JJ's Bath Time for Bingo + Cece Goes Camping + Nina's Good Game FULL EPISODE 🐶 CoComelon Lane

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[laughs] -Hey, hey. It's me, JJ. -[Bingo panting] ♪ It's a great day on CoComelon Lane ♪ ♪ And it's so nice to meet ya ♪ ♪ It's a great day on CoComelon Lane ♪ Come on. ♪ There's so much to see, yeah ♪ ♪ You and me ♪ ♪ Family ♪ ♪ It's gonna be a great day On CoComelon Lane ♪ -CoComelon! -[buzzing] -[JJ] Bingo! -[Bingo barking] -[Nina] Hi, puppy guppy! -[JJ] Oh! What a muddy pupper. [Nina] Whoa! Bingo! Hey, hey! It's JJ. I'm going to the pet rescue with my daddy to wash Bingo today. Bingo really needs a bath. He has out a lot of dirties on his fur. Hey, kids, I'm gonna take Bingo to go potty before we leave, okay? Okay, Daddy. Usually my daddy washes Bingo at the pet rescue but this time I get to go and help. We washed my dog Puddles at the fire station with a hose. [gasps] Let's use our ladybug light to imagine we're washing our favorite animals. You can play pretend with us too! [music playing] ♪ Yes, yes, yes ♪ ♪ Imagine with me ♪ ♪ It's magic When you can imagine with me ♪ ♪ Yes, yes, yes, play along with me ♪ ♪ So, come on, get ready ♪ ♪ And one, two, three ♪ I went to a car wash one time, it was a long tunnel with lots of bath stuff in it. Maybe the pet rescue has one for animals. Here come the animals. And they are really muddy. [laughs] Let's clean them to find out what animals they are. I'm the bubbly soap. Scrub-a-dub, bubble-dub! [chuckles] I'm the spinning brush! Brush, brush, brush! [chuckles] I'm the bird that dries the animals with my wings. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! -Meow. -That one's a kitty cat. [laughs] Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! Roar! That one's a dinosaur! [laughs] The really big one is... Whoosh. [gasps] Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! [gasps] A mouse? So tiny! Squeak, squeak, squeak! It had a lot of mud on it. -Awesome. -Roar! [JJ's Dad] JJ. -Time to go wash Bingo! -[barking] Coming, Daddy! I'm going to give Bingo a bath now. Come along with us. ♪ About to do something new ♪ ♪ About to do something new ♪ ♪ I know I can do it ♪ ♪ Hop, skip, jump into it ♪ ♪ Let's go ♪ ♪ About to do something new ♪ Here's everything you need to wash Bingo. A hose to rinse him, brushes and shampoo to scrub and clean, and a towel to dry him off. Aw, yeah! I can't wait! -[meows] -Oh. Coming, Pinky! Whew, I have a hungry parrot I need to feed. I'll be inside. Let me know if you two need anything. [JJ] Thank you, Bella's mommy. Are you ready to wash Bingo, bud? I sure am. Are you ready, Bingo? -[barks] -Then it's tubby time! First we should use the hose to rinse Bingo. -I'll get it! -Whoa! -[laughs] -Oh! Whoa! Bingo got me wet. Bingo, it's bath time, not playtime. You'll have to stay in the tub. [sighs] That's all right, bud. Let's put him back in. Oh! Oh! Ugh, he keeps getting me wet. Bingo isn't staying in the tub, Daddy. He's not doing what I said. Hmm. Sounds like you feel annoyed. That's when something that bothers you keeps happening. -I am annoyed. -[barking] I can't wash Bingo because Bingo just wants to play. I get it. And it's okay to feel that way, bud. We can't change that Bingo just wants to play. But it might make you feel less annoyed if we change what we do. -How? -[Bingo barks] Well, if all Bingo wants to do is play, can you think of a way to turn bath time into a game? -[barking] -A game? -I can try. -[barking] [both] ♪ We have a puppy ♪ ♪ His name is Bingo ♪ ♪ We have a puppy, cute as a rainbow ♪ ♪ He likes to play ♪ ♪ If he could pick ♪ ♪ His favorite game is get the stick ♪ That's it! I know how to get Bingo in the bathtub. Bingo, fetch! Good boy! [both] ♪ We have a puppy ♪ ♪ His name is Bingo ♪ ♪ We have a puppy, cute as a rainbow ♪ Oh! How am I gonna brush him? I know he likes his belly rubs. [gasps] Want a belly rub, Bingo? Good boy! [both] ♪ We have a puppy ♪ ♪ His name is Bingo ♪ ♪ We have a puppy, cute as a rainbow ♪ ♪ I'll wash his tail and smiling face ♪ ♪ Scrub, scrub his ears All over the place ♪ [speaks] Scrub-a-dub, pup! Good boy. It's working, Daddy. He's getting clean! He sure is, bud. Now let's dry him. [both] ♪ We have a puppy ♪ ♪ His name is Bingo ♪ ♪ We have a puppy, cute as a rainbow ♪ ♪ Now bath time's done and we had fun ♪ ♪ Let's try and play ♪ -Wait, don't run away! -[Bingo barking] Bingo! Come back! [both] ♪ We have a puppy ♪ ♪ His name is Bingo ♪ ♪ We have a puppy, cute as a rainbow ♪ ♪ Bingo won't dry, but that's okay ♪ ♪ Let's make it fun And try it another way ♪ Hmm, what else can I do? [gasps] I know a fun way to get Bingo dry. -[barks] -Come on, boy. Follow me. ♪ Let's shake, shake, shake The puppy shake ♪ ♪ Do the shake, shake, shake The puppy shake ♪ [gasps] It's working! Good job, Bingo! Do the puppy shake with us! [both] ♪ We love our puppy ♪ ♪ Oh, yes, we do We love our puppy ♪ ♪ He loves us too! ♪ Washing Bingo was so fun! We played games to get him clean. And to dry him, we did the puppy shake. Show them, boy. [laughing] Let's puppy shake too! [all laugh] We made washing Bingo into a fun game. What's your favorite part of bath time? -[all laughing] -[all barking] -[buzzing] -JJ! [echoing] Bella! [echoing] Camping! [echoing] [laughs] Oh. Hey, hey, it's JJ! Cece's going camping with her family tonight. My mommy says camping is when you sleep in a tent outside. -[Bella chuckles] -And we're gonna hike, eat snackies called s'mores, and see animals. I'm bringing my brightest, shiniest night light. -Oh. -[chuckles] I always put it on when the sun goes beddy-bye. I wish I could go camping. Let's use our ladybug light to imagine we're camping. You can play pretend with us, too. ♪ Yes, yes, yes ♪ ♪ Imagine with me ♪ ♪ It's magic When you can imagine with me ♪ ♪ Yes, yes, yes ♪ ♪ Play along with me ♪ ♪ So come on, get ready ♪ ♪ And one, two, three! ♪ These are our kitty packs. Meow. Now, we're ready to camp. Let's go hiking, campers. [all chuckling] Look! A paw print! [Bella and JJ] Whoo-hoo. That means an animal was here. [gasps] Maybe it was Big Paw. She's a big, friendly, fuzzy-wuzzy kitty cat who lives in the woods. [Bella gasps] More paw prints! [Cece] The paw prints go up S'mores Mountain. [all grunting] Climb. -Ooh. [gasps] -Mmm. So good. We're coming, kitty. [children] Meow. Hey, hey, Big Paw! -Wanna come camping with us? -[gasps] [Cece] Meow. Whoo-hoo! -[Bella] Meow. -[children laughing] [Cece grunts] [children cheering, laughing] -Yay! -Whoo-hoo! Now we need our tent so we can go beddy-bye. [all yawn] [Cece's Mom] Cece. Time to go. Camping time. Yay! Cece's going camping with her family now. Go along with her. ♪ About to do something new ♪ ♪ About to do something new ♪ [Cece's Mom laughs] ♪ I know I can do it ♪ ♪ Hop, skip, jump into it ♪ Let's go! ♪ About to do something new ♪ Ooh, look at that, animals. [gasps] Flowers. [inhales, giggles] Ah! [laughing] Here we are. Oh, what a great hike. -[Cece's Mom] Mmm, delicious. -Mmm. Yummy s'mores. Oh, looks like it's about time for beddy-bye. I'm ready for beddy-bye. And so is my night light. [giggles] Oh, I'm sorry, Cece. But we're not gonna be able to use your night light. [gasps] At home we can plug it in, but we can't do that out here. We can't? But... but... Now it's getting dark and the trees look big. And I feel shaky, like I wanna hide. Oh, sweetie, are you feeling scared of the dark? A lot scared. It's okay to feel that way. Everybody gets scared sometimes. But Mommy and Daddy are here for you. I just didn't think it would be this dark. [Cece's Dad] Hmm. We can't use your night light, but maybe we can look for other kinds of light. Other lights? I don't see any. Oh, are you sure about that? Try taking a look up at the sky. [Cece's parents] ♪ Twinkle, twinkle little star ♪ ♪ How I wonder what you are ♪ ♪ Up above the world so high ♪ ♪ Like a diamond in the sky ♪ ♪ Twinkle, twinkle little star ♪ ♪ How I wonder what you are ♪ ♪ It's too dark in the night ♪ ♪ I wish that we had more light ♪ ♪ This flashlight can light our way ♪ ♪ It shines bright so we can play ♪ ♪ Twinkle, twinkle little light ♪ [all] ♪ How I love that you shine bright ♪ ♪ Making light so we can play Silly shadow puppet games ♪ ♪ Twinkle, twinkle little light ♪ ♪ How I love that you shine bright ♪ ♪ It helps when we find light ♪ ♪ Will there be more light tonight? ♪ -Just look up. -Oh. [Cece's Dad] ♪ Through the tent ♪ ♪ You will see a bright present ♪ [all] ♪ Twinkle, twinkle little moon ♪ ♪ How I love to look at you ♪ ♪ Growing bright all through the night ♪ ♪ Shining down on our campsite ♪ ♪ Twinkle, twinkle little moon ♪ ♪ How I love to look at you ♪ ♪ There's more light than I thought ♪ ♪ Maybe I don't mind the dark ♪ ♪ Look back up towards the sky ♪ ♪ You are in for a surprise ♪ [gasps] Wow. Lots of stars. ♪ I thought that I couldn't sleep Without my night light by me ♪ ♪ I found light all around ♪ ♪ I'm not scared at our campground ♪ [all] ♪ Twinkle, twinkle lots of stars ♪ ♪ How I love all that you are ♪ ♪ Groups of stars up in the air ♪ ♪ Making shapes like cats and bears ♪ ♪ Twinkle, twinkle lots of stars ♪ ♪ How I love all that you are ♪ ♪ Twinkle, twinkle little star ♪ ♪ How I wonder what you are ♪ -[whispers] Light. -[owl hoots] -[children giggling] -[gasps] [Bella] It's Big Paw! How do you do that? It's a shadow puppet. My daddy taught me how. Cece used other lights, like the stars, to help her go beddy-bye. What do you like to do before bedtime? [Bella] ...of a Jelly Bean. [gasps] Look. I did a kitty. Oh, good one. -Look what I made. -[laughs] Aw, look. They're playing together. -[buzzing] -[Bella] Kick! You're not supposed to be using your hands. [grunts] [all laughing] Hey, hey, it's JJ! We are playing in a soccer game today. Our team is called the Rainbows. See our uniforms? [laughs] Score! Our first game ever! [all] Aw, yeah! Let's use our ladybug light to imagine what our soccer game's gonna be like. You can play pretend with us too. [amusing instrumental music playing] ♪ Yes, yes, yes! ♪ ♪ Imagine with me ♪ ♪ It's magic When you can imagine with me ♪ ♪ Yes, yes, yes! ♪ ♪ Play along with me ♪ ♪ So, come on! ♪ ♪ Get ready in one, two, three! ♪ This is the soccer field. See all the mommies and daddies watching? There's a giraffe watching us too. My mommy says the team were playing with today is called the Dolphins! -[dolphins clicking] -[Nina] Dolphins! -[JJ] Dolphin soccer players. -[Nina] With their fins! -Look at their fins. -Hi, dolphins. Now we try to kick the ball into the net and score goals. Superhero kick! [grunts] Whoo-hoo! [laughs] I'm gonna karate kick the ball. Hi-yah! I'm gonna do a pirate kick. Yar-har-har. -Yay! -Yay! [dolphins clicking] Super kick! Karate kick! Pirate kick, ahoy! [grunts] -[all cheering] -[Nina] Goal! [all laughing] Kids! It's time to go to the game! Let's go, Rainbow team. We are going to our soccer game now. Come on, you can help cheer for us! ♪ About to do something new ♪ ♪ About to do something new ♪ ♪ I know I can do it ♪ ♪ Hop, skip, jump into it ♪ ♪ Let's go ♪ [clapping rhythmically] ♪ About to do something new ♪ [whistle blows] [grunts] [grunts] [all laughing] -Hmpf. -Aw... [panting] [squeals] [grunts] Superhero kick! -[gasps] -Ten seconds until the game is over! Ten, nine... -I'm gonna score a goal. -...eight, seven... I'm gonna score a goal! ...six, five, four, three... two, one! -[blows whistle] -[gasps] Game over! Great job, everybody. The game is over? That's right. Congratulations, Nina. You just played your very first game of soccer. Great job. All right, it's time to line up for the team tunnel so you can give each other high fives! -Yeah! -Yeah! [sighs wearily] Yeah! Good game, everybody! -[sighs] -That was awesome. Aw, mijita. What's wrong? I didn't score any goals! And now the game is over, Mommy. Hmm. There's still the team tunnel. Do you want to join it? You get to give each other high fives. I don't wanna give high fives! I just want to sit here and make a face like this. -[grunts angrily] -Hmm. Sounds like you might be angry. Angry can happen when you don't get to do something you really wanted to do. Yes, I am angry. It wasn't a good game. It's okay to feel angry about that. Why don't we try taking a deep breath and see if that makes you feel better? [both breathing deeply] -Any better? -A little. [chuckles softly] Muy bien. Mijita, I can see why you didn't feel it was a good game, but I remember lots of good things that happened. Like what? ♪ I saw you run like this You ran so fast ♪ ♪ I watched when you made A super great pass ♪ ♪ I watched you cheer As loud as you could ♪ ♪ And that made Your friends feel so good ♪ ♪ But I didn't score a goal Like I wanted to ♪ ♪ But you did so many awesome things ♪ ♪ I'm proud of you It was a good game ♪ ♪ You gave it your all ♪ ♪ It was a good game ♪ ♪ You really had such a ball ♪ ♪ You cheered for your friends You played with everyone ♪ ♪ It was a good game Because the goal is to have fun ♪ I guess there were some good things about it. ♪ Your superhero kick Made people say, "Wow!" ♪ ♪ You did it like this Can you show me how? ♪ -I did like that part. -[barks] ♪ Did it feel good to play With friends you know? ♪ Yeah. ♪ It's great to kick the ball and say "Way to go" ♪ ♪ But I wish I'd score the goal Before the time ran out ♪ ♪ But you did so many awesome things To smile about ♪ -♪ It was a good game ♪ -[barks] ♪ You gave it your all ♪ ♪ It was a good game You really had such a ball ♪ ♪ You cheered for your friends You've played with everyone ♪ ♪ It was a good game Because the goal is to have fun ♪ ♪ I did kick the ball I made a good pass ♪ ♪ I was a good teammate ♪ -[whistle blows] -[barks] ♪ I tried my best I cheered for my friends ♪ -Hey! The game was great! -[whistle blows] [both] ♪ It was a good game ♪ ♪ I gave it my all ♪ ♪ It was a good game ♪ ♪ I really had such a ball! ♪ ♪ I cheered for my friends I played with everyone ♪ ♪ It was a good game Because the goal is to have fun ♪ [both] That's the goal! ♪ It was a good game ♪ ♪ I gave it my all ♪ ♪ It was a good game ♪ ♪ I really had such a ball ♪ ♪ I cheered for my friends I played with everyone ♪ ♪ It was a good game Because the goal is to have fun ♪ -[whistle blows] -Good job, Nina! Let's go! Nina had a good game today and so did we! What kind of games do you like to play? [children laughing and chattering] [all cheering] [theme music playing]
Channel: Netflix Jr.
Views: 168,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Netflix, Netflix Jr, Netflix Original Series, Netflix Series, cocomelon lane, cocomelon lane bingo, cocomelon lane cece, cocomelon lane full episode, cocomelon lane jj, cocomelon lane music, cocomelon lane netflix, cocomelon lane new, cocomelon lane nina, cocomelon lane nursery rhymes, cocomelon lane season 2, cocomelon lane season 2 full episode, cocomelon lane songs, kids & family, kids family, kids movies, kids tv, netflix family, netflix kids
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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