never learned how to love anybody until i fell in love with jesus christ and that's what drove me to read the new testament because i knew that i had no love for anybody else but myself and actually in many ways as i was getting more and more often nonsense i began to loathe even myself it was the love of god that in many ways drove straight into my heart i knew i was missing it i have so many things yet to say to you but you cannot bear them now verse 12 albeit when he the spirit of truth has come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come how did john get the book of revelation the holy spirit he shall glorify me the holy spirit for he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you that's how we got our epistles and other things all things that the father hath are mine therefore said i that he shall take of mine and shall show it unto you and what he takes of jesus has come from the father through one a little while and you shall not here comes our word play thereo to gaze to look upon with interest a little while and you shall not see me all right revision quiz why in a little while will they not see him because he's going to lay down his life for his friends and they cannot follow him now but they will follow him later how many are starting like wow okay yeah okay see the dialogue actually does work beautifully together just we chop it up in chapters we don't have a lot of time and get a little while and shall not see me throughout to glaze upon or gaze upon with interest and again a little while and you shall opt to know another word for sight and that is to see or perceive with your eyes so a little while you won't be able to gaze upon me yet in a little while with your own eyeballs you're going to see me again now how many know this is obvious after you've read the rest of the gospel for them they're like okay because i go to the father well verse 17 they only take it so long they've been doing this for almost three chapters then said one of his disciples among themselves what is this that he sayeth unto us a little while and you shall not see me and again a little while and you shall what is what is this peekaboo there's there's real time they're like what is this now you see it i don't i see it i don't what does this see sayeth unto us a little while and you shall not see me and again a little while and you shall see me they use the same words a little while you shall not foreign to be able to gaze upon or look at me and again a little while you should opt the no my see me with your own eyeballs because i go to the father they said verse 18 therefore what is this that he saith a little while we cannot tell or the word said literally i do we cannot see what he saith now jesus knew that there were desires to ask him that's a sign of omniscience and he said unto them do you do ye inquire among yourselves of that which i said a little while and you shall not see me in again a little while and you shall see me why yes we do it's not in there but it's inherent in the text yeah we've been waiting for that verse 20. verily verily means it's important i say unto you that ye shall cleo in the greek weep and that's not just weep that's whale to ball to mourn to just to weep and if you remember when they took jesus to show him lazarus's tomb and he said where have you laid his body and they said lord come and see and jesus there it says jesus swept but that's just a few tears coming down this is where you're devastated you are sobbing you're crying out and that's the same word used when jesus was riding in towards jerusalem comes down the mount of olives sees the city and begins to wail or to ball or to sob which had to be a little unnerving for the disciples because here they have on the donkey the cult full of a donkey the branches are in the way the garments are laid down people are shouting hosanna and he's breaking out into absolute grief you okay there lord that's the word being used here you shall sob wail or weep and the next word thineo which is to audibly moan or mourn and lament but the world shall rejoice why because they think they finally got rid of them why are they weeping because he's going to lay down his life for his friends ye shall be sorrowful but your sorrow shall be turned into joy a woman when she is in travail hath sorrow i've seen it 11 times it's legit it's like ooh wow because her hour has come but as soon as she as soon as she's delivered of the child she remembereth no more the anguish the word is literally flips us from which we get tribulation matthew 24 flips this tribulation for joy then a man is born unto the world and ye now therefore have sorrow here we go again but i will opt to know my i will with my eyes see you again now that gets interesting because he's going to rise from the dead i will see you again and your heart shall rejoice and your joy no man taketh from you why because he's taken from them he's betrayed he's arrested he's taken to the chief priests he's rejected again peter's watching him be mishandled there in the courtyard of the garden of the high priest he denies him three times we know that jesus turned his eyes meet peter's eyes boy that had to be bad peter goes out starts sobbing they take jesus they lead him eventually the pilot they've already beaten him before they've gotten the pilot pilate tends them to herod herod mocks him they beat him with herod send them back he's scourged he's crucified died placed in a tomb rise again the third day and they're hiding from the authorities in the upper room and on the third day he suddenly appears to him and says peace be with you and they're sobbing and they're mourning and their regret suddenly boom changes to absolute joy because with their eyes they see him risen it clears a bell for us they're like what while they're hearing it right with our eyes and you're going to see us with your eyes what else would you see us i mean you know they don't know what they don't know yet but we know thanks to the benefit of time so i say unto you that you shall weep and lament the world shall rejoice you shall be sorrowful verse 20 but your sorrow shall be turned into joy like a woman who has a child once he's born she forgets all about the labor and you shall now therefore even now sorry and ye now have therefore have sorrow verse 22 but i will see you again with his eyes and your heart shall rejoice and your joy no man taketh from you and in that day when they see him again you shall ask me nothing it'll be real clear to them at that point he is the son of god he is the risen christ he is the savior of the world he's the way the truth and the life right now they're taking it in then it's all going to click especially after he breathes on him and gives him the holy spirit in that day you should ask me nothing verily verily i send you whatsoever you shall ask the father my name he will give it you hitherto have you asked nothing in my name ask and you shall receive why that your joy may be full note verse 24 in prayer assuming we pray according as well we learned that in first john 5 we ask anything according to his will we know he hears us in prayer when we're asking god for for a person's life for a marriage to be healed for salvation for a problem to work out if someone needs a job someone needs healing from covet or whatever's going on but in prayer when we get before the lord and we take the time and then we see god honor and answer the prayer aren't you like yes yeah have you had that experience where there's you know a family's in bad shape or something serious is going on you just you're like lord please and and you know lord you say you desire all men to be saved and none should perish and you know what you're asking is according to his will and then you see god answer there's joy if you don't pray much you're missing out on the joy of watching god be faithful if you're not sure how to pray it's very simple talk well my prayers aren't eloquent good just talk tell god what's going on your world there's times i'm like lord if you take your hand off me right now here's what's going to happen he knows but i'm calling for help ask him hear the you have asked nothing in my name ask and you shall receive that your joy may be full these things have i spoken unto you in proverbs that's why they've been saying we don't know what you're talking about a little while a little while but the time cometh when i shall no more speak unto you in proverbs but i shall and a jello again just like the holy spirit i shall declare make known or announce i shall show you plainly of the father and at that day you shall ask in my name and i say not unto you that i will pray the father for you for the father himself loveth you because you have loved me and here's the key have believed that i came out from god you know when jesus there said father into thy hands i commit my spirit and he gave up the ghost as it says in old king james what happened next the sky was dark yes that was happening what else happened the veil was ripped in two and it's around the hour of prayer 3 p.m you imagine that priest like that had to be interesting anyway there's a lot of things i hope to see video of in heaven you might have suffered a wardrobe malfunction that day you never know but what was the message through the death of jesus christ the way to have direct access to god has now been made open to all who believe so i say unto you you not ask i will not pray for you you will go directly and ask the father and he will hear you why because through jesus laying down his life for his friends that veil is torn in two we now have direct access to god through the son of god because he's the way the truth and the life no man comes to the father but through him when you put your faith in christ you now have direct access to god which is why you need to learn to pray because the father hears your prayers as a child of god through christ that veil's ripped in two what would needless pain we bear all because we do not what tarian take it to the lord in prayer how many found since covet hit you've been praying more right family members people healthy as a horse suddenly struggling how many found even in light of what's going on for example in afghanistan you've been praying more for afghanistan than you ever did before knowing there are believers there who are trying to get out of that country without being killed how many of you watching what's going on in their cities being torn apart by themselves against each other or praying more for the cities as we see the day approaching we ought to be spending more of our day asking god to help us to deal with it you have not because you asked not if we pray according to his will we know he hears us god wants to grow your prayer life well but i you know i mean the conditions are right and i don't have a prayer closet you have a car yeah well there you go well people think i'm crazy what are you talking about everybody's on the phone in the car and everybody's got hands-free so those think you're on hands-free haven't thought of that parents if you're struggling with kids that are not where they should be with jesus they ask you humbly how much do you pray you really take time to pray with each other you and your wife you and your husband because i can tell you now decades in i've seen more kids get prayed back to where they need to be with god through parents that did not quit and i have come up with saying you cannot you cannot outrun a praying mama or a praying father you just you can try all you want you can run and have at it have a double helping of the garbage that's out there but you got a parent who's committed to praying for you it's just wait for it wait for it ah they're back prayer that day you shall ask in my name and i say unto you same thing with your marriage by the way maybe i'll talk more to god about her than her or maybe i'll talk to god more about him than him watch what god can do with you and then maybe they'll come along too that day you shall ask him my name and i say not unto you that i will pray the father for you you don't need him may i will open the way and you can go directly through my death and resurrection for the father himself loveth you why because you have loved me who's the way the truth and the life who lays down his life for his friends because of his great love for this world and have believed that i came out from god i came forth from the father and i'm come into the world again and i leave the world and go to the father wait he just encapsulated john chapter 1 in one verse in the beginning was the word the word was with god the word was god all things that were made through him that were made right and the word became flesh and dwelt among us i came forth from the father and then come into the world again and i leave the world and go to the father his disciples said hey look at that lo he speaketh now thou speakest plainly and speaketh no proverb by george we get it now we are sure that thou knowest ido seest all things and need us not that any man should ask thee by this we believe that thou camest forth from god we got it jesus answered him do you now believe behold the hour cometh in fact it's minutes away yea is now come that you shall be scattered that scorpizo scattered you are going to run for the hills every man to his own and so that's a prophecy by the way smith the shepherd the sheep will be scattered every man to his own and you shall leave me alone and yet i am not alone because the father is with me these things have i spoken unto you that in me you might have peace the word in the greek is irini from which we get the word irene your name is irene it means peace irini peace in me you might have peace you want peace you'll find it in jesus in the world you shall have flipsis tribulation but be of good cheer this is really the final word of instruction to his disciples before he's taken be of good cheer i have overcome the world so if he's overcome the world and we put our faith in him what's going to happen for us we're going to overcome the world so chapter 17 these words spake jesus and lifted up his eyes to heaven and prayed now as we get into this it's important how many have heard of the lord's prayer okay what is it our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy lie can you come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and sorry did we forget our trespassers our debts our sins yeah lead us not in temptation deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom power glory forever and ever church said amen is that the lord's prayer you set us up that's what we're told it's the lord's prayer but hold on a second does the lord have to pray for himself forgive us our sins no and how did we get that prayer matthew 6 teach us to pray as john taught his disciples to pray and so jesus said when you pray pray our father who is in heaven right pray like this our father was in heaven so he gave them a model for prayer it's a really good prayer to study but it's not his prayer because he has no sin to confess now why do i tell you this well because when you're out with someone and they say i always pray the lord's prayer say what is it and they start going through matthew 6 9 you go oh that's the model prayer they're going to say to you what are you talking about what do you mean it's the model prayer well does jesus have any sins to be forgiven of well no he's sinless okay so that's a model for prayer it's not his prayer because he doesn't have prayer sin to pray for forgiveness for it's a model prayer well then when where's the lord's prayer john 17. so here's the real lord's prayer here's where the lord himself intercedes on behalf of his disciples and by the way you and i in the room as well and for the world this is where the lord prays it's powerful and he lifted up his eyes unto heaven and he said we're out of time we'll pick it up here next week and get you home before the storm let's just cut you know cut bait when we shouldn't be smart rather get flooded let's stand let's pray father god thank you your kingdom will come and i thank you so much reading even this morning in my own time in daniel 2 the dream is certain these empires will rise and fall and all we're waiting for is the last ten kings ten toes some strong some week in the days of those ten sovereigns a false christ will emerge start a peace agreement cut it off halfway demand to be worshipped as god suddenly the world wakes up lord thank you that is certain these things are going to come to pass but thank you so much you've opened our eyes to see that we know the rock cut without human hands the son of god jesus christ who laid down his life for his friends and all we have to do is open our heart and ask his forgiveness and turn and embrace him as our savior thank you for the wonderful truth of your word bless your people as they go and get them to their cars before it starts pouring we pray in jesus name amen run for it
Channel: Calvary Chapel Chester Springs Media Ministry
Views: 164
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Chris Swansen, Calvary Chapel Chester Springs
Id: XIz5_SKk8xM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 0sec (2640 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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