Vince Staples Talks New Smart Baby, New Netflix Series, Justin Timberlake | Big Boy 30 Interview

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[Applause] there's no sugar coating to you oh I'm F to get married Bro watch watch I'm going to get married I'm going to have kids watch give me six months for the kid and marriage so you have somebody pregnant within month mons give me 12 months Big Boy Neighborhood beautiful day in the neighborhood ladies and gentlemen pleasure to have this man back in the neighborhood Vince Staples welcome back to the neighborhood bro what's up what's up how y'all feeling we been good man you been busy yeah man not not for the past couple weeks but yeah I just trying to take it down a little bit um we just put the show out a couple months ago on Netflix so yeah man yeah been been running around for that and then kind of got home and just been chilling hey man your Show on Netflix which I I love the title cuz you are cleverly HED there you know what I'm saying very hard to find a VIN Staples show starring Vin Staples yeah but it's crazy man because everybody always felt like there was a show in you every you know in the neighborhood we always felt you were very entertaining and we knew that there was a show coming and how did it feel not just making it but once you knew that it was made and it was time for the public to see it I know you just get grateful you know you kind relieved from all the hard work it was years in the making um you know you try to get people to to give you a chance to do it then once you get the chance it's the years that it takes to kind of develop it and then you have if it goes to the Slate or not so just to kind of pass a lot of those checkpoints you know you grateful to finally be able to get on platform so it it it was a very relieving thing was it harder than what you thought uh no it wasn't that hard at all cuz you know people say man you need to have a TV show oh man you need to so it was once you got in it wasn't like oh yeah this is I know it's a lot to it and there's a process to it as well but it wasn't more than what you thought thought it would be I mean the process is extensive but it wasn't to the point to where you know I got kind of just disheartened about it because everybody has a voice and the job for a reason when you get into those things and it's opportunity you know right so you can't get too caught up in yourself and what you planned on doing to think that you kind of bigger than the program so I didn't enter it with that kind of mind State I was looking at it as if you know it was a it was a slim n none chance for it to even happen right so after it happened everything was kind of just looking up you know how you you say man I know my life I know the city I know this I know that and then there are also powers that be and you got to understand well it is a TV show too you know what I'm saying did you have those not Road Blocks but did you come did those situations happen as well I think it was even kind of in the reverse okay like there were more more things I wanted to do that were um essentially heightened that weren't as um down to earth cuz it is entertainment and I think um perspective is everything right so when you creating something you had opportunity to kind of shift perspective and kind of lean heavy on the perspective or how you see things even though that might not be realistic like you have people that's not from California that'll tell us all the time like oh it's a beautiful place and people that grow up here might be like oh this is the hood this is together it's all perspective right so you know my perspective on the show I wanted to make it seem a little bit more like Whimsical a little bit more like um kind of ridiculous and um you know safe and pleasant right to kind of contrast the things that were happening in the show hey man we just saw people were talking about uh roadblock with Key West Florida the Florida Keys Road house and they were talking about how you know oh it's a bad look for us that's not just the way it is it's not fighting in bars and this and that is there a misconception that you wanted to make sure didn't happen when it came to Los Angeles or Long Beach yeah I I I just didn't want it to look um you know like colors you know like the kind of yeah man yeah the kind of hyper uh violent uh kind of Dart you know things happen as well as they do everywhere else in the world but I think just the depiction just in music and film kind of makes it look a little bit more um extracurricular than it actually is but being from here to Vince I didn't look and say oh that's not it like there were times when y'all were hitting the streets and I knew the streets you know what I'm saying I I I knew the swap me I knew the corner I I knew what the reference was and that's just from being here and you don't have to be from here to love the show as you've been seeing with with all the accolades that you've been getting did you grow up always watching TV cuz we know you're creative yeah I think I think TV TV and um kind of movies and stuff was it's it's just more entry level than a lot of other you know things that you can consume it's on TV TV free they playing movies on TV you know show on TV so just kind of spend a lot of time with my grandparents you know not having not having the most kind of coming up we watched a lot of TV cuz you can sit in the house in living room at Grandma house shut up and you know if you need something get some water and go back in the living room what did you watch uh with my grandparents when I was really really young I just remember watching it's not a sitcom stuff like mash Twilight Zone yeah oh so you were vast yeah yeah cuz my grandparents my parents are old so just you know you go to your grandma your grandpa they didn't have no remote they got the TV with you the remote yeah exactly so you watch a couple things here and there then as you get older you know I remember uh Reno 911 Chappelle Show oh yeah South Park things like that which kind of infer kind of your humor as you get a little bit older going to my pops house cuz he had cable he was doing it up look at all these channels yeah exactly so you know he can't come wait for him will come home cuz you know he was going to get some cable but you know then you watch Martin you know stuff like that Fresh Prince so I I I watch you know the regular stuff everybody else watch but I think early on watching a lot of that stuff from my grandparents kind of helped give me a unique perspective were you always creative uh n n no I never drew how did you and we probably talked about it but you didn't draw how did you fall into music cuz at first music got to be just a part of your life cuz music is our soundtrack yeah exactly I think um I was I I didn't make music I was like 14 15 I never even thought about it but I I had stopped going to school already so um at what age 14 you said you stopped going to school yeah damn I heard that yeah it wasn't it wasn't intentional it just Happ how it happened happen how happened you couldn't go to the campus n i was I I went to I think I went to six schools in a ninth grade I went to three you did the tour yeah I did the tour I did the world tour and I retired early you know do the injuries and um yeah do the injuries yeah and I just kind of the people around me was making music and I was just around it's just something that I tried one day like I never really had a big interest in it I think I found more of a love and interest for music after I started doing it right and um you know which I'm grateful for hey man if it wasn't music then what I mean people can sit up and say oh you know he he you know left school in the ninth grade what if it wasn't music what but if it wasn't warehouse job yeah jail something but you was going to make something happen yeah I mean I'm simple bro like I I never really wanted like I know it sound crazy I never really wanted much out of life which makes it hard to navigate certain things when you get there but I'm simple so um I ought to just try to make it work you know that kind of how yeah like I was I try to get jobs they W messing with me man I TR try with uh I try when I was young I tried Journeys at the lake W mall I did the application they one one mess with me I tried the van store I tried uh uh staff Pro Staff Mark whatever it's called whatever deu was working at ain't work so I was like whatever did you have have any other jobs before music I never had a job no never so music is your job well it's like when you 15 and you ain't going to school and you want a job they're going to be like what's this [ __ ] doing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz my first job didn't happen until uh I got on radio like my first real job but I wasn't you know I mean I knew how to eat yeah exactly you get what I'm say exactly so it's like you you you had those situations where you you know how to eat and I think a lot of the times you know you can be ignorant surroundings and I wasn't oneing people so I was like this ain't going to really check out like that so this this ain't no long term for me yeah exactly so you you start doing music you do you fall in love with music or just something that you're doing at the time uh I think that's a hard kind of question because I feel like I never really took time to um kind of process that right right emotion that moment like with music it just gave me something to do so I had to be hanging out cuz I know I saw something man and I almost did it right now you know and I saw something I don't know if you was with The Breakfast Club or something bro but it was like that when did you fall in love with hip-hop was that you who answered that yeah because it's like but hip-hop specifically is such a hard hard question cuz it's like I don't remember like no other music you know what I mean when did you and you know I asked that question when did you fall in love with hip-hop but yeah so you I think always there well I'm just at an age to where hip-hop is kind of more I just turned 30 not too long ago I'm at an age to where hip hop has always been super dominant and super successful so I never had that moment where it was the new thing or so even if you were around when hip hop came out in the ' 80s you were able to see it spread to the West Coast it was there it wasn't like you just woke up one day and I can ask you man when did you fall in love with your mom like D I love her she exctly but as far as music like I think I grew a stronger appreciation for music because it kind of helped me stay out the way and um yeah I haven't um I haven't really processed that fully but I I just know I always been grateful for it like I think that's why I've been able to um kind of stick through a lot of The Growing Pains of music and kind of the pain D Stage that a lot of people don't like that was my favorite part like I I liked when you could do yeah that [ __ ] was easy yeah you get to travel and I have to like headline you got 15 minutes you got to be the house that's cool like what I get to get up out the hood for a little bit and I got 15 minutes don't really have a trailer you just standing over there yeah hanging ain't nobody bothering you you get to watch everybody show like that it it was a um it was a new experience gift and a curse uh yeah I mean no right I don't think so I think it's the kind of person you are and like kind of how you car yourself you yeah cuz you don't run after it nah and I feel like it's a lot of people that don't right um and like you got people that's you know hyper famous that just car theirself a certain way and don't have certain um certain problems but I think you know if you feed the monster like you get what you get yeah man it is what it is that's on you like I never see and granted I don't go out a lot either but I never see you out oh no you never going to see yeah you know what I'm saying even in social media you w see something where somebody say oh yeah such and such and such and such and vent Staples and such and such like n well I mean it's all I I don't know these [ __ ] right it's not why would I be here with them yeah and it's like I think we need you all in the picture my man Arnold putting the picture together we need you all in the picture yeah like that's always made me I hate that I hate getting in the picture where you don't know nobody man he be making me get in the picture sometimes I be like supposed to yeah like BR you don't leave me alone but uh you know you might catch me like it's something um Regular you know like you know the people I grow up with it like some family stuff I do stuff like that you know it's just not of my interest yeah man and some people just like love being in the place to be and it don't seem like you like that well n it's just I never had those interest bro I wasn't like really on the party tip or nothing like that when I was young no not you yeah like it's not for me man find I find it difficult to believe well really I find it easy to believe what's the difference between Vince Staples on the show Vince Staples the show is there a difference between Vince and Vince uh yeah I think that um kind of the way the show was written kind of being more reactionary to the environment and like playing um playing playing the straight man and like whatever the I guess the punch line of the episode was supposed to be was a little bit um different I'm going home way before that oh yeah yeah five minutes in I see the M like theme park I see the mascot I'm going home once my mom start tripping to family Union I'm going home the bank robbery like I'm act like I don't know you oh yeah yeah yeah I'll talk to you when we get back you know what I loved about the show as well man is that it wasn't continuous I would just pop up and it was like just a new episode A Day in the Life of a what at that when I was younger man I think about show like Reno 911 and just stuff that was kind of sitcom but just like kind of like slapstick comedy more whims it was like when stuff is coming out once a week or whenever the release schedule was things felt a little bit fresher I think when streaming we try to make everybody watch everything you want so just kind of story line but I just wanted to do something different like you know For Better or For Worse I just didn't want to have man I went through five episodes quick as heck for as long as it took y'all and and talking with Kenya when it's coming and Corey and you when is it coming and then when it dropped I'm like five EPS which is cool because the demand for more yeah and just streaming it's like I'mma Be real bro they only giving people eight for so the fact that I was able to get five and not one or like you know a pilot and they test a pilot and go like you know it's all the Stepping Stones so hopefully we get more you know and if not you know it's plenty of opportunity out here just trying to keep pushing in the media is there anyone that came up to you that surprised you that said they watch the show uh yeah a lot of people aot a lot of people uh I'll tell you later it was a lot of people funny too is it celebrities yeah it was just weird it's like bro like thank you but that's weird really yeah like it was hella weird is there one you can share with us or you want to just do it all off fair cuz I respect it I got to tell you off Fair really though n Justin Timber That was cuz he cool I never seen I never seen him before but there a lot of [ __ ] I seen before right that was like calling like hey it's whoy [ __ ] hey man did he give people license to feel like they can walk up to you uh like regular people just anyone like Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake don't I don't think he know you right yeah if it wasn't a show then I without the show I don't think they would ever was like you know how you know you know certain people is it's like they probably uh need an entry point to have a conversation probably time and but for him I'm pretty sure he had no idea what was going on until he know he seen the show so that was just funny hey man I wonder was he what his perception of you are or the show was you know I wonder like when you say what I wonder what did he get out of the show yeah that was that was that was that was a funny one man and I didn't know what was real and what wasn't yeah that that was an important part of the show because it's like you know you think about growing up in these areas a lot of times you got um you know paranoia and you got a lot of times where you got these you know okay so boom you know Bo [ __ ] ass story like start lying you don't know you got to figure out what really happened with it hey man the episode where you were getting chased through I was I was running with you and when you know what I'm saying when you pulled up and my I was like oh man and it was a situation where I was like damn I wonder how close to reality some of that is or you know what I'm saying and not for you you know somebody else whatever baby but I was like that's how it really happens yeah I mean you know so a lot of things when you walked out I was like uhoh yeah a lot of things happen a lot of things happen to where we like you know nobody going to believe this you know I mean in our day-to-day lives and that was just kind of playing with that and kind of make a little bit more surreal than usual just have you watched it back like the entire five episodes like yeah I was I was watching it you know every day for four months like is it a difference can you watch it still cuz you know what it was and what it is and you know how sometimes even with music it's like you'll record something and then you'll say okay like now now they can have had it I've been next to her for so long were you next to her for so long but did you get a chance to see the final final like how we watched it oh yeah know I got able I was able to see the final luckily I had um a lot of people don't have but I was able to kind of approve everything and stuff like that so I saw him from there and I saw when it got on service and um you know I'm happy with how it turned out cuz it is it is hard to do it it's very difficult especially you know being a smaller show um you know he wasn't the smallest show but for what I was trying to get get across we needed to buy quadruple the money so I and you know everybody kept telling us you know you know this is this is out of the budget this is out of the budget but everybody fought you know hard and pushed to make the most of what we had and I'm real grateful for the staff and everybody that worked on the it came together well bro is it so-called what's not even more difficult but is it harder to do a television show or is it harder to do an album um or is it different I think I I think that I think a television show will be harder just cuz the moving Parts but I don't think is as heavy lifting as an album would be album you got to do a lot more than you got to do for a show mhm did you write on on the TV show as well yeah so with writing was it different between writing for Vince staple show and writing an album or or do you do you feel like your album man my albums are kind of well the show is easier cuz it just it don't got a rhyme right right so like that's one point yeah easier structure don't got a rhyme you don't need hooks so yeah yeah so okay when you break it down what's going down with Vince Staples music wise uh we got a tour lined up we actually playing two Fest we playing a lot of PLA and Chicago playing gazebo inis yeah it's Jack first Festival so shout out to my white son yeah you know go ahead now and then we got uh I don't know Jack Jack used to open Jack opened up for me on his 18th birthday he was booming like it was it was early he was where yall were yall in Louisville yeah was in Louisville okay so did you see him you know sometimes you don't even see the act yeah well I mean I be I just be trying to listen to all their music cuz I open up for a lot of people and you want to make sure that you know whoever you choose to open up they music is going to work with your fans they going digest it but he was he probably we was doing white man k j um uh ktic was like hey uh Jack want to talk to I Know Jack he opened up for me uh like a long time ago we did a show and he was like yeah he didn't think he was going to remember I was like how I'm forget it was his 18th birthday and he had all the white boys in the crowd damn but he was like he was he was he was the man how crazy is it now go back and do his first Festival I'm I'm just grateful he called me can you imagine you was a piece of [ __ ] to him yeah yeah yeah that's I I don't like when people treat people bad bro especially in music but with him to be honest like I knew he was going to go uh TI wag I know she was going to go they you see people performing you see like their comfort level and like they brought their own fans know it don't got to be a gang I'm cuz I was even playing the the best venues at the time but yeah Jack always been he always been good hey so music wise so we know you got the festivals what about the album or anything yeah I'm I'm I'm working I'm close I'm going to try to put something out I go to Europe in June so I'm going try to put something out we go there six weeks you stay you when you when you lock into music like the same way with Television right we were like oh we need to get Vince in and Cory was like oh we locked in to this right now you know what I'm saying with the television part events so when it comes to the music you get locked in even more so on the like I'm going to Europe I'm recording whatever it may be you you lock in well it's just I feel like with music um it's a lot more you got to do to have connectivity kind of to the fans so you have to make sure that you are I haven't been here probably like five six seven years so it's like you got to try to make sure that you go see these people that support you to keep the interest going cuz you can't just like you know if you forget about them they forget about youp especially now bro they real fickle now you hear that they gone the night bro but are the fans more intense in Europe I've never been so would oh no not at all not at all I think um I thought they I I feel like they love different over there yes yes like out here we a lot more intense I think um when you start doing International like I think they just processing the music a little bit differently processing us a little bit differently cuz they're now used to it but out here like it don't get no more intense than like some American crowd because I I man and the reason why I say I felt like they they look different music different and I feel like they feel it different like when we before we were doing a lot of festivals here there was always festivals in the UK or other parts of the world that you'll say like man I Remember The Far Side Gil Scott her and I was like we're performing with who you know and then these major lineups right and I just felt like it's always like cuz see here especially here oh man I see that N word at the house you know what I'm saying are we used to just seeing somebody some places they not even used to see you exactly you know so it's just I thought it was like a different kind of love that you it is and it's like you think about intense I'm thinking about like screaming and stuff like that when like you play in certain countries especially a lot of places in Asia like they clapping after songs and it's just like a weird kind of the way they show they preaching is different I feel like what you speaking about when we do a lot of the European um Festival runs like I think they just there for music you know what I mean so they checking everybody out like it's not really any empty stages it's not really anybody that's like unless it's something that they really want to see they'll genely sit and watch and kind of go through everybody's set so that's something I do appreciate about being out there because you'll find people that are looking for new music to listen to out here I feel like you'll have people that go to shows just to see the artist that they like which isn't a problem but it's just much different than there so we can see something music Wise by June yeah for sure easy call hey man there's something that you said that really uh tears me up still when you say something paraphrasing you don't give gifts you don't give people presents now I really second guess given somebody something because you do wait for them to open it up or you do wait for some kind of acknowledgement yeah and thank you for messing that up for me you're welcome man yeah man I feel like you know we just need New Perspectives you know what I mean if somebody want something I get you a gift just tell me what you want I ain't going to rapping and [ __ ] like you go like let's go up right you know you want it why am I going to rap it yeah I mean it's like I feel like the problem is like people getting me gifts cuz it's like what you going to get me like come on let's be honest right like especially like you know you know you know how somebody get you gift you know it's your money oh like you know what I'm saying it's like let's just let's just cut all this out right now like we don't even got to do this like we cool look at all these boxes are you in a relationship oh yeah man yeah yeah a friend of mine I heard that that happens with him yeah where be these beautiful gifts man it's like where did this come from you look at all this stuff you got me bro and you're not in a relationship now it seem like you'll be hard not hard to be in a relationship with but it seem like there's no sugar COA to you oh I'm F to get married Bro watch watch I'm going to get married I'm going to have kids watch give me six months for the kid and marriage so you have somebody pregnant within months give me 12 months and you going to have a baby I'm on the path bro yeah I know that on theth I'm getting there 12 watch to me 12 months going to be married going to have a kid I give me two years cuz then the kid got to I got to see how the kid look right before you present it yeah before like yeah I get what you saying I I got confused thought you talking about your homie I was like who I know your homie I was talking about me to tell you the truth man me and my wife look look give me two years right two years I'mma pop out with the B smart baby two languages you feel me in 2 years two years smart cuz I got to I got to teach a little dude with the languages and [ __ ] all right two years and you know two languages I don't know n all right but the baby cuz we want our kids to be better than us yeah I'm I'm pop I'm popping out Mary mhm baby two languages dark skinned baby mhm you know what I'm saying dark skinned baby uh nappy hair like yes sir what we need we need more of that you feel me this little not enough waves in our current community so give me two years you going to see what's cracking I I already got it BR I already got it that you going to have the baby and you going to translate the two languages that you don't know already yeah cuz the baby going to teach me so mine's not going to be perfect you get what I'm saying yeah yeah yeah but enough we like man he took the initiative to learn that look man look man I'm trying to write my wrongs you feel me I'm on a good I'm on a good track so once the baby know two languages you know you know what I mean Shi the [ __ ] out sent him to uh Portugal at what age early I'm talking about like 13 okay so you get shipped in to Portugal shipped to Portugal you know what I mean start being a diplomat we getting in the government like all this hip hop R&B this I'm so serious all this hip hop and R&B all this entertainment is over we getting in the government we getting in the world politics we getting in the insider trading we doing all the stuff that you're supposed to be doing all the things that really get you money you know what I mean City Planning City development we still in budgets like I'm really trying to I'm really trying to change the world hey man what do you feel about people on OIC I mean look get your money bro yeah this the thing I just found out what that was I live a very sheltered ghetto life right so I can't really tell you much about OIC but I can tell you who winning all the t-all games at Silverado Park and I can and I can tell you about the te roll team the te roll team Silverado Park got a cold 10y roll team right you know what I'm saying Cherry Park we always been the best so it's you know it's kind of uh you know what I mean and then the travel ball situation is weird right now with the with the little kid baseball it's a lot of daddy ball going on I think it's a lot of steroid abuse it's a lot of fake birth certificates I can't prove it but you little nigas big yeah same with basketball man my son plays travel basketball so you know we've been at games where we parked and one of the people he playing against parked next to us M yeah when they not even supposed to be driving walk pulled up noat Bel another one had a uh a child yeah my son was playing uh 14 U I can see 14 with the baby though m I can see 14 with the baby no this baby spoke two languages see why we got to step it up this baby spoke two languages man I was like what the hell yeah maded hair as you would say so on and so forth man so maybe you told that kid Story look man look if I see another kid that's doing my kid going to do we going to step her got to step it up do you vote this a election year do you pay attention to any of that n but I'm off my paper so I can I can vote now for real and you know get all my stuff together you feel me I'm fully expunged so I don't know who I'm going vote for but I might I might but you know you're going to do it I got to my granny did or at least knowing you can yeah you know what I mean I ain't going to jury dut today they going to have to catch me right they going have to catch no you got to do jury duty they going have to catch me no brother you got to do jury duty they got to catch me you know why why because you supposed to be judged by your peers right yeah but where they going to send me ain't no colors up there oh okay so I'mma naturally just be like life right you know what I'm saying like yeah man as soon as they walk out you like man give them life they be like wait hold on man this this a driving incident oh okay sorry about that so anybody give you you going do what they did to us bro they going to try to send me to Van bro that's where my jurry duty supposed to be at they I'm I'm washing [ __ ] bro I'm sorry I can't help it but van eyes you'll see a lot of you know black and brown in there not that you supposed to write them all I I no it ain't a lot of blacking no van eyes catching no Cas at the my cases were through van eyes well then you we talk about different cases you get what I'm saying I'm I'm trying to go to the big [ __ ] you know what I mean I'm talking about the hot ones and I a really trying to get in their politics that ain't my business but if I get if I get like a like a like a Bartholomew or I yeah I'm Wasing them I'm washing them AAL house I'm was it is what it is and if I get one of us if I get you know if I get it familiar I'm going just try to he they have to get him on the street because I just can't that's tell so I can't tell so you know already if that jury duty come you you you ignoring it h right look man hey man I lived a long life my friend do you get recognized even more so where you go now I don't know I ain't looking for it so you got to walk up to me and say something to me and that ain't people won't be doing stuff like that to me but probably but I don't I don't be having interactions with people man what's in your head I be in and out I mean what you mean like somebody look at you like what's up bro they like what's up and then sometimes you don't know where some people recognize you from they because uh yeah so I just be like what's up like you know you got to approach him with love but I don't really think I come across as like the most um approachable person yeah like so it ain't really happening like that but when it happen I be nice to people I take the pictures and all that but like it don't I can't really say more or less you don't have hip-hop friends yeah I got hella hip-hop friends I got like I got like seven okay eight probably probably 10 right that you cool with yeah but but you don't do all the clicking up and everything I mean as far as what like hip hopping yeah the clubs and stuff clubs yeah why would I go to a club yeah I don't drink that's true I don't drink I don't party I don't dance I don't listen to music so what you do at your show get paid right hey man so you did you ever drink no never you have you ever gotten drunk once or never drunk alcohol in my life never been to the club wait how I been to I went to the club once I went to the club once for the homie uh my DJ was DJing so F to get paid you want to do after parties on tour or nothing I'm cool I appreciate like the I I like the lane but it's just not for me got to know who you are my friend so somebody came and and said man we doing such and such tonight already we know you're not going to show up no I'mma saying I'm not going to go though I'm not I'm not going to be like oh yeah I beat it I'm going say no I'm cool yeah same dude I don't get invited places they know if you know me you know I'm going to invite me to your stuff you know it's my 30 year anniversary for radio so I already know whatever I do I'm not going to invite you is it gonna be during the day why Vin if it's F if it's five you got me okay yeah so if we doing like miniature golf for the 30 year anniversary or something okay I'm for show there but if it's a club night no I'm cool then you all right so I go to the brunch you know that right I want to I go to what's it called what's the [ __ ] called uh the went to the other day n no okay we go to the other day my lawyer got award at like some like music cares event [ __ ] I was there what time was it it was like 11:00 a.m. okay with no Afterparty no nothing at the Hollywood ball I was there yeah do you do red carpets nah I'm not I'm not winning a Wars so for me it's like like what's the point of doing that other than to be seen mhm like what's the reason what about when they give awards for people to show up if you get an award then that's like a consolation I'm not getting no Awards right so yeah because just being on this side too I know how some people's like oh I I'm showing up because they're giving me yeah I think I think that's fair but like like for somebody who clearly not getting no award I never even been nominated for nothing so like I'm showing up that's just it's weird to me personally it's like I get it some people like the experience but I'm I'm just not that kind of person you the no so definitely no American Music Awards none of that I never been to award I went to the BET Awards right just see I performed and I got a award okay so you had a a purpose and a reason yeah other than that you ain't wasting time even justang if I'm involved in something I'll go but I'm saying just to go to go and like be a part of it when you're not really a part of it I don't have like an interest for that hey man what about dressing up do you like dressing up yeah I got all I got all the shits I got the suits I got this the ties the shoes I was going to ask you cuz you know D DJ head right yeah DJ head would not backwards hat with the sweatsuit he would not obey a dress code to say not his life anyone's life yeah he too hip-hop right what does that mean he way too hip-hop he he 98 too he like Friday hip-hop hey man when you say you to Hip Hop Is there a look that you look at and say man yeah they doing not me personally but I know when head put his outfit on and look in the mirror he like this h it I know I know that's what and and then he say West Coast like under his breath yeah yeah yeah yeah he look at us like yeah West Coast I kill him with this yeah that's what he go say take it off put it back on take the hat off put it back on take it off put it back on make make sure it's directly back yeah yeah yeah he he a good dude man I had uh my uh birthday party and he showed up and on on the invite said you know dress to impress or whatever the words were and he came in uh black cap turn back words for this one I like that yeah he tried cuz he tried he he gave a little bit of thought he gave a little bit of thought and I thought he was wearing a sweater but it turned out to be a West Coast sweatshirt when he turned around and said West Coast see that's what I mean like he you got you got to go like a cable knit or something like that head come on my we'll talk to him after we get out of here he never going to do it we'll definitely talk to him when we get out of here man are you into basketball you watching any of this uh March Madness stuff I'm gonna be honest bro I ain't watched a sporting event in probably like five years damn no boxing no nothing Super Bowl nothing you didn't watch usher in the Super Bowl no you're like why I wasn't there n i i just be be working bro like if I'm not working on it I don't pay attention to it like unless like I listen to my friends albums and like I watch a lot of stuff that come out just for work um but other than that bro I'm not I'm not digesting what does a day look like for you depend the other day I had to cut down a tree cuz we had a it was a storm and then they like kind of sna the branch off the tree I got a oak tree and I don't want that to fall in nobody house so I got the ladder M then I got the Rope so I had the branch did it yourself yeah SOLO a joy in that ah I just had to cut the treat out it was like right it just take a long time yeah it just take a long time why not call out of service I mean you can call out a service you know spend what 1,500 the best chainsaw you can buy cost like 200 do you do door Dash to the house nah n nah I used to but it's like it's too crazy I'm not waiting 45 minutes and paying extra $20 for you to come and bring it to me and give it to me cold yeah I'm cold hell yeah it just feel lazy like the older I get it feel lazy do you cook at the house yeah for sure if we were to come to the crib what's the what's the meal for one I know we not going to come yeah I'm not cooking yeah right I'm not cooking y' can get some pizza do you invite people to the house yeah my family well I don't invite them they be there though right yeah they be there are you the one that made it in my family yeah oh yeah for sure are more people proud of you than you proud of yourself uh we don't talk about that to be honest it's never been a conversation I'm pretty sure my family proud of me and I'm pretty sure I'm proud of myself but like we don't I we don't really never man what was the time when Vince was in the neighborhood and I asked him about something yeah when you was like saying uh don't oh yeah you'll tell somebody if you look do I look fat in this like yeah yeah I see that every day man you set me up n we just look fat right now you know what I'm saying but the reason why I brought that up when you like yeah I'm I'm proud of you and when you said the expression doesn't change it does not change yeah I mean [ __ ] man it is what it is bro you know got to stay levelheaded everybody got the same life bro ain't nobody special like that that's that's just my point of view you know are you do you have uh nephews or niece are you an uncle yeah are you the cool Uncle I got all n no no not at all I'll be tripping I keep him Square bro you got to keep him Square all that cool [ __ ] out yeah I want to be your friend right I mean you a child know I mean we don't we we not kicking it I'm your uncle I go to a game or something like if you good don't be embarrassing us yeah n my my nephew good though my nephew good and uh my niece she in the pen right now so a free My [ __ ] man my but my nephew my nephew good you know so your niece in in the pen it's a long story we talk about it l but how young is she she ain't that young really she gr Thug Life man living it up you know what I mean I know she don't want me to tell nobody that you know but shout out my [ __ ] man we respect that yeah man fight hard with hip-hop right now man we seeing the So-Cal you probably not even paying attention to this big three and uh Kendrick I seen that and um and jcole yeah is that is that good for hip-hop that competition or you haven't even really looked at it look man you know whatever float they both my brother I ain't you know I ain't changed my life to fight with people over who's you know stupid [ __ ] right that's that's dumb to me hey man do you know how to stay in and out of everything just enough yeah I ain't never had had no rap issues with nobody mhm I don't get how that happened I I probably ain't reached a level of success to had that kind of kind of issues but n I'm not do you like where you are though super serving your audience doing what you want to do as opposed to the things you feel like you have to do uh yeah I mean we all do things we feel like we have to do but you know um life changes you know for the better or for the worse you got to do whatever you can do to kind of accommodate those changes and kind of keep your peace in mind and your integrity and your Humanity or whatever else you want in the world you know and I think that that's just kind of where I'm going sit regardless of whatever level I get to Anie right here that work with us man yeah an's never had a boyfriend oh right yeah but she doesn't know like when you tell somebody I'm not going that's killing it on the vine and that way you'll say okay like somebody hit me up and they said hey can we give you a T-shirt and it wasn't disrespectful I just said you know what I'm not going to wear it the same with I don't wear hats so when somebody say oh we want to give you a hat I'm like man you know can you hand it to somebody else because really I don't wear hats I'm not I'm not going to wear it you kill it on the vine she don't know how to tell somebody you know oh can we go out she give him the number like oh yeah you know maybe maybe and then she knows she don't want to go out with the person another time yeah maybe another time do you try to kill things on the vine without beating around the bush like professionally like with music stuff both professionally I don't he you got to talk to him I don't talk to people I know [ __ ] unless I know you in real life and then you know I'm not going to do it so you're not going to ask me right right um in real life I mean yeah you know it depends on what it is I'mma say I don't want to but I still do it I do that a lot like hey bro can you help me I'm I don't feel like it but yeah yeah but you know what that that's totally not totally different but you're the go-to guy and that's different heart kind of stuff too though yeah I mean cuz I try to say no yeah like I'm I'm not I'm not going to lie like oh man I'm so sorry that you know you lost your Cadillac converter like I'm not going that's not where my head going to be at but like I'mma help you if I can if I get F if I ain't with it right now I ain't with it right now do you change your number a lot not no more I used to though I used to change my number like every every month every other month really though do you get tired of people uhhuh mhm well now nowadays not really I don't really I kind of set my life up to where I don't have to worry about that but um yeah man hey man when the show comes and when the album comes and you know you're going to do interviews do you ever feel like ah [ __ ] I gota go do these interviews no not in a bad way but you got to mentally prepare for it because it is a lot um like kind of time after time and you want to try to make sure that you have a different I guess approach or different kind of answer style for you know the person's kind of interview style but you know what's important like um everybody going to be mad when don't nobody want to talk to him no more I guess right so um you don't I don't think you um I don't think it's a negative thing but I think it's more so like you got to mentally prepare yourself to kind of play the the game of doing you know five things at once in one day you know what I mean um making sure they all nuance and different especially cuz you know that people are going to digest it so I think that's really the hardest part is preparing mentally to do the different things in once are y'all talking with Netflix to do more we we yeah we have means we trying to figure out um I hope so works out just just as a viewer and as as as someone that enjoyed the show yeah I appreciate like it it went through fast for me bro and I found myself wanting wanting more which is a good thing when it comes to somebody that you see that's in a creative area thank you man we we working on it man you know it's the first time ever doing any of that stuff so it can only you know get better from here will you do more acting yeah hopefully I've I've done I've done some small stuff I'm trying to get more into it you know it just take time so you got to really apply yourself in like audition i' I've been auditioning probably for the past five years oh really though I just ain't really got nothing there was a great response that you got when you showed up on Al Abbott Elementary were you surprised that people loved seeing you there or how was your experience uh I wasn't really surprised because um Quin just honestly threw me a layup and she was like Hey I want you to do this I made this for you to do it no audition yeah so it it was um I knew I knew I didn't really know much about the character before I got there besides what she told me obviously but she kind of made sure that it was going to be easy um for me to be honest is there anything that you audition for that we've seen now uh yeah I mean audition for snowfall oh shoot wait did we audition for snowfall yeah audition for snowfall um audition for uh I forgot what it was was like one main characters for snowfall or just like it was different back then I I I had got like a call back or like a pilot testing or something like that we was on tour so I couldn't do it but then after that everything switched around you know so it was it was something small I don't think it was something too was it was a larger character um it's another it was like the Steve Carell workplace comedy I had like a small role for that I audition for I audition for a lot of stuff I just honestly can't remember all of it cuz it be working titles and all this other stuff that's crazy man because you would think that in the breakdowns people would say event Staples type like you would have to audition but sometimes that don't mean you know you might not be able to execute and that's what I do appreciate about um film and television for the most part is that you going to have to really be able to execute it and I done some stuff we did some pilots and stuff that didn't come out we did good at and um I I just I like those experiences though because you kind of learn by being on set and then it helps you like doing my show having to watch auditions now I get why I didn't get none of those audition right hey man I remember I didn't get a part and the breakdown said big boy type and I was like dude I'm big boy man I'm here they like yeah yeah well hey you don't got this way I was like damn it says big boy type right here yeah and I couldn't even play the part of Big Boy you know not that it was my life story but yeah it was it said big boy type and I I didn't book it but that's all right look my brother yeah talk to me sometimes it's not fair yeah the world ain't Fair bro and we be and sometime we can [ __ ] it up like that's that's what I think we talk about sometime we do it we be like oh yeah that wasn't oh yeah I know when I'm not hitting yeah exactly yeah but the [ __ ] said big boy type he like give me benefit of the doubt yeah you know at least give me a call back well that's why they put that type in then just leaveing that big boy to get give me a call back and at least say we went in a different direction you know what I'm saying but it's it's all bad yeah you know you ain't get it when they say was stay in touch oh yeah over it or we get back to you over it or when it go or the fake the fake laugh when you audition yeah thank thank you for your time okay thank you again yeah is it different now when you say you sat down and you had to watch auditions for for your show is it different do you know how to separate yourself like damn this person wanted to book this but it ain't happening yeah I mean cuz it's like it's not really you you looking for like subtle stuff you're not really looking for the lines you're not looking for for like situation you're looking for like subtleties and character move because you got to think when you audition in somebody at that point you kind of got your Bible you kind of know your tone so you're looking for mannerisms and small things that are going to pick up and translate on camera and the people auditioning don't necessarily know your shot list or much unless they got some insight they don't know what's going on even if they do have some insight it's minimal so you know you when you put wat Tomy Quan on were you looking for a wat Tommy Quan Type or you knew you were getting wat Tommy Quan uh I just I ask him to do it after the of it did people say man why you didn't put me in there uh no I mean people were saying the whole time like can I oh let me get it let me get in it and um I could I could do it to a certain extent but even like I said I everybody I said I wanted still had an audition right it's crazy how the homies want to show up too though yeah you know like I like even now I got some guests that's sitting out there you know radio they want to show up if I was like moving like for a moving service nobody be like man what time you getting up man I really want to get on that truck with you and move them couches man like well I I feel like it's just the glamour that's associated with it and it seems fun you know I feel like a lot of people you know life is hard and has his perils and things like that so people just want to have fun have some sort of release and I think the things that we do kind of make them feel like we having fun on time yeah man and they just want a piece of that then they don't really know you know the ins and outs of it I get people that think that we come in and we got the rest of our day like 10 11 like man y'all just go in there or get people that think I'm always like big boy so I really get people vinced that'll say man are you okay like you you quiet or they don't know that you know as yeah or as crazy as things may sound that you know I represent a company I got my own company I got this that you know I got people that work with me and for me and under me and and people don't see those things they just hear phone taps and Luther L you know what I'm saying which I'll take I ain't tripping off of them but yeah it's definitely a method to to the Mayhem yeah I mean look it's a reason that you know C people got the job and certain people don't you got to understand those nuances and those details and H yeah you know do the best you can with them Vince I know that there were a lot of these like Easter eggs in your show with Quinn Tarantino was that purposely done by you like are you a big I forgive me if not knowing but are you a big Quinn Tarantino fan yeah I mean I like everything um especially when it come to like TV and movies and stuff like that like it's all good experiences but yeah we got a lot of references all through the show that was definitely um my doing okay can you name your top favorite Quinn Tarantino film oh that's going to be hard uh [Music] uh P fiction fic I'm B no kill B that's it's it's for sure Kill Bill it's not even close nice I wish it was pop fiction but it's just not right Kill Bill why don't you just say everybody else is fake yeah yeah you know what I'm saying I like pop fiction a lot but it ain't messing with Kill Bill did yeah did you know Pope fiction when Pope fiction was Pope fiction or did you find it later my parents was old bro so we found it earlier okay yeah and you know my pops used to be getting high so all the stuff you can get high to we had in the house we had P fiction we had uh Stand By Me we had uh lean on me anything with me in it we at The Inkwell what was the other one with Jim Carrey uh which one me and Irene or something Sleepless in Seattle yeah my pops is turning on the white folks movies getting Zed hey man do you watch a lot of movies still uh yeah I watch them more now than I did then to be honest is it easier to watch movies now because a lot doesn't goto theaters yeah you can stream now for sure yeah for sure you can stumble upon something that you probably would have never saw but what was the last one that you had a chance to check out have you seen that Roadhouse movie yet no I haven't seen that do you watch any of them like either documentaries or anything on A&E do you watch First 48 and all that I used to watch First 48 all the time that was my thing was scar straight yeah yeah let's see see some First 48 there's there's one now called uh guilty or innocent you got to watch that one man it's like a case where say forance you do something and you call a case and it's the whole thing the whole show is them talking to you what happened with the case on on and so forth and then at the end we see if you go home or if you go to jail that's fire yeah that's messed up but that's fire do you watch 60 days in I ain't seen you see you putting me on game right now 60 days in that's where like you say oh man you know what I'm going to go under cover in jail for 60 days and you go into a program called 60 days in these is cops or these are like regular people these are just regular people that think they can go and do 60 days man oh yeah and you can tap out when you want you'll see some dudes be like yeah you know this what I do I eat this time for breakfast and then and then they give you a signal before you go in it's like you know if you're distressed or you need us you know you just go or you say man I got a headache I got a headache and you see these dudes like yeah man this what I do this what I do then you see the [ __ ] go I got a headache that's when you tap off yeah and and they never been to jail before yeah some have some have like some have like there's one dude on there locked up for like 20 years but other people and especially now people just see the show and think they just want to try it yeah one dude one night almost got his ass taken that [ __ ] was giving a signal like hey look man yeah and they don't run in and get you yeah ain't nothing to play with better say stay at home man like yeah why would you want to go turn yourself in world for doing some time you don't have to do yeah we got this infatuation with like this bravado everybody want to be tough are you on social media a lot not only for work yeah and even with social media man we create these things now where I'm just like man are you serious what used to be done in the dark is now in the light I'm 12 I know what you talking about I'm 12 all that that's not in that's not none of that [ __ ] I'm cool on all that but you know God bless y'all you know when the police come yeah exactly y'all going to know why yeah man and and and and they got it all when you and they have it on the monitors and you carrying your guns and doing I'm like man it's goofy bro oh yeah they got they going to put your picture on the wall trust me hey man you know we going to come back and play some Family Feud with you yeah you already know yeah do you watch Family Feud yeah every day bro I don't give a damn what order Family Feud is in because it used to be where somebody would win and then the next episode yeah like now would be in syndication Game Show Network it's it's one and done so you wanted to host that or you felt like you could I look man I like a job yeah you know I had a couple jobs in my little ten in in in this music thing I love a little I love a little check every week every other week but I could for sure do that you know you need something to do when you older you can't just be the you know the old young dude I throw the suit on I for sure I throw the suit on hey man what did you do for your 30th nothing I don't think I did nothing yeah I was chilling no dirty 30 Party N I'm cool cake nah I don't really cake like that I was just chilling no celebration for yourself n man no special day I do enough yeah I do enough people didn't even know like the day after people didn't even know your birthday was yesterday people probably talked to you that day and didn't know I mean everybody hit me with the happy birthday what you doing I'm chilling all right for sure regular they if you know me you know well enough I ain't doing all that extra stuff they quit you know what I mean he used to try he quit Cory yeah I'm thankful he quit and what did he try like man let's just do something parties and [ __ ] like what are we doing you get a bag to walk through nah N I ain't never done a walk through yeah ever I'll never do that [ __ ] you see me at CVS for you see me doing a walk through it just not my personality like I'm not going to walk through no Club bro yeah we definitely see you at CVS we know from that long ass receipt when it's hanging out your car you know what I'm saying I'm like man what the hell I guess I'll give me some uh some eye ointment or something like that on my next visit so we going to come back man we going to uh do some Family Feud with you and you good as a player too I'm cold bro all right big boys neighborhood vce Staples up in here Family Feud we're going to play some fast money fast money round I'm going to put 20 seconds on the clock and you say this is what you do all righty I got you here we go Vin Staples name a popular color of a car all righty name a you might find in a smoothie strawberry name something you do when you wake up in the morning brush your teeth name a popular pizza topping proni name a sport played Without a ball hockey hockey all righty now name a popular color for a car he said red and the top answer wasn't red right but it was the second most popular and that was 27 all right I'm going for number one all right number one was black all righty now [ __ ] name of fruit you might find in a smoothie he says strawberry strawberry Strawberry wasw number one answer go ahead where's my dings at up here man come on D all righty now name something you do when you wake up in the morning he said he said brush teth brush your teeth that was the top answer baby go ahead now all righty now name a popular pizza topping Vince said pepperoni and that was the top answer go ahead with your bad name was play without a ball he said hockey and that was the top answer go ahead now did you go online and find these like I just want you to know I really do this every day of my life me and I was going to change it to black but then I was like I'm not going to do that I'm going to stay solid oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you talking about from our rehearsal rehearsal when we had technical difficulties and I read you the first one yeah it made me think it made me think and I was like n they ain't creative like that and you stayed with it you stayed with it all right name a type of weather uh Sunny name a reason people might dance party name a famous Disney character Mickey name something people do on vacation uh relax name a fast food restaurant McDonald's all righty now see that ain't fair you ain't even let me know you yeah yeah that's exactly why I did it man I can't have you walking out of here thinking you did very well you know what I'm saying like man you're not going to make yourself feel good and make me feel bad I'm the host all righty I don't even need no Tes on that he did like [ __ ] Vince Staples in the neighborhood Big Boy [Music] Neighborhood
Channel: BigBoyTV
Views: 125,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BigBoyTV, Big Boy TV, Hip Hop, Big Boys Neighborhood, Interview, Full Interview, Radio Big Boy, Big Boy DJ, Real 92.3, Real 923, Big Boy Radio, Big Boy YouTube, vince staples, netflix, vince stples show, long beach, Vince staples show, Vince Staples Netflix, Vince Staples music, Vince Staples comedy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 45sec (3405 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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