Joanne Dennehy: The Making of a Serial Killer | Real Crime

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beautiful eyes really blue yeah and I remember her eyes being really really blue when we were at school sort of mesmerizing how did this bright girl from a good home become one of Britain's most notorious and coldblooded serial killers over 2 weeks in 2013 Joan Dene went on a killing spree murdering Three Men and attempting to kill two others she stabbed him 20 times 30 times with exclusive access to police evidence I will examine her Brazen Behavior minutes after she was arrested this is just moments after she has tried to kill two innocent men murder murder going down from Sun Road to find out the truth about her past I will talk to her old friends who have never spoken before she'd be like oh you'd be better off dead you know I can help you if you want and you should just kill yourself including those who were closest of all to her I slept with that woman in the same bed I lived in the same house as her I've had two children with her I want to find out what made Joan Dene Target men to manipulate and murder it was like she was a drug it was like they couldn't say no to her I think she did have a magnetic pole I can see why men might feel drawn to [Music] her she is one of only three British women ever to be sentenced to spend the rest of her life behind bars but she has a unique status even among them she is the most dangerous woman in the British prison [Music] system one of Britain's biggest and bloodiest murder investigations began with a simple missing person's inquiry in March 2013 48-year-old father of two Kevin Lee went missing in Peterborough I have come to meet the senior detective who took up the case you must get calls about missing people regularly what was different this time having read the circumstances it just it felt wrong it was just a gut feeling this was way more than somebody who didn't come home for tea Martin bruning's suspicions were confirmed when Kevin Lee's car was found burnt out in the Peterborough Countryside then in the early hours of the next morning a chance discovery changed the course of the investigation oh just walking up the road and he went into the field and had a Sniff and then he came back up but then he came back again which he doesn't normally do that and that's when I came down to see what he was sniffing at and uh I saw this body up under this bridge just here for this TIR is I called the police and they told me to stand the other side of the road and wait for me the body was identified as that of Kevin Lee he had been stabbed through the heart and dumped in a remote ditch looking around me in a field in the middle of nowhere and the usual thought process is how are we going to solve it where's the line of inquiry going to come from there was one major clue in the way Kevin Lee's body had been found he was faed down and naked from the waist on his top half was a black sequin dress first thing that came into my head was this guy's been humiliated he's been put in this position that was the challenge around understanding why this one was different and it was very very different the way the body had been posed had all the Hallmarks of a deeply Disturbed killer at work Jeremy koid is an expert on the minds of psychopaths his body was placed in that way to degrade him and get excitement and pleasure from the humili of him even after he was dead this is a picture of Kevin with my son when he was a baby he's got a kind face hasn't he yes yes he was very kind and um very loved man as well Kevin Lee's family were kept closely informed of the ongoing investigation when you knew that a body had been found your hearts must have stopped you think please don't let it be be him but if he's missing and a body's been found and his car's burnt out in your heart you know it was him yeah you're struggling with the fact that he's dead and the fact that he's been found in a ditch yeah but he was found in a yeah a particular way wasn't he I just I just like was just the weirdest most upsetting the Kevin left like that it's not Kevin it was um hard to take in you know that you loved one being found in that way Kevin didn't wear you know dresses and I just kept thinking who the hell could do such a thing you know police had only one lead it was likely whoever murdered Kevin Lee knew him I suspected that somebody had some reason in Kevin's life to do this to him which begged the question what's Kevin into who's he upset who does he associate with police looked into Kevin Lee's life a husband and father of two he was also a local landlord just hours into the investigation mobile phone data came back which placed one of his tenants near his burning car a 30-year-old called Joanne Deni I never anticipated that it was going to be a woman that had done this the humiliation aspect and the way that the body had been positioned I couldn't reconcile in my mind seeing physically a woman in that ditch doing that to a man but phone data also tracked another person to the scene at 7'3 and with with a string of burglary convictions the presence of Gary stretch seemed to answer some questions Okay so we've got this giant of a man at 7'3 who's more than capable of humping the dead weight of a man into a ditch and creating the sort of theater that I'd seen now we're starting to get some clarity but where's Jo anden he's involvement in all of this is it all Gary stretch both Deni and stretch were missing police considered them extremely dangerous given what I had seen and the violent nature in which Kevin Lee died I was really concerned about the risk to the public they needed to be caught quickly police launched a nationwide appeal Joan den and Gary stretch were now on the run in 24 hours they made it as far as Herford and the flat of an old contact they seemed unfazed and posed for a series of bizarre photographs including this now infamous picture but they had no money only some stolen goods so Gary reached out to someone in the area who he thought could help sell them on I've had a bit of a weird text and he said to me no M got some stuff for you you want to come down to my place I bed down there knocked on the door and then there woman with a star tattoo she's opened the door soon as I walked in Joann's gone right in front of me pulled the knife out of RAR and said you know Gary He's the taxi D dumpster bodies I go an him it was not the situation Mark was expecting but he played along out of fear for his life I was terrified I had to convince her that I was on her side cuz I think she would have killed me without without hesitation despite stretch's size it was Deni that Mark was afraid of she was the one in in control Gary was like a dog without a bark without a bite she was a rot wer and used the poodle Mark convinced enah in stretch he had a contact in Herford who would buy their stolen goods and the three of them got in the car next F minute it was like she kept telling me about where the bodies were she kept going on about I want my phone I want my phone Gary and I'm thinking what you going on about and then Gary's turning around say look M just let her all then the close we get the Herford we got a [ __ ] Mark a I'm cigarettes and she goes well can you take me to the shops I thought I was in the shop on my own and then I just got a sense that she was behind me and then she's like grab me around the chest she's got the handle of the blade in me back of the kidneys and said just get the cigarettes put I great she was in control with them and then she's having some flu she B to with the shop assistant see when she's doing that but she's actually she's saying to her you've got you've got a nice bum or something like that I've tried staying behind but Joe's doing that this is literally a minute before the first attack meanwhile police were closing in on den and stretch I got a telephone call to say that a Norfolk detective was looking at some CCTV that related to a car driving onto a petrol station for court woman gets out fills a basket of groceries darts out the shop jumps in the car car speeds off and straight away we fire that index number into our intelligence databases and we can see the vehicle traveling Southwest along the M5 so the next couple of hours are pacing around waiting for that phone call to come back to say we've got them but Joan Deni was on a mission she had two men under her control in the car and was now hunting for more men to murder left the shop and then at the blue she goes why you need to find me one I thought she was talking to me first of all is what you want to about Gary goes oh no Mar she's doing nothing thing what so was walking with his black labador Gary's gone what will he do and Joe's gone yep and the second she said that Gary's slammed on the brakes she's got out she just got him I think struck him in the arm first of all stabbed him 20 times 30 times he's just walking his do for go s the look of shock and surpris his face yeah I take that to me and Gary are having a humongous argument I was trying to get out the door he then turn around grip me like that he said Mark there's nothing you can do you have to let her do everything she's now walking back towards me very calm very connected wife and I we're driving down the road then she said Gary um don't want to do any women don't want to do any kids and you need to find me a man with a dog you need to find me a man with a dog he's pulled over he's looked for the wi creete and said what he did I know what's going to happen but this one was um 20 times worse than the first one and she was all all over him like a blank Bang Bang bangang and then she grabbed the dog and next minute she's sat the front front the seat 10 I've got a new dog and the blo was trying to craw around the corner yeah and it was blood everywhere I thought go she's killed two people and then she just got back in the G and Gary went let's get a t Joanne Deni was on a killing spree on the streets of Herford she had stabbed two random dog walkers and left them both for dead driving her around was her accomplice Gary stretch and in the back of their car an unwilling passenger Mark Lloyd I've seen him behind and saw him Al life but not like that it was just unprovoked on what he any walking his dog after the second attack Joan Den stole the dog of her victim and took it into the car with her I was looking through the wind screen I could see all inside beginning to fall out they left the trail of blood everywhere and I'm thinking there's a BL dying on the on the on the driveway and and you're more interesting about the taking the dog for a wall the police had been agonizingly close to both attacks now they finally closed in arresting Joan Dene in the car with her new dog on her lap the police turned up I've had about 20 guns pointed at me the last thing I remember watching Joe and D being putting a back of a van I'm thinking what go for that Gary stretch made a run for it but was caught later by police we get the phone call but we get told that there are two people expected to die who have just been attacked by jel anden and she's been arrested with the knife so this is a nightmare unfolding I can't tell you what that feels like to get a phone call like that when you know that you were so close to getting where you wanted to be and you then start to hear about the Carnage you can't describe it in any other way it was [Music] Carnage afternoon afternoon we've been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and murder okay minutes after attacking two men Joan Deni was in custody still more concerned about the dog the dog will be he's in the but at this stage only she knew the scale of her murderous Journey over the past 2 weeks the next day A call came in to Major Crimes I picked it up and it was the force control room they said to me are you aware of the body in the ditch at thorny Dyke as I put the phone down it rang again almost immediately it was the force control again saying you know there's body in the ditch there's two bodies in the ditch I remember looking at at at the team and everybody's looking back at me thinking Cy where's this going what's happening did you go to the ditch yes and what did you see a horrific crime scene seeing two dead bodies side by side is something that I'd never seen seen before 10 miles from where Kevin Lee had been found 3 days earlier two more men had been dumped in a ditch both stabbed through the heart the First new victim was identified as Royal Navy veteran John Chapman who had been sharing a house with Joan deny when police searched the property they found a blood soaked mattress in the back Garden the other was 31-year-old lucash slabi his last recorded movements show him going to a cash point and then onto a flat to meet Deni they had been sending each other suggestive text messages forensics would show that while Kevin Lee's body was the first to be found lucash was in fact the first man that Joan denner he killed I think the first kill him was a test for she's then probably realized wow I've done that I haven't puked up I haven't panicked I haven't ran away I liked it denahi didn't seem to know what to do with lash's body At first she kept it in a wheelie bin she showed it to a 14-year-old girl and took pictures to show others her achievement she took great Delight in showing me the photo of the bloke in the bin yeah even b in a bin Mark I can see his head sticking out the top of the wheel where she when when the lid was lifted open it's like a kid bring own homework look what I've done today m well you know some people make pictures you just went and kill three people police now knew they were dealing with a female serial killer while the two men on the streets of Herford miraculously survived Joan Dene could now be linked to three bodies yeah she's made it hasn't she she's made it she wants to be famous she wants to be a terrifying serial killer after her cap Joan Den would be diagnosed with a psychopathic disorder characterized by superficial charm a callous disregard for others pathological lying and a diminished capacity for remorse but where did this Behavior come from why did she Target men and what turned Joan Deni into a [Music] monster I am going back to her past to try and find the truth behind her transformation Joan Deni grew up here in the picturesque Village of redborne in Suburban hartfordshire she came from a decent stable home and went to a good school in nearby harpenden Joanne was close to her younger sister Maria who would go onto a career in the armed forces their mother Cathy worked in the local shop and their father Kevin was a security guard in a less to us her family describe her as a smart and pretty child and say that in her early teens butter wouldn't melt in her mouth but away from home what was young Joanne really like her school friends have never spoken about her before she was a free spirit she just didn't give a [ __ ] she stood up for herself she was bushy in that respect we were quite similar Vicky Greenwood was Joan Den's best friend for a while at secondary school they would walk home from school together and hang out in their local Village so Vicki what did you used to get up to down here a lot of Mischief that's for sure swing on the swings have a little sing song we used to be quite naughty and Smokey down here and hide from the parents just smoking smoking we'd have a drink sometimes Joan i' definitely like to drink that was for sure so we would sneak drinks into school sometimes how old was she then she must have been about 14 then even at 14 a darker side of Joan Den was beginning to emerge she'd get the geeky boys to do things for her and whether it be um making them do her homework or something do you know what I mean if they didn't do it she was very open with given someone a slap she was manipulative very she knew exactly what to get how to get she'd make you feel like you're a sister from another mister um you know she'd look after you make you feel special oh yeah definitely yeah and then if you didn't conform to what she wanted that's when things turns teenage Joan Deni was developing traits which would emerge in Far More Sinister ways years later she would charm people with her Charisma well welcome them into her group and then viciously turn on [Music] them this class of 98 year book does it bring back memories as you look at it it's all signed from various people that I went to school with what does it say up here if some photos are not signed the person was either expelled ran away and then I've written Joe deny or was Ill that was maybe my way of just pointing out the fact that she wasn't a very good person at that point in her life MAA was a close school friend of Joan Deni until the bullying began what did Joe do she might say um when you leave school I'm going to wait for you in this place and then you're going to get what's coming to you you lived at school with the constant threat and fear that she might actually follow through yeah on my way home I was always fearful about going home I might walk like if she said that she'd be waiting for me somewhere then I'd make sure I just went in a even if it took me longer a different way to walk home from school just so I didn't have to go past that place it was always that thought of if I walk down that road or this road that she might be there and I don't know what she might do did she get a pleasure out of bullying I think she enjoyed the way it made other people feel people telling you to you know go and kill yourself like we don't want you around and you know saying things like that when they say it enough you almost start to believe it did she tell you to go and kill yourself yeah more more than one occasion she'd be like oh you'd be better off dead or you know I can help you if you want and you should just go and kill yourself there were times when I was at school that when the bullying was really bad that I could have quite easily just taken my life do you think she knew that you were upset yeah I think it was fun for her but when did Joan Den's bullying Behavior become more extreme we have spoken to the Dene family they didn't want to appear on camera but they did write us a new account of Joanne's childhood they say that in her early years she was a bookworm and a girly girl for them the biggest change came around the time she met John Trina when they say she began to try things she knew weren't Toler ated at home at the age of 15 Joan Dene ran away from home and into the arms of a man 6 years older than her John Trina would be her partner for the next 10 years I wanted to meet this man to learn about his life with Deni and find out if he accepts any responsibility for the path she ultimately chose I have come back to where where Joan Deni grew up to try and make sense of her transformation from promising young girl to cold blooded killer it has led me to John Trina the older man she met in her early teens so you met you're 21 she's 15 obviously that's a big age Gap and she's under 16 mhm let's get to the heart of this yeah you can go for it those close to her might think that that's part of her decline what's your response to that I think that's a lad of crap I think that I made my intentions straight away there was no hiding the fact that I was going out there there was no um lies there was I was straight there to a mom honest about who I was and what my intentions are and that was it and you know I know what I did was the right thing and how I treated her and loved her was the right thing it's an obvious question to ask cuz she was 15 but of course the age of consent is 16 exactly yes I knew the law I knew what would happen if I'd done anything wrong and it never happened so there was no sexual relationship before no I'm 100% sure 100% that I was above board did she run away from home run away from school to be with you no see this is the other thing in the papers it says she left home at 14 but absolutely 100% she didn't leave home at 14 she left home at 15 she had come to mine saying she had a big argument with her mom um she doesn't want to be there anymore and she's leaving and we slept in the garage that night so that's why we were homeless we were living in a tent in a forest in garages at train stations then it went into a shared house for Joe she loved that life for me I I hated it she became pregnant at 17 MH was that something you discussed had you planned to have a baby I don't recall having a conversation about having a baby it just happened and was she happy to be pregnant for the first time oh for both the pregnancies she didn't drink smoke or anything she nurtured them in the right way but the moment the baby born it all changed when you see these photographs of Jo she stoned there so she's holding her baby she's just come out of hospital and the first thought of her mind is to get look at her face was she loving towards no no I you know they're the bits that you know it's offish arms length and she's not very affectionate she was more about the the tough play fight in throwing them taking them you know what's really strange about all of this is she used to take my um eldest daughter down you know where she' put these men in the dkes cuz we lived pretty much near those and she used to taking it down there in the fields throwing the dikes where the water was and it was all tough wrestling and throwing stones at cars and just G not not the Instinct you know mothers have what are the changes that you saw did her drinking get heavier yeah I at the worst I was watching her drink two two liter bottles of vodka and she'd still be walking around did she take drugs the first time she cheated on me she come home 6:00 in the morning and basically told me exactly how it went and that she snorted cocaine that night whilst doing what she was doing at the kitchen sink that's what she was about you see this sort of pattern you're attempting to make a relationship actually makes it worse and just not able to do it so she can't cope with emotional closeness she can't cope with children she numbers herself with alcohol so many of the things that we see later develop after that point 5 years into their relationship John left Joan Den in the year they were apart deny went back to her hometown and paid a visit to her old friends I was walking down the lane to go to my house in RoR and she's just appeared out of nowhere and she comes straight up to me with a stellar bottle and smashed it on the ground in front of me and was like well you're [ __ ] lucky Gomer she go I was going to put a firebomb for your letter box today I come to your door and I mean that [ __ ] me up Joan Dene was becoming increasingly violent but John Trina took her back and their second child was born then her behavior became even more extreme she's come around with pins in her arms you know needles that are actually sticking gone been pierced through and sort of like that and out the other side and they're all over her arms and she's come in and she's just shut the door behind us and just put her back against it and sat on the floor put a leg you know she had a short skirt on with long boots and pulled out the knife and went in the floor and just said I could kill someone the next day it's I'm not being here no more John Trina moved out with their children and with them went Joan Den's last chance of a stable life she left the area in search of new excitement everything that was bad in life seemed to be the magnet she was happier when she was in a place that for most people would be the place they just want to get away from Den he rented a room on this estate on the outskirts of peterb it's taken me a lot to come back it's the first time last time I saw it was where the door was boarded up and it everyone was here the forensics Michel BS was Joan Den's neighbor she remembers both Deni and her fellow tenant Royal Navy veteran John Chapman who would become one of her victims this is a close community area but we're well knitted we were you had me living in the end house there you had Joe and John living there that's Joe's bedroom up there was quite girli ified got perfumes photos everything matching to go we don't expect that from her and it was really nice room John Chapman was well liked on the estate and kept himself to himself until Joan Dene arrived John used to come into the house and say things oh there's a crazy woman moving in we say you want us to have a word with her with her and and he was saying no leave it most of the time she wasn't there but when she was there you knew about it that she was there you know I mean you was you like oh keep my mouth shut now it was only after Den's arrest for murder that police discovered a possible motive for intimidating John Chapman it came down to a link between Joan Dene and their joint landlord Kevin Lee he was using her to basically intimidate people um to paying their rent Carla white lived in a nearby flat also owned by Kevin Lee one guy he uh he was only young and she um punched him knocked him clean out bless him and he literally packed his bags and moved out the next day she was going around and basically it's being a nasty piece of work by this stage Deni was known to police she had spent time in jail and had convictions for theft drugs possession of a blade assault and owning a dangerous dog Carla white vividly remembers their first meeting I walked in to the house Kevin was there and he was like this is Joe I was like oh hello I'm Carla pleased to meet you she went I don't give a [ __ ] who you are and put her hand around my throat I then pulled the hammer out of my bag and um tapped it against her cheek and I just said my darling I said I'm a girl that's got nothing to if you put me down you best make sure I don't get back up and if I get back up you better run and then she just slowly very slowly just took her hands from my throat like that and just walked away I'm getting a clearer picture of the person Joan Deni had become in the buildup to her murders she'd chosen a world of chaos and a dangerous lifestyle of drugs violence and increasingly extreme sexual Behavior I spoken to one guy that said he woke up and she was carving him in his back um because she wanted to know what it was like I another guy that said that he had to punch her while it was having sex and she kep saying harder harder harder harder I did warn Kevin I don't know what is going on between you and his girl mate but um I said well my exact words were to him where you're playing a fire and you're going to get burned police went on to discover evidence that suggested an even even closer connection between Joan Dene and Kevin Lee when you hear the reports of the stories of the allegations that they were in a more intimate relationship do you just not believe that because you can't believe that of Kevin um I think even if it was like that I think he was probably being coerced exploited probably frightened himself you know that was an our Kevin he was coerced by a monster Joan Deni did have a bizarre relationship with men she targeted and killed them she used them to help her commit her crimes but crucially she knew how to charm them we can see this behavior for ourselves just minutes after she has stabbed two random men on the street you yes despite the serious of the situation Joan Den sets the mood and homes in on the male police officers I love you thanks she's laughing she's joking she could even be called flirting she's utterly Shameless she's extremely seductive she has a whole series of Tricks there are some things that you might see in a prostitute in a bar who will used a similar type of behavior decent she's flirting with the police officer he's slightly embarrassed by her he looks down she gives him extra long stare she's complimented him she runs her hands through her hair she's reeling him in this is amazing looks good thanks that feel so good really sex her behavior throughout this encounter is fascinating and the police have given me access to the entire footage which has never been shown in full a really hectic week it allows our clearest glimpse into the mind of a psychopath at the height of her [Music] crimes say something completely racist offensive and inappropriate she thinks it's all a big joke at the moment would you be cheer if youur no but I just smiling she has seen everything that other people have described so Mark Lloyd described the shock and awe of seeing two people he thought had been murdered in front of him she saw it and she did it and yet you would have no indication from that footage that she's done anything other than steal a bottle of Jack Daniels how um morning exp this callous performance so soon after inflicting life-threatening injuries on random people is evidence of her Psychopathic Behavior she's buzzing isn't she this is primarily this sort of euphoria and the buzz which is continuing as a result of what she's done murder murder something going down for sunny Ro at this point Joan Deni has killed three men and thinks she may have killed two more she's really big time now in her mind she's not a gas meter Bandit or a shoplifter she's a killer she doesn't care about anything she's a real big big criminal star after Joan Den's showstopping performance at the Herford custody desk detectives were looking forward to getting her into the interview room but as I am learning psychopaths are unpredictable and like to remain in control joh can you please State your full name and your date of birth joh Christina Den 29th 1982 tell me about Joan Den's police interview what you hoped you would get out of it I fully expected her to sit there and almost want to tell us the story she was now in a situation where she can do one of two things she can gift us the gaps and tell us everything or she can sit on the sidelines and watch us work for it did you murder lash slaveski she's got nothing to say in all of the interviews she gives no explanation she gives us nothing to work with did you murder Kevin me her behavior was quite different from the custody office so that elated happy gol lucky almost I'm not taking this seriously I'll have a laugh and a joke with you personality was quite different did you murder John [Music] Chapman despite her silence police had enough to charge Dene and she was sent back to custody behind the closed doors of her cell the real Joan Deni reemerged my first meeting with Mr Dene came completely out of the blue my Clark said to me there's a lady who's in Cambridge magistrates Court she's been charged with three uh murders and two attempted murders most of the time people who are charged with murder they're nervous about the situation they're in she wasn't like that and that's that's what makes her unusual she was cooperative she had a sense of humor charismatic Joan Den's Behavior with men is hugely significant they often find her Charming and even trained professionals can feel the pull of her personality if you met this lady in a bar or a social situation you would think she had a personality that you were quite drawn to well that was my reaction it was so unusual that I initially wondered whether I'd actually gone into the cell with the right client Den's legal team prepared her case and the police submitted their evidence Martin brunning hoped that the full story of why she had killed would finally emerge at trial what did you anticipate she would do I anti ipated a trial a long trial and the whole story laid out to be seen and heard by the public and the families the first day in court was going to be a formality after her no comment strategy in police interviews everyone expected Joan Dene to plead not guilty and contest the charges at trial what did the judge say first of all do you remember he asked how do you plee and she she shouted guilty guilty guilty guilty she just kept reeling off these guilties even Joan Den's legal team was shocked at her decision to plead guilty at the very last minute her Council look to his right towards her with as much as to say what on Earth are you doing when she entered her guilty pleas Mr lley QC said in open court um my Lord those pleas were not as anticipated it was almost like she didn't even pause it was like guilty guilty was borderline fast because people were looking at each other as much as to say what on Earth is happening here Joanne Deni was taking her last chance to be Center Stage I think she saw that opportunity to plead guilty completely against the knowledge expectation or advice of Her counsel and she knew that it was the last chance to shock an all and she shocked an all it was a piece of dramatic theater it was completely theater all I can say about Miss Dene is that she was going to do what she wanted to do she was always in control Gary stretch's case went to trial he was found guilty of attempted murder and sentenced to life with a minimum of 19 years Mark Lloyd was told he had no case to answer Joan Dene became one of only three British women after Rosemary West and Myra hindley ever to be told she would spend the rest of her life Behind Bars she's currently serving her sentence at bronzefield prison where she's plotted violent Escape attempts and reportedly threatened other inmates she is the most dangerous woman that I've ever met and the most dangerous woman in the British prison system while I can't show them due to legal reasons I have seen letters she's written to multiple men outside prison winning them over with intimate details of her life and teasing clues about her crimes it seems Joan Deni may never stop manipulating men there is something deep in her psyche that does indicate a deep hatred towards men men are have spoken to who have met Deni talk of a similar experience when in her company I I I hesitate to say this you know it's difficult but um I think she did have a a magnetic call and I I suppose I can see why men might feel drawn to her they said it was like it was like she drugged them even though she hadn't but that's what it was like it was like she was a drug it was like they couldn't say no to her that's a glimpse of the psychopathic behavior that she she's used at times in the buildup to her crimes she would flirt with men to get men to do what she wanted she Drew people in she did but then when she turned when she was finished she put her rubbish in the bin for some close to her a lifetime in prison isn't punishment enough being set in prison for the rest of your life is not really s a sentence in this country what them fam is going to get from her lording it up in prison do you support the death penalty I think some things do require that yeah absolutely would you support the death penalty for Joe yes yeah which would mean seeing the mother of your two children the two people you love most in the world being put to death okay she is not my child's mother as she gave birth to them that's that's all she is she's the donor she gave them over you know I don't really want my kids to have anything to do with this [Music] woman no one can say exactly what turned that sweet young girl into a tear Away Teen and then ultimately a twisted killer but what is clear to me is that so many people still have to live with the legacy of what she did from her friends of 20 years ago to the families of the men she brutally murdered what are your lasting memory of Kevin we just absolutely miss him dearly he was very [Music] loved [Music]
Channel: Real Crime
Views: 145,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: True crime, true crime documentary, law enforcement documentary, full documentary, joanne dennehy, serial killer, serial killer documentary, true crime, full episode, online free documentary, joanne dennehy documentary, who is joanne dennehy, england serial killer
Id: 7hINekAvgwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 10sec (2770 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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