Joe Rogan - Tom Cruise is Crazy!

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that was a turd right making another one don't say that no i think it might have been john wick they're doing a third one of course they're doing right john wick yeah yeah that killed repeat he was in was an awesome movie i think they changed the name of it i don't think that's what it was originally called but you know he has to keep redoing the scene he goes back and he ends up like killing everyone yeah that movie the day after tomorrow oh right wasn't that well they changed the name so i don't remember it it used to be called killed i repeat edge of tomorrow edge of tomorrow that's right that movie was [ __ ] badass that was a really good really good science fiction movie but it was one of the ones that came out what year did it come out 2014. 2014 was just a few years removed from him being wacky when he did that uh matt lauer interview on the today show where it was like you're being glib matt you're being glib he's talking about brook shields taking psychiatric medication yeah and you understand this i understand this yeah yeah scientology is highly critical of psychiatric meditation yeah they prefer you stay crazy they don't you don't know what you're talking about have you done the research i've done the research yeah your glib mat your glib but lauer didn't handle it that good either you're supposed to go well explain to me the mechanism of the what's happening with these psychiatric drugs and what do you pose yeah and why do you think that you understand the biological makeup of all these different human beings and that none of them should be taking psychiatric medications yeah that's a crazy thing to say that you're smarter than all these biologists and medical scientists and all these people that have concocted these ssris and different have you done the research you have you done the research are you glib yes they're making top gun too right now [ __ ] do you ever tell you the first time i did letterman when cruz was on it did i ever tell you that story no i was doing my first letterman i'm super nervous and i'm just trying to tell myself you know just like any other show it's just like any other show right you know tom cruise it's his first time he's on the show in like 10 years 15 years and he's on and i'm watching through the monitor he's running up and down the uh he's running up and down the theater the theaters like saying hi to people at during the break no yeah he's like hey and he's like running up and down and having this great time like it's just it's just another show it'll be okay and then they bring you down stairs and you're standing outside this door like to go onto the stage and he says good night during the show and he the door swings open and a very sweaty tom cruise is like nose to nose with me and he's like you're next and he hugs me he's like woo it's great out there and then goes bouncing up the stairs and i'm like what's gonna happen to me out there this is terrifying he totally took all of my coolness and just chew what a strange guy yeah but the energy just he was like an electric eel and i'm just like it's all right i can get through this be such a strange strange guy yeah when he gets into that like i'm laughing thing it just gets weird wasn't getting enough oxygen to his brains oh my gosh well it's oh god funny now no it wasn't such a high altitude that it would have you know sure cause death right i'm standing in the wings right now what are you thinking like what am i gonna say first yeah what do you think with those things those things are such a little weird sprint how's my tie how's my tie right what's my first line what am i going to say what do i try do i go out casual yeah there's a heated interview from matt lauer play that it's right there it's coming up next there it is here's matt matt fuller the hair back there oh yeah look at that he's got all that hair 2014 look at him handsome bastard yeah well his radio play was my first exposure to the story this is not just an alien movie the the story breaks down on a lot of different levels and in one one of them already yeah not the best father in the world when we were working on on the story originally three years ago steve and i came up with this idea of making about a family it's okay that was a good movie i'd love that movie yeah me too okay you want to go inside of course that real sense of like where are we gonna go well that's what i think it would probably be like if we did get invaded too there'd be robots like that yeah that'll be cool here play some of that before i was a scientologist i never agreed with psychiatry and then when i started studying the history of psychiatry i started realizing more and more why i didn't agree with psychiatry and as far as the brook shields thing is look you don't understand i really care about brook shields i is a a wonderful and talented woman and uh i want to see her do well and i know that uh psychiatry is it's a pseudo science but but thomas she said that this particular thing helped her feel better whether it was an antidepressant or going to a counselor or a psychiatrist isn't that enough matt you have to understand this here we are today where i talk out against drugs and psychiatric abuses of electric shocking people okay against their will of drugging children with them not knowing the effects of these drugs do you know what adderall is do you know ritalin do you know now that ritalin is a street drug do you understand that the difference is this was not against matter of fact though this wasn't an amazing question matt i'm asking you a question i understand there's abuse of all of these things now you see here's the problem you don't know the history of psychiatry i do aren't there examples and might not book shields be an example of someone who benefited from one of those drugs all it does is mask the problem matt and if you understand the history of it it masks the problem that's what it does he is pretty aggressive yeah like you're not getting too much wasn't being shitty he's just like such a thing he's just like meanwhile he's right about a lot of it he's definitely right about adderall and ritalin that some people abuse it but abuse just because someone abuses it doesn't mean it doesn't have uses you know it doesn't i don't i've met people that are on adderall and they say they need it i don't know if they're right yeah but the guy who developed adderall says that it should be uh for about four percent of the population that's a lot like four people out of a hundred and a room full of 100 people four of them were cranked out and doctors are cranking it out like 30 percent like the patients they see yeah it's like super high the he the guy who made it said it's being abused uh well i'm sure it is and amongst journalists have you done the research joe have you done the research well i know a lot of things about it i understand it i understand psychiatry but he's right about little kids and ritalin and i had a neighbor they drugged their kid up [ __ ] ritalin it was weird there's nothing wrong with the kid he just had energy and the parents were working all the time they just didn't want to deal with it they put the kid on riddling terrible they were bad parents that's terrible it was i was watching it happen i was like whoa and then they they zoned the kid out they got him on some [ __ ] and he was just like like a weird little zombie kid after that oh my god say hi to him he's like hi oh my god that's terrible he could have been an artist it could have been something great right that's the thing to take it away from him you put a kid in a classroom and you make them listen to boring [ __ ] all day yeah they don't want to do it you think well there's something wrong with this child yeah
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 5,030,653
Rating: 4.7967281 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of, Tom Cruise, Scientology
Id: ddjU8NHbGiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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