Synthetic Man is DISTASTEFUL! | EFAP Supercut

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the absolute state of Gamers dude this is why I have no respect for anyone who buys and plays Modern games and actually enjoys them he's modern games best games ever made a modern I don't know yeah just really good ones you failed if you enjoy them it's not even about considering them good it's enjoying them enjoying them jeez this guy I enjoy it as well well then you're wrong oh maybe have all new enemies don't reuse any like literally don't reuse any enemies it's just more variety wait wait wait wait wait just just all of you hold on this this all okay let let him get to the end he's got he has opinions that' be a good idea what's bad about reusing enemies oh why is that a problem I don't know dude how about you just stop sharing your shitty opinion there's an idea there is an idea consider your opinion rebutted I like where this idea is going stop sharing your shitty opinion yeah wowy so mhm yep yep executions too and oh I could talk about the executions and how almost all of them are lacking any sort of Gore wait a second wait a second you stopped on the wolf which is one of the most brutal executions in the game well noticed battle the weasly Little Liar cut the gut Off the Wall time did that execution I was like still gross how about we get a classic Montage going oh I love a montage oh my God no together oh beheaded B SE I don't even know if that it would be called St yeah no man I'm headed yeah there the wolf because they're scared of Gore they're absolutely scared yeah he was just yeah in his footage he was just about to show the the wolven he was about to show the because it would make his point look kind of not right at all which is funny that means he has to weas synthe man for liar they've cut the gore they've cut the gore no Gore Gore doesn't exist in off Gore doesn't exist in modern games it's pretty crazy that he says this when the liks of like Mortal Kombat obviously this game Doom I mean for all Kalisto protocol's faults it's like the death the death animations in it are pretty brutal I do not I I do not know why he tried to pull this how could he say this what would playing at you don't even you don't have to caricature like the triaa industry to try and criticize it but he's just invented an alternative version of it and then he's like yeah this sucks when it's not representative of anything prop this game up as like indicative of that when you have to ignore this like what hope he di no real Gore from this raid m game Jesus oh that one I love that one that one crazy this is about as rated M as the Halo games are these days come on which by the way was a big complaint about new Halo is that it cut down on the blood hardcore to get a a t for rating rather than the mature rating that the old games had this game doesn't give a [ __ ] about that look at it level [ __ ] blood spatter everywhere there oh [Music] that one because they're scared of Gore they're absolutely scared of Gore modern gam is so scared of Gore terrified they wouldn't be scared of Gore boy baned in Australia execute too and oh I could talk about the executions almost all of them little Li dude sort of Gore which yes the last game also did it just seems like modern games in general are scared of Gore for one reason or another is hold this opinion how do you actually think this this one of the things when after playing the game and listenting this like I'm sorry what like the things I was guys if you some people in chat watched my stream whenever I like used the weaponry and it just popped heads or torso off I would be like oh yeah same like I don't I didn't forget those things happened so it's just like I don't know this is weird that's my fault not the game's fault correct it's my fault it is you're not engaging with a mechanic you can't freeze it above the wheel what do you are you stroking your never been able to freeze water you couldn't touch you have never been able to freeze to start doing that even I remember that I don't understand one of the first things you do in spim it's just wrong yeah yeah um but he's very angry does he maybe mean touch with the directly you can touch that water directly with the axe I know I'm just trying to make sense of this somehow but yeah never mind fuckshit the game literally I have thrown at [ __ ] that doesn't freeze this is so there is lots of stuff that doesn't freeze when you throw that is true in fact 99% majority of the well yeah [ __ ] no that's not an L that's I I want to I'm not owned I'm not owned I'm not owned that's that's a bundle of sticks is what that is what I don't it's I don't even know I don't understand it I'm deniability for knowing what that means they did it on easy for the journalist has the red [ __ ] [ __ ] your opinion is [ __ ] and no one should take you seriously ever again on any video true yeah just resist every move you dick and jump backward why did you use the you see that you can just jump backward at any time dud the the enemy can have an investment in its own existence and surv what a load of horse [ __ ] die that's the only reason you're here I was playing Dark Souls the other day in this hollow it started running towards me like what they can do that just move what a beta just yeah just resist every move you dick dick and jump backward you see that you can just jum people just say it's shitty because they're bad at it goal do am I getting something out of this oh I'm getting exp okay check this out now I should probably check skills how much exp I got 8,000 yeah I thought it was that is a lot he could buy one two three four five probably seven of those yeah definitely definitely the first one in the first row they're like 250 or 500 depending on which W he still hasn't still hasn't done the one for extra damage on burning enemies that's a top one if you lookus has got 3,500 he hasn't spent any remember though the game needs to start him with everything this what I mean how [ __ ] unreal options he wants more abilities and he hates that he's not dealing damage yet he hasn't spent any of his [ __ ] XP to get skills what are you doing I think he thinks the game's a lot more simple than it is mechanically that's my he's not engaging simple than we think mechanically oh he is a Sy a s for who that's so obvious why how did I miss that how did you you're paying attention an upgrade button [ __ ] the auto targeting is pissing me off I know I can lock on but I don't know I think okay what what even do you mean what is what are your thoughts when you say these words well nearly nearly went in for the steel man but well right I know I know you're listening to this and you're thinking oh I'm so glad we were link this review is one of the good ones people just say it's bad at it what Jal see you dodged it good job yeah there you go you're doing it it can be done Bud he plays like a [ __ ] hit you with something um to move away you're meant to move away you just saw how it works cuz cuz the silent rage the silent rage is worse than the loud rage and and and some [ __ ] is going to be like skill is you the skill is you skill very clearly Bradas skill is I'm not going to cheese him but I want to see if you can no you can't cheese him they thought of that look you can't even hurt him but I thought they didn't play it so I don't know how how come I can't chose it weird I just I had yeah why didn't they just make a [ __ ] [ __ ] game literally every en in the game the damage he caused with those two ax hits were on that hateful when he started the fight skill is you skill is why just dude I locked on to this guy hit did the same how many times the whole buffing fire thing definition of insanity the buffing fire thing is stupid oh I get it's stupid cuz it killed him and he's B it kills when I B then it must be bad it it is prescriptively stupid absolutely it's [ __ ] stupid this is a bad boss it's just a bad boss I think people just say it's shitty because they're bad at it to the wall what KN I didn't even get a directional indicator for that poison really I wouldn't be surprised de this I like how you guys when you see a clip start you're like what is it going to be what is he going to he's a grab bag of I just want to play it again just in case people missed it it's such a great little M man called God damn it I didn't even get a directional indicator for that poison really I wouldn't be surprised if they think like most gamers are extremely incompetent at games and need [ __ ] spoonfed to them constantly oh no you imagine if there may be something that changed let's see too many buttons put do the thing I want to do all right let's be clear if you are holding a controller in your hands and you say there's too many buttons and you need to seriously re-evaluate Your Existence as a gamer see that kind of comment I don't mean this to be critical at all that kind of comment be like oh they don't they don't play PC games okay you haven't played games clearly not you've never played like ARMA escape from tarov any any RTS really even then like jeez and yeah an MMO like come on you should never look at a controller and say there's too many buttons there's too many buttons they're all there for a reason so you can reach very easily maybe a Nintendo 64 Controller no well I mean there's no way to touch all the buttons on a 64 controller I'm going to forget some of these there's too many buttons to do the thing I want to do too many buttons now I wanted to pause here okay oh my God 15,000 nearly 16,000 he's 16,000 he only upgraded a couple things it's not even easy the YouTube in the way for me is is that 15, here let me guess let me guess I'm going to make a prediction I'm going to make a prediction my prediction is that he's been bitching about the game's difficulty and how it's too hard he is now going to upgrade everything in one massive chunk and then we'll complain that the game got too easy all of a sudden crazy I don't know why you would say that that that's my that is my prediction I haven't actually seen this so that's my prediction I guess can just straight up upgrade everything up is he even looking at he just buying them he's not reading them God wait for it oh she can go Valkyrie mode that actually might have helped me oh yeah yeah the ab the abilities and upgrades might have helped might have helped weird if I had upgraded her that might have actually helped me a little they want you to com if you played so many [ __ ] games how come you don't check for [ __ ] updates the most common thing in these kinds of games what why would you why would you boast yourself like oh I played so many games oh I don't forgot there's an upgrade menu whoops the game hardore introduces it to you you can't escape the tutorial for it it's like this is here use it so here we go the complete story breakdown of God of War Ragnarok so Ragnarok is a direct sequel to the last one to no surprise but there has been a time skip I think it's an undefined amount of time so I'll just assume it's years at trus has hit puberty and no that's not a specific plot point but it might as well be it doesn't it's not a specific plot point but it might as well be what do you mean when you say these I have no idea what to make of that statement I really don't even matter because despite literally being given a waiu he doesn't show any sexual interest in her whatsoever what should okay this is this is like I don't um this is weird uh not and they are they are young my dude they are 13 also okay they are young let's not what you thinking about in that head of yours what what you thinking about no let's not go there yeah that's fine he definitely shows rtic interest in her if that's what he meant really like to to say that he doesn't show in angerot I don't think it's accurate I don't yeah I would say I don't even think that's true he clearly is trying to get her to like him in in that sequence because despite literally being given a waiu he doesn't show any sexual interest in her whatsoever she's a child bro they're the last two of the species dude and it's ancient Norse okay someone educate this flank slate this these are ancient times that the [ __ ] age of consent didn't exist oh no this is weird this is really weird really weird that's this is this is like this is weird this is the kind thing that lefties on Twitch wouldn't want us to talk about let's just put it that way remember I said the combat was the best arguments okay we're out of that era now we're into the other era anybody who had weird pedo talk on their bingo card you can mark that one off listen this PO is going to get rough okay okay you're [ __ ] Rocky ride as to why he forgot what happened it was to seek wisdom from growa the keeper of knowledge and eventually after fighting your way through the the now light elf dominated landscape and guess what the light elves are bad too everyone's a bad guy in war who would have thought the developers trying to tell me that Ukraine wait wait till this guy [ __ ] wait wait wait wait what what was that what was that I'm going to I'm going to roll it back so you guys can appreciate what the [ __ ] just happened in his bra out seek I like how everyone who that one wood so now everyone's like wait what from growa the keeper of knowledge and eventually after fighting your way through the now light elf dominated landscape and guess what the light elves are bad too everyone's a bad guy in war who would have thought are the developers trying to tell me that Ukraine aren't the universal good guys who are going to save the world and defeat those evil fascists in Russia what are you what are you what is not he's not pro Russia is he I think I think this just that say listen there is a brain poison that's happening and and like he's he just has to see everything is connected to Modern Day event it couldn't be that the game itself has something to say about some conflicts doesn't have to be connected to anyone in particular and that it's relevant to the story being told now if you wait going to play all the references that he's clearly missed um to help you understand what this game was trying to say about the war between the light Elves and the dark house it's not talking about Ukraine and Russia that's not in fact this game was probably in development for years and years and years before that started how did they know fry how did they know fun fact for everybody 2018 the game came out in 2018 in 2018 and then they started development the point is made that there's no clear bad guy when you go to alheim even though atraeus interprets it all as well the dark elves of the bad guys obviously and Kratos is like we don't know that [ __ ] man why are you saying that and when you kill the Dark Elf leader he says you've made a huge mistake now this game finally gets us the context of how that was a mistake the UK Russia stuff happened later the so let's just let's just see the game address it themselves first I'm surprised that somebody hasn't tried to cancel Sony Santa Monica for this what what we're showing that Wars wait wait till this guy learns about World War I it's going to blow us all mind saying Ukraine might not be the good guys oh no the velers can't be saying that remember he said this whole game is why would a joke for the video but you know he legitimately believes it but the thing is it doesn't fit The Narrative of the game being soy so now he has to just jump to like making fun of them for being that bold is he okay no no he's not I get is he one of those like crazy right-wing people who thinks that Russia's the good guys and all this tend to know I have no [ __ ] clue I just don't know how how did you draw that out of the [ __ ] elf War what are you doing they can them on Twitter guys come on I thought Ukraine was they were always the good guys talking what are you talking about dude I want Cory to see this just let imagine Cory B's live reaction today what the knuckles the only Knuckles and Rouge are the only arguably black characters in Sonic design I may have wait come again sorry I was listening to the dialogue in the game because it's much more interesting what is he this is the thing I wanted to show that he was talking over the dialogue but man that clip is [ __ ] priceless just listen stop just stop talking just stop don't talk anymore Knuckles is the only Knuckles and Rouge are the only arguably black characters in Sonic the zombie what what does that even mean what does it even mean black um arguably arguably she's a bat isn't he red hold on got a little r like from a personality standpoint J hyena I don't know pretty sure he's red it's it's good to know it's good to know these things I'm happy to know it's rans by the way so you can think of it as a Persona an unofficial unofficial trans character okay light are bad talking about a trus turning into a wolf being no he's he's talking about Sonic I don't know I just needed all I was trying to show was he talks over the dialogue I skipped a Christmas party for this everyone's a bad guy in war who would have thought am I the only one who thinks cindry is like a groomer or pedophile or something what yes you are I don't even know why he would say that what the exactly it is actually just you of the 7 billion people what's literally just you I I I see I load you into a sense of security with all those clips you were like back to safety no longer why you can you just hit us with that yep like out of nowhere you just hit us with it there you go you're having this now so yeah what is the c of this just no he's a friend yeah just a big fan is are you okay yeah that's well you mentally like every trus is by himself cindry is also there as like a creepy tiny old man ening all the strange whims KN each other for a long time he doesn't know what friends are he literally can't recognize the friend we had to pick the one character in the whole story that has an aversion to touching anybody yeah that atraeus has against his father kind kind of reminds me of certain Discord communities I just need to look out for the people I care about keeps bad things from happening to them there's like a pedo working for Sony who's like cindry should be with the trus in every scene stop it well you're you're you're [ __ ] out of luck right because if it's a guy hanging out with a trus he accuses him of being a pedophile but if it's a girl hanging out with a trus then they're not sex enough there's not enough real [ __ ] lose L tus has to be alone forever yeah why are they sincerely hope I never have to do it again if that's what you're asking they are pushing the gay Vibes they really are my God literally right after him saying I never want to do that again you good are you good Jesus Christ what is going on mention need pushing worried about this someone make a gay joke I missed the opportunity just sounds like a bundle of sticks Wonder stop allowed to be full woke like these devs if they would make them like lovers or some [ __ ] I just what what I don't know what to say I'm speechless bro what indeed uh I'm actually I I just don't know made even gayer I feel he was before so right after saying pedo he says he's gayer than ever the the [ __ ] meme about how people try to blur the line between gays and pedos the real Great rhetoric fun stuff murdered so I'm just I'm getting that Vibe disturbing like literally Vibes lines and well H all right time to continue the giant race let's go oh skipping not even going to kiss let's just go for it why would just take one look at this boss battle and tell me with a straight face that this game is [ __ ] mature this is some baby game [ __ ] this is Kingdom Hearts level oh the giant voodoo black woman throws uh why do you have mention so which part of it makes it childish the giant the voodoo or the black woman I don't why he felt to point out she's black don't know uh I don't know why that has anything to do with child I I don't get it magic out of her pot got to shoot the symbol the stop her sh weak points on everything all the time I don't even what does that have to do with whether or not it's childish and there's nothing about this that is God of War you don't kill her at the end yeah you don't even get to kill the her grandmother H soy Chad to you won't like [ __ ] turn her into confetti at the end of the fight quite explicit about the whole not wanting to kill the grandma yeah you don't name her in some way no there's just some weird message about how why would you trace what name that's not a trus at all he'd be on board with killing her to prevent damage from happening but again that's that's cut off by angra she's like no she's my grandma angra boo will always be in atraeus as Shadow just a minor character in his story kind of based this is simultaneously both hilarious and extremely cringe if you didn't cringe at this you are woke Beyond any recovery wow well I I am I am woke Beyond recovery that's a you want I can put that on my hospital with you I hate every character if it was possible to hate every character you don't even know who they are how do you ha them never listen to them character I think I hate every character God damn I'm getting sick of this [ __ ] all right I'm going to try and wrap this up as quickly as possible once they return to sri's place Kratos finally confronts his son in another infuriating scene the truth is you're being a complete [ __ ] ly you know that's no way to change a man's mind he doesn't have any faith in me it's fine if he keeps slap your son [ __ ] slap him oh I'm glad you're not going to reproduce okay the [ __ ] ass writers like do you know how many dads would [ __ ] [ __ ] slap their sons if they spoke to them right some of the pieces are coming together if you're God of War you probably shouldn't be going around we've been over this is completely out of character and it's certainly not [ __ ] wise and you imagine the consequences of hitting a trus when he's already this rebellious look at that [ __ ] yeah no especially when one of your people you consider friends is Freya whose relationship with her son uh was not a healthy one and that led to wonderful places I want Kratos to be the father who's always disappointed in his son I would love that that'd be awesome why yeah I don't give a [ __ ] about trus though I want him to die come on beat your son I want to see it I want to see the cut scene where where katos beats his son it's never going to happen fro should have beat his ass I was I'm still annoyed with that really really wants him to be beaten we had another moment where he should have beat his son I love that's the biggest contribution to the sequel is playing as the shitty son who's inferior to his dad in every way it's a generic you know teenage boy story except he doesn't get punished what okay let's what is generic about a you know it's fine it's fine shitty son who's inferior to his dad in every way it's a generic you know teenage boy story except he doesn't get punished at all he doesn't get punished at all this isn't what I wanted this wasn't what I meant not if it meant losing Brock we know a CH is we know not punished at all so he doesn't understand that he doesn't have the EM that though yeah it's like it he doesn't have the capacity to sort of conceptualize what it must be for other people to feel things you know like however how like really think about how terrible you must feel if someone like let's say cry is your good friend and indirectly through your sort of actions it leads down a path that gets your friend's brother and a friend of yours killed um like that's a huge deal like that's that's not something that should be taken lightly um or or devalued because maybe you can't really understand it but it's it's a shame that you think that's nothing you mentioned my um my reputation earlier so I think this really is about like he's just like you cannot trust M he lies he shills he grifts grift wh oh bad mer likes this just keep that in mind saying that I think that you know how he dislikes NPCs dialog playing the same dialogue over and over again mer likes this if the problem is most people are dumb and they become Fanboys so they're not going to be like huh mer the guy famous for like really logical criticism thank you by the way is ignoring all the logical criticisms from this game name three I feel like I addressed all of your story criticism they were pathetic yeah now are you going to remember that and take that forward and maybe reconsider some of his opinions he wants to take down my credibility now apparently he's gonna have to try a little bit harder and he can start by paying attention to the game he's playing it's not a big ask but every time [ __ ] brainet posturing of man these people they just don't have any introspection they don't you know they're not really thinking about the stuff they consume you know from this [ __ ] it's insane the guy who who proudly announces I have no idea what's happening in this game and I don't want I'm not going to change anything if you want to listen to the dialogue diog you're part of the problem yep you can't like this game if you're right wing no way exactly this guy can't be right wing he likes this game comment to make can I use this as evidence next time someone calls me a fascist I'll be like wait you don't understand you don't get it [ __ ] you know does merer actually enjoy enjoy this is how much has he played to the game I can't believe mer well I can believe it but imagine playing this be like this is awesome I love this this is great that's a impeccable impression of you impression was that what he was trying to do I don't know what that was well it's like his it's like his Hitler impression for um who was that other the the the character he's trying to be oh oh who was that earlier I I forget it was so long ago you see President of Sony oh yeah the president of Sony whoever's making the decisions on of Sony in what way I don't know dude am Mer's game criticism I don't like Dark Souls I but his Dark Souls I 9 hour series was very flawed I I can't remember anything specific cuz it's been so many years right I mean that was right on right I suppose the funny thing is like well of course you'd hate my videos I reference details I go for accuracy I do research it's really [ __ ] lame and soy I can't imagine feel bad yeah I apologize saw remember being like this argument doesn't make any sense like multiple times make any sense [ __ ] he got you now mutually M's game criticism was never that good it really wasn't does any one like him does anyone like at trus seriously any person mer likes him [Laughter] oh I mean I I put up with him but it's so [ __ ] priceless uh this give me more reason to not take EAB seriously on on do you really think we give a [ __ ] like what I mean this should this proves if anything that we're amazing that you think we're bad I was gonna say yeah why the hell would we want your approval it would be with [ __ ] it up significantly yeah like you suck like you're balls you're terrible yeah I've never seen someone manage to be as wrong as this as consistently as this yeah I guess yeah it's kind of it's kind of remarkable um how consistently wrong he's speed not not even just kind of just dead wrong he's like really [ __ ] wrong agressive aggressively just chatting complete nonsense permanently he has a he has a level of confidence that is just not justified to have like if you're if you're going to be this confident you better be damn good at whatever you're doing that joke from Community where this this like kind of fat naked guy next to the two teachers and one of them looks at him and goes man you are confident and then the other teacher just goes you should [Laughter] be video I mean I already came to that conclusion a while ago but yeah actually I might actually have to agree with that about EAB sucking after Dishonored wolf left if you play video that was how many years ago I don't I don't even unless just put it this way wolf would not [ __ ] like you yeah he's probably not very fond of you my dude no games actually play video games you would notice this is why I suspect mer doesn't really play video games you got me you got me I don't play no no no that was all a [ __ ] scop I didn't actually play any of those games Metal was playing them but he was informing me ahead of time what to take account for in and then when people were like oh I'm all do a particular thing I would be like then and then I'd be like H here I go doing the thing you said hey metal play God of War one to3 as well that's going to be useful play twice that's why metal was able to beat the final boss so quickly was because he had so much practice beforehand he was able to nail it for mer stream it's [ __ ] hilarious considering he was so unaware of all the the skills he could even unlock how anything work the second he actually started using them he was like oh wow I'm doing damage now that's weird and then of course he doesn't pay attention to any dialogue and has no idea what's happening in the story and yet he accuses me of not playing the game really the audacity to to be him not playing not playing games in general apparently as well yeah that's the thing I not I haven't played any games it's all a lie no I think he does because the lack of level design is so obvious and apparent the lack of level design that is level design that is level design I'm looking at it right now for those for those of us who are blind and just can't see it maybe you should elaborate for us us fools who can't see it we we would value greatly from your Insight on why the level design is so terrible boring just running is boring who cares about a lot of people is pretty popular is on like four podcast or something I'm so sorry that upsets you he's like I wish I was on like one I am on several podcasts talking about media with people I really enjoy just what I do for a living I wouldn't be on more podcast and that wer is as bad as act man well you can judge someone by their friends right by their choices and friends and we know for someone with no friends to somewhat don't know if you you can judge someone by their friends right by their choices and friends and we know he surrounds himself with degenerates somewhat I'm if what did he mean by this yeah boy well maybe this will inform it a little bit better I'm ever on epap this is not going to go well it's not going to go well at all correct I'm just going to insult all of them and then get banned that's bro he's fting cuz he wants some he does I know exactly what I'm going to call Rags which is going to get me banned wait what sorry I'll roll him back I think I see where he's going here I know exactly what I'm going to call Rags which is going to get me banned andall Jay which is going to get me banned what is what is your problem dude anyone was curious as time goes on you're going to discover why this man is never coming on EAP he is an attention whing little Goblin clown and he's not going to be able to get anything from us Goblin so great I love he's desperate and the reason this comes later than the rest of the videos cuz I wanted to show you guys that that was tackled on its own that was a separate thing this is a whole new thing where he is [ __ ] desperate and it's cringy it's soy it's beta it's the opposite of a fantasizing what we'd say if he was an e you're obing over us synthetic man fantasizing about being on EAP is he's one he's maybe the most insecure people that I've ever seen yes it's cute if it weren't so [ __ ] disturbing with a lot of the stuff he says he is fit only for mockery and my God what fuel for moery a oh yeah I know exactly what I'm to call going to get me bned I know don't recall J which is going to get me banned and that's that's the problem they they all have very obvious flws yes yes okay yeah so [ __ ] you basically my obvious flaws for anybody who was like Wow you went you you went hard on this guy and he' done nothing to you yeah man unfortunately if you guys remember that little clip of him saying you never know who's watching unfortunately for him it was me I'd rather just do like Edy contrarian [ __ ] I mean awesome you you have the freedom to do that I get out of my space mother wanted me to you know pass out candy to kids I didn't want to do it but then she kind of forced me to do it and we can get across from up here I don't know it was cringe being forced to do something I assume he's talking about trick-or-treaters I I don't [ __ ] know I just thought this comment was [ __ ] bizarre he's like I didn't want to pass out candy on Halloween but my mom forced me to do it and and it's cringe no it's not it's not cringe to hand out candy to trick or treaters what a weird say I didn't want to do it but then she kind of forced me to do it and we can get across from up here I don't know it it's cringe being forced to do something by your mommy at age 27 yep that's what happens when you live with your mommy there are are oh no don't say that out loud no you want to hide that from the internet I mean hopefully he's paying rent so that you can have the ability to say like I don't want to do the thing that you're trying to force me to do however I don't know Candy I mean come on man you could be like slightly social and personable by handing out candy to trick-or-treaters that one night of the year where that's a special thing that people do and maybe if maybe if you're 27 and you're living with Mommy you could you could maybe help her out you know as a sort of thanks Mom for letting me a 27 year old who you know who lives here you know thanks for letting me be able to do that I I'll help you out and do things especially if it's a you know once a year thing that requires very little effort whatsoever I I will bear the cringe because I appreciate it so much some way I do want to talk about how the women oh I already mentioned like like the female characters take charge and are always right whatever for those of you who are here which is probably not most of you if you watch the Ola I love beating women with my fists and my giant Shield diversity the strength of diversity we have female enemies which means incels can beat the [ __ ] out of women and get away with it all right at least I get to kill women I woke I mean I don't know Freya stabbed Kratos and they're building her up to be a badass or something that's about it I guess there female enemies pretty badass in the last game that's how it's woke there are female enemies was defitely written by a woman why they make huge I thought it was Anthony Burch well no on the right of T they're all women present so we know why the game's badly written now was because bir and Anthony Burch wrote this story go four female writers on this right that's that's what people were saying someone told me there's four female writers on this game I know Alana Pierce is one of them and we already know there's at least four diversity hires on this sh because they're women they have to be diversity highers no woman has actual talent what what are you doing dude embarrassing being a have real talent he's being a revolting ins in terms of in the writing sta appears bragging she got to write but she's not credited as such on the accessibility for dumb people would that be the really so she didn't actually write is that what we saying we were all maybe her writing was that bad there was still four female Riders it's like until all the what are you doing literally them being female is bad for the right AG absolutely insan to you you're the joke character that people think we are yeah but you're real you're an actual Goblin he's got right is that we saying we were all maybe her writing was that bad there was still four female Riders and look he's on the ground she's standing up so already making him look inferior what he tripped over because he got spooked oh my god there definitely this an agenda here there's a [ __ ] agenda here a lot of agenda never mind no I'm not going to say anything I'm going to get in trouble I'm going to get in trouble where are your parents this is [ __ ] [ __ ] all you know what any person who ever SED for her needs to be executed Andor I I can't say what I want to happen to a l of yours what the [ __ ] Jesus Christ like I don't like plenty of people but like it's impossible to tell where the joke begins and ends with him said I can't say what I want to happen to her cuz i' be bad it's like like what the hell you really hate a lot of P yeah that's kind of [ __ ] up Jesus Christ I do to but I can say every s should be killed she's going to Peg maybe maybe maybe that's the only way that [ __ ] I got to be careful about what I say I got to be careful I gotta be careful got to be careful oh man woman beat man at thing I think I got it [ __ ] off how dare wait wait wait wait wait granted he's never done it before but still there we go his brain was like wait you're [ __ ] then he was like shut up bra woman has to save a man again oh boy she win she won again won again she should peg him just Peg at trus God this is cringe the cringe levels through the roof dude at all these badass women except look she can't even keep keep her emotions together she was a super badass in the fight like compare his commentary and I liberally applied quotation marks but compare his commentary with ours during that incredible scene yeah more female enemies by the way guys a lot of badass women in in the noris dimension stop nor diens the north Dimension lots of badass women in Norse yes yes one of called frying not have heard of her so theend Point remains me and her we obviously need to breed and then I execute All My Sons and then breed with the daughters ex all those grandsons wait wait what you might not grasp exactly what he's saying straight away here but this is one of the worst of all of the quotes he is trying to solve the problem of angrod skin color wait what it go back what's he saying oh my God I don't want to hear it again breed was breed can't be interesting he can just Grunt and say wise depressing things so the end point remains me and her we obviously need to breed and then I execute All My Sons and then breed with the daughters execute all those the grandsons I what are you what has happening what are you what is going he can have a herum of his own kids you understand if he does that trying to explain why Loki is the first Northman or something he's trying to say he can dilute out and so the kids are progressively more white because none of but but is heing somehow worse than what I was thinking wow uh you've got the incest along with it so don't worry that's a package deal yeah we got the murder which is the worst part the Herm of your own children which is also not great and the purpose of it being to uh to to lighten things up a bit shall we say not uh oh great no not no Dr peppero you're wearing the merch poor Dr Pepper he would he would not be he would not approve that's [ __ ] up yeah a little bit the slurs have been taken away from you so you use monkey emojis what theu Christ yep be real what an epic Bast boy what a w no Bast it to those sjws show Runners and big mouth they're romantically interested babies pull it with the anti-semitic remarks someone going use your feeling Clips against you go ahead
Channel: EFAP Highlights
Views: 63,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Every Frame A Pause, EFAP, MauLer, MooLer, Rags, Fringy, Podcast, Live, Media, Video Games, TV, Show, God of War, God of War Ragnarok, Ragnarok, God of War 5, Review, Response, Critique, Criticism, Synthetic Man, Reply, Takedown
Id: 6pF4zTUuKb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 44sec (2924 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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