Joel is Not a Beloved Character!? | EFAP Highlight

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but my annoyance is mostly at the fact that people are mad at the wrong things in this game correct things are get guys get in your bomb shelters we got to nuclear take is proberly cover oh boy are just mad at the fact that Joel dies at the beginning of this stream we were talking about it and I was I was kind of close to telling everyone that we get it stop saying over and over that we'd be fine with Joel dying if they did it right like we all know stop saying it we get it and I didn't say anything just to it just goes show how much it said how much we have to reiterate over and over we're fine with Joel dying I bet most people expected Joel to die yeah kind thought it would happen yeah it seems natural for the progression of the story that you know he would sort of die can I actually go ahead and uh offer my idea that I I sent to to you mer about what to do to kill Joel off two hours into the game and then have us play as his killer later on and sympathize with her in a way that would be way more effective than one we got can I read that out wow so you want to you want to give out your own piece of writing and then say everyone look how good it is you [ __ ] vain pompus piece of [ __ ] kind reminds me of TJ where it's like you just mad Luke is dead be like it was clearly the meth he didn't do his flips your mad Luke isn't the way you want him it's like can you stop with this [ __ ] like focus on the actual arguments come on tons of people do it and it's like just please argue against what we're actually saying rather than just saying this is what we're saying it's like we're not saying that so people in my chat who are angry that Joel doesn't get a Redemption Arc which isn't even really all that true because he does admit his lie to Ellie and they do talk about it a little how that a redemp had a Redemption Arc this is if anything this is the first step that one might take towards a Redemption Arc this isn't an arc an arc implies completion how even redeem himself for what he did at the end of I don't feel sh on for being nice to her I mean like uh does he need to be redeemed for lying is that is that what we're saying or is it that he are we are we just being definitive that what he did at the end of the first game is absolutely evil is is that what we saying it's like it's like his Arc that they're trying to portray in this game is just him coming to terms with the fact that he's been wrong about everything he's ever done in life world because of Joel literally every death that happens after the first game is Joel's fault true good authority I know this it's hurts to listen to people say this because like man they are gonna knock the [ __ ] out of that straw man they're gonna [ __ ] it up [ __ ] genuinely think that Joel was the hero of the first game he was he was he would Define as a hero if he's saying people think Joel's the hero and he's not a good guy it's like well a hero doesn't necessarily need to betic I hate the idea that if you've committed a crime or a misdeed you can no longer act heroic like what which is that's what makes the heroic actions all the more meaningful because someone's breaking from their Habits Like the entire first game is his Redemption Arc like that's what that's what he's all about he goes from this like cous Survivor who just like does what he has to do to keep going to like actually believing in something and protecting a person that he cares about and being willing to sacrifice everything for her there's his Redemption right there I'm I'm I hope he gets into what he thinks the Redemption Arc is because it'll probably tell us a lot about how he views these in media which will probably inform us quite a bit people played that game and watched the ending and thought to themselves wow Joel saved his daughter from those bad doctors yes he did he absolutely did well you know the idea that was that is built because you know there's a concept that she doesn't understand the ramifications of the choice but I'm pretty sure Ellie would from what we we learned from her in the first game she's mature enough yeah to kill their only immune subject man they get her and on the day that they get her they don't want to run further tests on her they don't want to study her they don't want to make her into like a living lab RAB that you know they take care of you know but the standard thing I think it's more the idea that um if the fireflies were given an option to ask her and if she said no would they listen to her if the answer is no then that says a lot about the fireflies well the thing is they don't give her the option they don't because they don't want to give her the option I don't think yeah which is arguably worse if they had asked her and she said no they w't I'm sorry we've got to push through but if they like don't ask her just in case she says no yeah you know to make us feel better about ourselves it's amazing that like Marlene is like this is what she would want and yet it's like do you know that for sure maybe Oscar like up if you're so confident that this is what she would want just wake her up and and confirm if after all if this is what she'd want what's the what's the harm right time is not Essence here guys you've got time you know the world has kind of slowed down a bit for you no worries I'd love to jump into the game and be like hey allly they drugged you to say they're going to do tests to kill you how does that make you feel never mind the fact that you were making plans with Joel never mind the fact that you say after we're done with this I will go wherever you want to take me right after the giraffe scene like like they were making plans she was not planning on dying she did not know that she would have to die now of course she's like this can't all be for nothing but at the same time it's it's [ __ ] crazy unethical to just opt to kill her without telling her anything he saying it can't be for nothing I'd sit her down and be like okay so this is actually where your um your age might be [ __ ] you over let's go over exactly what happens if they get a vaccine out of you okay there's a lot to cover I don't know if we want to cover it yeah take a seat many variables that don't lead to happy Sunshine earth like n the starting off is the uh the syringes like you would need so much equipment to distribute a vaccine and they're like a terrorist how about Tri well I mean the the the infrastructure and the transportation you would need to actually get it around the country doesn't exist let alone the world y it's not there you're going to need million millions of doses of it which you can manufacture because you don't have any factories is that what they would do are the fireflies good at traveling far distances no because Mar you guys are all operating under the assumption that the fireflies just want to give this yeah are they going to turn this into some negotiating tool to become the dominant faction yes find out that they're hoarding the The Cure in the hospital and then Runners all of the conflicts in the second game don't have anything to do with zombies it's all faction and remember that even if you make a cure the zombies can still kill you which is the main threat that they pose yeah blers shamblers the Rat King Runners stalkers they all still exist and they're all a huge threat in fact if you list all of the threats in the world spores are possibly on the lowest level on the lower tier yeah spor they only really form in like basements and things don't they like pretty much yeah yeah and you can combat them with wearing a gas mask the [ __ ] faction War that's happening it's like that's like the biggest deal with all the death in this game it's like a [ __ ] K's going to do anything for that yeah they're they're the fireflies are losing their war against fedra they are growing desperate okay and so I'm just thinking like you really think that they would be willing to just allow everyone to immunize you think that probably their ticket to survival they're like [ __ ] we're really kind of backed into a corner here if we tell them we have a cure and if we just say hey we've got some really really good doctors and stuff we'll work with you just you know end the war do a truce we'll become part of you we'll let you control us but you know this is our ticket to survival here but then would the would fedra even believe them I mean you could probably this is something they could test yeah they would check it out at least yeah they definely check it out yeah if you came up to them and said hey we've actually developed a cure we want a ceasefire and you can have all of it you want we just want to live basically Vedra would probably be like prove it then we'll talk Al someone said we have the doctors and all the people who can actually make that happen um marene helped raise Ellie therefore she would count as her consent no wait did did is that even true how was it ell Marlene first of all uh Marlene sent Ellie to go to the the fedra like boarding school thing the military preparatory school and when um in the first scene that we see Ellie Joel's like oh you're you're recruiting kind of young aren't you and she says she's not one of mine know each other like she she kind of went to her because she had no other choice you got bitten right either way um I was just going to highlight that that doesn't mean you don't ask Alie yeah that's that's not a form of consent someone else I don't think we should be appealing to law in a lawless [ __ ] world like doesn't even make sense ask the girl if she's okay with dying in order to potentially create a cure which by the way way there's a lot of dodgy [ __ ] with the creation of a cure as well yeah yeah law and and ethics are two separate things I don't think we'll be going by whatever State's you know uh current legal system says is the consent limits I don't think that's what we'd be going by Ellie is perfectly capable of rationalizing the concept of dying to save people it's one thing if she would actually be like um komos to the point where she will never wake up but the fact is that's not the case because she wakes up eventually and if the fireflies just aren't able to test whether or not she'd be able to wake up eventually then they're [ __ ] incompetent doctors well I fail to [ __ ] believe that they decide to that they need to kill her within the first like half day it's like dude do some [ __ ] test for a while you got a live subject they ran like a couple tests like one of which was a spinal tap they somehow got cerebral uh spinal fluid from her the surgeons recorder mentions that I'm like you can do a spinal tap but you can't do like a a brain biopsy like a white matter brain biopsy might have some side effects she should have every test that doesn't kill her done first yeah abolutely like what what what could possibly by just I think that they'd be testing her anti-bodies and her white everything I mean this is unprecedented who knows what information you can gather from this this specimen do all the things there no way that you can like test for all of those things in less than a day no [ __ ] way I want to check the amount of time it takes to get results for all of these different tests in case it is a lot longer than that but I'm talking about like stress tests have her run for an hour and see how it vitals change you know [ __ ] like that I don't believe that anything short of the technology that Shri from Black Panther has access to would be able to run that many tests and get results uh back that quickly in in less than a day [ __ ] no no not with the level of technology and and equipment that they have available especially mm also the fact that the um that aby's Dad let's just address the fact that there's no way that he is older than what 42 43 this is 20 years 21 years after the outbreak so he was what 22 when uh when the outbreak happened he was in med school or he was just out of med school at best he definitely did not complete his postgrad and yet we're supposed to be that he has experienced enough when it comes to brain surgery and when it comes to vaccinology to create a vaccine out of this really you're telling me he is just the most amazing uh Prodigy when it comes to medical knowledge in existence he is the one person on if they stuck with the original character model who looked to be about late late 50s early 60s that would have been a lot more believable yeah yeah true also uh he couldn't pass his information on to anyone in any way not even a booklet nope no no no couldn't have dictated anything even though he was considered the lead surgeon implying there are other surgeons that surely can at least understand the concept of what [ __ ] [ __ ] you can do nope he is this is the one guy who can develop a vaccine for a fungus which doesn't exist by the way in the real world you know even with like medical communities trying to figure that [ __ ] out no this one guy is supposed to to vaccinate the most aggressive fungus in history there is no fungal infection that has ever existed that is as aggressive as the Corps in this game and so he's supposed to can can all of that put together right you can conclude the fireflies are incredibly incompetent downright malicious uh incredibly like rushing everything like At first have no give no shits um about like a a basic level morality like I don't actually care if you think um like I'm going to shoot rags and it'll save the world I have it as a guarantee I'm still telling him I don't need to just do it without his consent just because I know that it'll save the world that shit's [ __ ] up and besides where are the post pocalypse this is not quite the same as saving the current world we're living in which is all lives on this planet against one this is all lives po like this the potentially is the key word because we really have no guarantee and uh people are [ __ ] crazy all over the all over the world right now don't even know how many are left or how to get it to him it's Joel's Choice could have been informed by a metric ton of reasoning except in the second game they tell us definitively all he was thinking about was I don't want to die though that's I'd be I'd be okay with dying like if someone had to shoot me in the head in order in order to like stop Judgment Day sure I'd give my consent to that like I I understand you know but something like this I I don't know I don't know if I'd be okay with it's not a thing thing black and white and L of us two absolutely treats it like it's black and white it's like no he would have saved the world it's like we don't know that there's no guarantee that the world would have been saved or even substantially improved and there's no guarantee that the world is going to like completely end if this doesn't happen like this is several years later you've got you know um you've got settlements like where Joel and Ellie are even now that seem to be pretty prosperous and and safe and they're they're doing well there's probably places like that all around the world you know like introducing something like that into these different factions that could actually make things worse cause more conflict like that's a possibility as well also uh there's someone in chat saying um you don't think Marlene weighed those options well evidently she didn't figure that it would be you know okay to go ahead and and get uh Ellie's consent why would I trust marene anyway why do I care if she waited up she doesn't seem a good character to me the average experimental vaccine only has chance oh sorry oh it's just m just said like oh I don't trust marleene but like the game treats her like she is a good guy like especially in this one well she she's the one that decides everything to do with Joel she's the one who Welches on the deal she's the one who's like no you can't even see her get the [ __ ] out of here and she will in in the same breath be like in Venice I'm going to go tell him because he's the only one who understands the gravity of the situation like what do you mean the [ __ ] I'm gonna go I'm gonna go tell him and then tell him to [ __ ] off tell him anything think if they were pragmatic Liars you you should might even go like yep we're going to house her here for a lot of tests you can leave now you know not not actually be like we're going to kill her cuz she should know the kind of implication they'll have and then Joel can be like what are you going to do with this it's like oh test test test bye yeah can we can we like really if you were going to be like super pragmatic about it just have Joel killed yourself because like he's going to suspect that something's up here and he's he's just gonna come back only one dude to escort him out yeah it's like the exact opposite of what you it's it's like they have a guide to how to be a creepy evil organization 101 and they followed all of the steps perfectly incompetent and maliciously [ __ ] negligent evil there's there's so many words that apply to everything about it and if Joel had gotten all of this out to Ellie oh my God the game would have been improved dramatically because there's it can't fall into the narrative that they wanted it to well I'm okay with Joel believing I'm okay with him like not necessarily having this rationale like he not to have all of it but he certainly has to have some of those yeah and I'm just thinking like what what about the trials man like you'd have to run trials on this vaccine to make sure that it Works before you distribute it and that would take a shitload of time and they they run the risk of possibly running out of uh of um samples from the tissue extracted from Ellie's Brain before they actually even come up with one like there is a strong likelihood there's too strong of a likelihood that Ellie would die for nothing and at that point like what is the uh what's the value of a human life what what's it worth that's what I think I think Joel decided it's worth saving her even with the potential of you know it's just too risky to to R all that for Humanity is not exactly in a great position is kind of where I was going with that MH really really bad job trying to recontextualize all that to the point where it's it's it's a ratcon of all that stuff and abely if that's what you have to resort to to make a sequel that's just shitty writing and there's no excuse for it considering it's seven years and you've had all this time to bounce around ideas people would have gladly waited as long as it needed to be if you said you were going to make another one there's just no excuse there's no excuse other than a lack of talent this is basically like an elor story at best like this is a this is set in a in a universe where The Last of Us played out a lot differently not the game that we actually got and and um they make him have puppy dog face like in all of his scenes where he's told he's wrong as if he's like oh true yeah it's like what no about a of anger like of all the things that he had to go through and all the things he had to sacrifice and probably the killing that he had to do that he didn't want to for her and it's like yes it's all getting thrown back in his face and he's being treated like a piece of [ __ ] like how about a little bit of like yeah you know what I've had to do some pretty [ __ ] horrible things for you yeah Tess was my friend too I knew were longer than you did you felt bad about that like it's like just have some [ __ ] balls and stand up for yourself but again he's not allowed to because this game wants payoffs that it doesn't earn all those uh precious memories that they made together after he saved her the museum the teaching her how to swim teaching her how to play guitar watching Jurassic Park with her like [ __ ] man those are experiences will all Miss if she dies yeah of all the things that he needs to be invested in this is the one thing and he just doesn't people PE someone tried say saying to me oh well parents will sometimes shoot themselves in the foot intentionally and hide information from their kids to protect them from the truth or something it's like no for Joel this is like the one thing that's giving him purpose the truth the truth would only benefit the both of them yeah there's no reason for him to hide anything it only does good if he tells her all this stuff their relationship is better she feels better like no actually your life your your death wasn't potential death wasn't wasted we should totally be cool now it's weird we've waited this long but like once you know the facts of what happened your entire tune will change I think that she should really only be mad at him for lying to her for as long as as he did like that's a more just thing to feel angry about but the fact that the the final cut scene is her yelling I was supposed to die in that hospital my life would have [ __ ] mattered like no your life probably wasn't going to matter like sorry yeah and it's it seems almost narcissistic as well to take that approach to it like it's about me like I should have been important and you took that importance away from me it's like you're you're completely not understanding the the factors at play here and you're making it about you not to mention again they were making plans with each other and Ellie just expected Joel to read her mind and know that she would have been totally willing to die and just like [ __ ] the plans that we've made together yeah I never say goodbye to you all that stuff she just didn't care about like we nevered insane what a shame what a game I the whole my life would have mattered he didn't do a speech that he should have done like your life does matter to all the people here to me you know yeah all all that I mean I if I were writing it it'd be like she was she would maybe want to say something like that you know she wanted a meaningful death and Joel says to her and I wanted you to have a meaningful life and then boom there you go done yep that's that's the moment where the character like is just speechless because like holy [ __ ] what a hero I had people in my chat saying that his death was unfair because they brutally murder murdered and I quote a beloved character yeah is he's beloved as [ __ ] you can like you can prove this metrically like it's pretty [ __ ] easy Joel skyrocketed as iconic characters from video games on Sony's like catalog yeah like the the the backlash to this game basically proves how beloved he was to everybody the fact that people are so mad should indicate that yeah people like how about how about we look at just the Wikipedia article for Joel give me one sec Joel last of us and then we'll look at reception okay we'll just uh just go to go to top five Sony characters you got top five PS4 characters or something like that top five PS4 character okay we've got Joel's character received generally positive feedback call morard found that he cared about the character and considered him likable Andy Kelly of computer and video games wrote that Joel has a likable warmth in his laconic Tex and draw Jim Sterling of Destructoid found Joel likable despite his impatience and harsh tone Euro Gamers Oli Welsh felt that by the game's end Joel and Ellie had matured from cliches into rounded characters I got this list got Joel and Ellie another one yeah I found one best PlayStation 3 characters number one Nathan Drake number two Joel yeah I like how number three is katos number four is John Maz number five is Ellie Joel is beloved [ __ ] you it's so ridiculous it's like how could anyone possibly think it he's like this is actually a quote from my chat it's like yeah he he literally is a beloved character why would really like the last of us one if they didn't like Joel he's like's kind of integral to it he's playable character what okay would it really suck to play a game with a character with a protagonist who's unlikable gosh but you can you see how it's then so easy to frame this and to set up like this straw man argument it's like well he was never really that beloved anyway and like you shouldn't feel bad about him dying because he wasn't that popular and he wasn't a good person Man actually you're right so the argument here if we ignore what he just said the argument is a beloved character shouldn't get a death like this I suppose I would just argue shouldn't be treated this way but then no character should be treated this way as nonsensically as this like yeah I'm okay with him dying brutally I am not okay with the circumstances leading up to him dying brutally being [ __ ] and I'm not okay I'm very not okay with being told that we should sympathize with a person who sadistically tortures him to death in front of his surate daughter and and think oh she's such a good person when her motivation is [ __ ] if I if I was in charge of making this game I would have been like oh we got to make a sequel oh well Joe's going to die Heroes death that's what's going to happen this is what we're doing it makes sense it it's it'll be super satisfying to everybody people will love it he'll go down in history he's a great character where he's gonna have so much respect it's just all wins we're just passing out W's at this point it's just this the obvious thing to do that makes so much sense on every level and they're like no let's do the opposite [ __ ] it I mean the fact that like so a character being beloved doesn't necessarily mean that they're well written it's just you know they're positively received in general right this is a consensus AR yeah yeah you know this is a like beloved depends on yeah basically you have to understand okay the 90% of people receive the character positively yes okay well like legitimately fat geralt is that he doesn't have to be written well he just but he's beloved anyway just like the dawn C I mean how how could you not love a character whose onscreen debut is him barreling into the frame fully wound up punch against someone a quarter of his size straight into a garage door causing to Toral comic dude it's not even I actually I'm going to make a case in my video for fat geralt to a certain degree but you know like he he immediately is like hey how you doing buddy like like you got an arrow through you the guy's like ah I [ __ ] it is he's like you'll be okay you'll be okay come on come on and then he snaps it pulls it out and he's like right get that sword and then get the girl out of here just like hey this guy this guy's doing stuff like he's he knows what's up he knows what's you just get a sense immediately like huh he seems competent can have he doesn't mess around he knows how to take someone down he demonstrates a certain degree of concern for his for his um comrades you know okay you've established him pretty there he's an effective leader so was gonna be like it's a slaver it' be like oh well well I mean here's a good example I uh last night I was watching uh some clips of do you guys remember Hank Scorpio from The Simpsons one of the great one of the greatest oneoff characters and everybody in the comments is like I'd like to work for him was like he's a super villain it's like yeah he's nice to his employees you know he's cool he wants to go bowling with home like that's what I mean it only takes like a few minutes to establish somebody is really cool attention I good evening gentlemen I have the doomsday device like it's like when Homer asks for sugar from him and he's just got it in his pockets like loose Mr B stop him he's supposed to die remember when the B just rugby tackles him to the CR when hom I think hom he says like good cuz I don't have any cream like in relation to sugar in his pockets like as if yeah no it's he's got sugar like loose for Homer and then he's like you want some cream and Homer just for a second like uh no I really like the uh the part at the end where he's like Homer if you could kill someone on your way out it would really help me a lot with a flamethrower so good and yet welcome to the episode of eat where we cover cosin up variety hour discuss the episode of The Simpsons with a one-off character written better than the protagonist of the game Joel is not a [ __ ] beloved character he is though that's insane to say that like this is where you wanna you want to ask a few people before you say stuff like this yeah listen I'm I'm okay with um the idea of you're like I don't particularly like this character but yes they're beloved like if he wants to take that position that's totally fine but to State outwardly it's like people don't belov love this character what do you mean it's like what are you talking about you're losing us cosmina not you see you made some valid points with the gam playay mechanic stuff but now you're just going off the rails I mean let's put it this way I've played half of the first game watch the rest I have not played the second game and watched all of it I love Joel so much all right this G has made me realize that I like Joel a lot [ __ ] awes I think there's a lot of people in your position yeah who were just like oh he was cool yeah this is where like Cosa is outright like uh denying objective facts if you say a character is not beloved because you don't like them personally it's like you're ignoring the fact that well the majority of people do and the definition of beloved is you know let me definition about as beloved as he could yeah matter of it's not even down to necessarily whether Cosmonaut likes Joel It's just he's setting it up like this to support his argument that he's constructed for this game yeah like people don't like Jesus it's about what people like it's not what he likes or even their character necessarily it's just if people as a whole like like the character that's what makes a beloved character pretty much yeah like I'm not gonna much that's that's that's literally that's jeel he is a much loved person loved to a significant degree or loved by a lot of people a much loved much loved person I seems like it could be interchangeable between the two of them seemingly because he's both by the way you'd have to make a strong case to suggest that most people don't love Joel oh he is many loved by much people definitely he the thing that I think a lot of people found so appealing is that he's like a [ __ ] rock and he's chipped away by this this innocent girl who just look looking to have fun in a horrible world and then you eventually lose you you'll sacrifice anything to help her yeah that's that's some that's some adorable [ __ ] right there that really gets to people's hearts quickly and they make they make Ellie like an actually endearing person too so that you're feeling that along alongside him like she's kind of annoying at first and then she be you know she's breaking him down but at the same time she's breaking you down too yeah she um she's incredibly hard to like hard to dislike sorry whatever the point is that it takes a while for her to get to Joel it's not quick especially with she's like giving you ammunition and she's saving your life during combat encounters you're dealing with a guy that's you know uh attacking you and he's um he's grabbing onto you from behind she jumps on his back and starts you know shanking the [ __ ] out of him she throws bricks and bottles at people when you're out of ammo and almost about to die so you can get the the the advantage on them it's like H Al as a Sila Groove just uh or Grove just just just highlighted people are mad that Joel died that's it also Joel isn't even beloved wait a minute yeah is it I'm so upset that this character I hate died this character I didn't PO is a beloved character Joel is a [ __ ] Winnie the Pooh I hate godamn much I don't give a [ __ ] the who gives who feels deep love for Winnie the Poo sorry especially considering what win the Pooh is doing in China right now like you look at how how China is reacting to Winnie the Pooh and what all of his horrible actions as the dictator in that country I don't who who's your everyone I guess while we're on the sub who's everyone's favorite character from The 100 Acre Wood I mean does every anyone have a favorite I like uh I like um tiger more than uh I love tiger and rabbit way more than win the piglet I like piglet more than win yeah Winnie the PO like like the Mario Mario series you know is is not Mario it's Luigi it's Yosi it's Bowser it's Waluigi it's someone else it's not Mario um are like do the do the the movies count like the videos count because gopher is pretty [ __ ] great yeah I remember gopher gopher Go's good awesome he may not be the book but I'm probably G to go with um I like I like uh I like he's sort of a straight man you know trying to keep it all together trying to keep things you know I bet he's he puts up with a lot of stuff I bet there's a lot of love and that rabbit to put up with all these people you know uh he's just trying to get by sticks around uh then probably kga rabbit is like uh the Squidward of Winnie the Pooh and that you become he becomes a lot more relatable the the older you grow you know oh yeah he's like man this dude is trying to keep it together he's trying to grow carrots he just wants a nice house and he's he has very attainable simple goals yeah like because he's he's putting him against he's putting Joel against Winnie the [ __ ] Pooh like I don't even know what to so the the idea like because it's funny because I'm willing to take it on I'd be like yeah so why do you think people have a deeper love for Joel It's like because he's far more endearing as a human being he's incredibly flawed and he shares a lot of the same values that people do we need the Poo I mean he likes his honey and he's he's a friendly dude like all right good for you man but like Joel's a way more like deep character I think that I love Walter White more than I love Winnie the Pooh yeah same love character absolutely I he said he was saying something about violence here this is the thing he's like he's saying he's not a beloved character because he's violent I oh well let's uh that doesn't we have to let him say his thing first I guess quot a beloved character Joel is not a [ __ ] beloved character he's saying I worry just let me see her please In that clip yeah okay not not what I would have chosen to make this point but okay the poo is a beloved character Joel is a violent anti-hero there are scenes what does I have to do with whether he's beloved why do that why is he killing this guy yes Deadpool is not a beloved character then what the [ __ ] we can this is so this this this is all contextual as well this is a world where people have to be violent in order to like to stay alive this isn't where a place where Winnie the Poo would Thrive what about what about rack people [ __ ] adore rack like Joel is not virtuous but that doesn't have anything to do with him the Joker like the Joker Psychopathic chaos [ __ ] monster he's this not how emotions work him [ __ ] the sky up like why is he doing that why why is Han Solo is an anti I think he I think he thinks to be beloved is to be appreciated for your altruism or something like pure altruism like there's nothing negative about you because winie the Pooh has has wi the Pooh ever sinned in any way shape or winie the like winie the PO without well let's look at this then like if if you're going to take it on like having a Flawless personality and being altruistic like is Rey a beloved character not really but she she exemplifies all the virtues that cosmonauts apparently looking for Luke got really mad when he was fighting Vader guess he's no longer beloved he he failed once so you know he's he anymore not every beloved character is Captain America like you can be flawed and still be a beloved character it's just a matter of like if people relate Iron Man you know Winnie the Glutton oh God Winnie the dawn Winnie suffered gluttonous tendencies that he had to overcome I mean what are what are we were we did the um EAP not too long ago about Lord of the Rings and favorite characters bourier pops up all the time beloved this what I mean like this is such a weird focus in this video like what is all this in Aid of stop being so sad that he's dead like what what is somebody meant to do about that like don't said like in the first game where he murders people just because he wants to no no no this SC right here is not the scene that you use to say that he just kills people because he wants to he is trying to save Ellie's life you [ __ ] prick stop yelling it's weird oh my God like Ju Just just to kill somebody when does he kill someone just for the sake of killing someone in the first Last of Us I don't think he does that once listen there's a reason for the evil aspect of his character that we're told about is the fact that he would he would he would attack and steal from you know innocent people that's not even a want to kill so even like at the worst aspect we know of his character to want like what do you mean want to kill Joel Joel is just sadistic he just has this Blood lust he just kills people because he wants he's the serial killer he doesn't kill for self-defense he doesn't kill to survive he just has this this urge this Primal urge to just kill he has to kill like the clip that supports it though like this clip where he's interrogating this guy so that he can save Ellie yeah he kills because he likes it ter he told that Ellie is being prepped for surgery there is a ticking clock time is of the essence he has he's he literally says I have no time for this and then shoots the the dude in the groin like [ __ ] yeah like he had a reason for that as well you'll just come after her so he always kills some he always kills with a very pragmatic he's very pragmatic like um yeah scenes in the first game where he murders people just because he wants to I think a lot of people wrongfully believe that this is a story about how have to protect your loved ones no matter the cost I'm curious what you think the story is about yeah he he has taken some strange things from this game yeah yeah um I am yeah hopefully he'll tell me what he thinks the first game was about I'm really interested in seeing his interpretation it's going to be like one that doesn't line up with mine at all but I am curious to see what he has to say about it Joel saves Elliot because he desperately does not want to lose another daughter there is no point um he doesn't want to lose the first daughter either and both of those are classed his loved ones so what goes against that doesn't that doesn't counter what he just said he wants to protect his loved ones he doesn't want Tess to die either like what are you yeah why how is that like selfish I don't understand you're protecting people that you love like surely that's he says it like it's a want his surrogate daughter to die you're like okay hello you just listened to a segment of the podcast every frame of pause or EAP hosted by YouTubers merer rags and fringy and joined by a cycling variety of guests across the internet they critically analyze media with exhaustive detail while pausing at every single frame subscribe to the EAP Channel and catch new episodes on Saturdays as well as catch their smaller videos reacting to the latest and not so greatest movies and TV shows throughout the week you can also subscribe here to EAP highlights for the latest shorts clips and Super Cuts also uploaded throughout the week links to all the relevant channels can be found in the description section below as well as links to their communities on Reddit and Discord thanks for watching
Channel: EFAP Highlights
Views: 42,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Every Frame A Pause, EFAP, Mauler, MooLer, Rags, Fringy, Podcast, Live, Media, Video Games, Movies, TV, Show, The Last of Us, The Last of Us 2, The Last of Us Part 2, Joel, Ellie, Abby, Dina, Destroyed, Ruined, Broken, Neil Druckmann, Critique, Criticism, Review, Discussion, Rant
Id: 9eScFQWQ4d0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 3sec (2523 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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