Movie Star's Body Is Found Buried In The Desert | Prosecutors | Real Crime

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an aspiring producer comes to Los Angeles from New York to break into the movie business within months an unidentified body is found in the desert outside [Music] La the mysterious death leads investigators to a ring of professional Killers a movie making Legend and a missing shipment of Colombian [Music] cocaine a team of Hitmen commit what they believe is a perfect murder when the highly publicized case comes to trial prosecutor David Khan will lead the fight to bring the killers to justice as we were dealing with very dangerous individuals and I felt it was absolutely necessary to convict them and send them to prison for the rest of their [Music] lives late one night in the spring of 1983 a man and a woman walked out of a Los Angeles hotel and stepped into a rented limousine as they pulled away from the curve a black sedan followed close behind the two vehicles moved through the streets for several blocks when the driver of the limousine pulled into a parking lot a well planned operation quickly unfolded armed with automatic weapons the men in the sedan slipped into the limousine the limo's female passenger took control of the sedan the male passenger was held at [Music] gunpoint the chauffeur resumed his position behind the wheel and quietly maneuvered the limousine out of the parking lot kidnapped the passenger was driven to a remote desert area about an hour's Drive North of the [Music] city [Music] under the cover of night the man was pulled out of the [Applause] limousine as he begged for mercy he was dragged from the car into the darkness a man was shot at Point Blank Range over a dozen [Music] times on June 10th 1 month later a California forest ranger and a local beekeeper were scouting locations for commercial beehives in Caswell Canyon about 60 Mi north of Los Angeles The Beekeeper spotted a body come down here shrunken and leathered by the Desert [Music] Sun and closed in a three-piece suit the ranger reported the find to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department detective Carlos Aila responded to the scene of the crime once we got there we found a uh individual that appeared to be a male rather tall appeared to have been large at one time uh Dressed in um nice suit tie and and loafers uh rather expensive clothing and he had been mummified he' been apparently out in the desert for quite a while it appeared to have uh several gunshots to the back of the head the lower part of the victim's face was missing there was no identification found on the [Music] body concerned that identification of the body would be difficult detectives questioned the park ranger and The Beekeeper went down [Music] [Applause] found a park ranger told detectives the area was a popular target shooting location I don't want you let me know about oh absolutely detectives found that the dry sand and was littered with spent gun shells from handguns rifles and semi-automatics then about 8 ft from the body investigators found the fragments of a Jawbone if this bone belonged to the body it could provide a clue to the identity of the victim and perhaps help tell the story of his mysterious murder the Los Angeles medical examiner told investigators that the victim had been dead for approximately 1 month shot how many times he shot the victim's body had been struck by 13 22 caliber bullets he determined the jaw fragment belonged to the corpse and suggested it had been separated from the head by animal activity the death was ruled a homicide see right [Music] there investigators reviewed hundreds of missing persons reports picture they soon found a possible match a 33-year-old East Coast vaudville Revival promoter named Roy Raiden had been reported missing by his assistant about a month earlier investigators obtained the missing man's dental records from his family in New York when the medical examiner compared the records with the dental remain s of the victim he determined that they were a [Music] match Los Angeles detectives immediately flew to New York they arrived at a Manhattan hotel and in an office suite belonging to the murder victim they were met by the man who had filed the missing person's report here the Jonathan Lawson was Roy Raiden's former assistant last time that you saw Roy sir he explained that in New York Raiden had been a successful producer of vaudville Revival acts and had recently gone to Hollywood to launch a movie career I don't want to be Lawson said he last saw his employer on the night of May [Music] 13th he said Raiden left their hotel with a woman named Laney Jacobs they were supposed to go to dinner to discuss a movie deal wson never saw his friend and boss again he didn't want to be seen bwon told investigators that Laney Jacobs was not really a player in the movie business he knew something was up she has these crony friends of her she was a major cocaine dealer most of her customers were in the movie industry and Lawson said she was one of the first people raen met when he arrived in Los Angeles several months earlier I think that's an interesting thing this one piece will make 52 layers watch on mobile devices or the big screen all for free no subscription [Music] [Music] required Lawson told investigators that during their Los Angeles business trips Raiden often sent him to pick up drugs from [Music] Laney according to Lawson Raiden believed that with her connections she could be his entree into the movie [Music] business I don't think Lawson explained that Raiden had recently bought the rights to a musical about New York's famed Cotton Club a harlem Speaky in the 1920s you haven't seen anything yet think this Lawson told investigators that Laney told Raiden she could introduce him to Robert Evans who had produced The Godfather and [Music] Chinatown Lawson said Evans liked Raiden's idea for The Cotton Club movie according to Lawson Evans told Raiden that he had been working on a similar idea and they made a verbal agreement to form a partnership Lawson told detectives that as the movie deal progressed Laney and Raiden's friendship began to turn sour she and her friends wanted me to do Lawson told the investigators that a financial disagreement was to be the subject of the meeting between ly and Ron on the last night he saw his boss alive and I'm not there Lawson was convinced that Jacobs had something to do with Raiden's death I just have this feeling I'm next the detectives returned to Los Angeles to follow up on the information Lawson had given [Music] them they visited Lany Jacob's home no one answered the door the house appeared to have been [Music] vacated detec detectives soon learned the property had been put on the market on March 12th the day before Roy Raiden disappeared my name's John Lucas I'm attorne a few days after returning from New York the detectives were visited by Laney Jacob's [Music] attorney he provided an alibi for Jacobs on the night that Raiden was reported missing producing phone records that showed she was in Los Angeles that night and nowhere near the murder scene at Caswell Canyon I believe you'll find all the answers you need the attorney told detectives that unless they placed his client under arrest she would not agree to an interview question or answer any of their questions you have a great [Music] day detectives next contacted producer Robert Evans who agreed to talk to them at his Beverly Hills Home Evans Attorney also attended the meeting according to investigators Evans said that Raiden had convinced a group of Puerto Rican businessmen to invest $35 million in a three- picture deal including the Cotton Club but as the deal moved forward Laney Jacobs demanded half of Roy Raiden's share in the partnership Evans told investigators that Raiden turned Laney down he offered her a one-time payment of $50,000 when they could not agree the signing of the deal was [Music] postponed convinced they had discovered a possible motive for the murder investigators continued to search for Clues to what happened on the night Roy Raiden [Music] disappeared detectives next track down Laney Jacob's chauffeur they found the driver as he was reporting to work the airport you know who did he said that on the day Roy Raiden disappeared he had driven lany's infant son and the nanny to the airport here now the chauffeur said the child and Nanny had plane tickets for Mexico he told detectives he saw two suspicious men when he arrived at Jacob's house the driver said he noticed one of the men had handcuffs attached to his belt he asked if Laney was in trouble but the nanny assured him their boss was [Music] fine the driver said that he did not drive Laney or Raiden on the night that Raiden disappeared detectives learned that a limousine rented from another company had been used by Laney Jacobs and Roy Raiden that night okay well thank you for your time we may get back to you later on the owner of the limousine company told detectives that he had rented a limousine to one of Laney's bodyguards a man named Bill mener on the night Raiden disappeared according to the owner mener refused a staff driver and had provided his own chauffeur detectives obtained a warrant and conducted a forensic search of the limousine rented by menser techn misss analyzed the car for blood hair and fiber trace evidence and checked for fingerprints not a single piece of microscopic evidence was found linking the car to the victim detective Avala soon made an unsettling Discovery we obtained a search warrant for that vehicle they found nothing of evidence but then we found out that the entire inside of the vehicle had been changed after the murder they they reupholstered the the interior the headliner the rugs and everything else and then they put the car for sale detectives learned that lany's bodyguard and the man who had rented the limousine Bill mener had recently been arrested for suspicion of intent to distribute [Music] narcotics before he was released detectives interviewed mener claiming to have no knowledge of Raiden's murder mener agreed to allow the police to search his Los Angeles home mener himself was not present when police searched his apartment hey Carlos detectives found a collection of photographs which would provide an important lead in the case the photographs depicted mener accompanied by several heavily armed men posing for a camera in a remote desert area in looking closely at the photographs detective Avala observed that the background in the photo seemed to match the terrain of the area where Raiden's body was recovered well I later went back to the location where this Photograph what I thought maybe the photograph was taken where we had found the body of Roy Raiden and you could see the sky line matched perfectly uh where this this area was despite the suggestive nature of the images investigators still could not make an arrest see what we have here sir to keep alive the hope of obtaining Justice for the murder of Roy Riden it would take the efforts of the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department's Cold Case unit and the Persistence of a determined prosecutor the body of aspiring movie producer Roy Raiden was found decomposing in a remote Canyon 60 Mi north of Los Angeles in June of 1983 I want to take pictures of the skull for me police had suspects but no hard evidence in the case with no new evidence coming in the Roy Raiden murder case soon went [Music] cold Robert Evans who had been in discussions with Raiden about a possible movie deal found new investors and went on to produce The Cotton Club which premiered in 1984 amid mediocre reviews after 4 years the Roy Raiden murder case found its way to the desk of assistant district attorney David Khan studying the case he knew the odds were against the authorities we did have a suspicion of the persons involved but there was no hard evidence at all to begin with and I was very doubtful to be honest with you that we might ever put the case together because if a case is not solved shortly after the time of the crime there's a good chance that it will never be solved Raiden's family in New York continued to call and write letters to Los Angeles police and prosecutors urging them not to give up [Music] Roy's Sister Kate spoke to David Khan Roy was a very persistent type of man so maybe I've got some of that from him but I knew that I had to stand up for Roy and I knew that I needed Justice to just get on with my life prosecutor Khan assured Kate that the case would not be forgotten he would send it to the cold case division of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department Jam passing the files to the Cold Case division would give the investigation new life it was now in the hands of two of the most experienced detectives in the department detective Charlie Gunther credited with breaking open the Charles Manson case and Sergeant Bill Stoner a 30-year veteran Detective Stoner knew that now years after the murder time was on his side the thing that we had going for us is that the case at that point was four years old and people's lives began to change and people who would not talk to you back in 1983 suddenly are now living in another state or they're raising children and they've got a a job now and uh suddenly they were willing to talk to us and that's really what started putting the case together the the strategy was to interview people on the periphery of the case detective Stoner didn't want any possible suspects knowing the Raiden murder investigation had been [Music] reactivated usually there's nobody better than an ex spouse whether it be a male or female and uh so we made arrangements to interview Bill mencer's uh ex-wife they were still married at the time the homicide occurred we'd like to De Jacobs no relation to Lany Jacobs was the exwife of Bill men like show you pictures men had worked for Lany Jacobs as a bodyguard that went out there detectives showed Debbie the photographs found in menser's apartment Debbie pointed out her ex-husband Bill mener 4 years earlier her husband had refused to give detectives the names of the other two men in the photographs this one is um now Debbie Jacobs revealed their identities oh one turned out to be uh Alex Marty that's the first time his naming came into the investigation and uh the other person was Bill Ryder Jacobs told detective Stoner that Alex Marty was a dangerous and violent man he I feel very uncomfortable but she said the other man in the picture Bill Ryder was not a criminal they knew he was an ex- policeman the brother-in-law of Hustler magazine publisher Larry Flint she said Ryder used to run Flint security and it hired her ex-husband and Marty as bodyguards for [Music] Flint Debbie Jacobs gave detectives Bill Ryder's address and phone number in the midwest all right Mrs Jacobs thank you very much you're welcome Ryder flew to an airport outside of Los Angeles and met with detectives he had agreed to help in the investigation and would take Stoner to a place he knew as menser's favorite target shooting [Music] spot Ryder took the investigators to Caswell Canyon he showed them the same area detective Avala had identified through the mener photographs the same area where Raiden's body had been found 4 years earlier but now 4 years later Ryder gave detectives some new information all right he told investigators that mener Marty and a third man Robert low had boasted about the Raiden murder that's right over here Prett much journalist Steve Wick wrote a book on the Roy Raiden case uh Ryder knew Menor and Marty and knew about the murder and heard from them what had happened Bill Ryder had briefly worked for Larry Flint too where Menor and Marty had worked and he knew what kind of people they were um these were really violent violent people detectives finally had a witness they told Ryder it was imperative that they obtain a tape recording of mener and The Killers talking about the murder what we need they asked Ryder to help by visiting the suspects and wearing a wire he refused he told detectives that these men were Killers he feared for his family's safety Bill Ryder was very reluctant to get involved uh in this investigation because he was very much concerned about his own safety he knew that some of the men involved in this murder were the type of men who would have no hesitation to kill him as well letting go of Ryder for the moment the investigators moved on to their next witness back in Los Angeles detectives caught up with ly Jacob's former secretary Anna Montenegro Montenegro had briefly dated Roy [Music] Raiden Montenegro told detectives that in March of 1983 just a few weeks after Lany and Raiden had their disagreement about The Cotton Club deal Laney came home one afternoon and discovered that someone had broken into a Secret Safe in her garage and stolen $275,000 in cash and 10 kilos of cocaine worth about 3/4 of a million dollar she was convinced her drug career had stolen the money and [Music] drugs Montenegro was visiting Roy Raiden's Los Angeles apartment when his assistant took a call from Laney Laney was hysterical she accused Roy of participating in the theft of her drugs and money she knew that Raiden and her drug Courier were friends she demanded to know where the Courier was hiding Raiden claimed that he knew nothing about the theft and he didn't know where The Courier [Music] was Laney was terrified Montenegro said because the stolen drugs and the money belonged to Laney's Colombian supplier she couldn't cover the debt and she expected the Colombians to seek Swift [Music] Revenge investigators were convinced that the theft of the cocaine and the money showed that Laney Jacobs had sufficient motive to murder Roy rapen but detectives still did not have the direct evidence of prosecutor would need to prove the crime in court now investigators could only hope that Bill Ryder would agree to help them get that evidence David detective Stoner had kept in close contact with Ryder after months of negotiations the exop finally agreed to help assured of his family's safety he would wear a wire and try to engage the bodyguards in conversation about the Raiden murder in June of 1988 more than 5 years after the murder Ryder and the detectives went to Maryland where Robert low one of the suspects was working as a bartender they launched a wiretap operation with the help of Maryland State Police Bill Ryder walked into the bar and as agents listened and a recorder taped the conversation he started to talk with low looks like you're working hard yeah hello yes what's Ryder was able to get low to talk about the he played in Raiden's murder been a long time has been a long time you've been with Bill on a homicide never had that stupid jerk gets drunk would I've told you would I've told you if I had I know about your though go ahead he was talking he was talking about raed and uh he said you were afraid real Afraid on that one I it isn't true and I don't believe what he did say it he did say that that was I know you drove the car investigators now had Robert low admitting on tape that he was present during the shooting of Roy Ra was their next Target would be Bill mener the investigators returned to Los Angeles they placed surveillance devices in Bill Ryder's hotel room set up their headquarters in the room next door and Ryder called mener told him he was in town on a job and asked him to come over for a drink watch men accepted the invitation investigators monitored the meeting from an adjacent hotel room mener was nervous and he kept turning on the television so their conversation wouldn't be overheard no you know what Alex is full of crap I'm the one that planned that whole thing what yes said you L allow to respect you that night because you had to get drunk to finish the job on the tape Ryder teased mener about losing his nerve work beautifully they do Cold Case investigators now had tape recordings of two Hitmen incriminating themselves in the murder of Roy Raiden like the next step would be to go after the third Hitman and the woman suspected of ordering the murder Laney Jacobs in 19 88 5 years after the murder of Roy Raiden suspect Laney Jacobs was living in the town of okobi Florida investigators learned that she had married Larry greenberger a man known to Florida police as one of the top cocaine distributors in the US journalist Steve Wick and Larry greenberger is really one of these amazing characters that comes along every once in a while Larry was from okachobee Florida very small town uh Larry uh got into the cocaine business when the cocaine business was kind of loose and unorganized and he he became a distributor uh for Carlos later probably the biggest Colombian who ever was in the business Laney was now masquerading as a wealthy housewife dividing her time between homes in Florida and Colorado with her new husband and six-year-old son to in mid August Bill Ryder told investigators that he'd received a phone call from Bill mener I heard it from one of my sources he said lany's husband had committed suicide by shooting himself in the head at first detective Stoner thought the information was a trap and we thought maybe they're trying to find out who we're getting our information from and they're just feeding this information to to ryer and then if somebody calls and inquires back in okachobee about Larry greenberger being killed they said no he wasn't killed then they'll know who's giving us our [Music] information the Los Angeles detectives confirmed that greenberger had died they also learned that Florida investigators found evidence the suicide was a [Music] murder and Laney and a male friend were the prime Suspects gunpowder residue on the body indicated the bullets were fired from 6 to 8 ft away Larry greenberger could not possibly have shot [Music] himself investigators and prosecutors knew they had to move fast police in Florida set up a meeting with Laney at an Orlando Motel they assured her they just wanted to ask her a few questions about her husband's death but when she and her male friend walked into the meeting she was handed an arrest warrant for the murder of I have a warrant for your arrest Laney was stunned nearly 5 years had passed since the murder of Roy [Music] raen prosecutor David Khan finally had the prime suspect in police custody I think that Laney greenberger was very much surprised when the arrests were made in this case uh once again because so much time had elapsed and I think that they felt that they had covered their Trail pretty well they were all in all a very professional and well- financed group of people Laney was brought back to Los Angeles where she was arraigned and charged with murder she was held without bail mener and Marty two of Laney's former bodyguards were also arrested charged with murder and held without bail Robert low another bodyguard was the fourth suspect arrested yes armed with the two suspects taped conversations with Bill Ryder David Khan was ready to prosecute he brought on 8-year veteran prosecutor Sally Thomas as his partner telling her it would be a challenging case it was a publicity case there were a lot of evidence uh a lot of witnesses there was a lot of evidence and he needed help the first task for the prosecutors would be to organize the thousands of pages of of crime reports and witness and surveillance tape transcripts turned over by the investigators but I think generally most lawyers do what what we did and that is to try to start at the beginning in terms of the evidence and have the story unfold as it did in actuality in 1983 when the crime occurred at the pre-trial hearing the prosecutor's first strategy was to get movie producer Robert Evans to testify in court Evans had been working with Laney and Raiden to fund his comeback project The Cotton Club the prosecutors wanted Evans to testify about the financial disagreement between Laney and Raiden you got to prove that she had motive to kill him Mr Evans Did You Know a Man by the name of Roy Raiden sir on viice of my councel I refused to answer the question evans's lawyer Robert Shapiro refused to allow his client to testify unless he was given immunity very well based on evidence code 94 in a defeat for the prosecution the judge agreed that under the US Constitution's protections against self-incrimination Evans did not have to testify Bob Shapiro wanted immunity for Bob Evans upfront and that's not how we do it in the district attorney's office First We Take A statement from the person and find out what they have to say and then sometimes give immunity based upon that offer in this case Bob Shapiro was unwilling to go along with that procedure and I told him I would not give uh Bob Evans immunity under those circumstances the prosecutors would have to go to trial without evans's testimony which they believed could have helped them put Lany Jacobs Behind Bars two of the four suspects had Deep Pockets the prosecutors would face their army of lawyers who would launch multiple battles over the wir Taps and the witnesses every step of the way the execution style murder of Roy Raiden had been an unsolved mystery in Los Angeles for years listen to what happens in court this case the trial of the four suspects in the case was much anticipated by the news media and the movie business alike the story had all the makings of a big screen drama the victim a Hollywood newcomer murdered just as he was on the verge of becoming a success all defense lawyers argued to try the defendants separately but prosecutors knew in separate trials each might successfully blame the other Mr Khan Miss ourselves here I want to remind and the first win for the prosecution came when the judge ruled that the defendants be tried together it is important to try all four defendants together so that uh if there is any uh finger pointing they ultimately convict each other or if they don't point the finger at each other the jury will also uh commonly assume that they were all in it together place your left hand on the Bible raise your right the success of the prosecution's case would depend almost entirely on the testimony of their star witness Bill Ryder and his tape recorded conversations with defendants Menor and low uh Mr Ryder the jury is being given some transcriptions of some surveillance tapes I'd like to ask Mr Ryder some questions about those tapes uh Mr Ryder on the stand Ryder recounted his conversations with mener and low about the murder plot the jury given transcripts of writer taped conversations began to get a picture of what was the beginning of the end for Roy raid deals with Roy Raiden yes he did go into some detail about some business activities he was doing with Mr raid Ryder told the court that mener who was having an affair with Laney while working as her bodyguard once told him that the murder was retribution for the stolen drugs 1983 he told us that they were out for a long drive in Hollywood and um Ryder told the jury that mener bragged about planning the crime Bob low would drive the limousine with Lany and Roy in the back seat men and Alex Marty would follow in another car according to Ryder both cars stopped a few miles away from the hotel menser and Marty climbed into the limo guns drawn on Roy Raiden Laney got out and drove the second car away at the limo headed north out of town and um they were being pursued by a police car thought they were going to be pulled over Ryder recounted how mener told him that at one point the men saw flashing police lights and thought the game was up one put a gun in Raiden's face and the other a gun in his groin to keep him silent but the police sirens passed them on to another call prosecutor Sally Thomas mener talks about that trip on the surveillance tape and it's pretty chilling when you hear him talk about what he did to Roy Raiden how they dealt with him and what Marty did to him on his way out to Cas Canyon and and that must have been a pretty horrifying ride for Roy [Music] Raiden once they were out of the city and into the darkness of Caswell Canyon Ryder testified that mener said Marty went crazy shooting Raiden 13 times because it was Friday the 13th cross- examination of this time defense have any questions yeah defense attorneys tried to discredit Bill Ryder by claiming that he had been paid a monthly stien for his testimony your testimony that the $3,000 is for your uh Security expenses it was for what I said uh living expenses it was only partial payment my own expenses are a lot more than what I get from the county the taped admissions of kidnapping and Murder By The defendants might have been discounted as drinking stories M Thomas but prosecutors had another witness to corroborate the evidence another of menor's bodyguard friends Carl poac during their investigation Los Angeles homicide detectives had identified and questioned poac a professional bodyguard and friend of Bill mener he were to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I hope you got yes please be seated paac was an eyewitness to the planning but was not involved in the murder at Caswell Canyon what was it that he given immunity by the prosecutors he agreed to testify Bob was going to dress up like a chur and drive the carac told the court that on May 13th the day of Raiden's murder mener held a planning session at his home all right look here's the way it's going to play out Lo and Lany are going to be bzac said the plan was to kidnap Raiden and make him tell where the stolen drug money was time in the road you stop and to locate the missing drug Courier there's a picture OFW on the refrigerat Mr Pac said that he was involved in the planning of uh the kidnap of Roy Raiden there was no discussion of murder at that meeting but nevertheless he was able to testify that it was very clear that uh the three bodyguards were going to kidnap Roy Raiden that evening um and uh so he was able to make the case against each of them somewhere along line poac told prosecutors he was to kidnap Raiden's assistant Jonathan Lawson but that night Lawson had chosen to remain at the hotel because that fell through um he was never charged with a crime and so we were able to use Mr Pac as a witness in this case Lany was going to get out Bill and Alex were going to get in and grab the producer it was pac's testimony that revealed the final cruelty to Roy raen after he was shot to death the fat pig when they discovered the body investigators suspected that the victim's jaw had been removed by animal activity poac however testified that after Raiden was shot The Killers had planned to put a quarter stick of dynamite in his mouth and explode his face to prevent identification by police May Council approach the bench your honor the courtroom atmosphere was becoming tense because of the high level drug connections of the suspects undercover cops were placed in the gallery to protect prosecution witnesses and defense lawyers requested additional security for themselves we had share deputies in the uh courtroom we had PL cloth people you know sitting in the audience probably the most frightened I've been in any case and I'm not going to elaborate but uh I will mention that at least on one occasion my home was surveilled for much of a day and uh so those kinds of things that uh were pretty nerve-wracking and uh frightening in in that respect but the leading def Laney Jacobs greenberger remained cool and optimistic Lany Greenberg your honor she was either a ruthless drug dealer or a powerless party girl caught in the violence of her drug lord Masters soon she would have her own say on the witness stand in late April 1991 the prosecution rested its case against the four defendants accused of kill killing Roy Raiden of the four defendants only Laney Jacobs greenberger chose to take the stand in her own defense when you say you were here to she told the court that she never wanted Raiden killed you know when the drug but the things were completely out of her control had to go back to uh count the money in fact he's the one you should be talking to it was his Coke that was stolen from the garage not mine she said the man pulling the strings was her Florida drug connection focus on a man named Milan basus because of that I was under a lot of she said that she and basus were Partners in their drug operation but when the cocaine and money were stolen from her home in Sherman Oaks basus demanded retribution he threatened her life she said and he had ordered Bill mener to kill Raiden and Laney testified that she had hoped to make enough money from The Cotton Club deal to repay her drug boss I was under a lot of pressure she made mistakes in her life Raiden she said had promised her a share in the movie profits but later Renee she said that on the night of May 13th the night Raiden disappeared she was in a limousine with him discussing the movie [Music] deal without warning she testified the limousine stopped and Bill mener jumped in telling her to get out of the car I never thought anyone would be harmed no one had ever been harmed she said she didn't know Raiden was killed until mener told her the next day Bill rder the overwhelming when her attorney asked her why she hadn't reported the murder to police she said it was because she didn't want to reveal her drug dealing activities have any questions yes your honor on cross-examination the prosecution challenged lany's claim that she needed the the movie profits to repay her debt to basus she admitted that she had the money to pay back the debt but she claimed that she couldn't afford to pay it back all at once Lany described a meeting she had with Bill mener she said mener agreed to kidnap Raiden and force him to tell where the Courier was so they could recover the drugs and money Murder She said was the last thing she [Music] expected those are the instructions ladies and gentlemen the jury the trial lasted for 8 months reti jury after hearing closing arguments from each defendant's lawyer it was time for the jury to make its decision until that time courts in recess the prosecutors were asking for first-degree murder for all four a verdict that could lead to the the death penalty journalist Steve Wick covered the trial and Laney Jacobs I'm convinced to this day was certain she would be acquitted everything had gone her way for years she had used enough people made enough money gotten her way enough times had enough temper tantrums to get her own way that I think she thought she'd paid a lot of money for a lawyer I have this is not me no one could possibly believe that I could do this Laney was confident enough to tell a baii she would be going home soon and privately the prosecutors worried that might indeed be true we had a great case against mener we had a great case against low based on the surveillance tapes but we had a much weaker case on greenburger and Marty ladies and gentlemen of the jury have you reached a verdict we have your honorable the jury deliberated for 2 weeks finally the jurors sent word to the judge that they were ready to announce their [Music] decision we the jury find William Maloney mener guilty of first degree in the end the jury found Bill mener and Alex Marty guilty of first deegree murder and found Laney Jacobs greenberger and Bob low guil of the Lesser charge of second deegree murder all four were also found guilty of kidnapping resulting in death a charge which carries a mandatory life sentence Laney Jacobs greenberger and her three hired Hitmen are now serving life without Parole in California [Music] prisons a woman is found dead another critically injured in what appears to be a tragic car accident when details at the scene lead investigators to believe the accident was meticulously planned a prosecutor inherits a complicated case that will pit him against a coldblooded killer in a battle for [Music] justice [Music] it was a case that no one in the district attorney's office wanted to take armed only with circumstantial evidence Deputy district attorney Craig Richmond had to prove a man guilty of a shocking and brutal crime amid allegations of a government conspiracy and a massive coverup I was young this was the biggest case in the court house at the time and probably uh one of the biggest that this Courthouse has ever seen and uh I wasn't going to be afraid and I was going to go at this case as I had any other case and and uh make sure that he didn't get off in this episode the names of some individuals associated with the case have been changed to protect their identities it was after 4:00 a.m. on July 22nd 1987 a passing motorist stopped to investigate a car accident near an exit ramp off Interstate 5 in Los Angeles the vehicle had struck a utility pole live power lines snapped by the crash hung over the car gasline filled the air fearing the electrical Sparks could ignite the fuel the motorist retreated and drove to a nearby truck stop where he called [Music] 911 the LA County emergency dispatch Center received the call the dispatcher immediately alerted the fire department paramedics and the Foothill Division of the Los Angeles Police Department within minutes paramedics arrived on the scene they discovered two women in the front seat of the car the driver was declared dead at the scene the passenger unconscious but still alive was immediately rushed to the [Applause] hospital Los Angeles City Fire Department arrived at the [Applause] scene when firemen inspected the vehicle the body of the Dead driver was still lodged behind the steering wheel pools of gasoline were on the floor and the seats once the fire department eliminated the fire hazard the power lines were shut down the medical examiner removed the body from the car noting gasoline in the passenger compartment and that the victim's injuries were more severe than the accident seemed to Warrant the fire captain called Los Angeles arson investigator Michael Camelo it's kind of unusual for us to respond to an automobile accident so uh initially upon arrival I was a little curious as to why we were called once I was there and able to talk to the first arriving captain and he explained what he found then I realized that in fact uh it was a good call and I was happy that he did in fact request us to the [Music] scene on the floor of the vehicle fire inspectors found a bottle of whiskey 2/3 full in the trunk they uncovered evidence that indicated the crash might be more than a tragic accident a large empty gas can some match sticks and scraps of partially burned paper and Rags still warm to the touch there was evidence that a fire had been ignited in the trunk underneath the car investigators found the most intriguing clue of all a piece of rope hanging from an axle just under the gas tank one end of the Rope was partially burned when the Rope was removed investigators observed a sharp flat metal Spike attached by a single screw to the undercarriage of the car the spike was sharpened at one end and positioned several inches from the rear of the gas tank which was partially full investigators believe that when the car hit the pole the spike was intended to trigger an explosion burning both victims and destroying all evidence of the crime the day after the accident uniformed officers returned to the scene and canvased the area but could find no witnesses to the actual crash arson investigator Camelo would now have to rely on the vehicle and the road to tell the story of what really happened that fatal night the vehicle was traveling Northbound on San Fernando Road hit the curb once about 269 ft from where it actually came to rest traveled down the street jumped the curb and actually hit the pole at the end of the road was a concrete wall if the car had not veered off to the side and had collided head on with the wall a deadly Chain Reaction would have been set in [Music] motion the impact would have caused the metal Spike to puncture the gas tank the burning rope would have ignited the fuel and the car would have burst into flames to Law Enforcement Officers it was clear this was not a traffic accident it was a homicide [Music] case inspector Camelo met with Detective Steven Fisk of the foothill homicide department and briefed him on the details of the case an investigator was dispatched to the hospital the Survivor of the car wreck was in critical condition the medical report indicated her injuries were not consistent with a car crash she appeared to have been beaten about the face and head with a heavy blunt instrument oh doctor the attending physician reported that while lapsing in and out of Consciousness the victim had identified herself to a nurse as Kathleen detectives suspected that the woman in the morg was Kathleen's [Music] mother 41-year-old Claire pach had been identified by her California driver's license found in her purse and I got aot this I'll show it to you on according to the autopsy report CLA perno's body sustained severe gasoline burns the cause of death was multiple blows to the skull with a blunt instrument most likely a tire iron the autopsy also indicated a level of alcohol in the victim's blood that was three times the legal [Music] limit the Cadillac was sent to the San Fernando crime lab for analysis surprisingly no fingerprints were found on the steering wheel of the car the absence of even a partial fingerprint suggested to investigators that the dead victim found on the driver's side had not actually been driving but had merely been placed in that position a check of the Cadillac's vehicle identification number revealed it was registered to a man named Robert perock he had the same address as the two victims of the accident CLA pach and their daughter [Music] Kathleen uniformed officers were dispatched to the pach residence in an upper middle class Los Angeles neighborhood not far from the crash site but no one answered the door police spoke to Neighbors one neighbor said CLA lived in the house with her 18-year-old daughter Kathleen CLA had been separated from her husband Robert perock for several years police learned that Robert came around from time to time and it was not uncommon to hear shouting from within the pno household they would soon learn more detective Fisk I got a phone call from a close friend of of Claire's who had cut off their relationship about 8 years earlier because of the uh volatile nature of Robert pno she was scared to death of him and uh heard her or heard CLA being threatened by him uh this neighbor also heard a conversation where Robert pno had said to the youngest daughter wouldn't it be nice if mommy was killed in a traffic accident the caller also said Claire hated her husband's Cadillac and would never have it talking for few minutes about your neighbor another neighbor a young woman named sherley told officers she and Kathleen were best friends take a few minutes of your time and talk you [Music] about Shirley told the officers that she'd been with Kathleen the day before the crash she last Saw Kathleen when she dropped her off at the pick home around 5:30 p.m. [Music] they both noticed the Dotson that Kathleen's father drove sitting in the driveway I'll beine Shirley offered to go inside the house with her friend as she knew Kathleen's father was often abusive I'll be heree but Kathleen said no it would be all right the two girls had planned to go out later that evening Shirley called repeatedly to conf confirm their plans but there was no answer Shirley even stopped by the perock house later that evening hoping to find Kathleen but no one came to the door after knocking for several minutes Shirley and her friends Departed the lights in the house had been on Shirley recall and Mr P knock's cars the small doson he drove and the Vintage Cadillac Eldorado had been parked in the driveway at the time please call us let us know on a tip from one of Clare P knock's neighbors investigators contacted Robert perock in nearby Tarzana where he was living with his girlfriend hello uh can I speak with Robert pno please right pno said he knew nothing of the accident why he promised to stop by the precinct later that morning um but Robert perock never reported to the police station when detectives learned that Kathleen had regained Consciousness and was able to speak they returned to the hospital Kathleen's memory had steadily improved in the last 48 hours there for the the images that she recalled of her last night at home frightened her and the story she told the detective was bone chilling she had hoped to avoid fighting with her father that evening as she microwaved her dinner Robert pno began complaining about the utility bills that he was still the house the air conditioning full blast what are you yelling at me Kathleen responded with a sarcastic remark you think I'm going to pay this enraged perock leapt at his daughter grabbing her by the neck come back here what are you you got Ang for your did you try to hit him at all Kathleen struggled she explained but she could not break free and he pinned her to the floor it didn't last very long have you found one as suddenly as the attack began it stopped he removed his hands from his daughter's throat he asked her if she was okay she replied that she would live and he said he had something that would make her feel better Kathleen had no idea she told authorities what her father meant by that comment she was just glad the worst was over unfortunately for Kathleen her night of Terror was only just beginning Cal down sh in July 1987 Kathleen and her mother CLA pck were bludgeoned soaked in gasoline and left to die in a car that was rigged to explode her mother died but cleen survived investigators patiently waited 48 hours for her to fully regain Consciousness now they hope to gain a clearer understanding of the events that transpired D on that warm summer night Kathleen recalled having a brutal fight with her father that evening after he regained his composure he had stepped outside claiming he had something that would make her feel better what is that what is that okay moments later he returned and slipped a pair of handcuffs on her wrists down relaxed no problem he forced her on to the couch what are you doing and pulled a canvas Hood over her head come on perock pushed a plastic tube down her throat using a spray bottle he sprayed alcohol into the tube forcing her to [Music] [Applause] drink and I he was going to get herur and her mother drunk he had said and make his wife sign some papers he was wasting electricity after which he would be out of their lives forever what did he do that he tossed Kathleen on the bed in her mother's room turned on the radio and then rummaged through the dresser drawers even though he and CLA had been separated for several years he still had various possessions of his own tucked in corners of the house including a gun he placed the barrel of the gun near her ear and pulled the trigger the chamber was empty was the girl that was right if you don't cooperate he told her I'll blow your brains out her father bound her ankles with rope and pulled her legs up knotting the Rope around the handcuffs then he left the room he returned occasionally she explained to force feed her more alcohol she was also forced to swallow pills sorry like he always does Robert perock left his daughter on her mother's bed hog tied and unable to see for hours at one point she thought she heard some loud thuds coming from another part of the house had her mother come home from work yet were her parents fighting she couldn't be sure police would later learn that throughout the ordeal Kathleen's friend Shirley had been trying to reach her hours passed and the alcohol and pills took their toll Kathleen was barely conscious when she sensed someone carrying her outside and placing her in a car there the images continued to blur and she could remember no more after Kathleen's interview investigators obtained a warrant for Robert P knock's arrest search warrants were issued for both the home where Kathleen was brutalized and Robert's condominium police had no information as to the whereabouts of The Fugitive detective Fisk and his team of investigators needed to find clues that would help them locate the suspect and Link him to the crime they needed to work fast right after this crime occurred the chase was on and we were getting search warrants for bank records find out where he bank trying to find out how much money he had trying to find out where he owned property we were trying to find out uh where the crime actually occurred the beating obviously didn't take place in the car because of the severity of these wounds you couldn't swing an object hard enough to cause these injuries inside a car police found a scrap of rope in the bedroom where Kathleen had been held bank account as well as cartons of papers folders and files that Robert pck had left around the house there was however no sign of the suspect investigators worried that with each passing day the trail was growing colder a surveillance team was assigned to Trail pio's girlfriend Sonia seagull she was observed making a number of phone calls from payones but she did not lead the detectives to pno after 2 weeks police found pero gry datson the car was impounded and searched inside investigators found more notes receipts and other paperwork two guns one an automatic pistol the other a revolver with a wooden handle and a collection of tools including a Vie vices often leave tiny indentation marks on any tools placed in their grip investigators compared the cross-hatch design of pio's Vice with the indentations found on the metal Spike that had been attached to the bottom of the Cadillac the indentations Matched what can I help Well ma'am uh investigators next met with a private attorney named Victoria Doom she told the detective that 9 months before the accident CLA PUK had asked her to begin divorce proceedings the attorney found that her client's husband Robert pno was surprisingly receptive to the wishes of his wife just don't know Rob her in fact as long as she agreed to postpone the divorce giving him time to finish a few business deals perock agreed to split their assets evenly nothing is going to happen well I'll be getting in touch with you okay please be it's okay okay that they had those assets included three houses in Southern California four bank accounts and more than a dozen life insurance policies totaling more than $1.5 million would be possible to um he wanted to hold investigators now believed they had found a motive for the murder they would be able but pno was still at large with the insurance on September 3rd 5 weeks after the accident Sonia seagull was brought in for questioning investigators were convinced she knew where the suspect was hiding but as detectives tried to wear her down it became clear that perock had told her he was being framed and that she believed he was innocent now where is I don't know investigators told Sonia if she didn't cooperate she could be charged as an accessory to murder all know the pressure worked yes Sonia said pno was staying at a motel near San Fernando California you just be quiet here can I help you back down the finally after more than a month the LAPD had their man and perhaps just in time in the motel room detectives found more than $25,000 in cash a packed suitcase and a traveler's guide to Australia the case could now be turned over to the district attorney's office but even though PUK was now be Behind Bars he didn't go quietly the prosecutors would soon experience firsthand his brutal temper in September 1987 Robert John pck was arrested and charged with a murder of his wife CLA the attempted murder of his 18-year-old daughter Kathleen and kidnapping he's good he pleaded not guilty on all charges Craig Richmond had been a deputy district attorney for 3 years when he was assigned the pno case the way to get out this was a circumstantial evidence case to a large extent because we didn't have that one person who could say I saw him beating his wife putting him in the car and sending him down the road the prosecutor had pio's daughter who could testify to what had happened earlier in the evening but she couldn't say who put her in the car because her head was covered the prosecutor also had no murder weapon the blunt instrument used to beat Clare pck and Kathleen was never found to make up for these weaknesses in his case Deputy district attorney Richmond knew his team would have to collect as much evidence as possible to prove Robert P knock's guilt Richmond hoped to find such evidence by examining the month pno spent in hiding he turned to the Case Files filled with receipts phone records and credit card bills the Paper Trail began just hours after the crime was discovered on July 23rd at 9:00 a.m. one day after the fatal crash bank records showed that perock withdrew $40,000 in cash from one of his accounts from there perock drove to a parking lot near the airport he left his car and flew to Las Vegas checking into a hotel under an assumed name in early August robertt visited a plastic surgeon in Las Vegas he underwent a facelift a chin implant and an eye tuck Mr piut the doctor will see you he moved from hotel to hotel for several weeks until he was arrested back in California here's his wife who's been killed and his daughter who's been almost killed and he is left to go to Las Vegas register under assumed names getting plastic surgery doesn't come to the funeral doesn't care about what's going on with his daughter I thought that that was all very damning piece of evidence you and your firm and your little paper quarter after a hearing which determined the defendant was mentally competent to stand trial perock found ways to postpone his trial for over 3 years done here out of here good luck to you he went through five defense attorneys firing each in turn you need it thank you thank you very much you have a good day for several months he defended himself confident that he'd prove his innocence at trial and expose what he claimed was a government plot to frame him and Destroy his family although pio's claims were far-fetched they were rooted in fact as Deputy district attorney Craig Richmond investigated the man's background he discovered that in the 1970s pno had uncovered corruption at California's Department of Water Resources a state agency where he worked at the time he'd become known as a whistleblower the Robert pck investigation and trial was the subject of a book by Anthony flco at the time this murder took place his explanation was he was about to publish a book Tracing this corruption all the way to the governor's office and that for that reason it wasn't even enough for these forces to kill him that they had to frame him and discredit him so that if the book was ever discovered uh what he revealed in it wouldn't be believed a prosecution realized that what sounded like paranoid ravings to some jurors might ring true for others and there was evidence that while serving as a whistleblower perno's reputation had been smeared he'd even received death threats well I was always concerned with his conspiracy theory I have 12 people that I have to convince Beyond a reasonable doubt that he committed this murder and and sometimes people jurors unfortunately believe in in strange things and I was concerned that someone up there might buy into this conspiracy theory somehow and and could prevent me from convicting him in the midst of preparing for the case there was an unexpected development when an inmate came forward with information on Robert pck investigators were called to the county jail got a call from your attorney you want to there they learned that pno from behind bars had been plotting the murder of his daughter according to investigators pno also planned to kill Victoria Doom his wife's former divorce attorney who now represented Kathleen rur knock them off I will tell them it'll help the two were framing him for his wife's murder perock told the inmate and they were trying to take his [Music] money civil suit Victoria Doom had encouraged Kathleen to file a civil lawsuit against her father for the wrongful death of her mother and for her own injuries the inmate agreed to wear a wire just got a phone call everything he caught perock on tape discussing the plot two counts of solicitation to commit murder were added to his charges in 1991 he hired his sixth attorney Donald green determined to end the delays the judge ordered green to represent the defendant throughout the entire trial now after 3 years Robert pno would have his day in [Music] court the trial of Robert John pno began in the summer of 1991 all rise for the honorable Judge Howard Schwab it had been exactly 4 years since his wife and daughter were discovered brutally beaten inside his car which had been soaked with gasoline and rigged to explod is present prosecution you can call your w the prosecution calls Dr James Wagner the prosecution's first witness was Deputy medical examiner Dr James Wagner who testified to the nature and severity of the wounds inflicted on both Clare pck and Kathleen me do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but unable to show the jury the actual weapon the prosecution supplied a prop believe asking the coroner to demonstrate the way in which each blow was delivered based on his examination of Clare P knock's body about arms in front of me jurors watched in silence as the coroner reenacted four severe blows to the Head centered right between the eyes with the final one being totally unlike a simple fracture the repeated blunt force trauma caused the entire skull to shatter into small fragments like a broken eggshell to the ground yeah that General facility of uh degrees yes sir okay thank you Deputy District attorney Craig Richmond her wounds are are very isolated in one location on her forehead lending us to believe that she is unconscious and he is striking the same spot over and over again like you would hit a nail with a hammer first detective Steven Fisk testified about the defendant's jail house plot to murder his daughter and her attorney has this any played for jurors the recorded conversation of pno and a prison inmate who wore a hidden microphone very cautious on the tap perock said his trial would begin in one week and his daughter had to be killed by the weekend got one week the inmate told pno he would have the job done for $155,000 perock accepted the price for jurors the conversation was a frightening glimpse into the mind of a man who seemed to have no hesitation about killing his own daughter but Richmond knew he now had to link the suspect to the murder of his wifei Richmond entered into evidence boxes of papers receipts and notes that detective Fisk and his investigators had recovered from the defendant that's correct yes it is that's correct well Robert pno was a highly organized almost compulsive man who made lists for everything he did every day go to the store get a haircut the most mundane activities were all written down on lists that he followed when he organized this crime he saved all his lists as compelling as any witness the notes written in pio's own hand outlin the slow methodical way in which he plotted his crimes hunting for Clues Richmond had made a painstaking search through hundreds of documents as trial was approaching it was something that just could not be put off anymore that I had to just see if there was anything that might help me prove this case so I came here on the weekend and uh just started plowing through the boxes one at a time going through literally one piece of paper at a time of reams and reams of papers with notes on them for hours Richmond examined the notes documenting the various activities that made up pio's days then on one small scrap of paper he noticed a list with the entry check underneath car and another get statements [Music] straight on yet another list the prosecutor found a drawing that resembled the metal Spike that was found underneath the car it was he determined a checklist for murder one of the notes was uh W and C in back seat and cover which I assume meant wife and child in the back seat and cover them up uh handcuffs hoods liquor bottles remember to bring her purse can't have her uh driving the car without her purse so there was a note bring purse there was enough there to show that that this was his checklist of how he was going to commit the crime according to fisk's testimony some of the notes were dated indicating that pno had been planning the crime for months witness your excuse thank you your next the prosec would reveal the technical details of perno's plan for the murder of his wife and daughter Michael Camelo the arson expert was called to the stand right hand do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth help you got I do you may be seated what would have happened had that Spike penetrated that gas tank with the gasoline the gas tank and that rope on fire the gasoline from the gas tank would have poured out onto the burning rope and it would have ignited the idea was to make it look like a drunk driving accident he said and it might easily have worked the burning rope under the car the pools of gas inside the vehicle and the metal Spike would have worked together to create an explosion so intense as to destroy all the evidence depending on the amount these items of evidence in fact were so soaked with gasoline that even years later they were still a fire hazard consuming the lower or unders side of the C both the prosecutor and defense attorney agreed not to bring them into the court due to the danger they posed in from his seat behind the defense table perock watched as the most compelling witness for the prosecution took the stand his daughter Kathleen you swear to tell the truth the old truth and nothing but the truth help you got I do you may be seated I'm going to take you back to the afternoon before the crash can you tell me what was going on that afternoon um well when I got home for 3 Days Kathleen testified about the horrific events that took place on July 21st 1987 much about it in what tone of voice did you make that comment about him wasting electricity I was being sarcastic so why did you say that because she told about the argument she had with her father when she came home that day and how he suddenly became violent and he started to strangle me around the deck and he was yelling and screaming scaming and he dragged me into the living room Kathleen still remembered the taste of the plastic tube in her mouth and choking on the Alcohol he forced down her throat and I had no control over what was happening and he jammed a plastic tube down my throat and forceed me alcohol after several hours she began to fade in and out of Consciousness calm me down her last memory was of being placed on a seat in a car I just couldn't deal with it anymore so I she thought she could hear her mother breathing beside her and she heard other sounds like someone tinkering in the trunk Mark about was the thing about her testimony was that she could only give us so much so she stops at a particular Point she doesn't know who drove the car she doesn't know who moved her from the back seat to the front seat and she does doesn't know what happened to her once she is moved I wasn't longer conscious of what was really happening thank you V your witness defense attorney Donald green was looking for any contradictions in her testimony any hint of dishonesty which could be used to argue Reasonable Doubt you really didn't like your father very much did you no I didn't and you're currently suing your father for $5 million is that correct that's correct the defense tried to show that Kathleen was looking to capitalize on her father's arrest father frequently yes say once twice a week would not be on green suggested that his client like many fathers often argued with his daughter after 8 weeks with a testimony of over two dozen Witnesses and scores of exhibits entered into the court record the prosecution rested its case defense your first witness defense calls Robert P knock your honor in a criminal trial a defendant cannot be compelled to take the stand but when the defense announced their decision to call Robert pno Deputy district attorney Craig Richmond welcomed the opportunity to cross-examine him do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth he thought he was smarter than everybody and could use his intelligence to get him out of this as he had so many times before and I wasn't going to let him there was no way that I was going to let him do that you may be seated before the prosecutor would confront Robert perock however the defendant under questioning from his own attorney would finally get the chance to tell his version of what happened that fateful night yeah against the advice of Defense counsel Robert perock took the stand to tell his story in his own words with your daughter or he was charged with beating his wife and daughter then placing them in a car rigged to explode but his daughter Kathleen survived to testify against him contradicting Kathleen's testimony he said he never had an argument with her on the evening in question in fact it was mother and daughter who quarreled that night and I go back in the house next thing you know to get a drink of water and there's nobody [Music] there he saw them drive off in his Cadillac El Dorado what was that realizing a divorce was inevitable he tried to withdraw $50,000 from his bank the next morning pno claimed his wife had agreed to take that money as a quick and clean divorce settlement according to his testimony after learning of the accident and his daughter's wild accusations he felt his only recourse was to leave town and then determine how to prove his [Music] innocence I knew that if I could get to him he would go off and and that's what I wanted to do I wanted to make him go off so that the jury could see what kind of person he was and they could see what a violent person he was thank you Mr perock questions your honor prosecution your witness a prosecution questioned the defendant about his previous jobs working with explosive devices when you work for Network investigators had learned that one company pck had worked for produced devices similar to the L-shaped Spike that was found on the undercarriage of pio's Cadillac when authorities arrived at the accident scene I was vice president the testing of explosive devices and one of those devices was called a cutter isn't that correct yes but there were many others too and there were no explosiv on that vehicle so please stop trying to mislead the jury Mr pck just answer his questions trying to get the truth out here your honor Mr pno I am the judge reprimanded the defendant on several occasions for his rambling and evasive responses to questions he just kept getting wor worse and worse and and and wouldn't answer the questions that I was asking him went because he had to tell his story and that's all he would do every question I would ask he would go off on a tangent to what he wanted to say so the police are trying to frame you sir I blew the whistle on corruption on state contracts that were wasting millions of taxpayer dollars since then they've done everything they can to place these false charges against me Mr pno I'm going to warn you again keep your remarks to his questions Richmond tried to get perock to respond to the many notes and lists they had found in his car is this your handwriting some of it might be mine some of it might not be author Anthony Flo described P knock's Court Romantics he would start very calm very reasonable he'd start by explaining no this this point is false and this point is true but when confronted he would immediately turn start shouting start screaming gripping the chair looking like he was going to come out of the witness stand and being just this close to attacking people physically right on the stand was Claire drinking when she came home that night yes but you heard testimony from her co-workers saying that she hadn't had had anything to drink didn't you yes I heard that so was she lying practically everybody on this witness stand that testified for you their testimony has been changed I have a tape recording of a witness whose testimony is entirely different from what it was here Mr pno one more Outburst from you and you will be removed from this court do you understand me sir I have a few more issues I need to address before this court ladies and gentlemen of the jury you may now leave the courtroom until further notice the jury needs to hear that Mr Green does not work for me in the least take this this whole thing is rigged it's about millions and millions of dollars fed up with a Meandering unresponsive and often belligerent testimony of the defendant the judge excused the jury and had perock forcibly removed from the courtroom this man does not worth for me corrup with little other recourse the defense rested its case the jury reached a verdict in less than 6 hours guilty on all counts [Music] All Rise before sentencing the judge ordered the defendant cuffed and gagged as P repeatedly banged his head against the table the judge sentenced him to 22 years 4 months to be followed by life imprisonment then another sentence of life without the possibility of parole it is my most steadfast recommendation the judge added that Mr perock never be allowed back into society and I recommend that no future Governor ever parole Mr pno the judge went on strongly advocating that pno be placed in a high security prison he was shipped to Pelican Bay a high-tech Maximum Security Prison in California [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Real Crime
Views: 375,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FBI investigation, Hollywood crime story, Real Crime, behind the scenes crime, crime analysis, crime reporting, crime scene investigation, crime thriller, crime victim advocacy, criminal behavior study, criminal cover-up, criminal justice reform, criminal law enforcement, criminal motive analysis, murder investigation, murder mystery solved, murder suspect interrogation, true crime justice, true crime series, true crime story, unsolved mystery
Id: LBsV4p6Lmo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 52sec (5992 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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