Joe Budden On Podcasting, Media Lists, Turning Down $20 Million, & More! | Full Episode | Rap Radar

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yeah rapper the podcast Elliot Wilson my name is B what's up baby chilling with the Pod father today man Joseph Joseph Anthony but Junior my good guys right here oh my God he been on a rap radio Podcast since since he was a rapper right back in years about seven years had small little off CBS yeah wow it it wasn't even the last album it was like the second to last Alum second last album yall not inviting me back since then lot has changed man thank God thank God so how does it feel to be number one under the complex way no way ain't getting me top of the top of the Heat ain't getting talk the complex about it I have no idea the list is caused me nothing but harm and pain you took that personal though Elliot that list I didn't take it I was you took that Ellie was in stel he was I know why I don't know why either I like why do you care about this I was looking you the last [ __ ] that should care yeah there's a few names on that list that y'all shouldn't K sway you and like this applies for us the messy [ __ ] this ain't for [ __ ] with journalistic Integrity this ain't for journalistic integrity yo yeah start posting is D no but I'll push back there's Integrity to what you do Joe I think the way you conduct your pod in in your like you you go off the rails but there is a certain that's why I think people mess with you that there there is an Integrity they feel like you're not bullshitting and that's you are that's what you feel I try to go about it with some Integrity yeah I think a lot of times that you may see that because you know the business but I don't think the fans or onlookers view it that way well they enjoy the entertainment portion of it and and also you have to touch on The Daily like I don't know how you do it like me and B I talk about it sometimes like what we do viously this is more of an interview show I just like what's your take on like how do you get motivated to like sort of just take these hot topics and you know be able to riff with your co-host on it like what what's what's the what's your approach to that like why does it stay freshh to you to be able to do that well you got to find fresh ways to do it I guess and I'm really passionate about it I know that sounds cliche but I enjoy getting up and cracking this thing and just sharing opinions and just shooting the [ __ ] I could I kind of rather not speak about the Hot Topics I rather speak about conversations that black men are going through friend groups are going through women sports I want to kick it about just like cool [ __ ] if I could never discuss the hip-hop [ __ ] really I would feel better or like the important [ __ ] in hip-hop let me not say hip-hop cuz that's in my core but like the real [ __ ] not the oh it's drill oh it's top five I don't give a [ __ ] yeah not that not not that I wake up at the time of this and Cam's mad at me and we're going back and for for whatever like that kind of fool yeah like but that's exactly kind of the point like that like you 50 I'll be 43 I was listen to that [ __ ] in 97 like that's not where I want to be now like when you hit me today and say where you at drop your location like I look at you like you're stupid like do you think I'm out here of doing hostings you think I'm out that applies for the [ __ ] that's got to move around and get money and feel safe and be comfortable that's not where I'm at [ __ ] got to speak to me differently get mad up here but do you still enjoy the music well I guess you're an ex rapper at this point but do you have that same passion for podcasting as you did for the music I I would say more today like it's what I it's what it's what consumes my mind on a daily basis music was great but I wasn't I wasn't um I was never in a situation where I was able to really reap what I thought my talent could Garner me so that kind of made it sad once you get out of all those bad contracts and this deal and that publishing and this production comp once you get away from all that and finally start finding some footing yeah this [ __ ] could get fun this is fun now today it's my kids it's my parents and family it's my girl it's my friends and it's me just trying to further myself and prepare life for my 50s M that's how I ended up in this spot at 42 I was 35 [ __ ] up picturing 40s like e no can't go that way yeah you can't go that way kind of thing got to go got to go another route I saw in the previous interview you said at some point you want to get off the couch yeah I want to get off the couch at some point right or in less of a capacity but that's no time soon right that's no time soon but you did make major change to the Pod of like people say like positive and negative oh Joe's turn into a Morning Show right like there's more characters some more of a ensemble cast like you've expanded it like why was that a decision the right decision you watch the game tape and I know my friends I know I and is for over 15 years they really came in a time of need for me and really kind of acted as my my life vest while I was figuring it out and I'm forever grateful to them for that but in the content space my views of how it should go versus IC and is you or grown adult just we not thinking about nothing all right let's spice this I want to spice it up spice this [ __ ] up so yeah and often the times right like I've been talking to my friends icing is for I however many years so now we on a mic how they respond to me and react to me is n flip different wild card beautiful Melissa it's different got the Candy Queen going against it's different energies in here for if if you're doing a chemistry test yeah you need to throw some different [ __ ] out there and it and it it has worked Beyond uh Beyond imagination a lot of it was kind of like on a job training right I mean they're not broadcasters so it's like did you have to feel like you needed to develop them they were learning they were learning in real time right they they definitely were learning real they didn't have the grace of they got thrown in the fire so yeah I was developing or I felt like I needed to try to but uh we needed to produce fast as well it was a hungry audience and a vocal audience yeah and people don't like change so you see two new guys here it's like hey who the [ __ ] are these guys the [ __ ] do I want to listen to them for right yeah so but to bring a strong force like flip out the gate to it that was did did it feel at all risky to well not to me because I've known flip for a billion years see I can't do this with somebody I don't know I can't just have a an audition and hey who wants to be a I can't do that well that's how we found academics the great academics in a sense yeah yeah but Act was an entity MH right like on his own he wasn't just like a guy in the street yeah complex wouldn't have brought him in if he was a guy from the street you ever think about that everyday struggle yeah yeah I wonder if it have worked or not work he crazy you think he's crazy he's really crazy what you mean what do you mean I mean you're crazy Elliot I think you're crazy wait what do I got to do struggle the you think everything to me oh did I was crazy crazier than you I think you were crazy to not take the opportunity okay I think that that I I'll never understand that I was sad when h i we was [ __ ] up was a tough call that was a tough call that was a tough I was [ __ ] we was [ __ ] up Noah we were [ __ ] up y getting real man okay we getting real really yeah I'm not all this CBS I don't know what when L did that we was [ __ ] up up there so why did you not do it Elliot oh man the real answer yeah drink water okay uh Joe Buton the medium mul all right uh yeah this ultimately the title was the better opportunity for me and I felt at the time MoneyWise they really wanted Joe and they kind of wanted me and we couldn't get the couldn't get it close enough I felt you know and I felt like Joe had kind of already begin to what he was doing was was taking control of it like it was an idea that you know everybody wanted to do like everybody wanted to do the first take of Hip Hop nobody had done it right shom tried to do it Shaheen me all these type of people tried to do it Noah had the backing to do it he wanted me to approach you about it um but yeah no but it still was a tough decision it still was a tough decision that's why I say it's crazy why am I crazy I'm being real well well all right but now but now give me your hindsight give me your high oh I thought the show was going to work remember because then I tried to then I tried to get you to to come to title with the podcast cuz I knew the show was going to pop when I saw the academics thing you guys remember I said I don't know whether the clap you orap you cuz I was like you was at the title office I got you to come up there one time and I was like I knew this show was going to work and I was so [ __ ] mad I was like but I also think it had to be that I think it worked better because of the generational thing and at that time Act was cool with all these no can I get it out go I mean it's a Crocker [ __ ] but get it out like that love this the internet's going to love this that one know cuz the internet is tied of here and every day struggle with me act they sick of all that [ __ ] but that one decision from Elliott that one H allowed act to do this yeah allowed me to do this it allowed just so many things to happen I did it for hip-hop I'm I did it for hip hop I mean I things things worked out the way they were supposed to you know uh Elliot I don't know that I want to argue hip hop with Elliott no but there was so the other part I remember and I was so mad at you when we tried I tried to take it to GQ so this what happened no one wanted to do the deal but then they were dragging right and plus the money wasn't where I wanted it to be so then I was like let's let's just try to create some heat on this thing let's go to another building I knew will wel to GQ they was doing uh he the Keith Overman the political guy he had a show on there they was trying to do some original content and I was like Joe we got to go so I go I take all the means with I already is bad I take all the means with Ian his manager which is bad which is bad it's all going great and then we got to bring Joe to the next the final meeting so Joe gets in the meeting and Joe's you know this is why I saw the genius of Joe Buton Joe is the most Charming if he want to be the most Charming beautiful person he could be that and then he could turn the room I saw him literally sit in the room with these corporate people he had them eating out the palm of his hands he had the white women basically flirting with him and all in love with him and then he just turned the whole meeting upside down negative like like that like turned it into like yeah you're going to exploit us they brought the wrong suit in a they brought the wrong suit in we was chilling catching a Vibe then they go get the guy that you know the big whoever the [ __ ] this [ __ ] supposed to be that we suppos to care about you don't know a lick about [ __ ] [ __ ] are we doing here with our hip hop show why am I GQ so is like that 's like corporate darling G like listen to listen to him and I'm like the antithesis of all of those things right bad idea to bring me to GQ but that be my story at the companies like at the companies they either don't get it or get it and they're not going to pay you it's never very rare that it's anything besides those two things that's how I always end up fighting right you got to go somewhere you got to create it to prove that it's valuable and then when it becomes valuable you got to say hey it's valuable what we doing and then they say [ __ ] we keeping it [ __ ] are you talking about well Legend has it that you turned down $20 million from Spotify is that true or false it turned down I walked away from it deed so was is there a number that you're 20 million 20 million that the number that's the number some give or take something like that over the course of having years right but you didn't like the terms I was never signing in that worth way more than $20 million damn so what is what number if you said $20 million is good number number assumes that I'm looking for a number from somebody I'm fine when these people call me and they still call we say y'all called we not looking for nothing so what are you looking for and so what's the key to that is it is it patreon like going direct to audience and them supporting you like why were you able Empower yourself like and not have to do that um well I don't know if that's what was happening when it was happening I was just I was just in search of a better way the whole time I didn't really feel like oh powerful me I'm going to [ __ ] but as you just go and get more information that's why I say that complex move was a mistake by you because at these companies it's not really the money and The Branding is cool sometimes we need the information that they going to share with us so you got to go there go behind the wall see all the ways that they make money from it how do we make money from a song we go on the road and per it m how do they make money from the song 20 million ways it's the same same in pardon for me you just have to figure out you have to be Fearless enough to get out there and figure out what those ways are versus what El said go to title and get the check like if you put the bigger check in front of us MH then he's right only an insane man would not do what he did but part of this you got to be a little insane I think just a little bit so what mistakes do you think that a lot of podcasters make kind of entering this space the mistake is stopping like I I encourage and support anybody who continuously does it because if you do it enough you'll figure it out in real time you'll watch yourself back you'll hear yourself back you learn who you want to talk to don't want to talk to how you want to be perceived what you like you'll learn uh I kill the people that uh are lazy and are not invested in this and it's just smoking mirrors and they trying to make people think some [ __ ] and they can just pop up off their name basically and the people that uh y do it for a quick check those two right those are the two that that money the waters for [ __ ] like me that's I was curious why do you think so many rappers are kind of get into podcasting now well podcasting is a is a billion dollar business I mean I think that's the answer to that wherever the money is yeah I can't speak to people's passion for it but there's a lot there's a lot of money in it and if this is a nice uh post RP career like this is It's Kind like the sports analyst you think it's a smooth segue yeah why would somebody not try their hand at that but you make it look like they could succeed with it you're the pioner in that's in that space good people need to see that I I vividly remember what 2015 was like for me with podcast MH vividly remember what was it like shade shade from all over shade from everywhere was looked at as a downtrodden like some [ __ ] what are you doing you're a failure you're a loser uh you're bum [ __ ] didn't work out have fun with your little podcast it was that from everybody You' be silly to say oh y'all stupid to them why they saying that that thinking allowed me to move covertly for a lot of years like and try to figure things out when I open my YouTube today or when I turned on my Hulu or the streaming and I see this [ __ ] everywhere it's like I told you so score one for the good guys does it feel real I Told You So or just yeah but I mean you don't get nothing from that like all all you could do is say h got you and move on with it right so you don't look at your thing like with the the high 97 thing back with the morning show thing in your in your mind that just wasn't meant to be is that something invested it but let's say you could have went that path with let's say if you said dedicated to it I I learned quickly and again my vision was after rap that I would be on a Morning Show right but by the time it was time to stop rapping New York morning shows they wasn't letting go of those seats like that was my first realization of oh [ __ ] I'm not going to get the morning show these [ __ ] are not leaving these seats Flex Flex is still DJ wait and then gpin called me G Spin and them called me when they creating The Breakfast Club I remember I'm at the [ __ ] dinner wherever we at coming up with names we doing all types of [ __ ] and I'm like oh this [ __ ] yeah you were next up you were next on our list but once that's happening it's like now what like now what is that what does that look like and it looked like it looked like this but no I couldn't do the radio [ __ ] the radio New York paid paid New York Morning Show paid what I needed to be paid so when New York uh when they would let go to seats was like all right could I go to Chicago and do a morning show wow could I go to La and do the answer to that for me was no like I'm a very New York abrasive sometimes could come off rude if you don't know right like that's New York it's New York stuff yes I can't there's plenty of places I probably should move for financial reasons or La for work right everybody else they left I can't leave I can't leave hell no give me [ __ ] about that to moving to Cali yeah I don't do it sorry sound man no there's a there's a certain grit there's a certain work ethic that comes with New York the [ __ ] Sun don't come up in La till 1:00 p.m. yeah I be up at 5:00 in La yeah in the dark nothing on TV can't order the room sir why the [ __ ] am I out here me the [ __ ] out of here they walk to a bodega right anything but yeah it's not it's just not conducive for like work for me in Miami when I go out there I wake I want a party I want to go to the pool I don't want to work not New York not New York i w work right everything is working out for you get this [ __ ] how how enjoyable was the Usher show the greatest the greatest that was in Vegas early it was the greatest but listen I wanted to catch him last year and I did not like just cuz I'm not a show goer I put it off procrastinating and then he he uh ran the shows to New Year's Eve MH and I was like New Year's Eve I'm there and I couldn't go CU of work so this time I said no I'm booking a flight me and my girl Vegas Austria it was fight we I wasn't thinking nothing about that fight he ducking everybody up everybody was out there for the fight n he came for Usher you [ __ ] right I was on daytime I'm I'm with my girl it's Usher it's dinner it's Pig like it ain't rapper time it ain't [ __ ] media time you [ __ ] go to that fight right set list was strong T joint dog two and a half hours wow so they can't beat him in a versus nobody can be ver but he's I left that show saying we don't give Usher the the respect that he deserves and I know that sounds silly cuz it's Usher Yeah but I bought uh can you get with it in '93 WoW 30 years yeah yeah now he was up there he did the city girl song he did this feature he did his song his timeline and I spoke about on my podcast like just seeing all the people there in supporter from La reads and mhm JDs and the just the people that were important in his run that [ __ ] was tear jerking for me it was powerful right how about the Joe Buton fans I know they still want you to get back on stage you ever thought about that give us some thought stage I'm not getting on stage even if I put it out M I'm not getting on stage there's still a demand though for you to perform right how would I know I mean social media the timeline people hitting you up in the DM how would I know if there's a demand I I don't ask him about it so you me to tell me the Joe Buton music fans aren't still interested in you perform like a mood music they don't really bother me too much really h no I think what I set out to do in standing firm in retirements so that they don't I think it finally I think they tiest turn yeah I don't think rappers ever retired but I think you're stared to convince me that they do listen I like how I can't say h no more because he don't put out too many albums his but I like how he does I like how he does it though I like how uh Andre does it like one verse a year to let y'all know I'm better than all y'all still like I like I like all that stuff I can't bring myself to do it yet though so do you think that the Joe but music fan is a Joe Buton podcast fan the two different fans what do you think is the difference uh well I don't know what the difference is between the two I think there's uh intersection where they cross but as a broadcaster my voice is more powerful than my than I it ever was as a rapper like you just reach more you speak to more I can say more without having to rhyme and stanza and the punchline and the metaphor the simile the story end the verse strong start the verse strong what my hook like this it's like a box it's a box that you have to stand and as a rapper my voice might not have been the most desirable for some people [ __ ] my hooks like whatever you didn't like about him you didn't like but in broadcasting uh his voice don't sound too bad he got got some opinions i' like to he it's just different you can do voiceovers they never book me really you know why why just like I said about New York radio these voice over [ __ ] are not let James earol Jones [ __ ] was the other [ __ ] the State Farm [ __ ] my man they not letting go of these gigs man wow I I go up the W me too my Lord hey this is the barbecue buffalo wings I never get to Gig they be souping me up too last year I thought I had one they be hey we got six SE at the Super Bowl they want to run into Buffalo Wild Wing I'm like where let's go try out your new Buffalo Wild Wings it's like if my voice come on in a Super Bowl they thought the complex list had a m they never hide me I never get the gig I never get the gig wow acting I took acting classes for real yeah years ago see that's why these [ __ ] can't [ __ ] with me I know what I'm doing because I tried to go do everything M I tried to go do it tried to act acting class I was Kill [ __ ] got a roll too got a roll but wasn't for me what was the role I don't [ __ ] know what the role was I didn't do you didn't do it you read for the part got the roll I read I auditioned I went to some fancy schmancy acting coach for months she loved she did amazing work with me by the time I I was finished with her I was that dude whoever the [ __ ] he was right so it was fly but that's not that ain't me at my core well you did kind of appear on a small screen on television you got mention ABB Elementary love AB Elementary right how did that feel when you heard about that oh top of the world top of the world top of the world organically right like I love when shows like like that and people I admire and [ __ ] with and create like that I love when the world's cross so it's like that was like a a head nod by them didn't have to be done but it was a salute from one black Creator to another black creator that was powerful for me has there ever been moments like that or and it's got the kids in me yeah it had the kids in it it was like hold up they got the kids in me the kids is in school they thought you was Joe Biden Joe bu that [ __ ] is sticking it is sticking out here you stay motivated baby listen man that's why you do it to wake up one day and see abbid Elementary give you a shout out wake up one day you wake up grab the phone and say what's going to be in store today camera on Abit on whatever it is what we doing right the intersection is dope um but how do you develop shows on YouTube like you have besides the Joe but and podcast you have humans I wait until I get enough money to do it oh it's really just the bottom line I got a million ideas in my head but really yeah but I'm funding all my own [ __ ] so let's slow down so how do you vet who goes on humans cuz you had like guy Story the storytelling story the fans killed me cuz I had like four white dudes in a row I'm like yo they got the best stories I've been talking to every rapper every black person for 20 years four white people and they start killing me but uh just story Rob O'Neal Navy 6 uh the man who killed Bin Laden like I want to hear from him uh Colin the guy that did U the [ __ ] climbed every mount mount every like that's an interesting story to me like I want to hear about that I just want to hear stories not not so much people but do you prep like like do you research journalist type stuff before got I even read a little bit of their books read a little bit of their book too they always got a book they always got he always got a book I read a little bit of the book do a little bit of research I throw a little Joe Pizzazz in there and then we off to the racist what do you think the keid is cuz you you've always said like with the yachty thing you was a novice and interviewing and it didn't go the way you wanted to go became this thing and then now like actually you made a lot of improvement what do you think is the key of how you become a better interviewer talking speaking to different people for sure and just watching yourself that yachty interview is cringe it's cringe to me because I just wouldn't shut the [ __ ] up like one of the best things about interview and or the best interviewers is they shut the [ __ ] up so that was that took conscious effort for me to learn how to shut the [ __ ] up most of those humans I'm not talking at all it's them talking yeah yeah but from that yachty interview you got these funny ass memes that always circulate online you know from your days at complex what do you think about that when you see like you know a gift of you being used to articulate a statement or something that you have done oh that's a loaded question for me be done on the fun side of that it's fun and entertaining and there's a value in being memeable right or meme worthy when I was at complex that was something they identified I learned a lot of complex they identified that early hey when the second he gets here we just going to meme him out all so they were really good start Vision they were they were really good at that us together magic but on the flip side of that when you think about the business of memes and The Business of our voices all of us I mean all of us not just us MH anybody putting their voice on Instagram it says original audio right there you record it it's yours and it's there someone is getting paid from this [ __ ] this is publishing that's true so memes are are memes are used to drive traffic and if traffic is being driven then there's money going somewhere and there's business to be done but when it comes to us we just enjoy the laugh the haha k a oh it does nothing nothing for me so I can't use no more Joe Buton use all of me gifts use all of me yo the Jets uh use the little piece they did the jet when they announced Aaron Rogers first clip they used yeah I get excited about you like that what clip did they use I didn't see it it was me from when Daniel Jones got drafted I think I think it was like oh they did a cool little content piece of everybody just going crazy oh that's dope that's cool they started withe jump off Joe at the top started listen Bleacher Report anytime something happens they use me and that Daniel Jones footage some more so it's was like awesome that's that's great but that you're you're in a partnership with me m and we don't have a partnership right so stop it but shout out to B I respect it I appreciate it it's go I don't want to sound like that right so with the launch of the Joe but Network how many years has it been now I don't [ __ ] know okay I never left SP like oh [ __ ] I got to do something I was going to say are you creating any more Partnerships bringing more people into the network slow down on that I I'm not I I don't know I don't know about that one people I don't like people people really grind my gear so not too much on Joe not too much yeah man people yeah it's a lot it's a lot I feel like that was a big part of [ __ ] imploding when it imploded just too many people now too many interests to look after too many agendas and motives and selfish I can't I can't I I can't worry about all that right and like 2015 you talk about that Chi was that the same time you decided to name the podcast the Joe Buton podcast why he always put his like journalistic voice on is that my journalist voice I just want to be clear you don't do that do you sound like that on MTV you this is my speaking voice yeah you what's up with this guy I just wouldn't be clear cuz a lot of times people say I sound like Tony Soprano or something you're cooler than you jinx you [ __ ] be cooler than this [ __ ] man but what's the question I forgot I I'm sorry I'm sorry I was going to say the name change for you named this podcast lady turned it to the Joe bu podcast and then Joe but Network like was that happening around the same time no no no no no no not at all uh I'll name this podcast later was 2015 okay uh I want to say shortly after that we changed the name was it Kan just to name it after you couldn't search my [ __ ] no we just wanted to change the name I thought the Joe Button podcast was the dumbest name for a podcast in the world and I really I'll name this podcast later as a title I'm on the creative side of things so when it when they was like yo do nobody can find this [ __ ] you got to change the name right I was like okay well let me think of something creative that is more findable I guess they was like how about the Joe Biden podcast that no no [ __ ] remember you talking to the guy that when it was time to sign my Def Jam contract in Death Jam I I didn't have a rapper name that's how I became Jo Buton M like oh it's a good name but my point is at some point I want to not be Joe Buton right I want to be my creative crazy wild self and they always make me go back to Joe Buton rage in the machine me and AAP M I tried to brand that group as as rageing the machine or some [ __ ] cuz there is [ __ ] but they was like nah there is there's a credit score that comes along with each of our names and Joe Buton for all of the bashing the internet has done when people typing in in the back yeah they like oh no I remember when was the Drone came out they had sent out a press Le saying we should call them the Drone like not Jay-Z Kanye and nobody nobody flew with that so just went back to J you know me like nobody that would hard just call him the Drone and as soon as they said that [ __ ] start throwing shot yeah if they would have thrown them them shots would have lasted a little longer cuz it's too easy to it's too easy to play with thrown we met your RA in the machine do you listen to your old music yeah still Yes okay yeah yeah yeah I do uh I do my amp show um Mondays and Thursday 5: to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Standard time but I try to always sneak in a Joe joint just to hear growth cuz I don't remember a lot of the verses I don't remember where I was at the time but when I listen it's true penmanship and it's like damn you was on some [ __ ] right like I I listen for for memory what is like your favorite era of Joe Buton music of Joe Button music all of them all of them because it wasn't that's ever about the music the music was just to kind of hold me along when I figure it out but my debut I remember me and my mom Times Square my whole family at virgin whatever the store that was in Times Square buying CDs like that was a moment for me the turbulence between uh my first album and trying to get a second album out I needed that I needed that I think it was called the growth right that supposed to be see and that's why I had as magazines came out yeah yeah well because def Jim they was trying to get it out at some point but dog single right yeah yeah exactly uh door gangster party was wasn't a Jay-Z sample in one of the songs I think stunt when La re came stunting but that's when but listen that's what I'm saying between album one and album two Leo and Kev and all the [ __ ] that have kind of curated New York for 40 50 years leave insert La Reed the man who's kind of curated r and be in Atlanta for and I'm a New York rapper New Jersey rapper on like no but I needed that information then from there it's like all right what do you do oh [ __ ] I want to do mixtapes Moon music all of them I love them near near and dear to me uh then I did a digital project only in ' 09 and everybody laughed at that but it was like I see where something is headed I'm trying to trying to see what's going on then I did a group all of these different phases I mean I needed them is what I'm trying to say right all of them right then from the group on E1 and the group to Shady then Loving Hip-Hop I throw that in there I needed all that too I needed the radio the battle with Hollow anything I did that was ever a little obscure I needed it yeah you were early on that Ustream tip too Ustream uh Blog TV uh there was another one it was another one they all defun now Periscope or something like that periscope peris I love Periscope yeah man look you know the vi I was there I was there yeah this is early those were those were fun days man but even embracing the YouTube like nobody artist was really doing that like a lot of that base you built that base off your YouTube audience right you had built I know you and Ian had strategized about building that up and you hadn't even seen his vision at first at all at all um but Ian chy Ian like yo man you got you got 100 50,000 people sitting here got 200,000 people sitting here it's a good base to start growing this [ __ ] I always tell a story of I coming to me I'm trying to I'm trying to get a house but not the right way I'm just trying to rent some stupid big ass house because it's not important but uh Ian was coming to me look man [ __ ] made $200 from YouTube this morning $200 I need like 50 Grand to get into this house and Ian's supposed to be getting it right but he coming to me super excited that we made $200 this month total on YouTube he show he printed it out he said Joe look buddy this video made you 25 cent I'm looking at him like yo dog I could smack I could smack this [ __ ] out of you right now if you keep telling me about this 25 Cent video he said it's 25 cent today buddy I love you he's right though he right but nobody wants to hear that [ __ ] it's 25 cent to day but in a few years like but sure enough I mean I mean how speak to a little bit more on Ian like the fact that you know you nly talked about how you had so many bad deals and did bad yeah he changed my entire life everything about my life uh and I'm saying that as somebody who actively searched for managers I let the audience know that certain positions are just tough to fill because they're so important uh and they require so much trust manager is one personal assistant is another business accountant like there's a few of them and I had a lot of bad experiences with management which is probably why my career looked the way that it looked cuz it was real late when Sherry told me I don't care how good you are as an artist you're only as good as your manager told you this Sherry told me this so just run around with me but this was in 2014 she said this like I'm at the end of the [ __ ] at the end of the road here now you want tell me this but and then I was trying to find a manager right who saw my vision for where I wanted to go in media and content and not so much music so think about that I'm approaching people saying hey I don't want to do what I'm known for and I don't want to do what I've only done my whole life like you're asking somebody to see a lot of vision and Ian did that he understood that I guess coming from his Howard Stern tree and uh and he nurtured that he nurtured that my first two years with end when did I come along I don't remember now it's been so long probably about 8 nine years my first two to three years with I wasn't the better what was in a GRE because he was like making me be responsible like he was putting me on an allowance and he was holding me accountable and he was he just did some different things and I was screaming on it I was IR raid and he had heard stories about Joe you going to work Joe right sure you want to work with Jo which I refute those stories out there by the way if you hear any of them but uh and then he's coming along and I'm only podcasting and there's no money in podcasting which could make this relationship strenuous cuz now I'm going to be on the phone anym like what the [ __ ] are you doing yo like and what am I doing if you doing this like the chips the Ducks fell where it was supposed to fall and and it couldn't have happened without Ian he he has been uh the force behind all of this [ __ ] I will go to war for him I will fight for him against any of these [ __ ] out here he's he's been he's been that impactful not just to me though not just to me Pap but they know that out there like the people that know that they know that so how long was it until you started seeing real money well what's real money well better than $200 um oh from YouTube yeah oh years okay like you was right you got to trust the process he was absolutely right it took Years cuz I think there is a misconception about podcasting is that everyone is just like swimming in money yes and that's podcaster fault you hit that on the [ __ ] head you know I just said this uh the other day podcasters are out there making it sound like uh uh bumping into a million dollars is Super Mario jumping to get a mushroom that's how easy they make it sound to bump into a million dollars and all them do it so and I understand why but it's not that easy it's not that easy right the people that are in these meetings and the people that you got to have these talks with and the board that got to approve this and no it ain't easy at all so that's our fault we all did that too much cap too much cap out here podcast cap yeah yeah it's too much cap when when Spotify G came with that deal we was high-fiving MH but we was high-fiving because in2 18 there weren't many places right that were offering that type of coin for your product and what they did along with some other people companies it kind of changed the mold and it it sent shock waves to the community say hey this is safe to to bet on like you can invest in this uh when the Spotify contract ran out I knew that I would be on my own but it was fine because I got the information like once I have the information we we all right now do you feel like Independence is the move because you look at yourself lad to a certain state of academics no jumper it feels like like the independent forces is now becoming as big or bigger than the established we're way bigger way bigger than the established enties way bigger in my humble opinion way bigger like when I open the podcast chart and see 15 podcast ahead of me they all are big budget television shows it's dat line it's it's a bunch of that so yeah no we here now they got to deal with it they have to deal with it I can't speak for everybody else because it's too much cap in the streets like we said for me Independence is always going to be the way until you find unless you find the right partner and blah blah blah blah blah like David poro and them they got they're able to get their investment money or hey you got 15 20 million so I can build my [ __ ] and come back to you in we I don't nobody did that for me so this has to go a little differently right and you said the [ __ ] cards [ __ ] up touring and that you turned down a seven figure touring situation it turned down I just didn't go I guess that is turning down didn't go but why not Joe uhing aboutour yeah yeah oh yeah you stopped doing the Pod touring you said you want to do it anymore why yeah we damn near killed ourselves last time we went on tour and did two pods a week like it's a lot of work and being a showman if you've ever been on the stage it's a lot of work yeah it's a lot of work so already in the middle of a rebuild I didn't think that touring was the F the best thing to do it was time to go back to the drawing board and build but I won't throw Ian under the bus but some people were ambitious some people were a little a little ambitious you did a down States and then you guess changed your mind yeah yeah but I was telling him to I was telling him I changed my mind as soon as that I like stop yo what are we what are we doing but it's seven figures seven figures so yeah yeah a lot of meanings but no cuz I feel like you the read I'm probably forgetting some others were like 85 south 85 South well with like pioneering as far as touring goes of bring the show on the road and it seemed like it was almost like another source of income for you guys well yeah yeah and and it can be that for people if uh develop right right but touring touring always has so much to do with how the economy is doing so and the economy for the last 5 years has been this and this and this then I'm to kill this m like it's done we need some fancy Jo buug mics this is a fancy this is my [ __ ] I you well yeah no no no touring no touring right now right like if I were to plan it I could see next summer okay I could see next summer and it just do like select cities blow it out stay there weekend two shows get the [ __ ] out was it what was that first time though you hit the stage like cuz you know you used to performing as an artist but realizing oh people are just here to hear me talk like I I have the same crowd I'll be honest with you I I wasn't uh it took convincing for me I didn't I didn't see it yeah I remember when we did when I did Crown a live interview thing with Tyler they wanted to put on a ticket this is a conversation it's not a point cuz they thought people would be like I got jib like he didn't perform he didn't do any songs I meet and greet so you know then it sold out and it was like oh people will pay to watch conversations like see and it takes you doing that right when when I used to go to the venues and sell out at the end of the night everybody that worked at the venue would be high-fiving me saying what a pleasure it is for y'all to come back and I had no idea that such a peaceful event could happen here with just somebody sitting on the couch and speaking m yeah I didn't play no no music there was no fights everyone out here is seated people are here on their dates like we had to show venues that there was a market for that we always got a show y we always got a show so we did it all right what do you think the future of it is going to be it's a luxury ticket now not for the brokies I've been saying that I've been saying that for years luxury ticket it's a luxury ticket now it's a luxury item it's a luxury item wow with with all of the festival and rolling loud and just everybody dumping the money into it again like podcasting they they made their bet so that now that they made their bet we own the venues we own the land we're going to move this thing around we'll get the permits we know the cops and it's tougher for you now to do your either a chitlin circuit run or to set up your own run with your venues and you get into smaller venue so you got raised the price on the ticket so now you charging somebody $100 $150 to go to S sobs right right and that's the show that I'll go to like I don't know when this is coming out I'm going to see uh jazy in sobs Puffs artist yeah like I I like to try to catch them at that level yeah so was it like seeing your co-host become I guess you could say stars in their own right I mean Melissa's kind of been established but see like ice and is and I love it I love it I'm I'm happy and proud of them but they don't speak to me too much about their experience new found they don't talk to me about it but uh they don't call you from the jewelry store yeah yeah yeah they won't even win a jewelry around me it's that type of [ __ ] but I'm real happy for them I always saw it in ice I've told him forever you should do a pod I actually told it's the same thing cuz he's just argumentative by Nature uh so to be able to do it with with them and with flip and with Melissa and with Ann and parks and just gang gang is important yeah Parks Parks yes parks on the boy real [ __ ] in the bo yeah my man best it's the best sounding best sound in the game best sound in the game I hate these pods with the audios is a little little funky out here dog I be having a rush I be trying to put on a pod and get in the shower and then the audio come on or ad come on I got to rush out the shower and wet slam the [ __ ] [ __ ] turn this [ __ ] Joe hates ads I don't hate ads don't put that out there okay okay my that's not true I hate I hate how it's done how it's done I just hate how it's done I yo I believe that we're all worth more all of us that's that's that's what I think and I act like that so no when McDonald's calls I'm not doing the $2,500 read you're McDonald's I'm not you're McDonald's and I'm me I'm no longer licensing my audience for cheap and to anybody no you got to pick up the phone and have a conversation with me for us to see where we going what's your business what are you trying to do what do you need who are you who are you and what are you trying to do don't come over here and pillage just pillaging pillaging so if you can find a way around there and still keep the audio experience the same great and then it weeds out the [ __ ] right for me it's like it's like having a high cover at the door of the club like I don't I'm not charging $5 at the club I'm not cuz now all y'all in here the chick you [ __ ] from high schools here [ __ ] hood [ __ ] dope boys no get that out of here weed it out so the people that call now they know they know what they're calling for and they know the cost it's amazing now these [ __ ] keep going from a million doll to150 hang up the phone hang up the phone right how'd you do that all right have a good day hope hope it gets back right but so you got the patreon it seems like you have the different level tear right everybody in patreon different level tears take your Journal voice off give me give me the give me the list maker voice the list maker give me the list maker voice your medialist Be Where Do We rank where we at out here I think the medialist hey I think uh and that's the other reason that you shouldn't have been beefing about the list cuz y'all took off y'all was chilling this year no well I saw you two Dre about you talking about the old Rap Radar the new rap radar like the new rap radar that's true no but they're different phases you have different L and be you [ __ ] I'm not doing this with y'all it's two different phases it's true yeah so yeah I wanted to know which one we were talking about when they talking about my show it's the same thing are you talking about that era old ER you talking about the new show same [ __ ] I guess we're in the new this is like our third iteration Elliot or fourth iteration so yeah we've been here for a while but you know meting I don't care about that man I I fake work for complex at this point so that's why they wouldn't put you on the list man but you're not in a 360 with comp I might be Speedy [ __ ] yeah me and Speedy but I think Joe definitely should have been on there you know as a broadcaster the that list was special to me because of how I exited no that's ins that is like you said a full circle moment that is an that is an insane great full circle moment that's insane and I appreciate them for highlighting me honoring me and being humble enough to do it and same with me right like for us to do that I love them it's great but other than that what's the list everybody that knows me know I don't give a [ __ ] about list place no I don't give a [ __ ] about list yeah so I was confused why everybody was so mad I'm not agreeing with the list all right but if you making a list out there and I'm Not Top 10 somewhere then you're not credible but is it do you think cuz I I'm the only quote unquote journalist in the top 10 right so what does that stay about the state of media is it a bad thing like you said they see can be kind of messy out here so what does it say for the overall state of things you what's your take on that people journalists feel like oh this is not this doesn't represent us well if this is what it looks like well that's why you and mainly only you for me is like really uh integral to this to just all of it like I tell people if say what you want about act but if something were to happen and he were to not be here hip hop would feel that loss y there's not another one of y'all that's going to cover this the way that he covers it like the same with you there aren't any more of the like I said sway but it's not it's not that we need y'all I don't want hip hop to be devoid of that I don't want like the real the real [ __ ] that do this to have to go to a real TV network and like that's corny to me that's corny to me but on the flip side thank God that that little window open for the psycho [ __ ] to come in yeah the wild y'all were the wild rappers too that's a bugs me out too it's like we wouldn't let you in the club Joe Buon Nori Gilly like these are the live wires these are the live wires keep going I am amazed every time I see F Joe I see Fed Wy Williams I seen him with the president I've seen him with he is a a brand darling right and I'm biging that up I'm bigging that up please don't Mison I'm biging that up of course but I bought flojo we seen him walk in the club that's what I'm saying look happy it's so it's so odd to me right can't like all the people that you name Nori Nori Nori kicked out the club Nori why do those types of personalities seem to make for good it's insane right when you had Nori on your show though Joe you said you love to see when people are failing why is that I hate this guy [ __ ] journalist baby journalism [ __ ] but without context this is what I was saying and I said it already here ear I was like the people that don't give a [ __ ] about it or won't invest in it or just are lazy they muddy the waters and the people that just want to check so when those two groups fail I throw confetti from the sky I'm not I'm not my jersey yeah yeah I start making the rain some [ __ ] because they shouldn't be here they shouldn't be here good move one less person in the way right that ruffled a lot of feathers out there it did you know dogs [ __ ] y'all [ __ ] oh my God how about that [ __ ] is these [ __ ] talking about not too much on there man not too much [ __ ] them [ __ ] I'm sick of it I'm sick of these [ __ ] I've been quiet for 10 years now list come out everybody want to say some [ __ ] Say It Ain't So Joe it's so though it's so it's so you said here there something that this if you said I think in January on Twitter you said something about well if you think I'm making changes on the Pod now what do you see what my real kind of grand scheme uh plan is I got plans coming they just cost yeah like [ __ ] you need backing you don't need backing like it he's open to discussion wel I'm I'm open to those please I'm not I'm open to those discussions but I'm not forcing them I'm not forcing them like we're fortunate enough to be able to finance some of these ideas and and execute them in a way that they bring back a return so right why' you stop interviewing rappers man you don't like us battling over rappers like back in the day who interviews who first y'all take it too serious they take it too serious if you want to know why I don't interview rappers it's cuz L Nori uh I won't say Gilly because I don't know but I know you and Nori y'all two [ __ ] Nory get mad if somebody get in no man well we did BS rest in peace H he was so mad we did l he was up he was B up so bad oh no he yeah he was mad when I did when Banks did me too there's a few [ __ ] like nor tell you mad that you wouldn't sat with them [ __ ] over so that's hilarious but no I still still I still interview the other day I'm just not going to make it like y'all will make it like the people will make it a big yall blow y'all highlight y'all a pedestal the people like you're supposed to it's not too many of them that I want to pedestal I don't really [ __ ] with all of them so well they always say radio is that you have to be the one who's so good you don't need guests right like you you sort of epitomize that too right you don't you want to be relying on getting get great guests you yourself have to be the entertaining force of of the program well that's a good way to look at it you want to be good enough that you don't need them for me it was always I was too scared to rely on anything like I didn't want to have to rely on guess I was never that well liked so I mean sit here and [ __ ] like Banks is really going to show up well bank is my man see but the people that the people that come and [ __ ] with me I have a relationship with them or somebody really really really close to them right other than that [ __ ] can't just some some [ __ ] do be trying to pop up you know I'm in town trying to yell what you do with the story yeah no like back I just happened to be walking around sideway Street what's going on Joe no no but but listen I like that there's so many places for rappers to go cuz I don't want to talk to them but I certainly want to hear from them and hear hear more about them right so I like it I guess it'll be a good an anr too cuz in some ways you're responsible for Don taliva success right I'm never going to say that but shout out to Don shout out to him he's killing his last album is is phenomenal man mhm wait what's the time with that I didn't know oh U when he came up he came up the complex he told us St on my P recently he uh he came up to complex with his man he came to New York let me not say complex from Houston with his man and they was going to sleep in the car and catch people in the early morning with their music so they caught they caught me they caught me in front of complex that's right at like 6:00 in the morning and it's it's footage of it and nothing came from it but hearing him say it lit the fire and let him know that he could do this and these people were accessible and they could reach he was he did all that so CH to Dawn I'm super I'm super happy for him we're trying to get him on the program y'all should be able to get Dawn on him well no his album came out now yeah yeah yeah that I just get him just about to I know you will but I was like wait D on tour right now yeah he's on tour oh yeah you done yall always y'all always get the the the big big one though yeah like y always think that's I feel like that because of that though I don't like the thing with the number eight for me I feel like people kind of don't know how to rank me or like they should be like I'm an outlier why why you looking at that why cuz that list is [ __ ] no I'm saying but even our podcast I feel like I get tired of people being like well the rapper you know rapper uh hip-hop podcast Buton Nori J they don't mention rap RAR they don't mention it the same way why do you think that is because I think they look at us as like a certain journalism or different standard and I'm the OG and be do and it's like we're not allowed to be kind of ranked with you guys because you guys are the ex players or whatever I don't know just think it's why do you think it is I think it's just because it's celebrity driven I look at you know you Nori Gilly you guys are celebrities what do you say about the hundreds of other successful podcasters that are not celebrities I'm talking about in our space like in hip-hop space I guess well I know I know yeah but I think in a hip-hop space like you guys have something in common like Elliot said ex players but at the end of the day I don't I really don't care personally I just I have my own I have my own I want to hear the your butt the am I allowed to give it here of course of course this is a place of love because because no let me find a different way to work you could be honest yo we love you whatever you got to say buddy B well y'all are bigger than Rap Radar okay that's what the problem is was personal us individually got you Elliot Wilson and B dot are bigger than Rap Radar so we got to rebr ourselves Ellie Wilson and be I just told y'all 20 minutes ago I just see the value in people and things I believe this I'm not saying that cuz y'all sitting here but nobody is going to put Rap Radar easy not too much on Rosenberg easy easy not too much on Rosenberg no comment but no one's going to put Rap Radar in the same breath as oh okay I hear what you're saying Joe Buon Gilly Nory and whoever else they name when they blad so do you think this so do you think this is the age of kind of self-branding in a sense like that that these are the brands the individuals are the brands more so than well well yeah I've been I've been thought that but not to say that you can't get by as an entity or with an entity but in this space the people that love us and y'all they don't love or they're not connecting to that part the same way yeah that's a clean way to say that got you yeah if this were Elliot and B do and y'all did the same amount of work that y'all already do you already to the hardest work in Men in Show Business thank you Joe and if y'all took that same work and just switch the name like I did yeah I think people would look at it different cuz they they put you here out of respect and on the strength of L the name the value that L carries MH but this ain't this ain't nothing else don't get me in trouble we love how much is this going to cost us this Consulting Jo man it ain't it ain't Consulting cuz y'all ain't going to do it y you in the 360 yeah but y but I think that even if even y'all should do it like concurrently yeah like well Ian zombie about not doing patreon yet he's in some knucklehead I'm I can won't give up I can't tell you how stupid you are you have one of you one of the one you did with you like I ain't saying who the person is I know I knew the one where you talking to me I know you know I know you knew and because you my man I thought to text you the night before and say I had to tap you a little bit little little little tap tap tap but then I was like oh wait I ain't saying no names maybe you know but as soon as I saidon I had to rip my f I was like that's me but yeah man nobody nobody in the comments thought he was talking about me I thought it was so obvious I thought it was so obvious I was like yo Joe's talking to me kind of huh is crazy yo why why the crazy what why do you keep saying I'm crazy like that because you too you too happy in life you you you married you married you got some money you the man she the man y you're comfortable you com you're in so so I know so you comfortable and you look like the [ __ ] that's get out I I just I might have to just do and new you see I'm getting hyped up all that old XXL [ __ ] so I think that's about to I might have to go back into I'm laughing at him posting that XXL [ __ ] because dog you are laying your own case as to why you stupid you should have all of that [ __ ] and then go and do your company man [ __ ] that you do but on the side how how will you not build yourself and you've been here from the start watching all of this [ __ ] happen it just it's just I don't get it I do not get it I don't get it I think we have kind of separated a little bit you know Ellie was doing crime I had to show on complex y'all not hearing me you still naming all these people Crown is Who The Elliots right okay we're not going to talk we're not going to talk boy B still a little shy though B do a little shy still so I'm not talking I'm saying to y'all to build y'all and you telling me about everything else I'm saying build y'all while you do a lot of [ __ ] crown title this complex MTV use them to Market y'all and then rout all of the money to y'all because y'all will get paid more easy not too much on Rosenberg easy easy easy I don't have no beef for nobody today including him see why got you happy you're happy now you're Happ yeah but look at all the turmoil I had to go through to get look at all I had to go through to get happy this is [ __ ] my [ __ ] was Turbo too the XXL [ __ ] was turbo that was that was a tough time a scary time yeah but that was a tough time in oh whatever no I got you we are in 2023 we got AI Drake tracks we we dog I I just heard Biggie and the weekend I'm hearing all types of [ __ ] out here we yeah that biggy ice spice record right now yeah talking about oh oh whatever no man we going we damn near in 2024 this [ __ ] is zooming by word zooming by rest in peace my man Bailey hit the lot for $300 million and die $300 million are you serious yeah wow bil in in Manhattan every day for 4050 years he went to the same store and played the same numbers right and then one morning he was running late for work so he went to a different store and he hopped out and played the same numbers at a different store and hit for 300 million dollar as a man in his late 60s and all he knows is Harlem and I'm here to take care of my mom and I'm not leaving and you get that that that you fixing that high and you get however many years you get from it but at some point all of this is going to end and that's the message I carry with it like I try to that [ __ ] I say at the end of the part is real life is a series of moments and moments pass let's make this last I I mean that [ __ ] cuz at the blink of the eye could all be all be done I check myself when all that cam CH meet me little locations like a dog you know I can't even say it cuz I can't say it but I can't do this with you all right I'm glad you did this with us man thank you Joe y'all on my I told be last time I saw him at uh y'all on my list when that anytime you need me I'm here yeah thank you for coming on my show too the complex guys didn't think you were going to show up but why didn't we confirm it they was like this guy's being nice like this is the first time you returned since the departure so it's like you going to get jok like I guess call him up and you showed up I think that was the precursor for the list I was going to say yeah hly cuz that was like a temp check they probably thought that you know maybe Joe's mad or but I'm appreciative to everybody who helped right like help is so hard to come by complex helped Spotify helped Elliot Elliot helped helped helped ell help like those people that Rosenberg helped Rosenberg both Frozen B's help but Pete was at the Usher show oh Pete was at the was at the ush show was he two stepping I didn't know he behind me shot me Tex I'm here like I'm not looking behind me looking I am here to see one man right but it was good to hear from him right but just look at that your med your media dude at Usher with it like I like to see and I love that I'm tied into the The Joe bu me Mogul r that I have my time yeah you're [ __ ] right that's why all these [ __ ] dis to me I was confused because so so many of them well maybe not the [ __ ] dis me contributed to me yeah like I feel like I'm a student of [ __ ] a Ebro and com bad E bro had to kick me under the table yo wake up there's a talk break coming get from under the table and get on them crack the mic I thought that the morning if the morning show started at 500 you can get there at 5 oh man I thought that too sometimes like I was a nut so thank you to e thank you to Tracy Elliot any it's too many it's too many name too many a name but the [ __ ] that didn't help oh what's up it's up too late Crea a monster I'm here now got to fight the work EIC man it's phenomenal thank you ellien thank you I appreciate that it inspires me too so thank you same to you Brothers there we go anytime you're kind and gracious just enough to have me back I like the I like the driver Dro me off the wrong spot clearly said East that [ __ ] just west I'm in brain I was going to text you but that was feel like be like a gra like in route or something I'm I'm so pun you Ian hit me and said I know you are said uh let me know how far you're out I said I'm one minute away like you know I'm pun this was at 11:58 I got out and just stood around I said says wet wet and outside is bad yeah rainy it's Joe but weather right now it's coming out heavy I love the rain I'm talk the traffic and the people oh yeah it's true it's it's nuts out it it took another 25 to get over here but I I like this n we made it yes we did thank you rap right on podcast yeah yeah e
Channel: Rap Radar
Views: 76,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: cKXZ1eNj8wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 4sec (4264 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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