Joe Rogan - Jake The Snake on Andre the Giant

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unbelievable I remember we did the Andre thing right I mean I'm ready supposed to be afraid of the snake oh yeah and he faints and fakes a heart attack knees you know laying there poor Bobby Heenan I mean oh they're checking a pounding on his chest please folks act like he's had a heart attack and somebody goes give him mouth-to-mouth Bobby and Bobby's like are you [ __ ] kidding me [ __ ] giant that [ __ ] giant breath you had man from drinking time pretty eyes brother I love the giant to death I mean when I first got into wrestling referee in like in 1974 so and they came to me in this look you're not referee in tomorrow night but we want you to drive Andre around why so you were referee before you were pro wrestling right which is actually the best way to start could you get a feel of it you get a feel of it you learn how to feel people and you are gonna judge people you don't know how to read people you know and in the crowd you can read them but I got the take care of laundry thing they give me a van said Andre I'll sit in the back kind of a beanbag chair just taking to the building he'll do this thing give him a ride back to hotel I'm cool 70 miles no problem 80 miles whatever so we get through the show and he's like beer okay he talks he walks even you know so I stopped and get him beer in my damn cell there Andre Nia's two geishas it's an 85 mile trip man um yeah suitcases something to case I guess he wants some for his room right so we get back in the lab we start driving I don't know about you guys man back even when I drink until I get into that first third or fourth hour I got a piss like every time I have a Barry got a piss I don't really buy beer I just rent it you know I rented then I go get rid of it but so after you know 30 miles I pull a under sorry I got pissed y'all get out you don't know nothing mirror here's a pop-pop he [ __ ] [ __ ] we go closer I gotta piss again finally get there gets outta this I'll get your beer you'll finished what you drank 40 beers yeah yeah right yeah [ __ ] off I love you big goof you know he leaves I get in there getting there first thing I do I'm checking with my hand make sure I'm up put my hand to piss cuz I figured this [ __ ] never cut out to piss he drank two cases of beer and did not have to piss I don't care if you out drink me but dammit how can you do that I mean I felt so inadequate this guy drink 48 beers and didn't piss 48 beers in 80 miles yeah that's it was nothing but his hammer cover that pier up it's how big his hands were just an amazing athlete an amazing man and to be in the ring with him was he was um bleep went Hulk Hogan hoisted him up in the air look at the [ __ ] that photo of him with a regular sized can of beer that is insane doesn't look real that doesn't look real it's a 12-ounce yeah yeah that's a 12 ounce beer and it just vanishes inside his head see if you can find that video of when Hulk Hogan picks him up over his head slams him yeah that that was [ __ ] insane how much did he weigh 550 550 pounds now 550 pounds just hoisting over your head with a bar with an Olympic bar is impressive yeah but to do it with dead weight with a man well the thing about it is it wouldn't happen unless Andre Ward you do right of course because he's gonna boost himself off course yeah I mean yeah I remember in the being a ring one night he just swam me I'm like yeah you're [ __ ] but this is insane like look at this this is insane if you look where Andres Anjar yes he helps it he helps him pulling spell he had me pick him up and slam him one night and he's like swag man like no [ __ ] weather his keys no yes sir I went under and all of a sudden he's [ __ ] stupid Simon he was he would use that athletic energy my legs just ordered the [ __ ] buckle yeah you got to drop him fast well we can well destroy pounds their shaft but Hogan was fork and jab oh yeah you know I met him later in life but I'd met him earlier - I ran into him on the street once and I couldn't believe how [ __ ] biggie was the second time I saw him he was shorter because he had so many back surgeries that his discs had been fused and still a giant human being but he wasn't as big six eight no more yeah about six four guys that Kramer told me when I was friends with Piper he told me that when Hogan did that slam on Andre just like he could feel it just going all the way up is that true a clothesline ah Dre one night and you know I came in doing more because Andre wanted you to hit him hard right which how you say that's the most frustrating thing in the world right there never watch that anyway you're trying to kill a [ __ ] and you don't even know it yeah so here I am hitting him as hard as I could and he didn't know that so when you'd reach out just I mean he used to hit me and I'd be falling right that's a lot of energy me falling he reached up and grabbed me by my hair and just was II pulled me right to my [ __ ] feet and just rip a [ __ ] single gear oh here you two are look at that don't weigh 260 there wow that's so crazy that sinew is so crazy look how [ __ ] big he was he was so good he did a horrible thing to me one night in the rain he knocked me down and I'm on my back and he stands on my hair Oh reached out and grabbed my arms and pulled did you guys plan [ __ ] out like that or did he just improvise that it was out there we went out there and played he liked me I liked him on real test you see if you don't man up to him he'll [ __ ] eat you get to see the documentary that they made on him on HBO savage no Andre yeah it's really great you'd really love it yeah this is her too much yeah it made me it made me cry so yeah if it makes me cry know what that man went through what did he go through just people pointing and laughing right in pain you can't kind of stain was unbelievable yeah because of wrestling no because of the growth growth yeah yeah let's think about a water daily your day is well a bed don't fit too well right let's talk about hotels and bathrooms no right where does he [ __ ] in the bathtub no that's only buddy's good [ __ ] yeah there's no toilet gonna take his ass didn't he's got a squishy you just got it no he just [ __ ] turn the shower on man let it dissolve it how did you how would you like to do hot yoga in that bathroom at that shower just God [ __ ] in the bath airplanes cars that's another thing where Piper told me a great story about you know how everybody would always he would just get so harassed out in public and they were out drinking one night after shows and they were in on in some college town like will say Madison Wisconsin or something like that and they're having some drinks at a bar and Piper was like these kids these frat boys you know they noticed the few tables away and someone there an empty beer can hits Andre in the back of the head it hits the ground you know Andre looks around whoa and they're hanging out a couple minutes later another empty beer can hits Andre growls a little bit harder and then a third beer can comes and an Andre stands he hits him in his head Andre stands up you know it takes them a while to get out of the booth or whatever wherever they're at and these guys get up and they start running and they chase Andre chases them but when he gets out of the bar they are in their car about to pull away and Andre literally goes under the car that's out front of the bar and flips it over there's a cop a half a block away who pulls up blood and arrest them for [ __ ] with Andre the Giant yes sir he puts their car with them in it those guys must with me I do beer can he could do a backflip standing on the top rope into a flip we amend on his feet when he first started but uh I'm wrestling him and we had this little thing we do where you get me in the corner and then just till that weight into me you know which was pretty easy to to register and then I would slide down and then he would grab each side of the rope into the last drop of course he's got these ropes well that night he wanted to do it and in hand slipped who saw the sudden his ass plans right here and just you know her [ __ ] vertebrae sir and I'm like can I breathe I just want to know if I can breathe because I could at the moment it's like screaming in I turned over on my side oh my god how bad is it I fear my sternum was broke whatever yeah any sense on me trying to get my breath trying to let everything come back and I've seen the lights coming at first I was gonna pass out and then I hear Andre laughing I had the referee say Andre why are you laughing is hard for two Emma what and I could feel my [ __ ] shoulder is vibrating and he's farting you know how long a giant can fart how long about 40 seconds he's like Wow but it was a steady flow it wouldn't know he's 48 years where the park man he got up ahead like a wine stain on my shoulders oh that amazing amazing guy man but I used to think to myself the fans really don't like me because they're putting me out there and the fans are cheering me on to charge into that [ __ ] big giant you want me to get killed don't you yeah your fans are vicious why are y'all doing this to me don't cheer me tell me I'm a stupid [ __ ] to get out of the rain for the giant eats you
Channel: JRE Clips
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: DfJ1nWracLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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