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Odyssey is about to come face to face look at the arm on the ocean bottom mice a hidden world scarred by conflict is amazing to see with a kilo on went down the snare to say a big month good every month they go where no maybe the world's biggest ring amazing the gun stole there is the lost battlefields of world wars 1 & 2 how sure this is real cool in the Western Approaches to the English Channel bison area code named Atlas Odyssey Marine Exploration it's a hunting billions of dollars but the Atlas search area holds another secret it's also a battle hundreds of military vessels fought and was shut at this location to submarines to poaching ships the Germans called it the Battle of death search of treasure there's no telling just what you'll find August 5th 2008 honesty survey vessel the John left bridge is underway their mission to uncover the locations of possible shipwrecks and target down the deep ocean diet I think we're going to get much more out of it unless we run parallel with it Ernie to panis is in command he's a master of side-scan sonar technology this is in this side scan image an object on the ocean floor appears as a light spot the objects shadow remains dark the idea is to try to get an image of the target from both sides and that's where you try to learn as much about your target as possible as by the shadow that it casts the shape of this image tells Ernie that he's found his ship and not just any ship this target has the characteristics of a submarine submarines have a very definite size and shape most shipwrecks aren't that long and skinny so they stand out quite quite easily if Ernie is right he's just found a long-lost son he was sent from the child leverage to the Explorer Odysseys flagship and funguses devotion are okay the crew of this ship is famous for finding lost shipwrecks do that you need to leave no stone unturned and stay open to the unexpected Ernie Scott theory that it's you 103 and year 103 was actually sunk by the Olympic the HMT Olympic was the sister ship of the Titanic and the single largest vessel in the ocean at the time in the spring of 1918 she was freshly camouflaged and carrying thousands of American troops across the Atlantic the battlefields of World War one as she neared the end of her journey the German submarine suddenly appeared on the surface of the ocean it was you 103 to defend yourself on the attack the 46,000 ton ship brand-new son 103 it's a story that's been told for decades but is it really true this dye would finally confirm the reports you 103 has never been found so it's going to be curious to go down and see whether there's damage on this wreck that's consistent with possibly being run down by a large ship if so then we got the 103 condo directed ID from the online room in the belly of the Explorer he's joined by Neil Cunningham Thompson Odyssey Steve marine archaeologist and RV technician Jeff Thomas Jeff is a veteran Submariner with the US Navy it's got the expertise that can help ID their shipwreck my Vader's way besides of that thing Wow just is very cool Zeus is 400 feet beneath the surface of the ocean so far the visibility is excellent the crew quickly spots the distinctive features submarine right now you're looking at the aft looks like the aft weapons loading hatch and then you have what I think are exhaust manifolds I think those are nice lines forward I mean it's about we're still not a sound how we're definitely but definitely on the Bay Area these are complexity of times yet hybrid actually have tanks oh is that the commenter above the incision Wow conning terror I'm Ankur this is Annie Greg we're here right now with this look at the Ford gun what's this shelves a bull wants to know from a keyboard expert what that cube is there I think that's the induction pine an induction right like exhaust but opposite yeah on World War one submarines an induction pipe brought air from the surface the diesel engine need to surface for air was a problem faced by older submarines v-103 had an induction bike so this is a vital clue it does look as though this is going to be a world war one people next ROV pilots fly zeus down the length of the wreck to measure it it's 67 meters long within feet w 103 s length when it was operational there's even better evidence Sunfire an open hatch this submarines hatch is swung open on its hinge an open hatch so somebody from the inside opened it which man that confirms the historical record that the men got out and then scold it so that would have filled the water all the nine crewmen were recorded to have escaped in 103 just before it sank the open hatch here matches the story so this is tie-in with everything we know about 103 so far so far we're just looking for the big slice hi captain with the Olympic bearing downloading you want two threes captain ordered an emergency die but his evasive action failed there was no escaping the Olympics massive propellers diameter piece history stash so there should be some big slices and it's just forward of the conning tower so they said the huge liner instruct me above a nap the conning cap there's a slice there that someone's broken Aaron didn't live in Astrakhan I don't have a nice that's that was a definite hit with something like you've taken your hand and just sliced into something that was a propeller blade the slice the open hatch and the induction pipe are all evidence pointing to one conclusion but in the official record is 103 the remarkable story of the sinking of you 103 has just been confirmed for the very first time honesty will inform the German authorities of their find and the family members of the sailors who went down with the ship will it last no their final resting place that's pretty cool actually I guess thinking back on it's been an incredible day today discovery made its time to retrieve Zeus and move on their hunt for history is just getting started you The Odyssey fleet is floating on top of a sunken battlefield they've already made a major find now their survey team aboard the John Lethbridge has in pointed three more mysteries lying on the seabed Ernie had found some new targets just in the last few days that he wanted to pass over to us and to collect targets they looked like the pretty exciting targets and we're going to die this the Explorer puts into the port of Falmouth England change crews and pick up one very important new arrival enter Jim McDonald hello you must be mr. McDonald asked me to come Jim McDonald please see me I'm Neel Dobson there's a geologist of telescopes we're gonna know I've been looking forward to meeting you I am me too Jim is a World War two veteran a sailor I saw combat in the waters Odyssey is about to explore and this is the big one that will actually go down and have a look at the shipwrecks with at 81 years old Jim's ready to sail again these never seem gear quite like this it's amazing to think of this thing all works underwater this must be to change direction and so on a suppose Suzy you're sure you know what you're doing but the most sophisticated equipment in the world still can't match an eyewitness to history but you can hover swine dealers brought Jim onboard this is where you'll be Jim tonight thank you very much got my nickname ray follow me to be back the lines are cast and the Explorer heads back out to sea so this is where the action takes place and gentlemen have a seat wonderful Neil Tom archaeologist hawked olsen and project manager Mark Martin are all on board for this next mission Sydnor the whole being look at us we're not meant to see ah your hands flat Pat's these are the two medals that came as a food beef Conda and you can see which is there is going to take all of their expertise and seamanship to crack their next case because this is one of the most puzzling sonar images Odyssey has ever seen it was described by Ernie when he first found it inside skin is something unusual so we're going to go in and check it see what it is the shape of this image bears an uncanny resemblance to a world war two aircraft carrier specifically the type known as the flattop but here's the mystery no aircraft carrier was ever recorded as lost in this area yeah also heading to five really Brennan survey technician Christian and Mauro B supervisor human Basin navigate by watching the RVs onboard sonar imaging what they see is so strange they need Tom and check it out let me go sign all that so come and take a look at it let me come look sometime oh sure you know this doesn't this looks like an actual aircraft does it look like a flat oh it's a nice picture looks like an actual karekare I can see why they would say I mean you can see the island on the horse is providing a new high-resolution scan of the shipwreck and it still looks like a flat top the Allies built more than 120 during World War two they started with a large tanker and added a flight deck less than 500 feet long they often carry just full planes were vital to the worn from a high vantage point they could spot trying to send what it looks like that way we get a full scan here and you'll see we have a full flat deck but what looks like an island potentially here you think it could be a big Canyon there's none reported as missing here that having been sunk here like looking at from the side this is is tilted slightly towards us it looks like and what we've got here kind of matches to what we would expect on a flight deck you know in World War two it was a strange time period and it's possible that maybe one was brought out and sunk because damage was too severe or things like that not reported but it would be strange we'd be surprised if this turns out to be an aircraft carrier but I mean you can't argue with that sonar image up it looks like one could be anything there find out shortly that's the fun of this you never know what you're going to find what your dodge yeah we're just about there Jimmy ROV pilots fly Zeus closer to their target and slowly the wreck emerges field recently bingo grapes if you see any frames are playing we can have a close regard to see if the riveted or not one of the best ways to data shipwreck is to determine if it contains rivets or welds can you see is a provision that looks to be welded as a posted of it which could said no no like no no measure of its this but World War two you had a combination of riveting at times welding welding changed the way ships were built during World War two before welding it took around 150 days to build a cargo ship after welding 42 days it was a revolution in ship construction so far there's nothing to prove this wreck isn't an aircraft carrier but nothing to suggest it is either I haven't seen any sign of armament like guns or anything or explosion there's no sign of explosion I don't think it's a carrier the frig away poisonous is a stud blank chain done deal while Tom Neal and Jim pour over details on the HD monitors Chris Heka pouches the mystery from a different angle he's measuring the shipwreck now about you got any rough length of this beast 85 meters it's 250 to 270 long it's roughly the size of Explorer that's the deal breaker 250 feet is too short for even the smallest aircraft carrier making this sonar image even more puzzling than before sonar pictures it looks like it's separated from the rest of them yeah it's broken Brett and boss upside down right it could be upside down and twisted off I think we got a ship that's really laid over and it's given a false impression tom has been reading sonar for decades and rarely season image some different from the actual wreck his best theory is that they found a cargo ship that landed on the bottom upside-down over time its collapsed undersea pressure and flag on sonar the resulting large flat surface area leads our greens aircraft carrier but it was a false positive what we do learn from this is it's kind of an awakening and maybe a humbling a little bit because yeah every so often we find these targets where from side-scan we're making guesses what they are unleash and then we go down we find out you know it was solely different than what we thought it was and you know what we need to take away from that is we can't draw the kind of conclusions we're drawing from so it's good you know we until we get that ability cool yeah you got to go away Bridge RV yeah you and I think we're ready to start recovering Roger pirata see this has been an eye-opening trip to the bottom but now their ability to dive at all is about to be put on the line you picking up something has just triggered Zeus's alarm her motor has shut down and the ROV is dead in the water the Explorer cruise ships into their emergency recovery plans just when I was having fun Zeus is designed to immediately surface where motors shut down but the crew has no direct control over where the ROV comes up if she crashes into the bottom of the ship it can put a quick end to their operation yeah we're recovering don't we don't you the officers on watch need to move the Explorer out of Souza's way and fast you know forget the bridge to move ahead we are rich and moving a finger with money or I'll be behind you I got the RK we filled up with John stop it's all up to the ship now there's nothing we can do to help they're still coming in really good Roger I reveal certain historic mister Zeus breaks the surface only yards from the boat a very close call once the bridge positions the crane over the dead ROV the depth of risk the eight times four million dollars oohs back onto the deck if you build pickup okay like this should be water comes from here Andre ready in short Icelandic now there's just one priority finding out what caused the critical malfunction it appears that we've got a dead motor that could be a real problem this motors huge replacing Susan's broken motor with a spare is a complex time-consuming procedure tom is worried about the cost and their schedule they still have two shipwrecks to explore on this voyage just keep going do it Lisa let's go yeah we got to take one the main mode of electrical feed off tomorrow morning from the termination box a man and Emma should slide out like a greased weasel hopefully they work deep into the night come morning they're back at it where'd those cutters I'll just milking it time is pushing hard to get the diving operation back on line but it's a tricky business handling motors that weigh almost 1,000 pounds apiece at sea oh I got it ten hours of back-breaking work they made this rock with soos once again ready for action
Channel: motgarageman
Views: 390,110
Rating: 4.5021214 out of 5
Keywords: VTS, 01, 1
Id: jXm2X2r1buI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2010
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