J.John on Sundays // Why I Am A Christian

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[Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to God TV and a warm welcome to you from all the nations of the world please let me know where you're watching I would love to know please put it on my Instagram or my facebook Canon Jay John and I will see and read your comments as well I'm going to answer this question today why am i a Christian and therefore why should you be a Christian today a lot of people's understanding of Christianity is actually a misunderstanding and that's why it's very important for us to be able to explain what we believe and why we actually believe it I spoke up one University and this student came up to me afterwards and said I cannot believe in anything I don't understand and I said well what are you studying he said I'm studying agriculture I said well tell me this how is it possible for a black cow to eat green grass and produce white milk well he didn't know how to answer that question there's so many things in the world in life that we don't completely understand but that doesn't mean we don't believe in it there was another University where I went to speak at the lecture theatre was absolutely packed out and I stood up to speak and just as I began this girl stood up and shouted out science has disproved it all now I hadn't actually said anything so there's about a thousand students in the auditorium they looked at her they looked at me they looked at her they looked at me so I said really said yes so I said okay why don't you come out onto the stage now and you speak first and then when you've spoken I will respond to what you say so she did she came out onto the stage she began to speak she only spoke for a few minutes but it was obvious she said science has disproved it all she didn't know much about science she knew less about proof and she was at an absolute loss to explain what all was you see sometimes when people say science has disproved it all they don't really know what the all is so I'm gonna give you my reasons why I am a Christian and I'd like to give you four reasons the first reason I'd like to give is this I am a Christian because Christianity is true it's true now I've written a book called Jesus Christ the truth in this my colleague and I Chris Wally and I we have researched the evidence for Jesus Christ and for Christianity this book is available from my website Canon Jay John calm or from Amazon but here in this sermon I believe Christianity is true and I know it's true because the evidence is overwhelming so we we read in the Bible in 1 Corinthians chapter 15 we read this now brothers and sisters I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you which you received and on which you have taken your stand by this gospel you are saved by firmly holding to the word I preached to you he then goes on and he talks about all the different people that encountered Jesus after his resurrection we're not just Christians because of how amazing Jesus Christ was and it was amazing we're not just Christians because of what Jesus did in healing people and all the miracles he did which were incredible we're not just Christians because of the teaching of Jesus and that is truly the truth and life-changing we're Christians because Jesus Christ is the truth he died on a cross and he rose from the dead you see his resurrection authenticated everything he said and everything that he did and after his resurrection he spent 40 days teaching the disciples and during that 40 day period he neither withdrew or added what he had previously taught in three years we know Jesus is the truth because he rose from the dead if you're walking down the street and you get to the end of the street and you don't know which way to go should I go left I don't know shall I go right No there are two men lying there ones dead one is alive which one would you ask for directions the reason I am a Christian is because Jesus Christ is alive today therefore I can trust him for what he taught for what he did and what that means to my life regarding my past my present and my future examine the evidence for yourself as the the reliability of the scriptures the truth of the scriptures I'm a Christian because Christianity is true the reason you should be a Christian is because Christianity is true second reason why Allah why I am a Christian I am a Christian because I need forgiveness every single one of us needs forgiveness an eminent psychiatrists wrote I could dismiss 95% of my patients if they could be assured of forgiveness you and I all need forgiveness why well as the Bible says in Romans 3 verse 23 for all have sinned every single one of us has sinned now what does that mean sin means failing to do what God has commanded us to do whether in thought whether in word or whether indeed and the thing is that our actions have consequences a lot of people don't believe that a lot of people think look you can think what you want you can say what you want you can do what you want and it really doesn't matter it does our actions our attitudes our beliefs our behavior have the consequence of disconnecting us from God because God is a holy God and when we sin we disconnect ourselves from God and sin works a bit like an overdraft in a bank account if you have an overdraft and I have an overdraft you can't help me and I can't help you we are desperate for forgiveness we are desperate to be reconciled to our maker and our Creator you and I need forgiveness the reason I'm a Christian is because Christianity is true secondly I need forgiveness where am I going to get forgiveness from Jesus was the only one in credit only Jesus could do something about your overdraft and my overdraft that's why I'm a Christian because only Jesus the Great Physician can help me can heal me can set me free that's the second reason why I am a Christian the first reason I'm a Christian is because Christianity is true why should you be a Christian because Christianity is true second reason I'm a Christian I need forgiveness why should you become a Christian because you need forgiveness here's my third reason the third reason why I am a Christian is because Jesus Christ died for me he died for me we read in Romans chapter 8 verse 34 in the Bible who then is the one who condemns no one Christ Jesus who died more than that who was raised to life is that the right hand of God and is also interceding for us yes Jesus has judged us yes we are disconnected from him but he's not condemning us He loves us and because He loves us he came into this world to do something for us Christ Jesus who died he died on the cross in order to purchase for us for given us It was as if he was cashing a check signed with his own blood to say here is the check to clear your overdraft Jesus Christ died on the cross for you and for me and what's incredible about the scriptures that I just read he rose from the dead and he's in heaven and he's interceding for us he's praying for us and I believe he's praying that we would encounter this truth we would be reconciled to God through Jesus we would experience forgiveness we would experience healing I believe Jesus is praying that for you and for me sometimes that blows my mind it literally blows my mind to think that the creator of the entire universe is praying for me I am a Christian because Christianity is true I am a Christian because I need forgiveness I am a Christian because Jesus Christ died for me the wounds of Jesus you know there's only one man-made thing in heaven and that ear are it's the wounds of Jesus and sign language for Jesus you and I can experience it so long as we encounter the cross of Jesus Christ fourth reason why I'm a Christian I am a Christian because Christianity works Christianity works it has been working in the lives of billions of people from all walks of life all cultures all backgrounds and has transformed billions of people for 2,000 years people today all over the world can testify that Jesus Christ has changed their lives they can testify that they have experienced the truth they can testify that they have experienced forgiveness they can testify that they have encountered the Risen Jesus by His Holy Spirit I can testify that it works I was a student in London and when I was a student in London I was a bit of an agnostic I didn't really believe in God I didn't know really what I believe my understanding of Christianity was a misunderstanding but I met a Christian called Andy Akana my DS he too was Greek and through our friendship over a period of a year he gave me a Bible and he began to teach me and explained to me what Christianity was about and then he showed me how I could become a follower of Jesus and how I could accept his invitation and experience reconciliation through Jesus with God and experience healing forgiveness that was on the 9th of February 1975 so I received Jesus into my life his Holy Spirit came into my life and began to transform me the Bible says that when we receive God's Holy Spirit into our lives we are adopted into his family and we become his children and when we allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives His Holy Spirit produces love joy peace patience kindness goodness gentleness and self-control what all I could say is since I became a follower of Jesus since 9th of February 1975 I have experienced his holy presence his Holy Spirit in my life and by God's grace I've seen my wife has seen the fruit of the Holy Spirit it changes us it affects our relationships it transforms our communities I am a Christian because Christianity is true it's true and Jesus said if you know the truth the truth will set you free it is true you and I need forgiveness Jesus died for us on the cross to reconcile us and give us forgiveness and give us the healing that we need and what Jesus offers new life today it works it changes us it truly transforms us that's why I'm a Christian I could go on and give you lots of other reasons but there are four reasons why I am a Christian it's true I need forgiveness Jesus died for me and it works why should you be a Christian because it's true you need forgiveness Jesus died for you and it works if you have never received Jesus and receive this truth why don't you receive it now receive it now in just the moment I'm going to pray a very simple prayer pray the prayer and make what you have a reality in your life and in your experience now some of you maybe you used to know about all of this maybe you used to follow Jesus and maybe for all sorts of reasons you've got a bit skeptical or you just got distracted and then without realizing it you got diverted and and possibly even derailed but you're tuned in to God TV God's on your case God is praying Jesus is praying for you and he wants you to be reconciled to him why don't you come back bow your knee and acknowledge Jesus as Thomas one of the disciples who doubted until he encountered Jesus after the resurrection and he bowed down and he said my Lord and my god and jesus said to Thomas Thomas do you believe because you see me how blessed will all those people be who believed in me but haven't seen me and he was talking about people like you and me and Jesus was saying we're gonna be more blessed than his disciple Thomas because we believe and he'll bless us even more so if you want to begin this journey of following Jesus Christ or you want to come back then I'll pray and while I'm praying you pray these words pray them out loud Jesus I believe that you are the truth I know I have done many things wrong and I confess I need forgiveness thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for me I now receive you I receive you the risen Lord Jesus by your Holy Spirit come into my life now cleanse me from everything I have ever done wrong heal my life set me free from the past fill me with your power your presence and your peace may your Holy Spirit produce in me and through me love joy peace patience kindness goodness gentleness faithfulness and self-control help me to be a channel of your love and grace to others thank you Jesus for hearing my prayer arm em I'm to pray a prayer for you Lord Jesus I pray for everyone who prayed that prayer wherever they are in the world I pray in the name of Jesus Christ and I announce and I pronounce Jesus's forgiveness over you may you be set free from the past may you be cleansed washed be liberated I pray that you would know Christ's healing and if you need healing in your body that you would know that be filled with the healing power of Jesus and in Jesus name be filled with His Holiness and Holy Spirit I pray for God's protection on you I pray for peace in your mind and in your heart and I pray that God will bless you now and your families with the blessing of God the Father with the blessing of God the Son with the blessing of God the Holy Spirit may you be blessed and may you continue to be a blessing to others [Music]
Channel: J.John
Views: 4,207
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: j.john, jjohn, philo trust, philo, just10, just 10, Christianity, Christian, Jesus, God
Id: a6o73zUhaeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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