College Football 25 | Gameplay First Look

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come on go it's God damn that's me for you baby get in there Everybody Eats around here Everybody Eats what an exciting time to be a college football fan and we are so happy to be able to bring you this gameplay First Look of college football 25 B bringing a little Talent on one side if you have following Twitter if you follow colge at all you know the name Bordeaux uh and on the other side you might recognize him as one of the cover athletes of college football 25 from the University of Michigan Donovan Edwards you know what thanks for having me on here man uh just looking at this this system right now where just being able to like look at the the graphics of this it's very spot on right here they got the uh the Big House theme song uh in here so I'm very excited to play Nick mesco here with you alongside two very important people we've got Scott OG Gallagher you might hear us refer to him as OG and we've got Sykes uh along with us we're about to play Michigan brand of football gentlemen oh we're about to get the ground and pal Michigan brand of football I'm in trouble all right there it is baby there it is baby come on great ball so you see that's our brand new revamp passing right there that's the blue it's a safer throw that he made this there's there's blue yellow red you know obviously the more that you're in the red the more offt Target a throw is uh going to be uh good throw there for Donovan is we worked off of like a bullseye system right and you know Bill Walsh said it best about every pass being 6 in off the numbers so we wanted to really work off of that and get rid of the the throws that might have been 20 plus yards over a head or anything random now if you're hitting in the red you're throwing it now off Target still catchable right but you know drop chances increase and things of that nature oh hey I hey boys this Graphics stuff is real it got me looking they got us looking to the sideline yeah I like that they got us looking to the sideline and all oh that one's up the midd too get off of me cuz get off of me cuz I don't care if he hit me like that get off of me cuz oh they got my boy B Hall in the game now woo my boy B Hall big third and six here for Donovan come on Donovan Donan okay okay all right I just have to shout out for a second the stick work that Mr Donovan Edwards just showed on that play that that's part of what the game play is all about this year that extra responsiveness the control that you get with the ball carrier that's a huge a huge part huge part of the college football experience this year yep Donovan how did run in the football feel I it felt like I was out there you know what I'm saying but for me though I'm able to like read the defense a little I'm able to read it like you know what I'm saying like how I'm playing it in the game so the stick work was very was very easy to to maneuver so here as we come to the line and ERS is at the line you're looking at the player reticle here right the right is your fatigue stamina and then on the left is your wear and tear wear and tear is basically five different Pips that's just showing you the body part that has hurt the most that's it so it could be an ankle it could be an elbow and then it will it will fluctuate in colors it will go straight from you know green light green yellow orange and red the more that the are down the more attribute hits that is is there a rating that affects how much the wear and tear is going to affect your player absolutely it is the toughness rating right so the toughness is is playing into the impact of the hit um we're looking at recovery that's a great that's a great oh got to make a tackle there one of the new things that we've added to college is the pitch types so now you basically have three different pitches you can do you've got your quick pitches strong pitches and fake pitches quick pitches are basically going to be to to get you out of a tight spot the animation's going to be quick but the ball might hang it might not hit the pitch back perfectly in stride but then on your strong pitches which you're going to get by holding the pitch button the animation might take a little bit longer but it's going to hit the guy in stride the ball speed's going to be quicker and then of course uh fake pitching that's just to to rub it in your opponent going it's just going to be rude when you do that exactly that's just going to be the taunt basically um but yeah that's that's how we've try to approach uh the the option space hell no sir I'm on it oh I see it bordeau was that a covered shell yeah okay so I had cover three out there and I switch it to cover too okay that and that is a major change adding in these coverage shells taking that the the old version of what is Baseline and now instead giving you the ability to show different defenses and then disguise exactly what you're doing get it out there touchdown something that players used for a long time was Bas align and it was with that intent to disguise your look on defense but now you're getting more control and that you can show depending on the formation that you call you can show up to five or six different alignments in pre-play on defense so instead of having Baseline now you have even more control than you did before by being able to say for example okay I'm gonna call cover three but I'm gonna show a cover zero Blitz look to make you think I'm blitzing but really it's just like a drop coverage and this is something like core fans have just they they they've wanted this for years so I'm so glad we were able to deliver it get away from me cuz strong with Donan Donovan get to the house Donan get out of here let Donovan connection [Applause] go Donan doesn't know about all the different new celebrations that are in the game there's over 20 new touchdown celebrations uh that you can choose so we're not looking at just four for each Direction you have a lot you can hit the Heisman pose you can do the salute you there's there's there's a lot there you can rock the baby everything is in there Ohi throw that that's a DOT woo bro that was an absolute dot right and so that was a that's what we were talking about revamp passing left stick intent was there to be able to throw somebody open layer the football um a lot I've heard about us talk about that whether it's the blog or the video deep dive but that was priority a number one that was a great example of that right there oh that's a shot he's going to feel that he's going to feel that you like that you like that bordo how's that spin move feeling I'm loving the spin move this spin move it's back in play the spin is back for [Applause] sure come on bro and there goes Donan there goes Donan get off of me get off of me get off of [Laughter] me I mean he's putting on a running CL bordo you got to stop something okay I'm not sure what you can do to stop him to be honest I mean we're going to stack the box but then that opens up the passing game it's little risky oh now he's he stacked the Box do we get the animation B so Bordeaux comes out says I'm going to stack the box and what does Donovan do play action hits the Crosser oh Donovan cuts inside him man celebrate on him only so much I can do here oh no shot he's going for he going get is he going to get a DPI is that DPI it's only 15 we'll see yep yeah penalty Hunter like Luka in the playoff hey hey I like that that's realistic though I like that realistic it happens I'm getting nostalgic hit backs with the run back to the line like that that hits that Nostalgia taste bud yeah especially when you talk about Tempo and and you know it it it just really brings a whole another life to it the atmosphere the play the sense of urgency everything everything this is the turbo hurry up mode so I should get to hike it even quicker so you're using you're using the turbo right now I am using the turbo and so you can see on the dline right there because Bordeaux was using turbo Tempo and he snapped the ball quickly the defense was just a hair late getting off the ball hey he moving it though I I I ain't going to lie and so that play you could see Field General activated to where Bordeaux could see that the outside corners were blitzing on the play but that is not a guarantee and it's only because his quarterback is is maintained to his composure and hasn't fallen behind the chain hand it up the middle okay okay I'll take it I still got to come back though I'm taking myself out the game you're taking out of the cave I'm I'm done for the day you did good job there's 5 seconds left and the clock's running hey we're looking at the spreadsheet here you see the little minuses here these are the attribute hits that that that that Donovan has taken from wear and tear throughout the game Donovan who we talking to right now this Tony ala right here it's my running back coach just just let you know you know what I'm saying that the guy the GU bring it up you know what I'm saying look look look I I don't want to brag or nothing hold on T then your boy Go right there you know what I mean that looked like a little bit of that the inaccurate pass cuz it was it was it wasn't you know 5 yards over the head of the receiver what it was is it was just sort of down and away and you've got to click on and make a play to make that c exactly it was yeah it was it was uh well what we like to call internally off frame right so off frame down there harder to catch still catchable um higher chance for a drop is this the this is the one hey I like the Breakaway though the breakway speed is is wide there was a big emphasis too on the different archetypes and the Run cycles that we captured this year so it really makes the game look fresh um and that's one of the new ones right there you're seeing spin moves Juke moves and stiff arms all being used and situationally they're all really really good right all of then you combine that with the left stick look at did you see that that throw was insane that is it that's the left stick stuff that you can throw in right there left stick cont tent right so he's full stick uh about 45 left it goes in there and drops it to the sideline so literally you're looking at this play and you see the Gap and you're like okay I want to throw this ball to the sideline I'm going to be able with the left stick to actually make that throw absolutely well our game one featured a whole lot of Donovan Edwards giving the ball to Donovan Edwards and he is able to take down the win but we had to switch it up send him on the road into one of the toughest places to play Happy Valley and by the way we got to give Bordeaux a chance it wouldn't be a college ball game if we don't give him a chance at a get back okay we got to see more from bordeau woo that's P the attention to detail from our presentation team was Second To None you could see it this this p is unbelievable the lighting in the tunnel to the Palm Pals in the crowd Donan does this is this pretty accurate very accurate very [Applause] accurate and it got the we P you can hear the we pen State Chely that's very this is awesome with their fight my goodness I got to turn the light up on mine I want to hear [Music] this that hit with wear and tear you are going to feel that you got to watch out for Mason Graham he's got that Platinum pocket disruptor so he's really going to wreck havoc on the o line if you don't have the guys that can match up with them he's pulling up those hot routes and you start the L1 the custom stem what are people going to be able to do with those custom stands when they're doing their hot rck before Sykes eludes to we got proba should there we're going to get six B what are we doing man I need one I know tough start whoa go Nick go Nick get out of there Nick oh what a run this is called Don a taste his own medicine hey I like I like the lion noise on the first down boys you heard that too yeah that's that they do that every time all right what do we got here here oh get out there you like that Texas out you like what do we got coming little Heisman [Applause] post hey I got Road dog don't I yeah you got Road dog on Don Donan Edwards in game has Road dog yes yes he does we we know his stats on the road he absolutely deserves it we hand assigned abilities to the top 100 players in college football to make sure they're rep presented how they play in the in real life and for those at home as they're seeing HomeField advantage and the different impacts and effects that are happening as the meter is growing and depending on where you're playing there are you know we've broken down the top 25 places toughest places to play the different impacts are are you know are happening so that could be anything from the squiggly routes to not seeing icons to every time you bring up play art it's showing the wrong play um you are your back is literally against the wall oh touch down burnt what a what a pass there what are we doing listen Donovan Edwards is a running back I think he can play quarterback the way he's throwing the ball out [Applause] here uh and what's crazy is you're listening to you can hear the crowd noise level drop a little bit like you're those momentum plays really affect the the atmosphere that you're playing you can make those plays on the road you're going to get a bigger advantage AI let's go man L is not catching him Cody that's Cody for you too that's Cody wow if Bordeaux were to bring up uh coach Vision right here with left trigger he'd be able to view the composure of his players in pre-play so and you can see the composure of the team it's not great right [Applause] now get it let's go oh my oh my [Applause] goodness to the over that's 95 overall that's a first round jab pick right there boy stay stck we we made sure that the archetypes are so important that the abilities live within the archetype system right only particular archetypes can get particular abilities um which is which is Paramount to make sure that we're not really you know muddying the water no way all right all right no smart play there running running away from that side of the field running away from Mason Graham to the other gap able to get a score there see there's another one right hit the red okay but now he's have turn all the way back around don't get that that animation where he's moving up field he's going to slow down but it's still catchable exactly but those are going to really hurt you in tight windows only had three carries he'd be the most well-rested running back in the country oh I think he likes the seven route right here to no he's going to throw to the flat to himself yeah and he's open and look at the Breakaway speed and a and a great Showcase of two of the abilities that Donovan has in college football 25 you can see it with takeoff right there when that play started he got just that extra extra Quick Step off of the route bro the graphics are like so nice on this game Graphics team did an awesome job look at the lighting there it is it bro I'm reading it so that was a red P it was just slightly behind but because the defender was in good coverage that was able to be pick new kicking debuting in college it's just something that that that we have not seen before as far as even a a 40 yard field goal isn't a gimme you're you're really going to need to focus and make sure that you're timing up the accuracy meter not over kicking it if you want to have success I've heard rumors that that this pump fake can actually you're actually going to see Defenders move if you use the pump fake absolutely yeah now you can pull down a corner to throw behind him right in in that 47 look there there's a lot of different things we really wanted to start making it play instead of it just being more or less of an animation I mean I like the match up but like do I take it oh crit crit crit oh that's an example it's a big play he's rolling out he puts a little touch on the ball and then now that again the ratings differential being able to put Place put the ball in places you haven't been able to before that really just speaks to the wide openen game play get it to that's the big bet get in there what a play I don't ever want to play Michigan that's a big for do your dance G do your Dan I'm really doubt of swag out here for a second Come On Everybody Eats around here Everybody Eats arrows I'm one I'm one every it looks like he had a rout and he makes the catch as you see here with bordeau he's going into wear and tear now you can see left arm so he's losing a little bit of stats in that category I feel that so the individual body parts are going to pick up the wear and tear it's not just generic fatigue or your whole body it's going to be based on how they're hit where they're hit and that's going to change your your ratings that are being affected absolutely so every body part has unique attributes tied to it right so a big hit to the arm is going to impact throw power throw accuracy medium throw short long all of that just as it would in real life and we're on the road too we're hearing the fight song play on the road just subtle not as loud as it would be at home which is a nice little touch weather has got to be a big part of this especially being in the Big 10 this game's in November and it's snowy that's going to have an effect on how the players play without question a uh throwing a wet football is a fundamental component of football and so we had to make sure that that was properly replicated oh oh was that a was that a motion halfback wheel they did that in the bow game aot who they nasty they did that exactly exact play right there and they got it in the game all right so now you see right you now we got wear and tear here in yellow so now the impacts are starting to grow you could tell the way the ball was floating right on that pass the wear and tear starting to OCC it wasn't a crisp throw like so if I need to get rid of that wear and tear what can I do in game is it subing someone out is it using timeouts what do I do so they they heal in in multiple different stages they heal per play uh per quarter halftime is probably your biggest bum and then if you're in Dynasty your Road to Glory week to week it's going to be tough once your quarterback starts getting banged up like this you're definitely going to notice it with the trajectories the throw power everybody and just sending it pick me I haven't seen that yet oh man holy cow I don't know PES I have not I couldn't tell you the last time I've seen that was I want to see that catching man with 32 seconds left oh you didn't have to do why you dancing you're down 40 why are you dancing Bordeaux you know first time getting to play this give me just just a quick you know your thoughts from getting your hands on this game and how much fun it's going to be the first college football game in 10 years game again gentlemen look at you definitely it's going to be so much fun I had a blast doing this Donovan um obviously two games you got yourself two player the game awards put up a whole lot of points just thought on playing the game how much fun it is and and how much it means to you to be the cover athlete of this game you know what uh playing a game this is this is amazing um it was very fun uh feels very realistic um being able to be on the cover of of the game as well as a blessing and to be able to put up points into you know rush over for 100 yards per game crazy you know it's great especially being my first uh time playing this game so you know he has to get a little bit better before he plays me again so you know overall it was it was a great experience playing this wonderful game that has been brought back after a decade make game day every day pre-order the EA Sports MVP bundle to get both college football 25 and Madden NFL 25 with exclusive content
Channel: EA SPORTS College
Views: 2,559,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: college football, college football 25, college football 25 trailer, college official, college football gameplay, college football reveal, cfb, cfb 25, cfb 25 trailer, cfb 25 gameplay, cfb 25 footage, cfb 25 leak, college football 25 game, ea sports, ea sports cfb, college ps5, college xbox, ncaa 25, college football 25 tournament, college football esports, college football 25 plays, donovan edwards, bordeaux
Id: LfecVtFQDio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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