Joe Rogan on Oprah & The Secret

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the jurogan experience i love oprah don't get me wrong i think she's a wonderful woman i think she's a powerful force of good and positive energy but you ain't know elon but she also brought us dr oz and the secret we have we have to remember what this lady has done she has to be held accountable i forgive her but i mean cut the the secret is a particularly egregious offense why you don't you just oh you don't believe you don't want to jump believe oh believe believe i i want to be rich i just am rich i imagine myself flying i can fly i will beat my wings until i take off what's up yeah it was one of the more just confused i want to say disturbing but it was confusing when that was taking hold with people when i i had friends that were telling me that the secret is real and that they imagined they were going to fulfill these childhood dreams that they had had yeah about whatever being a astronaut whatever whatever it would be there's a couple people that i knew they were trying to tell me that the secret was going to be the thing and that they had a vision board and they had photographs they put pictures up of the things that they wanted like them in front of large crowds and oh boy they're in front of large crowds this is so not how it works yeah but there is a kernel of it that works yep positive thinking you wanting something you envisioning it but that that's a little component in just how you live your life it's not just sitting in your you know what it's like wishing it so it's like saying i am going to be a bodybuilder because i drink water yeah it's like no you okay where do i start you you should drink water and it will help you if you want to be a bodybuilder but i've talked to all these bodybuilders and the one thing they have in common is they all drank water and they knew that if they drank water they would be giant they'd be giant huge people that's all you got to do okay but did they also perform reps to failure did they also take steroids did they also do these exercises squats deadlifts curls you know do they do all that stuff too yes but that but the water why aren't you a believer this is what it's like it's because they're saying like no these people they believe that they can do these things yeah they they had this vision and they focused on this vision and it came to fruition okay you know what they also did they also busted their ass and got lucky and were in a business or career that they had some talent in and figured out what that career is and figured out how to navigate the very weird waters of social interaction and skill acquisition and success and failure and how to learn from your family and luck that's the big problem is you're dealing with complete yeah a sampling bias you're only asking people that are in the mansions tom papa how did you do it i mean i see you here you have this place it's as big as the white house you have a giant lawn did you did you always know this was going to be your reality i saw it and i just put it on my vision board the reason obviously it doesn't stick around it didn't it became a fad because all these people well at some point had to take the board down well unfortunately some people died because they um there was a story i was reading about oprah unfortunately where this woman had uh terminal cancer right and she she had stage three breast cancer and just decided that through the secret she was going to imagine herself a healthy person and then you know she eventually wanted dying from it because she she didn't get treatment yeah yeah i know i mean she she stopped tradition she stopped conventional medical treatment but what part of so how far do you go with positive thinking because i see you as a fella that uh has goals and i would think positive thinking plays into your life well it's what does that even mean really like do i think positive i i think in a positive way i try to be positive i try but when you're trying to accomplish something whether you're trying to you know get better at something like say if you're playing a game like what if let's say golf like say take up golf and you want to be a really good golfer like you start thinking about golf like how do i get better at golf you have to learn you have to pay attention to instructional videos you have to maybe seek out coaching you have to play some games and lose you have to choke under pressure you have to examine the mental game like what is wrong with my mental process when i approach a shot what is wrong with this what is wrong with it and then become obsessed with the the idea of succeeding in that yeah and i think that that can apply to everything so yeah i mean i certainly believe in positive thinking but this that was like mystic nonsense no that tips over and it discounts all the other stuff that you have to do there's something to the law of attraction it is but it is one component to this gigantic sort of spectrum of factors that have to be taken into consideration when you're trying to succeed at something yeah but positive thinking is one of them but it's also the understanding of how to eliminate laziness how to discipline yourself how to write down goals how to how to make incremental steps towards improvement how to recognize failure is not just the end of all your hard work but in fact the beginning of a new breakthrough because you understand like how to never do this wrong wrong the wrong way again yeah and the consequences of doing things wrong it's like there's a lot of yeah there's a lot of factors in getting better and succeeding at things yeah and it's they boiled it down to the easiest one which is dreaming right right exactly just and that's why it's sold but oprah sold it i mean she was yeah she was one of the big ones man and she was all in she was 50 years old at the time i mean this is not a young woman who is selling this how old is oprah now 75 89. no she just ran a marathon in four hours did she really she's 67 63 so she ran a marathon yeah so let's let's think of when the secret came out i want to say that was like 2006-ish 2004 2006 okay so 12 years ago she was so she was 50 years old how the do you not know when you're 50 years old or worth a billion dollars that that's not how it works but it's hocus pocus yeah it's not hocus pocus yeah and to sell that to people is crazy and that's a book that sold i think i was reading it sold somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 million copies wow is that what it says yeah jeez that's crazy well you want an easy way you want something that's easy everybody wants you're in trouble you're feeling whatever and they want something to come something come and help me i mean it's where religion comes from it's just please there's that thing inside of us is like i want to believe if i believe is that enough it is a lot like that yeah there was one of trump's spiritual advisors was uh he's got some spiritual advisers some woman who was uh telling people to send her money there was uh send her money for january there was some some whole article about it but it's basically essentially the same thing it's like the idea is that what is she saying donald trump's spiritual advisor paula white suggests people send her their january salary or face consequences from god no is that true she's attractive too it's interesting is that true yeah look at her bam i'll give you money what i gotta do all right what am i gonna do paula how much do you need i don't know if that's a good picture maybe she just looks good when she's screaming yeah she looks good but um yeah i would love for some really i would love for the day where there's some real powerful spiritual uh individual who doesn't ask for money well that's honestly a real power powerful or spiritual individual it's a huckster i know that's what i mean like
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 1,910,622
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of, Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, The Secret
Id: 9e6RqT6FKk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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