David Choe Went Baboon Hunting with the Hadza People of Tanzania

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the jurgen experience so i'm in my [ __ ] underwear and i'm living on top of a rock in this cave and the oldest guy in the village is you know when he starts talking it's like i'm in like lion king he's like when i was young and all you know i have a translator with me he's translating to swahili to english he's like elephants lions hippos like everywhere and like it was like a buffet we just wake up we could kill anything and in my lifetime that has been gone it's gone it's like the there's very few animals left to hunt and the ones that are like they're endangered you can't kill them so life there is very very hard and they go you want to hunt with us and i'm like dude look at my body do i look like and there was like a catholic priest that set up a mission in that area and he's been i met him he's been trying to convert the hadza to catholicism for 20 years and he's like they use the the bible pages to smoke weed so what do they hunt with bow and arrow like homemade bow and arrow homemade bow and arrow like like just they they take this wood and they spent all day making the arrows yup they use their teeth show you yeah you how they did i learned how to make it and then i they use their teeth to i think i know that guy that might be rasuli um and then they um there's a plant that they um they harvest and they they do all the stuff to it and then that's the poison that they put on the tip of the arrow and these guys yep there it is how crazy it is that i think that this is how people hunted dude i lived the longest time dude i lived in a state of the art i lived like this for [ __ ] months man it was like so you did this as well dude so first first day of the hunt they're like did they teach you how to shoot a bow first dude my bow shooting is so off and um yeah so we practice had you had shot a bow in the past i've never shot a bow in my life there's one of these one of these guys see it it almost looks like a toy like you think it wouldn't work there's one guy in the village shawnee that's so strong that he could shoot the arrow through the [ __ ] kudu and i was like you're [ __ ] super back muscles oh my god they're [ __ ] ripped dude my god that guy is jacked they're ripped so they have really these are very strong bows pulling them back is probably tremendous like back muscle everyone knows how to hunt the kids know how to hunt what are they using for the feathers at the end i know yeah that guy yup i stayed with that guy whoa really yeah he's older now see the cuts on his face yeah i have that they cut my face yeah i asked them to because i like paint for real but but look at that guy doesn't where's your cut it's almost gone now this was a damn dude but don't don't they look like supermodels like they're like really powerful cosmetics yeah i'm like just and also you got to think of the amount of effort they're they're it's like they're doing crossfit classes every day right i mean think about just getting by as a hunter-gatherer with a crazy bow that you have to pull back and you're running through the woods all the time like you have to be fit it's it's unbelievable then what a crazy way to live yeah look at that i mean what what walking's in for the feathers for the fletchings do you know dude these [ __ ] are so in tune with nature that they'll go they'll make a bird sound and they're talking to the bird and the bird will show you where the honey is what like and then there's a pack of 50 dogs following us and the dogs aren't pets they're hunting tools right so the dogs are the first line of defense they sniff it out and i'm like this is this is mental right it's like oh like i'm on a [ __ ] insane experience right now never did i thought i would just wait why why am i going home so if i walk with one of the kids amazing it's a clicking language it's like like that kind of language did you learn any of it tiny bit and i did of course i did a podcast where i speak imagine if they take that out of context it turns out you're saying some really [ __ ] up [ __ ] i tried you gotta be careful right if you're making up a language like you might accidentally hit on some real [ __ ] there i tried i tried just say one or two forbidden words so if i walk with one of the kids and it's like him giving me a tour of his house like oh come to joe's warehouse and he's showing me right he's like grabbing a snake biting his head off he's like you want some thing climbing a tree where he just grabbed a snake and just set off he takes out his slingshot the rock a pebble this big bam hits a [ __ ] bush baby out of the tree breaks his leg breaks his legs puts it here it's like snack for later everything is talking they're it's like it looks like they're just goofing off and playing but they're they have like must they have um some uh what do you call it microbes and gut biome kind of things in their stomach that no one else on the planet has so the translator is explaining to me canadian science like scientists come and literally steal their [ __ ] they find them and they steal their [ __ ] and i'm like they're actual poop they're actually to get their bio because there's biomes in there that don't exist anywhere secret to a healthier dude they might have hidden in the hadza diet i i i if you google steal african [ __ ] i bet you it'll come up see look there it is so this [ __ ] see the bees on his [ __ ] head they're lighting them up and he's eating the honey and it does nothing to him really so we go climb hey come on climb the tree guy sticks his [ __ ] hand in the tree scoops that out starts eating it like it's a [ __ ] hamburger bees and i'm like bro i'm cool no no come on come on like we've been doing there's a kid doing this right the kids i go in one sting ah my [ __ ] hand inflates to like a mickey mouse like it it's j i'm like you've been getting stung since you were a kid so you're like immune to it and they're just doesn't bother them it doesn't bother them they're they're fine with it and their body has also gotten immune to it right that's crazy they're biting that honeycomb like it's a snack and all those bees were on his head his hands and the thing you never see in all the national geographics and all the nature documentaries is that it's always serious and here's the hodzo warrior and here's you know whatever nate these guys crack you know they're like do you wanna do you wanna come with us tomorrow like none of your eating clif bars and hanging back like you wanna i'm like yeah i'm in okay we leave at first you know the second how are they saying this all to you i have the translator with me oh okay okay he he he like works with them in the you know it's like worst case scenario when they they don't do food this this is the sad part they do the fake show for the tourists like the tourists come in usually european and then they put on the fake it's not fake it's real but they dress up and do like dances and stuff and they give them money um so i wake up at you know 5 5 30. first noise and then laughter i'm like are these [ __ ] doing fart jokes at five in the morning and that's the thing that people don't realize is when you don't have tv internet entertainment and you're just with your family and your homies all day you're bored as [ __ ] so they joke morning till night like i don't know what they're saying laughter laughter someone cuts a fart joke and i'm like all right let's go so you saw the pictures yeah they're ripped back muscles six packs the kids have six packs i was very out of shape i'm still out of shape but i was the most out of shape and think about waking up at 5 30 in the morning and the thing that's the the final animal that's like kind of left is baboons they call they almost call them in in that part of africa like the baboon men because that's what they eat tastes horrible to me baboons look human so we're in a cave men sleeping on the top women on the bottom wait wake up there's another cave and you see oh there's people on that cave no they're baboons and they're pointing at us they're pointing they're like look they're coming so i'm like this [ __ ] is crazy we're hunting baboons like there's tons of meat on them we're gonna it's enough to feed our family think about like running again i was pretty run fast in high school i could do the 50 pretty quick i can't run at top speed for hours and i and i got these i'm drinking water and in this environment it's an advantage to have black skin because it's cooling these guys aren't sweating i'm like what's going on we've been running for five hours you guys aren't sweating what the [ __ ] and they don't get tired and then they'll just start digging a hole and drink like like a handful of brown water and that's enough for them and i'm like dude what the [ __ ] like i and they're telling the translator this [ __ ] looks like he's never caught anything in his life and he's like he hasn't and to me i'm an alien right they go he he gets his food from supermarkets what's that they hunt the food for him they cut it up and package it and sell it like they don't believe it right the [ __ ] i tell them they're like hey you guys you look like a [ __ ] supermodel can i bring you to america and do a fashion thing and get you guys paid and why would we want to go to america well tell me what you know about america isn't that the place where people jump off buildings to kill themselves like that concept is so foreign that when someone explained suicide to them i was like oh my god they don't and in the time that i'm there like i said that first week is withdrawal i'm like [ __ ] where's my phone and then all of it goes away right i'm not thinking about any of my addictions i'm not thinking about like i feel peace i'm not i'm not miserable my depression goes away and i go morning till night you wake up you hunt for food you get home celebration everyone's happy that the men brought the food back the women you know gathered the berries we have a big dinner celebration because every meal you got to be grateful for dance party by the fire and you're out couple fart jokes and you're out repeat the next day there's no time to be like bored and sad and upset and been worried about some [ __ ] and so i'm trying to keep up with these guys you know they're they're running at top speed like say this is um say these are the baboons on top of the they're doing a perimeter they're doing okay we're going to come up all the sides and the and the and the dogs are in the forefront right they're running faster there's a guy named ale alaane he's got some dreads he's uh he's the the villain the tribe we pothead he's got the bible he's rolling joints for everyone he's about 50 feet behind you know he's running at like a he's not doing this he's like he's got i'm maybe like two 300 feet behind this guy so they're they're trying to like you know come on so he's running and rolling joints he's running rolling joints and and have you done any running before this not really man i'm a sprinter i i don't i can't i don't have all these you're doing this for hours oh my god i almost blacked out how many miles you think you were running dude because they're like going back and forth we're like i'm like dude i'm just gonna chill here they just run everywhere run everywhere just running and you know they don't some of them have shoes like they make homemade shoes but some of them don't so that it's just barefoot and i'm they're run it's the it's the dry bush right so there's like plants that have like thorns and like it looks like this on them just like that white scratch to me i'm getting cut open i'm like bleeding everywhere ah their skin's tough and they're just [ __ ] they're just clowning they're clowning me they're like bro how did you ever survive and i'm like i'm like come on come on guys i put a gopro on the dog so i go back and i watch it the baboon is like a human like it's talking get the [ __ ] away from me the [ __ ] away the baboon's running the dog he's like [ __ ] you they hunt him with dogs he gets hit right here he's bleeding so he's leaving a trail of blood that [ __ ] hypes up the tribe let's go we got him he's hit the dog gets his nut sack rips his [ __ ] dick off i'm running the guy holds up his nuts he's like look we got the nuts and i'm like why you showing me that he's like he's we're getting close they finally [ __ ] hit the guy like sort of here and and you're saying the guy too you're not just saying the baboon you're saying it hit the guy it looks human man god it does right it looks real close he backs into a tree like a dog human though yeah and and all the dogs the dogs are dope i love these dogs so much they're all hunting dogs so they all have scars and [ __ ] tails missing like because the baboons have fangs yeah they pick the dogs up and they rip a trunk off oh my god and these dogs are so hardcore that there's a dog that had one leg missing there's a dog that you could see his ribs and they're still down the hunt oh my god like they're in the back with me but they're still like i i want to show value that you know because i i talked i interviewed each person in the tribe and i said what is the happiest day of your life and they all had the same answer the day that i hunted the biggest animal and i got to feed everyone and i was the hero and so i'm all baboons for how long how long have they been only hunting baboons i mean it's been for a few years now i mean they they'll hunt anything they'll kill anything right and they'll there's nothing left but baboons just recently it's getting to just that and even even then because this day that that day that i was on my first hunt because there was many days we hunted where we didn't catch anything and that's like super downer for them but this is my first hunt i had the gopro the guy shot he backs into a tree like his last stand and the dogs just start ripping his guts out and start [ __ ] you know and i'm watching this and he's like and it's like he's going [ __ ] you [ __ ] you and he's just like he's like picking dogs up throwing them oh my god and then just come up and they go right in his chest he's dead this is all on gopro i wasn't even close i was like i was like wait up guys [ __ ] they tie the the foot and the leg and they make a backpack that's how they carry it so they caught four that day so they bring it back to the village i i don't know if you saw in that picture i brought my top ramen with me so i was like they don't waste a part of this thing the person that killed it gets to eat the dick in the balls they eat the head they eat the brains they turn the fur into like jackets and um they just they eat the brains dude so at night i thought i thought dinner time was over but think about it how much protein and nutrition is in the brain right and it's the final thing right they stew the head that's in that pot and so the brain gets cooked and then it's like a delicacy at the end they like tap a hole in and it's you know they have black skin like i remember like it was fire it was in the cave it's nighttime and i hear i just hear eating and i turn my my flashlight on and i see like the whole tribe just chowing the brains at the end they're like this is our favorite part and they save it for the end yeah and they're just like and then so it's all those white brains like streaked on their face and i'm like yo you want to get in on this give me some of that brain so i had some brain did you really i ate everything i mean it's there it is oh my god doesn't that look like a person that's so intense so once the fur is not on the screen no yeah good once the the the fur look this is [ __ ] should i put it on the screen or no i don't know look i guess in trouble this i'm just not going to for this okay well let me just say this if that's how hardcore this picture is right you can find it yeah you can find it easily look for like like you want to talk up this is life or death this is you know this is get it i understand so when when but i'm saying um it is intense and there is a thing about primate brains right um prions prion diseases that you get uh they find them in uh cannibals so there's something about eating a human smoking weed humans eating human brains oh so they did get a bird there yeah so sometimes they get birds too so i am but they're eating mostly baboons i eat i tasted it i wasn't eating it i'm like i have a million clif bars in my backpack i know that is so intense there's the dogs seeing that guy carry a baboon on his back like the way you're describing is so intense they got a some sort of an antelope or something there and then they're drinking out of that water but they're smoking weed with the bible dude look at this [ __ ] guy um so i'm i i pass out there's nothing left in the gas tank i pass out and the next day i'm like okay like like i'm becoming a man they're like did you eat the actual baboon meat as well i ate the baboon meat it's not for me it's and i eat everything what it tastes like i've never eaten a human but i'm imagining that's what a human would taste like it was just i don't know gamey that's the only it's it was just it was strong but um well you got to think of the physical strength of those animals through how tough their meat must be and all the testosterone and everything is being released it didn't taste good but they loved it [Applause] you
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 6,902,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: FRrbjiOs4no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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