JJ and Mikey Found SUPER LONG MOB HOUSE inside Mikey LAVA and WATER MAIZEN in Minecraft!

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JJ JJ open up hurry it's important H you'll never believe it I swear follow me please huh hurry what is it come on okay yeah that's it see what wait Mikey are you serious it's two giant towers of you and me how is it possible it's not a joke come on aren't you interesting we have to investigate these towers there's definitely treasure somewhere inside well if you insist okay I hope there's no danger possible to kill us H oh W we've been sent somewhere again wow incredible look H there's a sign that says do not push oh H Mikey that's awfully suspicious I'm definitely getting scared there's a portal here so I think I'll use that to go back home oh trust me JJ if we keep going together we'll become billionaires oh yeah yep H I want to go home though but I guess it'll be okay H here goes nothing 3 2 1 Super Rich huh what's this H oh I see you it's a dead end maybe it's a puzzle we need to work together huh when I press the button the door on your side opens you're right H wow we need to give each other clear directions on what to do let's help each other JJ see something H oh yeah there's a mine cart oh yeah wait Mikey can you give me the Mine card thanks yep okay I'll ride it through this Gap oh nice there's some lava there that's dangerous what's next oh wait there's a trip wire hook here what happens if we trigger it my door op you're right cool go in okay good job now is there something on your side uh yeah a bucket huh really yep oh maybe we can scoop up this lava can you send it over okay open the door again no problem I'll trip the wire one more time thanks yep here thank you awesome now I'll scoop up this lava maybe it's part of the next puzzle oh it was hiding something underne what a chest it's hidden treasure that's crazy I'm opening it I can't wait it looks like a key to the door well it's a lever what's next I have an idea for the lever are you going to use it on your door yep here you go thank you okay now I can go through my door yep there's still more to work through H oh Mikey could you reach the wooden button from the window on your side let me try it worked it opened wow we made it to the last puzzle let's see there's a door but do you have a button too let's press them at the same time good idea ready yep 3 2 1 oh wo awesome we made it through what's up here treasure I hope so this pumpkin dungeon sure has a lot of mysteries it's fun and the enemies are tough okay I see something what is it huh oh yes very nice one [Music] sec Max defense what's inside the chest let's have a look open up diamond swords give me here you go all right Mikey I bet there's something waiting for us on the other side of this door let's go go oh look a bridge H you're right be careful not to fall off while crossing all right okay hold on huh there's someone by the middle of the bridge huh that's an enemy you're right but he's sleeping so we'll be fine but won't he attack if he wakes up H so let's just take this shortcut okay let's just jump across like this Mikey you're such a scary cat JJ watch me all I have to do is take it slow and quiet I don't know it's no problem at all see JJ Mikey H you're under attack run for it oh Mikey got knocked off well hang on now he's chasing me me come on I need to knock him off this guy oh I almost got knocked off I can't seem to do it no I finally did it phew I made it across the bridge there's a button here you're right let's push it okay oh did you see that a secret entrance let's move go wo yes I made it and now we're in a Mysterious Room oh this is interesting but it's another dead end I want it to break out right away a so what now H there might be something here oh hang on HM there's a chest oh I know there must be an item in this chest that will help us Escape but Mikey huh watch where you're standing huh there are cracks oh yeah isn't that a bit suspicious but if we stay here we'll be executed I have the courage to look inside this chest it'll be okay don't worry yep it looks fine I'm opening it 3 2 1 huh there's nothing inside no Mikey no way oh you fell into the void it was a trap we need to be careful hang on H there's another chest maybe this is the right one it has to be safe right sure the ground looks safe this time okay I'm opening it 3 2 1 H it's empty ouch what again huh it's a good thing you were wearing that helmet this room is booby trapped seriously does anything else stand out to you not really Mikey look right here huh why the wall oh has cracks too yep here's an idea what if we hit it and break through the wall of course there might be more chests hidden around the room let's check them out okay maybe something useful really H let's see oh H look over here oh see there's a chest hidden in the fountain it might be trapped careful I'll open it I'm nervous man okay here it goes oh huh hey cool I got some coins oh you can throw coins into fountains see H um H all right anything else nothing helpful really hm hey see that huh there's a chest be careful JJ it might be trapped I'll open it I'm scared aren't you you no way open is it safe I guess so it's bread oh here have some thanks huh bread can't help us Escape seriously H that was the last chest are you sure um oh hm check it out oh a hole it's in there yeah it's really really well hidden definitely you ready open it here it goes is it a trap or a Treasure 3 2 1 open well wo H it's good really look H we found dynamites wow yeah sweet it's perfect we can break through the wall with the cracks in it yeah so let's blow it up we're breaking out definitely before our execution yes what's this let's see oh the floor is lava it's a lava parkour course I'm scared any mistake is fatal true one slip and it's over wo this is going well yeah hey I made it to the top that was awesome impress I'm glad I didn't fall what's next H nothing really it's just a dead end I guess well why don't you start with opening the chest okay 3 2 1 oh look there's a golden apple than that's a priz for making it this far Mikey I gave you the Apple because you're going to need it now look over there up there it's a dead end no Mikey look very carefully I know it's an Escape mechanism oh oh of course you figured it out I get it the golden apple boosts my health so my body can handle the wow that was out of nowhere you made it in one try awesome you're doing really well what's this your next test only one of these buttons is correct H the wood the iron or the gold there's only one right answer which one H iron or is it I feel like it might be gold oh but maybe uh it's probably wood yeah yeah that's it you made your choice go ahead and push the button here I go 3 2 1 come on what what h no way this is insane Mikey you're in trouble so many zombies you got to be kidding me where's the exit how do I get out I can't fight them all sorry wood was the wrong choice the wood button was designed to be a trap it's supposed to lock you in a room full of zombies that you can never escape from two options remain make sure you Choose Wisely golden iron well I made my first choice because it felt safe yeah this time I'll choose something flashy and cool I guess I'll go for the gold oh okay I'm breaking out in here ready 3 2 one oh what huh what's going on in here wrong choice uhoh Mikey oh no the DT seriously sorry gold wasn't right either obviously does that mean it's iron I'll give it a try sure if you say so is that really iron all right I'm coming too what is this it's pulling me down where am I going it's okay Mikey just don't stop the bottom okay why who watch out book it no run Mikey you're doing great thanks keep going it's right behind you run towards the big door Mikey hurry up what now go through the exit that Zombie's too big he can't fit through there you're safe thought you could catch me huh well think again you tell them Mikey oh amaz W cool you did a really good job back there with the zombie now you just need to get through this Maze and escape this doesn't look too tough H well let's see oh here's the end huh already yep wow that's it really mhm that was easy you found the treasure at the end check it out sure 3 2 1 open huh really are you sure I can have this wow look it's an Alien Blaster rifle awesome okay Mikey the boss is just through those doors here I go let's go inside oh what a clown don't judge a book by its cover Mikey this clown is no joke you're kidding what am I supposed to do blast it with your crazy strong rifle I'm doing it oh wow get him is it really working wow huh really he dropped a key and some golden apples woo let's keep moving we're making great time mhm what is that let's find out oh it's a chest yay let's see wo glacial boots neat and some potions of fire resistance that's super convenient now we have great protection against those nasty Flames plus the magma blocks won't hurt us anymore hey oh there's a door open it done oo okay charge let's break out of here let's make it quick right drink your potion and run come on huh look there's a chest is there treasure inside let's check let's see what's inside it must be incredible and uhuh open wao diamonds I'm so happy yeah here's your half of the loot Mikey thanks are we done yep we cleared the first Tower we did it let's head back hey Mikey this is your Tower wow she's very cool hm we need to check it out stop look Mikey there are doors here let's go inside I just don't want to go upstairs it'll be fun M we better not Mikey let's go why I don't trust it you can wait here then I'll go inside on my own I bet it's full of treasure really yeah I'll wait here okay W let go of me huh stop it leave me alone what Mikey are you okay Mikey just got kidnapped I knew this Tower was bad news I better go in there and save him it's up to me to rescue Mikey from this evil tower 3 2 1 open I don't see anything dangerous in here what is this place wait what huh hey oh no it was a trap the door's been sealed off I'm stuck I need to hurry up and save Mikey he's probably being held at the top of the tower I need to climb up as Qui quickly as possible it's my job to set him free how do I get to the next floor oh there's an opening in the ceiling that must be the way through hang on how am I supposed to reach it let me think H hold up I found a chest maybe there's something in here that can help me milk eggs wheat sugar I might as well hold on to it why is there so much milk I have no idea how any of this is supposed to help me I don't think drinking it will help me either I wonder what I'm supposed to do let's see oh I've got it I need to use a crafting table time to bake some cakes there we go I wonder how many of these I can actually make seven perfect that should be enough to get me to the next floor if I stack these cakes in the corner I should be able to climb up these will be the different steps just a few more there we go almost done perfect taada my cake stairs are ready if I take a little nibble out of each cake then I can carve away to the next floor just like this there I made my very own cake staircase pretty impressive huh second floor here I come all right I made it I can't believe that worked now now it's time to figure out where Mikey went h Huh wait what's going on over there oh an iron pickaxe H wo lava weird a witch and a cat maybe I'm supposed to mine the stone then build a bridge to one of them I'll give it a try is that all the stone there is I hope it's enough h Huh wait I'm taking poison damage which one of you poisoned me huh it must have been the witch there's no way you're getting away with that into the lava with you yes I did it I feel like I should save the cat now I'm coming kitty wao good job hang on a a second you're giving me some milk that's exactly what I need I think I'll drink it right now wao thanks Kitty my poison is finally clearing up looks like I'll be getting some health back too now then huh oh are these ladders thanks again Kitty you should get out while you still can this Tower isn't safe great it's escaping now then I wonder what the deal is with these ladders let's see oh another spot to climb up I'll use the ladders to get to the next floor hopefully it's not too late to rescue Mikey I wonder what happened to him well there's only one way to find out whoever kidnapped him is going to pay for what they did as soon as I get to the top of this Tower these ladders are super useful I made it to the next floor all right that door there it must be the entrance it looks like trouble but the mutation device must be on the other side I'm going in charge wa what's happening oh of course it's a trap an impressive arot trap that was a close one I only survived because I'm a tiny little cat anyway the lesson here is to never ever let your guard down oh lo laa proceed with caution if I fall in it'll all have been for nothing okay all right made it across all right time to climb I have to hurry up the tower so I can save Mikey before anything bad happens to him I hope he's okay I need to get to the bottom of this and find out who his kidnapper really is yes there I made it hang on what's that no way why are there so many lasers bouncing around this hallway do I really have to go through them all that looks dangerous huh back off what is that some kind of monster popped up out of nowhere it's slowing down because it's too tall I'm not waiting around there's no way I'm letting that freaky Blue Monster gets me how am I supposed to get through these lasers oh I know I'll jump on these things on the edges wao that was a close one it almost caught me one false step and I would have been a goner I'm just glad I made it to safety moving on I need to hurry and find Mikey let's see what's this room oh there's a ledge up there but other than that the room is empty there's only a single chest in the corner 3 2 1 open there are eight water buckets some dispensers TNT Redstone Dust a button quartz blocks and a quartz slab what am I supposed to do with all of that wait H for some reason I get the feeling I'm supposed to use these items to reach the ledge up there oh of of course I know what to do I'll build my Escape mechanism from scratch that looks good perfect there all good the frame is finished now I can fill it up I'll empty the water from these buckets into the center of the contraction last but not least I'll fill in the corners there we go the only thing left is to fill the dispensers with TNT I'll try to divide it equally it's important that all the TNT is balanced the main part of my device is finished if I just connect the dispensers with red stone dust then everything should be good to go once I push the button the TNT will eject into the water and launch me to the next floor I must be getting close to the top of the tower now I hope Mikey's okay let's do this thing okay wa wow phew okay just a bit more parkour and the zombies can eat my dust almost up there huh an elevator looks like I can ride it to the top all right here I go wo ha nice woohoo wo hang on I made it up and look who's here it's everyone from my Village even Mikey and it seems like everyone's unharmed huh help he saw me save us Mikey Mikey keep it down the mutant zombie hasn't spotted me yet be quiet or he'll notice me listen buddy I've gotten really strong I don't know if I'm tough as the mutant zombie though so I'm going to try and creep up on him if I can land a sneak attack I think I just might be able to slam I'm going to take him down and free everyone he still hasn't seen me so here I go three 2 one wo he went down down in one hit ha I did it I defeated him and now I can finally free everyone come on out wow beating the mutant zombie in one strike that's incredible
Channel: Maizen TV
Views: 385,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, shrek craft, jj maizen, mikey maizen, maizen jj and mikey, jj and mikey minecraft, jj and mikey, mikey and jj, maizen, mikey, jj, minecraft mizen, minecraft jj, minecraft mikey, minecraft maizen jj, maizen minecraft, mikey minecraft, mikey jj, jj mikey, maizen jj, maizen mikey, maizen mikey jj, mike and jj, jj and mike, mikey and gigi, zenichi maizen, mizen, mikey turtle, maisen, mikey and, mike and jay jay, maizen volcano, maizen challenge, maizen craft, mynez
Id: YVv7A8UqeIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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