JJ and Mikey HIDE From All new Monsters from DIGITAL CIRCUS in Minecraft Maizen Security House

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look h a tower huh this Tower wasn't here before was it I feel like it just showed up yeah you're right H let's take a quick look inside it'll be fun M we better not Mikey let's go why I don't trust it you can wait here then I'll go inside on my own I bet it's full of treasure really yeah I'll wait here okay what oh [Music] H let go of me huh stop it leave me alone what Mikey are you okay Mikey just got kidnapped I knew this Tower was bad news I better go in there and save him it's up to me to rescue Mikey from this evil tower 3 2 1 open h I don't see anything dangerous in here what is this place wait what huh hey oh no it was a trap the door's been sealed off I'm stuck I need to hurry up and save Mikey he's probably being held at the top of the tower I need to climb up as quickly as possible it's my job to set him free how do I get to the next floor oh there's an opening in the ceiling that must be the way through hang on how am I supposed to reach it let me think hold up I found a chest maybe there's something in here that can help me milk eggs wheat sugar I might as well hold on to it why is there so much milk I have no idea how any of this is supposed to help me I don't think drinking it will help me either I wonder what I'm supposed to do let's see oh I've got it I need to use a crafting table time to bake some cakes there we go I wonder how many of these I can actually make seven perfect that should be enough to get me to the next floor if I stack these cakes in the corner I should be able to climb up these will be the different steps just a few more there we go almost done perfect taada my cake stairs are ready if I take a little nibble out of each cake then I can carve away to the next floor just like this all right one more awesome last bite there I made my very own cake staircase pretty impressive huh second floor here I come all right I made it I can't believe that worked now it's time to figure out where Mikey went h Huh wait what's going on over there oh an iron pickaxe [Music] H wo lava weird a witch and a cat maybe I'm supposed to mine the stone then build a bridge to one of them I'll give it a try is that all the stone there is I hope it's enough [Music] h Huh wait I'm taking poison damage which one of you poisoned me huh it must have been the witch there's no way you're getting away with that into the lava with you yes I did it I feel like I should save the cat now I'm coming kitty wa good job hang on a second you're giving me some milk that's exactly what I need I think I'll drink it right now W thanks Kitty my poison is finally clearing up looks like I'll be getting some health back too now then huh oh are these ladders thanks again Kitty you should get out while you still can this Tower isn't safe great it's escaping now then I wonder what the deal is with these ladders let's see oh another spot to climb up I'll use the ladders to get to the next floor hopefully it's not too late to rescue Mikey I wonder what happened to him well there's only one way to find out whoever kidnapped him is going to pay for what they did as soon as I get to the top of this Tower these ladders are super useful I made it to the next floor now then I better what's this why are there so many cows crammed into the corner is that slime and what's this thing up here a snow Bridge H looks like I need to cross to the other side I hope it's not too powdery I'd hate to fall through my safest option is to dash across I'm a little nervous but I have a feeling it's going to work let's do this ready go jump oh I fell right through huh looks like the slime block stopped me from taking damage I'll try again here I go H I think I figured it out these are powder snow blocks powder snow blocks are too fluffy to stand on normally in that case how am I supposed to cross it maybe there's another way it might have something to do with the cows oh there's a chest I'll open it interesting there's some iron ingots and a few wooden planks I'll use the wooden planks to make a crafting table now I know how the herd of cows are involved I think I've solved the puzzle first I need to keep crafting I'll make an iron sword to get the resources from the herd there trust me I wouldn't be doing this unless it was absolutely necessary to cross the powder snow bridge I'm really sorry cows but I have to save Mikey come on there's a certain material that I'm hunting for from these cows did you figure out what the material is leather now I have everything I need I'll start by crafting a pair of leather boots if you wear leather boots you can walk across powder snow blocks here thank you cows for your sacrifices I'm about to show you why it was all worth it check it out I'm not sinking it feels like I'm flying I should be able to safely cross the powder snow Bridge without any more slip UPS there we go I made it now what am I supposed to do H it looks like a dead end can I break through here H whoa hang on there's something on the other side of this sand wall I see a chest and a ladder if there's a ladder I bet that means there's a way up to reach the next floor but no matter how much sand I dig up more sand keeps coming down from above what am I supposed to do H oh hang on this should help if I place a torch fast enough it should open up a gap for me let's put that theory to the test he hey it worked that's awesome wow that's cool it actually worked now I should be able to walk right through the sand wall yes mission accomplished let's take a look inside that chest oh a golden apple snack time I've been low on health for a while so I'm going to eat it right away there we go that's exactly what I needed my health is already maxed out all right time to climb I have to hurry up the tower so I can save Mikey before anything bad happens to him I hope he's okay I need to get to the bottom of this and find out who his kidnapper really is yes there I made it hang on what's that no way why are there so many lasers bouncing around this hallway do I really have to go through them all that looks dangerous huh back off what is that some kind of monster popped up out of nowhere it's slowing down because it's too tall I'm not waiting around there's no way I'm letting that freaky blue monster gets me how am I supposed to get through these lasers oh I know I'll jump on these things on the edges wa that was a close one it almost caught me one false step and I would have been a goner I'm just glad I made it to safety moving on I need to hurry and find Mikey let's see what's this room oh there's a ledge up there but other than that the room is empty there's only a single chest in the corner 3 2 1 open there are eight water buckets some dispensers TNT Redstone Dust a button quartz blocks and a quartz slab what am I supposed to do with all of that wait H for some reason I get the feeling I'm supposed to use these items to reach the ledge up there oh of course I know what to do I'll build my Escape mechanism from scratch that looks good perfect there all good the frame is finished now I can fill it up I'll empty the water from these buckets into the center of the contration last but not least I'll fill in the corners there we go the only thing left is to fill the dispensers with TNT I'll try to divide it equally it's important that all the TNT is balanced the main part of my device is finished if I just connect the dispensers with redstone dust then everything should be good to go now for the button I'm finished I put together a functioning TNT cannon once I push the button the TNT will eject into the water and launch me to the next floor I must be getting close to the top of the to now I hope Mikey's okay let's do this thing okay wao wow I did it on my first try this must be the top of the tower I'll see what's in here 3 2 1 open oh what's this is this the top where am I oh a cage wait what's that huh what's going on Mikey's passed out inside the cell whoa that's definitely a bad guy he must be the one who kidnapped Mikey I bet he's the one in charge of this entire Tower he looks really tough can I beat him H oh there's a pipe running across the ceiling maybe if I sneak up there I can get across the the room without the boss noticing me hopefully this [Music] works I'm off to a good start I just need to figure out how to rescue Mikey from up here I hope he doesn't notice me hang on a second what does he have on the wall over there laser rifles no way that must be his weapon rack if I manage to steal one I can use it to fight him but first I need to get down I'll aim for the bed so I don't take any damage yes close one the boss still hasn't noticed me slow and steady all right I got a laser [Music] rifle no no he finally noticed me hang on he's attacking he needs a laser rifle of his own yes I pulled it off I should check on Mikey hey [Applause] Mikey are you alive I'm opening the door Mikey Come on talk to me huh oh huh oh it's JJ wow I'm so glad you're okay Mikey yeah I stole a laser rifle from your kidnapper and gave him a taste of his own medicine it was sick thanks JJ by the way I found something follow me huh what is it it's around here somewhere H does it have something to do with that lever oh you found it nice thanks 3 2 1 wo woah behold the treasure room that's amazing this treasure is epic yeah let's open this chest wo diamonds wo what a crazy day this creepy Tower appeared then Mikey walked in and got kidnapped I climbed the tower fought the boss and won all this treasure if you enjoyed our video please make sure to like And subscribe thank you bye nice go go go no W that was close a dead end oh ow today the two of us each made our own Escape rooms for the other to try and Escape that's right I've made my special escape room just for today I'm super confident about it I'm also super confident about my escape room I definitely want you to try it Mikey I can't wait to give it a go the winner of today's competition will be the one who defeats the others design the easy easiest sounds good to me I have no doubt I'm going to win this that's because I had lucky pancakes for breakfast this morning and they were covered in genuine maple syrup good for you Mikey in that case let's have today's prize be a pudding cup excellent idea I love pudding let's do this already JJ my masterpiece is right here switch to survival mode to try it out okay I'm extremely confident hurry up and give it a shot woah check it out you won't be able to make it out of here unless you use your head JJ this looks pretty hard I guess I need to try and beat it without stepping on any pressure plates hey you got a knck for this avoid the pressure plates and get to the other side then grab the lever inside the chest and bring it back attach it to the iron door behind you and Escape wait so there's a lever inside that chest yep it's a test of my parkour skills but hold up huh isn't that a TR trap chest I just noticed it no it's not a trap chest it's something else never mind that I want you to parkour across beat the course then hurry up and open that chest please H I'll be waiting for you JJ I really don't know about this hurry up use your head I just turned my mic off that is definitely a trap chest I feel like this will end badly for me the moment I open it I'll probably be hit by TNT or something something oh I know I've got an idea hurry up JJ H use your head I repeat use your head JJ good idea yeah that's it huh wait what Yes W I did it oh I used my head to beat it I guess you you could beat it that way too it was a trap chest wasn't it Mikey what no way I would never I'll open it then no maybe you shouldn't do that is there anything inside yeah there is it's empty oh and now I hear a hissing noise it was trapped all along no j j I never thought you'd use a pressure plate to escape it really took me by surprise that was just a prank I still have stage two which is the real one oh so it was a prank so there really was no way out then that's right but you still found way out that was fun taada this is stage two isn't it awesome sweet are those lasers they're infrared lasers but do they actually do damage in Minecraft we can't make lasers that actually deal damage watch out danger I was trying to tell you that in Minecraft lasers don't really do damage and I know you just saw they don't damage you but I'd like to make a rule that you can't touch the lasers okay I'm begging you then if I touch one that means I lose yeah then it's game over okay JJ go ahead oh wow good so I can't escape through these openings you won't take damage but just pretend like you would I wish I could have somehow gotten real lasers to work what now this is also a stage where you need to use your head so I'll hand you some items you should have from here here have some food oh you're passing me stuff I'll also give you this amazing iron pickaxe here oh thanks that's an iron pickaxe and bread but no breaking the door or destroying any walls got it what do I use this iron pickaxe for then there are diamonds here am I allowed to dig them up you're so smart I'll give you a hint there's a block of stone in there for you to get stone the one block of stone is mixed in with all that oh before you start H I guess I should show you something if I plug this with dirt then it'll block the laser oh so that's how I'm supposed to escape yes but to do that you have to find the block of stone hiding inside these different ores first there's only one I guess I can't use diamonds as a block but I can use a stone block to block the laser right this isn't the time to be mining for diamonds I'll give you as much food as you want through here okay oh thanks wait Mikey I just had an idea a way to speed things up huh okay JJ the sun will set at this rate H look for the stone I got Redstone Dust you're just wasting time by messing around JJ keep looking use your head I want you to look for stone is this too hard for you I even told you how to do it Mikey the only thing I need is redstone I thought of every possible Escape method to create this hardto beat Escape room I don't know what your plans are but I kind of need you to hurry up and look for the stone look Mikey hurry what red stone why did you get that yes I did it oh shs I never thought of that honestly that was amazing thank you you wanted me to find Stone yeah like this yes then done that would have worked too this was fun awesome job Mikey but this means I lost twice huh if I beat you with the next one can we say I'm the winner pretty please uh sure that's fine okay time to try yours let's head to my area this is my stage W what is all this there are lasers everywhere you had the same idea as I did you copycat that's right I want you to escape from this prison Mikey that's a pretty big prison JJ your entrance is covered in lasers just like mine if only I could take damage when I touch it then it would actually be hard to escape I wouldn't touch them if I were you it's dangerous well you don't have to tell me that I sure would be happy if someday we can make real lasers that could damage us huh no Mikey I warned you yeah I told you so huh these are real uh yeah seriously Mikey this looks like a nice place I could live here Mikey this is an escape game you can't just start living here I was kidding I love escape games I'll be out of here in no time wait is this a toilet that's a water fountain the toilet is next to it oh it's inside the toilet I figured it out cuz I don't see anything else in here are you sure I can't see anything under the bed so that means a shovel oh you found the shovel Mikey you were correct you're off to a pretty good start thanks finding that shovel was the easiest thing I've ever done my grandpa always told me if there's an escape University I'd be the top of my class wouldn't I I've never heard of a university like that Mikey I wonder if I should start digging here you've got an act for the kind of thing I do really well I'm here nice job here I go there's a chest what's it doing in here JJ you'll see Mikey I wonder if I should open it what do you think when it comes to chess you should think carefully before opening any there's a good chance that it could be dangerous I'll be fine trust me JJ I'd be at the top of my class at Escape University 3 2 1 go I'm I warned you Mikey I'll use my shovel good luck take that this is tough wait I know what to do get the zombie with the iron sword one hit K stop the zombie with the iron sword Mikey back off hey get away from wait you you over there yes you the one with the iron sword what you get away I'll help a bit Mikey here a diamond sword thanks here I go nice yeah yeah get him Mikey you can do this it's no use I managed to beat them I guess I wasn't supposed to open this I don't know what else I can do I'll take a hint please look around carefully keep a close eye on the walls and stuff there's a button I found it oh you saw it can I push it sure okay wow nice oh lever that's it you figured it out there was a lever in there I'll attach it here mhm this is a good game I've seen these in movies JJ isn't this hallway cool yeah it looks like fun but also tricky good luck Mikey it's beatable just so you know but it's kind of scary can I go yeah oo oh nice you just need to charge through it JJ Crouch down oh here okay okay a I got you a hang on I can make it try taking the left side Mikey keep going ouchie go oh nice I know what I'm doing nice go go go no what w that was close a dead end oh ow how am I supposed to beat this I have no idea hang on a sec I no this is a prank isn't it huh uh huh there's no goal is there I figured it out nope not a prank remember to always look carefully there's a button on the wall to the left go get a closer look oh it Blends in with the stone did you finally find your way out here I go huh nothing's happening it opened for a second there it is you finally did it you made your way to the Escape Route Mikey no kidding see you found the hidden exit I guess I'm Just a Touch Away from making the Escape we both succeeded today which means that we had a tie right JJ your lasers really surprised me I didn't expect them to do any damage you used your head even though in the end it didn't matter and I still found a way to escape I'll be waiting patiently for your next challenge successful Escape in 3 2 1 W I didn't see that coming actually Mikey that's the spot where I hid my final trap I guess that means I'm the winner how do you get out jump across just like this see and then you escape through here
Channel: Mikey and JJ +
Views: 64,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jj and mikey minecraft, maizen, minecraft, mikey turtle, mizen, maizen minecraft, mikey jj, jj, mikey, minecraft but, minecraft funny, mikey and jj, maizen mikey jj, jj and mike, mike and jj, jj and mikey monster, jj and mikey maizen, mikey and, jj mikey, funny memes, jj & mikey, maizen jj & mikey, minecraft meme, minecraft maizen, 100 days minecraft, maizen new video, jayjay mikey maizen, maizen parody, DIGITAL CIRCUS, Princess Loolilalu, pomni, jax, The Fudge, Gummigoo
Id: UdP858VzoD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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