Joel Klatt weighs in on initial CFP rankings, talks OSU, Oregon's playoff hopes | CFB | THE HERD

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all right so let's start with this I think my premise the committee was saying things without saying things so let's just go to the top six that the committee said okay so put that up there the top six what the committee is telling you is we want Clemson in because they're defending champs but we don't like how they've played okay so we put them at five to punish them but the other teams play each other so we'll be able to move them way up and it's six we put Georgia over Oregon and Utah and that's a real thing because we want two SEC teams because we think it's the best conference and they get great ratings and so LSU Bama closed loser gets in because they go well it's the best conference three of the top six or SEC teams and I don't have a problem the loser of LSU Bama I have no problem putting it III the only thing I would disagree with I think a lot of that is is right I actually think Alabama at three was the the the biggest deal of the whole play off the whole ranking system you can talk about Minnesota being seventeen you can talk about you know Oregon being behind Georgia and so on I actually thought that the biggest revelation was Alabama at three because I thought that the message that was sending is you don't have any room for error you lose at home to LSU you're likely out you're likely out cuz you're gonna be a non division champ you're not gonna go to your conference championship game I think that's gonna be hard to overcome there I think what this ranking told us is that the road teams in those gigantic matchups LSU and Penn State they're actually the ones with some margin for error here in particular with how the game goes I think if LSU were to lose that game this week in a closed fashion if two is healthy hell of a loss it would be a hell of a lot better than Oregon or Utah's or maybe and and so that I think that they're telling us that actually that clay cake Clemson and Alabama because your schedules have been so weak because Clemson you're likely to play 13 games go 13 and no against no ranked teams you know at the end of the day because Alabama you've got the one hundred and twenty seventh ranked schedule right now in college football is it real to opponent win percentage you don't get the benefit of the doubt I thought that's what it was saying to us Lassie here's why I think it's really smart yeah you know sometimes it happens the reason I don't buy that because if that was true then why the hell do you put LSU under Ohio State they got on the phone and schedule Texas they got yeah but they're not getting credit for that right now because Texas is not ranked but they're all getting healthy and Texas is gonna win about four games in a row but at least they gave them credit scheduling Texas and beating them deserves Val it's valuable the math would absolutely suggest that Ohio State schedule has been more difficult to date than LSU's now what computers win percentage its 563 or some long as a 564 for Ohio State and there's also another element to this it's just that the complete nature the dominance and the overall quality that we've seen from Ohio State think of it this way Collin LSU beat the 10th and 11th ranked team as the committee season which is unbelievable it's a large reason why they're inside the top three and in the top two right now they beat them by a combined I believe it was like 68 245 yeah the combined score of those two games Ohio State beat the 13th ranked team as the committee sees it and the 20th ranked team as the committee sees it by a combined score of 82 7 how states just been more dominant ok so you can do I test you can actually do the analytics every computer on the face of the earth actually favors Ohio State over LSU when you just come down to a pure rankings standpoint from the strength of schedule standpoint and I think that the committee actually has Ohio State by a decent margin over LSU and Rob Mullins when he was answering that question I thought made that very apparent it was kind of like hey they're the best team we watched the film we look at the analytics like it's pretty much no question they're the most complete and most dominant team in the country if I say since week three if I said to you Bama Ohio State Clemson fourth won't matter we got three teams that can line up coaches quarterback three teams Buckeyes Clemson Bama fourth will be irrelevant they're just the first team to get knocked out by you know dike I kind of feel like that's what we have maybe I think a lot of that depends on this weekend right okay a lot of that comes down to LSU and Alabama alright if Alabama wins this then yes we're headed straight down the path of an Ohio State Clemson Alabama and then whoever and qualifies for that fourth and I will say this Ohio State's a real team there's no doubt in my mind you can watch them for five minutes their day at this don't don't think you're gonna get a 33 nothing Clemson over Ohio State game that ain't happenin there's no and I think that the only weakness that they've shown is that Wisconsin got after the quarterback a little bit in the first half and banged up Justin fields but I don't love Clemson's d-line it's not nearly as good this year it's not what they were a year ago and and the best defense of those three is actually Ohio State's and remember now if you go back to the start of the BCS defense actually matters once you get to the championship point no team has ever won or excuse me one team since the start of the BCS is won a national championship with a defense ranked lower than the top 25 it was aa burn with Cam Newton their defense was ranked I believe it was like 58 or something fairly up front I think in the he line they did and that made it incredibly tough on Darren Thomas and that Oregon team to run the football yeah see it's like this thing never shuts like it's like a trap I can pick out names from the 50s out of this thing can you it depends on what the name so one of us were alive in the 50s okay so I'm not even your top ten you put out your top ten I pretty much agree with at Ohio State LSU Bama Clemson Penn State Oregon Oregon you know what I've been selling Oregon stock all year people in Portland hate me but my here was my thing and I do think Oregon's a real team if you put Oregon and Georgia to coin flip I take Oregon over Utah Oregon oh I take Oregon over Oklahoma let me say this about Oregon I think they have the best quarterback in college football okay I talked to an NFL GM this weekend he said Justin Herbert you don't even need to this is an easy evaluation for us secondly their old line matched up it's a real low line yeah it's NFL guys they're big and physical big and physical they don't have a great back no no no del ran for over 200 yards against Washington State but they don't run with great patience or vision they're they're a real team this is a team that could beat an SCC or Big Ten team because they have three NFL offensive linemen a top-five quarterback and let's be honest they it might knock on Oregon I didn't know those good coaching staff it's a hell of a recruiting staff they got they got NFL players all of the field they are there recruiting at a very high level to things that you want to be aware of if you're thinking about Oregon as a potential playoff thing I think that they a team that they've got two really good arguments at that point if they need them here's the first is that in their first game of the season they were decimated at the wide receiver position so they were not healthy and that's something that the committee is supposed to take under consideration they also consider this they outplayed Auburn for three and a half court that's right they only trail for nine seconds in that game they had a drop in the end zone they missed a field goal with a true freshman kicker I'm not trying to give him a pass but that's an argument they would use there's also one other one calling I think it's actually the better argument for Oregon if at the end of the season they are the one loss pac-12 champion they will have won 12 straight games and gone 10 and OH in conference play yeah did you know that no team in this modern era of nine conference games and a champ game has gone 10 and OH in conference play we haven't seen it yet Ohio State might do it Penn State might do it but or again if they do that that would be a huge feather in the cap and the chairperson the committee is Rob Mullins I know he will be recused from the process but this committee clearly values scheduling going out there testing yourself against the best I have a really strong feeling that if Oregon were to win out pending on this Alabama LSU outcome I really think Oregon is a team that could sneak in any place if you like George in you're a southern football fan you have to like Oregon Georgia can't throw the ball over the top at all that's true Oregon's a better offense George is a better defense they both have really solid young coaches if you went to Vegas it's a neutral feel it's a one-point game you can't like Georgia and not Oregon and they both have NFL quarterback tup by the way George has got the best offensive lineman left tackling football and the right tackle is great too so that you got quarterback NFL great offensive lines young good coaches recruiting at a high level the advantage would just tip towards Georgia because their front seven stops the run had to do so well they helped the Florida 21.1 yards rushing per rush last week which was pretty impressive all right let me look over this claim why don't we go steer stuffs pretty good here okay here's a so I don't want to go the weeds too much okay I like to keep it simple for the audience I talk to America od yeah I connect with America here $500 shoes there's no reason to bring that up again I'm just saying we're a gift I'm just saying America he's talking to you okay America so Jim Harbaugh has a new plan for the playoff system and it's a lot of noise yeah and it's not very good well but his theory is let's get it out to 11 so could I make this argument college basketball lets everybody in college football's too exclusive isn't there a middle ground at about 7:00 to 8:00 um okay what don't you like about Harbaugh here's the deal without getting into the weeds as soon as you expand the playoff past five okay you they are going to give themselves automatic bids for the conference champions okay that's just what's gonna have you don't like that no because it automatically nullifies the importance of the regular season namely non-conference games it doesn't make any difference whatsoever you can play Wofford Northwestern State you know Citadel but you have to conference I understand that but remember that the most unique and important part of college football and the biggest differentiating factor that we have as a sport which is in large part why it's the second most popular sport in the country is the fact that the regular season is so important are you sure about that I find so I think it's the second most popular sport in America for a lot of reasons one its football - we bet football 3 it has a connection to the NFL for we love the draft 5 it's fun to watch 6 everybody went to a college they got a plaque on your wall all of those things are true I'm not I'm not gonna argue it's all just about urgency well yeah and there is urgency every single game every single week you know when I go in for Wisconsin Ohio State there's urgency there when when Florida and Georgia play each other there is urgency even outside of the rivalry and I think that that makes a big difference in college with all the last thing that I would say is that even though I don't think it's good for the sport I do think that that's exactly where we're headed let me just go to me when you are headed to a door tanner we're headed to 8:00 and it's gonna happen before the contract is up I've had some conversations with very high-powered people and this is the way this is a big Jay here for you already let me get this out real quick I've had conversations with people that are very much in the know the reason that this is going to expand to 8 before this contract is done is because it's the only way that some of these conferences that are on shaky ground as it relates to their entire structure remain together okay namely the pac-12 okay so the pac-12 if they're left just on the outside of the playoff and they keep getting left out yeah and then the new media contracts come up guess what there's there's likely gonna be some shift in terms of conference realignment some of those schools are going to leave because they're not happy with the pac-12 right now you don't want you to way that the the conference office in the pac-12 holds this conference together is by lobbying for and getting an automatic qualifying spot for its champion alright fair does that make sense it's I'm telling you that it's it's going down not here like oh I think it's going to happen I think it's gonna happen within I would say three to four years that's why I love that because I like to occlude America I don't like exclusivity I like to include America and everything problem is is you can't argue with this you cannot point to a season in the history of this sport where you can make a a legitimate argument that the seventh and eighth team in the country okay deserve a chance at the national champions you used to make that nonsense argument you can't boy is that nonsense you can't make an argument that the eighth seed in the Eastern Conference could win the title we still let him into the NBA playoffs you can't make an argument that Kyle Allen could win the Super Bowl we'll still let a minute last segment you were talking about load management you want load management in college for plied listen I Got News for you LSU Bama you could say it wouldn't mean as much if it had a cliff oh yeah guys in the South are gonna watch LSU Bama they'll watch it but both teams at me this week's game LSU and Alabama in an eight-team playoff scenario would mean nothing nothing because both teams would be going to the playoff regardless it wouldn't mean anything at all clippers Lakers played opening night didn't mean anything we all watched I mean whoo that game drew far fewer ratings in any quality college football you mean to tell me that you think MBA ratings are good time out Ravens Patriots last Friday night smack down on our air on Fox go get at WWE smash the NBA whatever all I know is that so don't run so don't argue for ratings when that ratings aren't there you're making an argument and LSU Bama it wouldn't mean anything it's Saturday so that's but you guys are missing the point how about last weekend's Sunday night affair with the Patriots in Baltimore yeah I was entertaining absolutely interesting well yeah it was why couldn't play each other in the playoffs anyway so I'm saying is is that this sport college football's biggest differentiating factor and its most important feather in their cap is the fact that the regular season matters guess what that the NFL season matters and they have 16 games and you can lose five it's okay it still matters you got to watch the games but you argue that that's better I why is it better that you can lose five and be okay because NFL teams don't play Wolford yeah and then if our ratings are I like basically what you're saying Klat is urgent like I wouldn't watch Bama LSU if we had an eight team plan take out of consideration I would watch it it's the whole thing regardless I understand and and they'll get a lot of viewers I'm telling you that the game itself would mean far less god it's still a great game with it only matters in sentiment at that point I guess what it doesn't matter for postseason play at this point my life is all sentiment well I guess that's my whole life at WrestleMania we already established you were alive in the 50s okay I gotta get out of here I'm sure you do yeah whatever and those shoes were a gift America I'm opening a hamburger and beer joint $500 shoes gift looks like he got him off the guy at the corner hi everybody thanks for watching subscribe here to get the latest from the show also be sure to check out more of the best clips from the herd or go watch a few segments from other shows on fs1
Channel: The Herd with Colin Cowherd
Views: 286,734
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Keywords: fox, fox sports, fs1, fox sports 1, colin cowherd, cowherd, colin, the herd, sports, news, joy, taylor, joy taylor, joel klatt, college football, cfb, ncaa football, sec, alabama, alabama football, clemson, clemson football, oregon, oregon football, cfp rankings, ohio state, ohio state football, college football playoff, penn state, penn state football, Joel, Klatt, Playoff rankings, Ohio St, oregon cfb, CFP expansion, cfb playoff rankings, cfb playoff, OhioState, JoelKlatt, Playoffs
Id: 8Pf_-IWgB6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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