First Timers: Montana Mule Deer Part 2 ft. Joe Rogan & Bryan Callen | S3E05 | MeatEater

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last time on me eater i began a hunt with first timers joe rogan and brian callan i think we're the first comedian hunters on tv i think you're right joe tagged out but brian is still looking for a clean clear shot you see him yeah i got him i got him okay that's that's a no shot almost had him brian's determined to be successful and we're gonna see this job through and then cap this experience off with an old-school outdoor feast oh man i'm stephen runella to me hunting isn't only about the pursuit of an animal it's about who we are and what we're made of i live to hunt and hunt to live i am a meat eater it's late october and i'm chasing mule deer with comedian and first time hunter joe rogan we're in the heart of north central montana's missouri breaks country one of my all-time favorite places to hunt tonight joe bagged his first buck and he and i are headed back to camp [Music] hey brian kellen you guys how'd you guys do we got an eight-point buck from 200 yards out no yes no really are you serious joining us is joe's best friend actor and comedian brian callan who's been hunting under the mentorship of my buddy ryan callahan we launched on the missouri river a couple days ago and drifted about 20 miles downstream to some prime hunting areas after two full days of hiking and glassing and a couple of missed opportunities joe and i found a dandy buck and he made the kilt so we put the bullet in we line it up and i'm too close to the scope damn it i had him but then i pulled back and then i saw it clear i calmed myself down i like i had a couple of seconds where i was like and i had to calm myself down i took a big deep breath and boom and he just fell right over it was amazing i had one in my crosshairs and it was so perfect and then it just boom it just went up and then we just we saw bundles of deer tonight really we have a dose we couldn't find 25 deer year one was better than our 25. yeah thank you thank you good job this is real good i'm glad you got it it's pretty intense man joe got his buck late in the day so we put it up in a juniper tree for the night with plans to retrieve it in the morning for dinner we brought back the liver one of my favorite camp meals so joe do you typically like beef liver yeah i order liver and onions all the time at restaurants oh really i think cooking that'll get to that degree yeah i love it it's one of my favorite things to eat [Music] lay a layer of liver in there flat yeah there you go grab that seasoning salt out of there [Music] all right joel you want to try a piece of liver hell yeah um here's a sport [Music] wow that's delicious that is good oh it's delicious there's something really satisfying about eating something that you just killed [Music] that is pretty good liver man that's delicious oh my god okay so tomorrow we're gonna go get our deer skin it butcher it then you boys are going to go out and get either a buck or a dough i'm going to get whatever i can get a shot on joe's cracked me up this morning the first thing joe said when he woke up is he goes camping blows if you're thinking about doing this don't plan on being comfortable see work city slickers i'm used to hotels so i basically i keep like sleeping a little then i wake up and i'm like oh man i'm cold and i just can't get warm but you know listen you think that's gonna stop me getting a deer today there's deer right right on the other side of this okay okay it's holed up in glass just got a glass you know the whole area don't want to have one spook that we didn't see and blow the whole deal out we have to get to this little hunk right here let's get ready to shoot are you still cool with taking a dog okay here she comes you see you're moving okay so now just watch her with your naked eye where'd she go oh there she is there you are sweetie okay now get really comfortable fingers straighten off the trigger when you calm calm on there she is there you are sweetie okay now get really comfortable fingers straighten off the trigger calm calm calm calm calm you punched her straight through the lungs there buddy okay yep good shot excellent shot wow i didn't see it i didn't see it fall even i just saw a blast that's a great dough too it's mature doe all right man mission accomplished i was so worried i wasn't gonna get a deer and joe would never let me live it [Music] down [Music] beautiful animals [Music] there you go [Music] go ahead and cut this all the way up the brisket excellent i'll probably see a little expansion so now you may want to roll your sleeves up look at that right through there there she is and you've got the bird food okay there buddy we done nicely done good job thanks brother i'm really learning why human beings decided to plant food because when you have to catch food if you don't have a high-powered rifle i can't imagine being really hungry out here with bow and arrow having to feed my children it's just humbling i'm humbled and i'm excited and it's been a really great experience they're dragging they're dragging a deer let's go walk to them yeah let's go find out he must have killed it with a knife i never heard a shot he's got one oh you do got one nice man one shot baby one shot you got a doe yeah we never even heard you shoot we just saw him and i had to take it i couldn't wait for a buck i was like man i got to get this thing good work man first deer congratulations brother it's a successful hunt do we go home a day early now and sleep in a bed no so both guys managed to tag out which is the best thing we could have hoped for so now we can have a big venison feed without feeling lazy for not being out there hunting while ryan hangs back to butcher callan's deer the three of us head out to retrieve joe's buck wow dude that's a big buck oh man [Music] right here yeah cut through the hide around each knee and then come in here to here okay here to here okay just through the hide don't monkey around here don't put your hands on that don't put the knife on that why it's a tarsal gland smell that [Music] it's nasty [Music] we can eat some of this deer meat raw can't we yeah man it doesn't hurt let me get some right now [Music] there we go it's old school it's the oldest school [Music] terrible it's good volcano wax tastes good though take this [Music] look at that rib isn't a surreal experience brian i'm eating fat by a campfire it's tallow brother tallow hey you got to get the terms guess what talus sucks tallow's not good you got a big towel fan no it's not no hey anybody have a candle i can eat whoa that's legit the first time you do something everything can be a surprise but one can usually find similarities that will help bridge the gaps between the known and the strange you want to eat something weird fat from behind these eyes yeah it tastes like bread though you mean like raw yeah just eat it right out of there watch check it out it's all you pal grab that brian right right there it tastes like raw bread isn't that crazy oh my god yeah it's like eating dough that's so weird mm-hmm we're nearly finished but there are a few more steps until we are ready to start cooking now all you gotta do is cut these legs off oh come on man this show's not called butcher it's called meat eater [Music] joe and brian and i have finished butchering joe's buck so we pack it up and begin to make our way back to camp for the feast in the meantime ryan has brought the doll back to camp to skin it and get it ready for a preparation that i've wanted to try for a long time now steve wants to try this recipe of a roasted deer head so i'm going to caper out completely cape the skull and we're going to bury it in the ground and roast it so i'm looking forward to that my inspiration for this meal comes from a.b guthrie's classic mountain man novel big sky the book depicts it as standard table fare among the men who once used this river as a thoroughfare to reach the beaver trapping grounds of the northern rockies all right looks like it's ready to roast to me so you're gonna bury it in there we're our beloved campfires well your camp bar is gonna it won't cease to exist it's just gonna be like underneath it it's crazy this is madness and you're cooking the head right yep in addition to the head we're gonna cook the neck in the same way for all the steps cooking the head is really kind of simple dig a hole insulate the head with a few layers of foil and wet cotton and then bury it hoping for the best in my mind it's a great meal for this crew a meal that demonstrates the wealth of things that can be done with venison if you have an adventurous palette [Music] okay we should check what time it is so if it doesn't work we'll know how long not to do it i think three hours ought to cook that right up good do you guys mind burying potatoes in that fire i can do that wrap them in foil and then bury them yeah wrap them up and bury them under the fire and then i'm gonna go get a loin you're gonna cut up garlic onion apple and a heart let's do these squashes too just cut them in half gut them and wrap and foil we're gonna have a whole like smorgasbord buried under that fire so i'm gonna be something to cook right [Music] cap it like a pear yep it's so wild yeah fill that in then we'll just kind of form it back together [Music] brian throw some small sticks on this fire exercising proper lifting technique bubbling the ass back is straight here we are when you uh pick up sticks do you have a technique that you use yes i do so here i am here here it is again bubbling the ass here we're laying it down here now what am i going to do i'm going to power up through the heels the bang right there there's no stress on my back we've got about a dozen things roasting in our fire but we're not done yet the final piece of this meal grilled loin you're talking about like that thick a little thicker that smacked down to half that size it's a smackdown wow that's tender man that looks good you know you look to the inside well they're sitting there that's how many we have here five that's our neck yes so the head's gonna be right about there yeah oh you hear it oh i like that put that over to the side crackling huh sizzling is that the head yes sir there you go look at that fine dining [Music] there she is yeah beautiful nice yeah yeah have faith for a couple more minutes just grab that some of that i'm telling you wow [Music] wow deer jowls that's delicious oh that's like smoked pork yeah it tastes a lot like pulled pork that's awesome [Music] you know i honestly wasn't behind you on this one but this was really good oh man dude you gotta try this holy this is good it's it's as good as it gets it's as good as it gets it's almost silly how good that line is that's good here's your tongue i'm gonna cut these up for people where's our heart here's a ticker oh yeah we're loving whoa that's gonna be the best part right there cut some of that up man oh my god the neck where's the neck ooh you know what this is gonna be really good oh look at that oh that's about perfect [Music] oh yeah from the hunting to the food everything worked out perfectly i'm relieved and relaxed this will easily go down as one of my favorite trips of all time in one of my favorite places of all time i always tell people that i don't have memories of my first hunt but i was going out with my dad and brothers long before i can recall but thankfully i'm able to live out those first hunt emotions vicariously through the people i take out on their first ventures for me it's a way of recovering that personal sense of raw wonder that i've lost to the passage of time i'll tell you i don't do anything new you know what i mean i mean i do new versions of the same thing but i do the basically the same thing all the time like i like to go hunting i don't put my neck out that often and i got to hand it to you guys to come out and just not only go out and do something totally new but to go and do what would many people would regard as like a fairly involved version of a new thing it's ballsy to do that i got to hand it to you guys thanks man well thanks for bringing us what was the moment that you threw all the cold and wet and wind did you guys know that you're coming back that you're going to do it again right away as soon as the deer dropped really there's so much anticipation and so much joy and it was so primal i was like i'm doing this forever that's no doubt i enjoy these first time hunts for another reason as well i love to see people push their limits to explore the unknown and try new things things that might be tough or uncomfortable or emotionally taxing after all where would we be if it weren't for exploration if it weren't for our desire to experience the new that eternal quest after all is at the heart of being human you
Channel: MeatEater
Views: 2,662,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MeatEaters, Meat Eaters, BTS, Behind the scenes, Meet the Meat Eaters, Meet the MeatEaters, Meateaters Crew, Season 3, MeatEaters season 3, Steven Rinella, Steve Rinella, hunting, all access, show, filming, hunt, shooting, how it's made, inside peek, Season 3 episodes, meateater field crew, director, cinematographer, nature, pack llamas, gear, camera, video, deer, deer hunting, camera crew, teamwork, season 3, joe rogan, bryan callen, stand up, stand up comedy, episode 5, ep. 5
Id: B7IyiR6iksM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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