JJ and Mikey Survive The Cruise Ship CRASH on Desert Island in Minecraft ! - Maizen

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oh it's so nice to travel by ship okay now it's time to go to bed there are even sharks swimming in the [Music] distance hey JJ are you going to bed already yeah Mikey I'm getting tired it's your turn to steer the ship all right JJ good night wake up now you need to see this we're in trouble huh what's wrong get out and see for yourself right now what the hell is this tsunami Mikey what do we do I don't know this is the end ah we're going to die in [Music] here oh how my head hurts where am I even wait what even happened I remember Mikey and I were on a boat and then right up tsunami we got hit by a tsunami so I survived our stuff is scattered here but that means Mikey survived too I have to find [Music] him I must inspect the crash site and take useful items that will help me in surviving and finding Mikey great I'll definitely need this Katana for survival wow even the gun's intact just a little sand in it oh well it's the the most useful thing so far and the magazines for my gun were lying around too okay I think it's time to get off this beach and go find Mikey judging by these Footprints he's got to be around here somewhere there's some kind of savage tribe here we have to be careful wait that's Mikey they hung him over the fire I got to save him I can't make a fuss I've got to think of something I have an idea idea I'll smear myself in mud so the Savages will think I'm theirs there's just a little bit left done now I'm allowed to try it JJ is that really you save me now these Savages don't understand our language very well I got it Mikey I got to distract them first I think I have an idea I will release the beast from its cage and then the settlement will be in turmoil that's when I can save Mikey excuse me I need to examine this animal I'm a veterinarian that's great while the camp is in turmoil I can save Mikey hey JJ what did you do back there I got a bad feeling about this you'll see soon all these Savages will be gone ow ow ow ow ow get off me I gave you your freedom JJ watch out he'll kill you with one bite all right he's gone now I'm going to put out the fire under you and then I'm going to cut the rope thank you so much JJ if it wasn't for you they would have eaten me a long time ago you're welcome Mikey we're friends oh I'm going to get up now let's get out of here so glad we managed to survive and get out of a tricky situation why don't we take a break JJ come on that's a good idea there's a campground right next door I'm going to wash up because I smell really bad great now let's check out this abandoned Campground wow there's a lighter in here and it's working that's great JJ now hold my Axe and chop some wood so we can make a fire yeah that's a good idea the tropical downpour is making it quite cold almost there just wait a little longer ready now it's time to make a fire the bonfire is ready Yoo yes now it's finally going to be warm and in case of emergency we'll be able to sleep intense okay JJ I'm going to run off to find something useful wait for me here all right I'm waiting weird Mikey has been gone for quite some time I'll have to go check it out I have a bad feeling about this freeze you belong to us now follow me now JJ you better listen to him he's been questioning me here for a long time let us out now we haven't done anything to you we mean you no harm Mikey you better not yell or they'll get even angrier and God knows what might happen to us stay calm and the best part I have a katana wow that's great hurry up and hide it I think someone's coming hey let us out otherwise I'll kill you all you shut your mouth right now nobody's going to let you two out hey stop ruining everything I'll take away your food no way before I die I'm sure I'll do something to you loser stop it ouch ouch ouch ouch you bastard stop hitting me I'm sick of it now follow me immediately otherwise you'll have a poison arrow in your brain yeah yeah I'm coming excuse me neither of you deserve any forgiveness your buddy was yelling too so we'll take him with us hey you go get him right now I'm coming too and I'm not going to resist just please don't hurt us shut up both of you I'll do as I say you have no choice Mikey it looks like we're about to be sacrificed right now what what are we going to do I don't know I guess this is the end ah stop the water's gone how is that possible hey don't shoot look for yourself the water's gone what the this is very very strange but don't you dare move a step away you're still being held hostage stay here and don't go anywhere or you'll be killed instantly uh Mikey what's he even doing he seems to be putting raw meat on the ground to bait someone but who whoa look there's a big scorpion looks like he's going to feed us to him go to the Scorpion at once today you are both his lunch and dinner no don't I don't want to die stop why is he running away ah there's a huge wave run away now what the hell is this where did it come from how is that possible JJ let's hurry up and climb the tree we have a much better chance of surviving this wave great that's a good idea let's hurry for we may not have much time without those long Vines we would have never made it up the tree wow the wave has already reached the shore looks like we made it we're in luck JJ the water is already so high don't fall in JJ I think the foliage has become more fragile I'm scared no Mikey how did you fall oh no we're being Swept Away by the current we're finished Mikey hold on to something JJ that's where the wave ends at the end be careful or you'll go down Mikey but what do I have to hold on to I don't understand and I'm scared oh how my head is splitting open uh stop I'm alive if I'm alive that means Mikey's out there somewhere alive I have to find him right now where the hell did I go this place looks really weird it's like normal people used to live here okay anyway I have to look around and find Mikey where could he be there's my buddy Mikey hey Mikey wake up we're alive we're lucky again huh what wait JJ is that you I'm so happy to see you alive yes it's me I'm very happy to see you alive too do you have any idea what we should do next yes we do apparently a lot of natives went underground because of the tsunami we can dig them up and save their lives and they won't be mad at us anymore and they might even take us in what do you think I think that's just a great idea JJ why fight a Perpetual war with them when you can just be friends with them and become yours especially some of them speak our language very well oh there's the first one wake up buddy you're saved I think it will take him a while to wake up let's dig him up better so he's definitely awake Mikey I'd better get on with rebuilding the village for now it's probably where we'll live after all that's a good idea JJ that way we'll have a much better chance that the natives will stop being mad at us and start being friends with [Music] us Mikey let's clean up the house itself for now so we can stay in it properly while the settlement is being repaired that's a wonderful idea you're always coming up with clever ideas JJ haha I'll take that as a compliment thanks Mikey your head bailes us out of a lot of trouble too oh the second floor is almost completely destroyed wa Mikey there's another native wow good thing there are more survivors let's hurry up and help him yes he should be given first aid it would also be a good idea to drain the village so we don't all walk around wet we'll be boating soon and we can't have that wow they have sponge in their chests we'll use them to drain the village that's just great so far everything is going exclusively according to our plans let's hurry up and drain the village JJ jump in the water don't be shy it won't hurt yes I understand but after all we've been through in such a short period of time it's still pretty scary to look down from a height and on the water too we're doing very well Mikey great all the natives are awake and most importantly they're not mad at us anymore hello thank you two so much for saving and rebuilding our community we are overly grateful could you fulfill one more request and pick cocoa beans cocoa beans all right we're in JJ did you know that cocoa beans are used to make chocolate and coffee that's what they're for yeah Mikey I knew about that let's hurry up and pick the cocoa beans and take them to the settlement leader hello again have we fulfilled your request and harvested the cocoa beans could you please give us a boat we really need it yes we can but we don't understand what she looks like if you draw it for us we can build it for you all right right now I'm going to draw a boat all right I'm done painting this is what the boat looks like please make it for us and now we have to go okay we'll make it for you that's great JJ let's keep exploring the island hey JJ look there's a cave up ahead and there's probably a tiger living in it let's set a trap for him and kill him shall we wow that's a great but pretty dangerous idea Mikey but if you want to do it why not we just have to be careful that tiger doesn't see us we'll set a trap and then we'll bait him he looks so menacing but he doesn't seem to notice us let's hurry up great we're almost done all that's left is to put up the spikes and then get out on top and put up the fake grass it's a good thing he hasn't spotted us yet wow there's two human skeletons in here it's a man eating tiger we have to kill it great we're done now it's time to piss him off and make him run at [Music] us hey you loser tiger I try and catch up to us well done JJ be careful now we've got to get him into our trap ow ow ow he's biting me it's hurting me I have to hurry be patient there's not much left now it's time to lure the tiger into our trap it's Now or Never great he's trapped and the spikes are doing a lot of damage to him let's hurry up and help him die and finish him off with our spear no Mikey we don't have time for this he's going to die in here anyway we better get back in there yeah let's do that anyway he's even stopped growling now because he's losing his strength hey head of the tribe what about our boat by the way we killed some big Ogre tiger what did I just hear that the tiger you guys are great your boat is ready wow she looks so beautiful and even technologically advanced yes thank you so much for your help with the help of this boat we can finally sail home it is we who should be thanking you for saving our lives and rebuilding the settlement and also for killing the big saber-tooth tiger ogre that had been hit hindering us for years wow thank you for this gem good luck yes all the best to you maybe we'll come back to your Island again someday we've already sailed quite a distance and are heading straight for home JJ would you ever want to come to this island to visit I personally would I like them uh I'd like that too we may have been enemies at first but we helped them and became great friends great then we'll sail to them again in a little while
Channel: Mikey World
Views: 275,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft funny, minecraft, funny minecraft, minecraft but, funny memes, zenichi maizen, jj maizen, mikey maizen, noob vs pro security house, maizen raft, maizen security base, maizen mobs, maizen volcano, jj and mikey, mizen, mikey turtle, maizen security house, maizen challenge, minecraft security house, maizen, maizen prank, jj and mikey survive the crash, maizen desert island, jj and mikey desert island, maizen cruise ship crash, jj and mikey cruise ship crash
Id: O5viOKoXLw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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