Jimmy Fallon and Martha Stewart⎢Martha Stewart

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back of the very talented the very funny actually really nice Jimmy felon and in honor of today's show our pot show he's brought in his very own crock pot now you got a white one with veggies on yeah my mother or Santa Claus thought I was uh that I uh I really liked vegetables some horses oh yeah yours is a little different than mine mine is this more yeah you could fit a temporary chassis yeah this has to go that's like country yeah mine yours is the city yeah mine is frog the frog and the toads yeah this is so we're gonna make um the same Chile that already has chili cook because it takes a little while I did research on sound seen it on the internet and I thought rival is a great crock-pot I really do but yeah they're they make the original crock pot and then the rival crock pot oh really oh really make you know it's confusing yeah it's too much mean thank God Santa got it for ya so wait you take the ground beef you you put it in the skillet first and you heat it up to get and then you drain it in here you get all the grease hogs you want a big greasy Chili's right you Brown it you put it in this thing in the counter then you put in the bowl now what you do with that bowl I don't know you bury you bury in the garden I think it's like that you know what you do what do you do take the bowl down to the train tracks and you're boring or give this one I see you feed the rats no you just pour it down on the train tracks cuz that's it is it's all dirty anyways so you should rebel or no you did it a can like no I did their graffiti and bosses and you as a rally like I'm working with train tracks as a really wet I didn't know what to do with the grease so so I took it down to the trade route my mama always put it in a can like an old like a either the like a can of soda or some such good open so in the same pot yeah and so in the same part a the onions and the garlic and you until it's translucent oh that's a good word for me yeah uh listen Calvin you're having euros my favorite I wouldn't give it up I let you touch it with your fingers well and then don't listen to my eyes I get something that don't you yeah but I wouldn't do it will be ruined for the rest of the segment I'll have a knife at first late-night talk show with a knife at right so then you guard okay now that's not translucent No is translucent then you take the translucent onion garlic you throw this guy in here Allah Allah and then you got this in here it's pretty simple that you do this obviously have to get you ready are you in need cook at home yeah of course this is pretty get it here does he got the splash guard up here so that okay when someone sneezes oh my god look oh you have to take down on the train tracker yeah yeah come on you both let's go man let's go from creasing the train cats once you're a jet you're a jet other way from your fairies magenta so that don't get distracted I'm not distracted uh okay uh now you need 30 pounds of sour crap man well you got me this crap it was new it got distracted you do a 1/4 cup of tomatoes first maybe yeah first maybe yes first definitely thank you fresh do the tomatoes and doobage is large to small okay thank you see I don't know this I just do this making that up you have to buy the ingredients a night before they should tell people cuz a lot of guys that I know you always think you can go buy it that day and make it it's impossible yes quite the night before right oh look so much cayenne pepper well I like it a little uh you know spicy yeah little cool yeah this is is you know cayenne pepper versus a quarter of teaspoon let's see more than that right yeah it did I just got lasix it's it I see anything oh you did did it work yeah I can see you your eyes look so weird yeah you look at no no I think it's the brownies okay see there's the oregano let's hope that's oregano I don't like that one yeah it's the crock-pot show so let's see what's up 1/3 of a cup of cilantro no delays he's working pretty good I gotta be honest good I can see far away up close I'll never do that here's the deal it's disgusting by the way I don't know I have it on my website you didn't work here's the deal a day you can't lose it you can't here's cumin bouquet cumin Minh one and a half cumin cumin not cumin that's a ridiculous word unconquered student I don't like I was mad at work I like this little human okay so there thank you I better this the last guy a cop yeah I go yeah full on original aggression where'd you get your chili powder now there's a well there's like a like a spice place by my New York cities of greenness you can just go anywhere and get the coolest stuff yep and there's a place just all good spice and I get it from there and then uh basically just leave it in there you turn on low for like four hours beans here's the deal with that I did my research I have to at the last half-hour you throw the beans in what about this you chug that immediately that's how's it going there right hmm Oh although your own then weirdly wise don't worry my chili my house three quarters of Jimmy Fallon's saliva is that on the recipe cuz they yeah a little spit back from that beer I'm sorry you can take this one home I I'm going to guess how my salt and pepper yes I'm sorry a little salt and pepper yes you do I'm sorry you sprinkle like that no always use your fingers because somebody came along and knocked your elbow and then you don't tackle me while i make chili football part I guess people mind yeah like now it's like I'm just warning I'm sorry okay so who you so turn of that on hi how many hours I leave that on for like I leave it on until my friends come over and then what about the beans going right beans go in a half hour yeah at last and I is the crush half of them I in there just to make it mush here and glue okay so here we go alright so if I'm yeah so I put this guy in like that and then I usually take something I just like sweet like matte like a potato masher even okay I know I don't know if that's the right way to do it my mother used to do that you have one hand in your pocket well I'm big Alanis Morisette fan and anyway get that reference email me anyway uh that's uh gosh so that's that is you mix essentially and yeah there you guys are gameshow looks phenomenal Martha please huh do you mind yes you know how do you like yours what do you like on your tail like the works you like the works so I'm now gonna put my I put some cheese in there I get a little tomato a catch I'm doing in there and then uh you got no what do what you mean by the works you like Sarah piano like Sarah why you love sorry mind oh you don't like it I think it runs if it's disgusting okay I don't like manis I don't like manis either why well I wouldn't put my own eyes on this no I don't don't understand it what I would put sour cream and lime yeah forget you are awesome huh I can't wait to we're gonna hang after this yeah this is good and then you get 32 pounds of sauerkraut and there you got your chili doesn't that look fantastic well I hope you get oh you get a chance to make both these recipes oh by the way I have a present for you for your new office thank you I'll do here I thought just a memory I thought it was it this one thing over here you office in a very special pot okay okay that's god oh my god yeah maybe I saw wolf guy wolf yeah guy wolf thank you and thank eye wolf and honestly when I lose my job for evidence my office I'll be calling you to intern okay thank you so much I love you so much detective have you thank you Jimmy Fallon don't forget to watch Jimmy you show starting March 2nd stay up late and is your pod coming your way stay with them
Channel: Martha Stewart
Views: 109,751
Rating: 4.8920455 out of 5
Keywords: Jimmy Fallon, Martha Stewart, cooking, chili, crock pot, pot show, Martha Stewart Living, how to, tips, Home living, humor, funny, entertainment
Id: Nm3cIVtDo9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 27 2009
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