Joe Rogan and Ivermectin: Should Covid Be Politicised?

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The Oxford University study is the first major clinical study using human subjects on the effects of ivermectin on Covid-19.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/AroundMyCity 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for posting. Really good podcast. Russell Brand is a very thoughtful and makes some great points

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/AroundMyCity 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
hydro hydra hydroxy chloro hydroxy chloro hydroxychloroquine hydroxychloroquine hydroxychloroquine leave this in joe rogan and his treatment after he contracted kovid is causing a lot of controversy obviously i have no opinion on coronavirus and how to treat it but i do have opinions on media and how media behaves with regard to particular issues what biases are in play what prejudices are all work and what attitudes they reveal let's have a look at either mectin covid solutions their efficacy but most importantly how are these things discussed they keep saying i'm taking horse dewormer i literally got it from a doctor it's an american company it's a it they won the nobel prize in 2015 for use in human beings yeah and cnn is saying i'm taking horse dewormer yeah what so they must know that that's a lie there's a lot of people saying it once again to be absolutely clear because this is on youtube and i don't want any aggravation i'm not recommending anyone does anything i really don't feel inclined to or qualified to do anything of that nature but what happened when joe rogan caught coronavirus on tour was he treated himself with a number of things including either mectin monoclonal antibodies vitamin c iv stuff you know of course joe rogan is in a fortunate financial position where if he does contract any disease i imagine he has access to the best uh medical treatments available of course what people are querying is whether or not joe rogan is vaccinated i don't know i don't know if he's ever publicly spoken about that there are so many issues bundled together around this story but what i find interesting is the way that rogan has been treated by what you'd have to call the mainstream media and their appetite to condemn and in some ways with particular bias the course of action that he took i've got some clarity on this issue by reading matt tybee's piece on sub stack he said the who has advised against either mexican's use pending further studies there have been randomized studies showing it to be ineffective in speeding recovery and the drug's original manufacturer merck has said there's no meaningful evidence of efficacy for kovid19 patients however it's also patently untrue as is frequently asserted that there's no evidence that the drug might be effective so it seems that there is some this past week for instance oxford university announced it was launching a large-scale clinical trial the study has already recruited more than 5000 volunteers and its announcement says what little is known to be true that small pilot studies show that early administration with ivormectin can reduce viral load and the duration of symptoms in some patients with mild covid19 that is a well-known medicine with a good safety profile and because of the early promising results in some studies it's already being widely used to treat kovid 19 in several countries what interests me about this story is the politicization of information perhaps we shouldn't be surprised by that because it's something we've witnessed around every single news story for a little while now it seems there's very little objectivity little ability to come together in union everything is used as an opportunity to score points either for what is regarded as the left and right but what some people would argue are kind of false divisions old-fashioned divisions out of date divisions nonetheless it's difficult to get clarity with coronavirus surely whether we're talking about the vaccines or potential treatments it should just be there is this problem coronavirus and the problem is causing all manner of consequent difficulties as a result of the lockdowns the controversy let's look at the medical treatment as objectively as we possibly can that doesn't seem to be what's happening much of the reporting around joe rogan for example seemed to initially take the light that he had coronavirus kind of wanted him to suffer as a result of it and was deeply cynical about the method of his treatment as joe rogan said in his podcast he did get better very very quickly suggesting that at least in his case the course of treatment that he took was effective but it ought to be a political thing if you're a person who wants to be vaccinated you should become vaccinated if you're comfortable with the information that you've been given around that subject if you're a person that doesn't want to be vaccinated you should be entitled to make a decision now what people of course will say is you not being vaccinated will affect other people now i think that's actually a fantastic attitude if you want to consider the way your actions affect other people and in fact i would love to see that attitude applied across a whole host of issues from distribution of wealth public speech education how your personal actions affect others and if that's not something you're really into then it's interesting that it's being applied stringently in one area of public and medical life and not others the sort of rise of authoritarianism around this subject for me causes some concern what i would like to see is open plain communication and individual liberty and freedom to choose what course of action you want to take the oxford text also says there's little evidence from large-scale randomized controlled trials to demonstrate it can speed up recovery from the illness or reduce hospital admission but to a person who might have a family member suffering from the disease the information about early promising results would probably be enough to inspire demands for a prescription which might be a problem of course unless someone was looking for that information they wouldn't find it as mainstream news of even the oxford study has been effectively limited to a pair of bloomberg and forbes stories unless there's transparency and communication that has good faith behind it rather than obviously bad faith people it's really easy to assume that there are agendas at play like that people would prefer you to take a certain course of action and that that preference is not necessarily based on the well-being of people in general but other incentives and if what you desire is a positive outcome for everybody then surely that's coming from a place of kindness compassion and tolerance and i recognize compassion kindness and tolerance when i see it in the way that people communicate in their kind of their openness and good heartedness so i think if you don't understand why people would be cynical about you know pharmaceutical companies in the government they're not having been paying attention for the last 20 years it's clear that there's a degree of circumspection is judicious when dealing with centralized bodies you only need to look at the legal histories of pharmaceutical companies again i'm not suggesting any course of action for a medical situation it's not something i feel qualified to deal with for anybody other than myself and barely even in that instance but what i will say is that in an environment of outward hostility judgment condemnation good outcomes are difficult to achieve i've met him to suffer the same fate of thousands of other news topics since donald trump first announced his run of presidency nearly six years ago cleaved in two to inhabit separate factual universes for left and right audiences repurposed drugs generally have a hard time being taken seriously since trump announced he was on hydroxychloroquine last year and ivanka clearly also suffers from its association with republican senators like ron johnson still the drugs publicity issues go beyond the taint of conservative news the drug has become a test case for a controversy that's long been building in health care about how much input patients should have in their own treatment well before kovid 19 the medical profession was thrust into a revolution in patients information inspired by a combination of google and new patients rights laws should people on their deathbeds be allowed to try anything to save themselves that seems like an easy question to answer should the entire world be allowed to practice self-care on a grand scale that's a different issue someone's absolutely not while others would say the corruption of pharmaceutical companies in the medical system unfortunately makes it a necessity the world is increasingly divided along this trust untrust axis interesting and i would say accurate analysis there so i suppose going forward with coronavirus with high profile cases with the treatment of it or the prevention of it an attitude of openness and kindness is necessary of non-judgment of prioritizing science and recognizing that science is not free from biases that science exists within certain economic and financial constraints with certain economic and financial imperatives and one way of creating more trust would be the removal of those constraints the removal of those imperatives so that true transparency could be achieved i know you're going to want to join in this conversation so jump into the comments below but try to demonstrate this kind of compassion try to observe yourself if you're like yeah but now i know someone has had coffee yeah but i didn't watch it try to observe the feeling that you're having try to observe it stay awake stay conscious try to think why does this provoke this response in me why are my emotions so easily punctured provoked in this way what is it i'm not owning in myself what am i projecting it's interesting to look at that stuff sign up to my mailing list if you want more direct communication with me i'm doing some live stuff this weekend there's a link in the description to that if you enjoyed this video have a look at this one and if you want more stuff about awakening and how you can become a more peaceful at ease person look at this because you don't want to spend your whole time angry and furious because you have the possibility of being free
Channel: Russell Brand
Views: 1,178,528
Rating: 4.9163356 out of 5
Keywords: Russell Brand, Brand Russell, BrandThe, Russell Brand video, Russell Brand news, Russell Brand politics, News, Brand, politics, Russell, USA, UK, Ivermectin, Joe Rogan, Rogan, Merck, Oxford University, drug, covid, pandemic, coronavirus, covid 19, vaccine, passport, COVID-19, Donald Trump, study, hydroxychloroquine, pharmaceutical, pharma
Id: WzFasRjQuB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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