Joe Barboza - A 1970 Interview With 'The Animal'

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so far we have heard Barbosa talk about his life as a hired killer tonight the focus is on Lone sharking one of the mob's main sources of income in Barbosa's time and now here's Ron gban Matt no one knew lone sharking better than Joseph Barbosa or Baron as he was also called this 1970 interview with him provides a look into the world of Lone sharking Through The Eyes of someone who lived it [Music] [Music] Joseph Barbosa's Corner in East Boston was a magnet for desperate people who needed money fast and couldn't get it elsewhere interest or vigorish was high and the collection methods were low but Barbosa claimed he always warned the customers first we made the deal I tell every person don't take this money if you can't pay it every week I prefer you not take this money because it can lead you into trouble if a customer did take the money and couldn't pay it back there was trouble this is was this is was almost typical if a guy was 7 weeks late say in the area of 6 six or seven weeks and he was hiding and I found him I said I threatened him and he and I told him that he better come down a corner and straighten his out now the fellow would continue hiding cuz he didn't have the money and I could not I could not like uh uh accept I could not let myself accept that uh uh he was in trouble so that uh I stabbed guys after 14 weeks that still continue to hide you know I stabbed them in the face I stabbed them in the legs I stabbed them in the arms I stabbed them in the chest you understand Barbosa and other lone sharks justify this kind of treatment on the basis of the deal and surprisingly they say even the recipients of the violence agreed see most of these people the ones that I heard knew that I was right maybe I was wrong in the way that I did it you know as far as the excess violence that I did it but still they said that they deserved it they didn't relish it but they knew as far as the deal itself they were wrong the money made on loone sharking is enormous for example Joe Barbosa had just one corner and one section of East Boston it grew up to $5,500 a week interest how much money did you have out to get 5,500 a week well I was a little lucky I I only had about 65,000 I had one man that uh I gave $ 21,000 to and he used to give me $1800 a week Von there are some freelance Loan Sharks but very few successful ones the successful sharks are soon paid a visit and are usually made an offer they can't refuse you start off with $1,000 he nothing right once you start making uh some good money that's when they step in on you and say listen be able to write to shlock shlock belongs to you to the office and you've been doing sh for a long long time excuse me Jo what do you mean by the office the office way go on they wait till you make some money and they say all right we your partners we want 50% of your business any trouble that you have we'll take care you don't have to hit nobody you don't have to do this they didn't do that what do you mean hit I mean anybody you know what what they use what they use if they hit you uh you know slap you stab you hit you with a some kind of an implement or I'm going to tell you something if anybody died from shlock it' be a $90 customer it won't be a $5,000 custom because that doesn't get you your money back tomorrow Barbosa will Define the structure of New England organized crime and name the leaders the same people the government claims still rule the underworld Barbosa will also tell why he decided to become an Informer a decision that ultimately cost him his life that life which ended what about seven years in charge in Barbosa's time are for the most part still in charge [Music] [Music] today and this this 1970 interview Joseph Barbosa defined the structure of the New England mob Barbosa's position as a contract killer required direct contact with the man said to be the boss of the New England crime syndicate Raymond patriarcha now imagine like Raymond sits in Rhode Island this asay is Rhode Island and this is sp that's the middle of a wheel and all these folks run out lines of them into into wsta into Springfield into Boston all these different uh cities and subbian towns now when that the lons go there he has an office there the main office in each town or city now in that main office there might be 25 uh in a 25 Tred clubs or bars more than that in in that City that all turn back to that main office now the main office sends somebody back towards Raymond and at a certain point not directly to Raymond but who somebody Raymond trust is justs outside Rhode Island picks up that money and and brings it to Raymond and you all these people you know you understand what is developing from this main artery that thousands of thousands of people that he controls in the way of bookmakers and so forth and the runners and so forth and pickup men and uh gambling is you know re you know they're not wrong in regards to the the five cent or three cent number understand that you know when it deals in volume it brings it back millions and millions and billions of dollars a year the indictments last week against Boston's alleged Mafia leaders confirmed that such structure still exists as described by Barbosa and that Raymond patriarch of Providence Rhode Island is the boss of that Syndicate Barosa describ the simp Le way that members of The Syndicate are identified to each other Joe Joe this is Jim uh Jim is our friend uh Jim Joe is our friend understand or they'll say uh they never if if it's somebody that's not connected they never say our friend I want you to meet so and so it was some of these same so-called friends who double crossed Barbosa and caused him to turn Informer and to go on to become the most important witness against the mob ever here he reads from an undelivered letter to patriarcha citing his reasons for doing so they killed Tash and Tommy the prisco in the night life they took off their person's money toing over $70,000 which belonged to me in regards to the bail killed Chico on December 7th 1966 Raymond sent word to me that if I go to his office and straighten it out then nothing would happen to my wife and child they did plot and try to kill my wife and child the office tried to kill my brother they tried to kill my wife's Cousin Sid they turned Journey IR against me and he was open in letters I was sneaking out through him and letting them breath them the office spread the rumor that they were mad at me for shaking certain people and nightclubs down even though I never moved on any club or person until the office gave me the okay I the only answer to Raymond in his Emissary at first it used to reach me the fing of canary B it doesn't reach me anymore because I have a purpose in life I have only one purpose and that is uh the best way I can put it is uh to get a little piece of mind that peace of mind lasted about 5 years the mob had the last word on February 11th 1976 Barosa was Gunn down in the Streets of San Francisco last week two reputed gangsters in Boston janaro and jul and arario zanino were arrested and charge with plotting Barbosa's murder and that of two of his friends all right Ron coming up tonight Roberto Durant
Channel: The National Crime Syndicate
Views: 651,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joseph Barboza, The Animal, Raymond Patriarca, New England
Id: 1aRPPqX9vVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 10 2015
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