J.John on Sundays // Stress Busters

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[Music] [Music] you good morning I'm J John welcome everyone that's tuned in from around the world into God TV well how are you doing how are you feeling I hope that you're not wanting to throw in the towel I hope that you are not a bundle of nerves I hope that you're not falling apart and I hope that you're not wanting to resign from the human race now of course we're all facing different struggles at this moment but listen to what Jesus said in John 14 verse 27 he said this piece is what I leave you it is my own peace that I give you I do not give as the world does do not be worried and upset do not be afraid how can we have peace of mind well I suggest you there are five principles and these five principles apply to us whether we're in lockdown or not principle number one receive God's pardon many of us are stressed and the reason that many of us are stressed is because we're feeling guilty and guilt can produce so much stress in our lives and sometimes when we have a bit more time to think we can think more about our regrets about our past about what we thought about what we've done about what we've said it's all been paid for on the nail that Easter we and 2,000 years ago Jesus Christ purchased for us forgiveness we've all been given as if a check signed with his own blood and all we need to do is bank the check in Heaven's Bank receive God's forgiveness in Jesus be cleansed be set free and when you've received God's forgiveness in Jesus forgive yourself and then because we have been forgiven by Jesus we can then forgive other people so receive God's pardon today that is principle number one receive God's pardon principle number two recognize God's presence recognize God's presence in Isaiah 26 verse 3 we read you will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you and in psalm 46 we read God is our refuge and strength an ever-present help in trouble be still and know that I am God if we're honest we're all pretty Restless aren't we and we're instructed to be still calm stop become aware of the presence of God and His Holy Spirit his peace that passes all understanding lives in us the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in every one of us when we were adopted into gods family through Jesus we received his Holy Spirit recognize his presence be filled with his presence principle number one receive God's pardon principle number two recognize God's presence principle number three remember God's principles Psalm 19 says great peace have they who love your law and nothing can make them stumble we were made to abide by certain principles and when we ignore God's principles the result is anxiety and stress anxiety and stress come when we ignore the way God has told us to go if God has told us to go and do something and we don't do it we'll never have the peace of God in our lives who do we belong to we belong to the Lord and if we belong to the Lord it means we need to follow the principles that the Lord has instructed us so has God told you to do something but you haven't done it I find that today many people are constantly wanting instructions from the Lord they're constantly wanting guidance and I think the Lord often says to us I've already told you to do certain things and you've not done that why should I give you further instructions has God told you to do something maybe he's told you to be kinder to somebody maybe he's told you to be forgiving to somebody maybe he's told you to be generous to somebody are you generous are you giving you see it comes down to our time our talents and our treasure they're all God's and it's basically saying Lord what have you instructed me with my time my talents and my treasure if God has told you to do something do it principle 1 receive God's pardon principle 2 recognize God's presence principle 3 remember God's principles principle 4 respond to God's plan proverbs 3 verse 5 trust in the Lord with all your heart and don't lean on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths what do we read here trust in the Lord don't lean on your own understanding acknowledge him and if we do those three things God says I will direct your paths he will how encouraging all we have to do is the trust don't lean on our own understanding acknowledge him and and then he'll guide us because he is the Good Shepherd he will direct our paths I just find that amazing to have the God of the entire universe the creator of the universe directing me directing my steps so that I can fulfill his plan in my life do you know what a stress reliever that is and what do I I just need to do trust him don't lean on my own thinking and he will direct me receive God's pardon recognize God's presence remember God's principles respond to God's plan fifth principle request for God's provision Philippians 4 verse 12 says I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances now st. Paul wow he has learned to be content whatever the circumstances you see so often we think the grass is greener over the that side of the fence listen the grass is not greener over that side of the fence and the grass is not greener over this side of the fence the grass is greener when we water it when we water it with the peace and the presence of Jesus how can poor be upset he can never be upset why because he's learned to be content in all circumstances he knows God is in control that is incredible he believes he believes in God he believes God and I think sometimes we believe God we believe in God but we didn't always believe God that he is our provider you see we're often fearful and we're often fearful because we think we're gonna lack something you know there's something we're gonna lack and it's not going to be provided worry is the exact opposite of peace of mind and when we worry peace disappears the Greek word for worry is choke strangle have you ever been choked or strangled by worry here is God's antidote Philippians 4 verse 6 do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to God and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus isn't that incredible so what are we being told here in every situation by prayer and petition and make sure with Thanksgiving and then we can experience this peace that passes all understanding because peace is a gift so what's being said here is this don't worry about anything pray about everything and give thanks you see the two options are panic or pray well we know what happens when we panic we get exhausted and nothing ever happens but if when we pray we turn our cares into prayers War II never solved anything pray about it because God can do something about it prayer is a tremendous stress reliever and you know what God is saying here really if you kind of just break it down he's just saying God is just saying look just talk to me just talk to me today sometimes some people talk to their pets more than they talk to God talk to God just talk to me talk to me about what you're concerned about talk to me about your needs but when you do thank me in other words acknowledge that God is Jehovah Jireh he is the great provider and he and this is the God you know who created the entire universe the entire universe so surely he can respond to our personal needs and I know listen I know we all get stressed and we're battling with all sorts of anxieties and fears and what just four weeks ago I had five months worth of missions some really big missions missions and meetings conferences five months all canceled I have 12 staff of course we have needs and every day I pray for my staff I pray for our needs I pray for all of our financial needs everything we need and I thank God I thank God because He is Jehovah Jireh our provider do not let your hearts be troubled Jesus said trust in God trust in me the antidote to anxiety and stress is Jesus because he is the Prince of Peace five principles that we need to grab hold of five principles that we need to grasp five principles by which we need to live by not just in lockdown but always principal one receive God's pardon do you need to receive Christ's forgiveness today for attitudes actions regrets maybe during this lot time period you've not actually been a very good example of being a follower of Jesus maybe you've got exasperated you're not as patient as you thought and maybe you do need to receive Christ's forgiveness and cleansing today and when you do forgive yourself and forgive other people principle to recognize God's presence and if you feel you're not aware of the presence of God's Holy Spirit today ask to be filled with his holy presence ask to be filled with His Holy Spirit experience the same power that raised Jesus from the dead principle 3 remember God's principles God has given us many principles as to the use of our time our talent and our treasure has God instructed you to do something that you haven't yet done listen if he's told you to do something to say something to someone to do something to give away something do it if you don't do it you will never progress and you will not experience his peace action what Christ has asked you to do principle for respond to God's plan don't lean on your own understanding [Music] seek God's will seek God's purpose seek the Good Shepherd and ask the Good Shepherd to show you the way to reveal his steps and then you keep in step with the spirit don't run ahead and don't run behind keep in step with God's Holy Spirit principle five request for God's provision what is it that you need do you need a miracle of healing okay ask for a miracle of healing do you need provision ask for provision do you need strength ask for strength do you need grace and patience with your children with your husband whatever it is that you need ask for it ask for it ask your Heavenly Father these are the five principles receive God's pardon recognize God's presence remember God's principles respond to God's plan requests for God's provision if any of those resonated with you pray with me now and let me pray for you that these principles would become a reality I pray first of all Lord for anyone who's tuned in on god TV from all over the world that needs to receive your pardon in the name of Jesus Christ I pray now that they would receive your forgiveness that they would receive your cleansing set them free from the past thank you that you paid for it on the cross that Good Friday all those years ago and so today we pray it into being and I pray for my brothers and sisters to experience it and forgive themselves and forgive other people we pray that in the name of Jesus Christ amen Lord we want to recognize your presence we want to experience your presence and so I pray that now for all who are listening that they will experience the filling of your Holy Spirit fill them Lord make those Springs of living water well up within them to overflowing may they experience the same power that raised Jesus from the dead we pray now Lord that you will help us to follow your principles and so we offer our time to you our talents and our treasure and we want to live by your principles and we want to keep in step with your spirit so Lord if you've already told us to do something and we've hidden it then we pray now that you will remind us of what we should do and that you will help us to do it Lord we want to follow your plan and we want to keep in step with your spirit we don't want to run ahead of you and we don't want to lag behind so we pray you the Good Shepherd lead us guide us help us and Lord you know what we need but we ask today that you will provide for us we ask today that you would provide everything that we need whether it's an emotional need whether it's a physical need whether it's resources whether it's provision we pray that you would provide and we ask Lord Jesus for everyone that's listening in today if they need a healing we pray for healing we pray for healing in body in mind and in spirit Lord put upon each one of us your healing balm we speak health and wholeness and well-being in body in mind and spirit and we pray that in Jesus name I hope today that you have been inspired I hope these five principles will be principles that you're going to ponder this coming week and you're going to reflect and you're gonna respond to them in your lives the Bible says if we honor God then God will honor us what an incredible truth that if we honor God that God will honor us so I speak God's blessing upon you God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit I pray that you will be blessed so that you can be a blessing to others god bless you thank you for joining us [Music]
Channel: J.John
Views: 8,507
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: j.john, jjohn, philo trust, philo, just10, just 10, Christianity, Christian, Jesus, God
Id: o8ppDtx8xr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 28sec (1708 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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