Jim Jordan Leads Contentious Judiciary Committee Hearing On Hardline Immigration Bills | Part 2

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when we recess the pending business was the amendment from the gentle lady from Texas we might vote on that Mr chairman if that's all right with you yeah further discuss further discussion on the amendment seeing none question occurs on the amendment from the general lady from Texas all those in favor say I I all those oppos no no I do think the NOS have itoll V gentlemen uh gentleman's asked for roll call vote cler clerk will call the rooll Mr Jordan no Mr Jordan votes no Mr Isa Mr Isa votes no Mr Buck Mr Gates Mr BS Mr Mento Mr Mento votes no Mr Tiffany Mr Massie Mr Roy Mr Bishop miss sparts Mr Fitzgerald Mr Ben Mr Klein Mr Klein votes no Mr Armstrong Mr Gooden Mr Gooden votes no Mr van Drew Mr van Drew votes no Mr Mr Nells Mr Moore Mr Moore votes no Mr Kylie Miss Hagman Mr Moran Miss Lee Mr Hunt Mr Fry Mr Nadler Mr nler VES I miss Lofgren Miss Jackson Lee Mr Cohen Mr Johnson Mr Schiff Mr swell Mr Lou Miss gal Miss gal that's I Mr karea Miss ganin Miss ganin votes I Mr nus Miss mcbath Miss Dean Miss Escobar Miss Ross Miss Bush Mr Ivy Mr Ivy votes I miss ballant miss ballant votes i m Reon Lee record M Reon Le you're not recorded Miss jaon Lee votes I Mr Bigs you're not recorded Mr Bigs votes now Mr Tiffany votes [Music] no M jaen Ley you were recorded as yes Mr chairman there are six eyes and nine nose uh the amendment is not adopted question occurs on the amendment the nature of a substitute all those in favor say I I those oppose no no opinion the chair the eyes have itoll ANS uh let me the read it in the chair the I uh the eyes haveit in the amendment of nature sub is adopted a reporting cor being presentent the question is now on favorably reporting the bills amended all those in favor say I I those oppos no no uh opinion of the chair the eyes have it roll call roll call being requested the clerk call the rooll Mr Jordan yes Mr Jordan votes yes Mr Isa Mr Isa votes I Mr Buck Mr Gates Mr Bigs Mr Bigs votes I Mr MTO Mr MTO votes I I Mr Tiffany Mr Tiffany votes I Mr Massie Mr Massie votes I Mr Roy Mr Bishop miss sparts Mr Fitzgerald Mr Ben Mr Ben votes yes Mr Klein Mr Klein votes I Mr Armstrong Mr Gooden Mr Gooden votes I Mr vanw Mr van Drew votes yes Mr Nells Mr Moore Mr Moore votes yes Mr Kylie Miss Hegman Mr Moran Miss Lee Mr Hunt Mr Fry Mr Nadler Mr Nadler votes no Miss Jackson Lee Miss Jackson Lee votes no Mr Cohen Mr Johnson Mr Schiff M Mr swall Mr Lou Miss shyal Miss shyal votes no Mr Cara Miss gandin Miss ganin votes no Mr nus M Mr nus votes no Miss mcbath Miss Dean Miss Escobar Miss Ross Miss Bush Mr Ivy Mr Ivy votes no Miss ballant Miss ballant votes no Mr Johnson you're not rec recorded Mr Johnson votes now Miss Escobar votes no Mr Kylie you're not recorded Mr Kylie votes I Mr jaen Ley you recorded as no Miss Dean you're not recorded Miss Dean votes no Mr Fry you're not recorded Mr Fry votes yes clerk report Mr chairman there are 13 eyes and 10 nose here the ice haveit the bill is orders to be reported favorably to the house members will have two days to submit views without objection the bill will be reported as a single amendment in the nature of a substitute incorporating all adopted amendments and staff is authorized to make technical and conforming changes pursuant to notice I call up HR 7343 that detain and Deport illegal aliens who assault cops act for purposes of markup and move that the Committee reported favorably to the house the cler clerk will report the bill HR 7343 to amend the immigration and nationality act to provide for the Detention of without objection the bill will be considered as read and open for Amendment at any point chair now recognizes the gentleman from New Jersey Mr van Drew for his opening statement thank you Mr chairman my bill to detain and Deport illegal aliens who assault cops act sends a simple but a clear message if an illegal alien dares to assault our Law Enforcement Officers they will be detained and they will be deported this is because actions have consequences that seems like a pretty Common Sense life lesson that most of us learn at a very early age lesson President Biden and secretary mayorcas never learned and seem to have even forgotten the little they knew since President Biden has taken office millions millions of illegal immigrants have been released into our country we don't even know who many of these people are where they're going what they're doing what their attentions are it's a reckless policy and it's dangerous and has had very real consequences particular L for American law enforcement November 2022 the FBI arrested two illegal aliens for attacking a US border patrol agent March 2023 another illegal alien violently assaulted violently assaulted a US border patrol agent while being taken into custody injuring the agent's face and the agent's arms then on January 27th of this year America watched an absolute disgust as more than a dozen migrants were caught on camera ruthlessly beating up two NYPD officers near Times Square it's all fact you can't deny it and what has become even more disgusting than the attack itself is the response to this assault we've seen even more recently just over the weekend the state of Washington illegals purposely crashed into a state trooper and killed him thanks to New York's far-left soft on crime policies many of these attackers were freed without bail and some even bust off to California that's taxpayers expense That's What I Call actions without consequences that's Joe Biden's America and the longer he and his administration go without taking action and holding these Bad actors accountable the longer he too is giving Americans his constituents the middle finger that's is why I introduced this bill and I hope to see it pass and I hope every single member of this committee would at least support this bill's passage the bill requires the DHS secretary to issue a detainer for illegal aliens who are charged with arrested for convicted of or admit to assaulting a law enforcement officer it also requires the DHS to quickly take custody of the alien if the alien is not already detained by requiring mandatory detention for illegal aliens who assault cops this bill not only prevents those dangerous criminal aliens from being loose on our American streets but also speeds up the process to remove them from the United States of America entirely the time for standing oddly by must end we cannot stand by as the fabric of our society devolves into violence and lawlessness this bill isn't just a common sense solution to removing illegals from our streets and out of the country it's more it's much more it's a call to action and a demand for accountability to those that break our American laws and it is a reminder that those that do will face the consequences as they should I urge all of my colleagues to support this bill and I yield back shair now recognizes the ranking member Mr Nadler for an opening statement thank you Mr chairman Mr chairman let's be clear assaulting a law enforcement officer is a serious offense and it cannot be tolerated in the United States unfortunately the bill before us today is another solution in search of a problem this bill along with the others being considered today in committee and tomorrow in the floor is just an attempt by our Republican majority to Target and scapegoat immigrants to exploit a tragic news story and to score cheap political points in an election year while doing nothing to address the situation at the border the legislation before us today would subject any undocumented immigrants arrested charged convicted or who admit to committing the act of assault on law enforcement to mandatory detention by the Department of Homeland Security under this bill someone who was arrested was never even been charged with a crime is now going to be subject to mandatory immigration detention this bill is so Broad and over inclusive that it would lead to truly absurd results including the detention and removal of people who had no intention of ever harming a law enforcement officer when my Republican colleagues first attempted to mark up this bill over three weeks ago it was clearly in response to the assault on law enforcement officers in Times Square late last month by some recently arrived migrants from Venezuela this incident SP sparked outrage across the country but our colleagues directed much of their eye on one particular individual who flipped off TV cameras as he left his arraignment this image was plasted all over Fox News and was promoted by former president Trump as a symbol of everything that is wrong with the Biden administration's approach to immigration there is only one problem as it turns out that specific individual who everyone was so quick to demonize an attack had the charges dropped against him late last week despite being arrested and initially charged he was not even there when this crime occurred this is exactly why the bill we are marking up today is so wrongheaded under this bill even though this man was cleared he still would have been subject to mandatory detention that is not how our system is supposed to work I do want to be very clear even though the details of this altercation are still murky assaulting anyone including Law Enforcement Officers is not acceptable and those responsible should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law with both criminal and immigration consequences but we should not be changing entire sections of federal immigration law to address one specific incident especially when key details appear no longer even to be true it's also important to note that under current law people who are convicted of or who admit to committing the acts of a serious assault and law enforcement officials are already subject to mandatory detention under our laws this bill would not changed that fact around the country serious assaults on law enforcement officers are considered felonies under state law felony convictions are punishable by one or more years in prison and under current immigration law being convicted of or admitting to committing a quote crime involving moral tpud unquote where the crime is punishable by imprisonment of a year or more already results in an individual being subject to mandatory detention however this legislation attempts to significantly expand the scope of conduct that would make someone subject to mandatory detention this bill just this bill just creates an unfunded mandate and will be one more law that no Department of Homeland Security can possibly meet Congress has never appropriated and no Administration has ever requested sufficient resources to detain all non-citizens who fall under the mandatory detention categories even former president Trump never tried to detain all migrants subject to mandate detention the Department of Homeland Security's data shows over 500,000 releases at the US Mexico border under the Trump Administration and over 1.1 million people who crossed during the four years of that Administration eventually being released from custody under this bill committing crimes at a very low level of nature or even committing no crime at all can result in a DACA recipient or an individual with temporary protective status someone who may have been in this country for decades being subject to mandatory detention that is not a reasonable or sensible policy choice and this is not where we should be focusing our limited enforcement resources I have no problem with detaining and removing people who are true Public Safety threats but under this bill you are guilty until proven innocent and even your innocence won't prevent you from being subject to mandatory immigration detention is this really what the majority is looking to accomplish does that make our country stronger or more secure if we cannot fix this bill by Amendment I must I must urge opposition thank you and I yield back without objection all other opening statements will be included in the record chair recognizes now the gentleman from New Jersey for the purpose of offering an amendment in the nature of a substitute Mr chairman I have an amendment at the desk clerk will re read the amendment amendment in the nature of a substitute to HR 7343 offered by Mr V okay without objection amendment in the nature of a substitute will be considered as is read and shall be considered base text for the purposes of amendment chair recognizes the gentleman from New Jersey to explain his Amendment this amendment Mr chairman makes small technical changes on page two it does not change the substance or structure of the bill who seeks recognition I yeld back GLE lady from Washington Mr chairman I have an amendment at the desk clerk will report the amendment gentleman from California reserves a point of order Amendment to the amendment in the nature of a substitute to hr7 without objection the amendment in the nature of subst excuse me the amendment will to the amendment nature of a substitute will be considered as red and shall be considered just as be considered as red there we go you're recognized fine thank you Mr chairman um unfortunately today appears to be more of the same uh you know we're in an election year because the majority rules out bill after Bill that attempts to scapegoat immigrants attempts to score cheap politic iCal points on bills that are going nowhere in the Senate just like the bills that we marked up last month or the assault on law enforcement bill that passed nine months ago for Police Week 2023 today's bill is no different another bill that is going nowhere fast which will do nothing to actually fix the broken immigration system that being said my amendment is truly a goodfaith attempt to work with some of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to cure some of the ridiculous consequences of this bill last month the majority was looking to deport immigrants without requiring a conviction this month they want to detain immigrants who are not even charged with a crime as the ranking member discussed in his opening statement the entire impetus for this bill was an incident in New York City where a large group of immigrants were arrested and charged some of them wrongfully that incident took place over a month ago and the charges against those who were innocent were just dropped so again my Republican colleague's legislation would have led to the wrongful Detention of an individual for at least a month if not longer no one on this committee condones assaults against Law Enforcement Officers however as drafted this bill goes well beyond attacks on law enforcement and includes people who may have never even committed a crime the bill is an assault on the basic due process rights let's remember being convicted of or admitting to Serious assaults on law enforcement are already offens that make someone subject to mandatory detention under current law my amendment is simple it would remove the ability to subject people to mandatory detention for merely being arrested or charged with assault of law enforcement unfortunately there are countless examples as to why this is necessary for example it's quite common during a demonstration or protest for law enforcement to arrest groups of people when a single protester becomes unruly with law enforcement if an individual at temporary protected status or DACA were initially arrested and then soon released without charges they would still be subject to mandatory detention even though they've done nothing wrong people deserve to have a fair day in court and they are innocent until proven guilty that seems to be something that the majority has forgotten or doesn't seem to care about unless the alleged criminal is the former president of the United States further immigration detention is noted supposed to be a back stop for the criminal system it is a universally accepted fact that immigration detention is supposed to be a civil non-punitive function according to ice quote detention is solely for the purpose of either awaiting the resolution of an individual's immigration case or to carry out a removal order ice does not detain for punitive reasons end quote today the Biden Administration is detaining nearly 39,000 people this is 5,000 more people than Congress has funded ice for and put another way we're already overusing detention adding new mandatory detention requirements for potentially low-level crimes is not something that ice should be using its resources on on top of this another unintended consequence of the bill is that once ice takes custody of the individual they will not be transferred back to have their day in Criminal Court so that's right just think about the absurdity of this legislation an individual is arrested and then released on bond ice picks the person up places them in Immigration detention and initiates removal proceedings later the person is charged with a crime but because ice has already begun removal proceedings they are not going to be transferred back to the state or locality and that means not only will the person arrested or charged not get their day in court but it will lead to a lack of justice for the victims involved that simply cannot be what the majority intended by this legislation so I hope my colleagues are willing to work with us on it uh on the legislation and unfortunately without my Amendment the bill before us has significant unintended consequences and I cannot support it I urge my colleagues to accept my Amendment and I yield back the balance of my time gentle lady yields back gentlemen from California Mr mlto is recognized withdraws a point of order yes I withdraw the point of order yeah the gentleman from uh I'm sorry the gentleman from New Jersey is recognized thank you Mr chairman so let's see how it worked let's see how it works doing it the other way where they're not arrested and they're not detained how did it work for Lincoln Riley when somebody who had previously committed a crime was released she lost her life how did it work for the police officers and the NY police officers the the NYPD when they were beaten savagely by people who had already been arrested how did it work for the Washington State Trooper who was murdered who was killed by an illegal he died he lost his life how did it work and as far as due process I mean let's be clear that the Supreme Court has spoken about this in 2018 when given the opportunity to interpret interpret the detention mandates under Section 236 of the immigration and nationality act to apply for merely 6 months the Supreme Court rejected that argument and held up section 236 Jennings versus Rodriguez 2018 when given the opportunity to interpret the statute to require periodic bonding issues the Supreme Court rejected that argument and held up section 236 also in Jen Jennings versus Rodriguez in 2019 when again given the opportunity to limit the detention mandates under Section 236 the Supreme Court rejected that argument and upheld section 236 detention despite be giv being given multiple opportunities to curtail strike down or limit the scope of detention under 236 the Supreme Court has refused to do so but regardless an illegal alien can request that an immigration Judge review whether the alien is properly included in mandatory detention they will get their due process but maybe more people like Lincoln Riley and Washington State Trooper won't die maybe the police officers and future ones in the NYPD won't be savagely beaten I think this speaks for itself and one other issue that was brought up keep talking about illegal immigration the individual who gave the finger when he was released forget about whether he committed another crime at this point think about our legal immigrants how hard they work the legal ones how much they cherish the United States of America how proud they are to swear their oath to this country how much they give back to the United States of America these are good people they don't flip the middle finger imagine sque imagine what would happen if you went to any other country snuck in and then when they try to detain you or do something because you already broke the law ladies and gentlemen the law was broken in that act alone and your answer is to give the middle finger to the United States of America boy that's a lot different than our legal immigrants I guess I've said enough Mr chairman I yield back gentleman yields Miss gent from Texas recognize thank you so much Mr chairman once CE again we got to act as fact Checker um and I jotted down the quote by my colleague on the other side of the aisle when he asked quote how would it work if they were not arrested almost trying to make it sound as though our side doesn't want people accused of a crime arrested no one said that that was never said on this side ever the only thing that my colleague um uh Miss jaia Paul mentioned was the need for due process and I want to say I'm so grateful for her Amendment so grateful um to have the opportunity to try to put some guard rails on a bill that wants to eliminate due process and and mind you I think we all agree I can say we all agree there should be consequences to assaulting police officers we respect law enforcement we need law enforcement Unfortunately today we all voted on an Appropriations Bill uh that only got to the floor because Republicans got what they wanted which was to defund law enforcement our bill today uh made serious cuts to the FBI um but that aside I this amendment is an important uh guard rail around broad expansive l language which we've seen all day on these bills no one wants uh to try to protect law Breakers we just say there has to be due process and not sure if my colleague needs any more time if not I yield back gent yields back gentleman from Texas recognized yeah I would just interject real quick to just say to clarify for the record for both colleagues on both sides of the aisle that first of all the CGS outli outlays go up the actual outlays go up this budget Authority nonsense that we talk about in this town that obis getes the truth if you want to spend a lot of money God bless you go to the American people tell you you want to spend a lot of money but all my colleagues running around saying that they cut spending we had we actually have an increase in the outlays and this stuff about the FBI cuts the the the 7% cut it was almost entirely one building in Alabama an earmark from Richard Shelby let's have an honest conversation about what's actually going on about the spending on law enforcement but that's actually the truth and that's what happens in this town and we sit around talking about funny money but that's the truth about the actual spending the only other point that I would make what we're talking about here just to be clear for the average you know American watching at home we're talking about individuals who come to our country and who are allowed into the United States allowed to come to the border and make a claim they make a claim under law saying hey I think I have to I qualify for Asylum right that's the theory or they come under some other color and they're paroled into the United States because of some blanket Authority we would argue and are arguing that it is a massive a massive expansion of the authority that's supposed to be a case-by casee basis and that those individuals who come here released into the United States legitimately and illegitimately 100% true that there's at least one of each of those categories we think the illegitimate category is Big my colleagues on other side of the think the illegitimate category is small but they have both of those categories there's lots of people being released into the United States but it is all under the theory that we're trying to help people hey you might be uh running away from persecution for your religious or political beliefs as our law says you get a shot or we're paring you in for some reason usually that's supposed to be that hey you're fighting cancer we're going to parole you into our country to be able to go get treatment not a mass Parole in violation of case-by casee B basis then let layer on to that that what we're talking about is then they're here then they're accused of a crime right and we're saying well we don't have a detainer on these individuals and then suddenly they are accused of a crime and we say well maybe these people should be detained at that point we can have a debate about the specifics of that but I just want everybody in the country to know the class of individuals that we're talking about we're talking about people who come here and we're losing track of them and we have ice memos going out from this Administration effectively saying nah don't worry about it don't worry about putting detainers on these individuals don't use your ice authority to go make sure that there are people who need to be uh detained that are detained so we just like speak on the same common terms and acknowledge we just have disagreements about some of those aspects about who's legitimate and illegitimate in terms of being in the United States uh then at least maybe we could speak uh to to actually accomplish an objective all we're trying to do in the legislation is say gosh maybe we should make sure that the default should be if you're here as a guest in our country and we're giving you a path to be here for some reason out of the benevolence of our Collective Hearts maybe just maybe if we think you're up to no good the default position ought to be that we have a detainer on you for ice so that we can track you know what you're doing and make sure that you're not up to worse no good I yield back gentleman yields back question gentleman from California recognize I Mr chairman we've been over this uh ground time and again but Ju Just just to sum up illegal aliens are already required to be detained the Democrats simply refuse to do that illegal aliens are already required to be detained if they're charged with a variety of crimes including those involving moral turpitude of or or or drug related offenses this bill simply adds assault on a police officer to those existing ground rounds uh in order to be arrested or charge there's got to be probable cause to believe that the individuals committed a crime the illegal immigrant can contest the detention before an immigration judge they can have that order reversed if it's wrongly applied courts have consistently held that that aliens are not accorded the legal rights of citizens if they're guests in this country they're required to behave accordingly uh the reality is that the Democrats have deliberately admitted and released a population the size of the state of Missouri into our country over the last three years and we know little or nothing about their backgrounds and every day we see new reports of crimes committed by this population not not one of which should have happened because not one of which should be at large on our streets this week we're talking about Lake and Riley next week we'll be talking about another tragic incident and but it would be the same tragic story this question is ultimately in the hands of the American people elections have consequences that the 2020 elections had terrible consequences for innocent Americans across this country we don't have to put up with this but Congress can't fix it the only way it can be fixed is by the American people at The Ballot Box I yield back gentlemen yields question occurs on the adoption the amendment in the nature of a sub am I'm sorry question Mr chairman gentleman from Maryland's recognized I yield to the gentle lady from Washington gent lady from Washington thank you Mr chairman I just I just need to correct some facts so the gentleman my colleague said that already it is true that if if you're uh charged or arrested that you uh that you are going to be detained mandatorily but that is not accurate right now any alien convicted of or who admits having committed acts which constitute the essential elements of a crime of moral turpitude then uh you're subject to mandatory detention so it's not accurate I mean what we're doing is we're expanding this to say it's not just that you are uh convicted it is that even before you have had any kind of a process you're going to be subject to mandatory detention and here's the thing like we have been talking about the fact that no Administration has ever had the resources to mandatorily detain everybody it's just not it's not possible and in fact my Republican colleagues have consistently recently voted against providing more resources it's not possible to to mandatorily detain everyone nor is it in our interest I don't think you should I don't think we should start to to say it's pretty slippery slope to say only these people are are eligible for due process rights and what we're saying here is that you don't even have to be convicted that you you could have gone through an entire uh you could be going through an entirely wrongfully charged process and that you would still have to be mandatorily detained so I think we just have to be clear about exactly what this is and it's just important to just take a step back and remember that this bill makes it so that somebody who's arrested never even charged with a crime is now going to be subject to mandatory immigration detention which by the way the taxpayers are paying for so we're we're mandatorily detaining people and using taxpayer dollars for very expensive by the way so much of mandatory detention is is done by private prison contractors it's extremely expensive and we want to mandatorily detain someone who hasn't even been charged I mean it just it just makes no sense and so it's not I I think we just have to be accurate about what we're saying and and not make it sound like this is already what is happening no right now we require due process for people before or they are mandatorily detained and I just I think it's important that we're clear about that this is a broad overreach an expensive broad overreach that taxpayers are going to pay for and it undermines due process right fundamental due process rights so who's next are we just going to decide that some people are eligible for due process rights and other people are not I mean isn't it appropriate that we would have people go through some sort of a process to make sure that they are actually charged and then convicted it seems it see I mean it just it seems I think the American people would be horrified by if they understood what this was but it's not about trying to let people assault cops and get away with it of course not of course not but let's have a process that respects due process rights and let's not just give private prison companies tons of money to mandatorily detain which by the way my Republican colleagues don't want to do that either um we don't have enough money to detain everybody I yield back gentle lady yields back gentleman from Maryland yields back gent lady from Pennsylvania is recognized thank you uh just addressing the gentleman from California's remarks I think I agree in part and disagree a part in part he said that Congress can't fix our broken immigration system and the only way to address it is at The Ballot Box I think he's right and he's wrong he's wrong because Congress could fix it if Congress would pass legislation and in fact our colleagues in the Senate spent four months putting together a bipartisan bill which was then killed by the former president and the refusal of House Republicans to take it up but he's correct that the only way to fix this is going to be at The Ballot Box until we vote out the fools who won't address this issue in a realistic um compromised way working with the people who are here uh then we have to change who's here I yield back yields back the question occurs on the amendment offered by the Gent lady from Washington all those in favor say I those oppos no no any the chair the knows have it roll call roll call being requested the clerk call the roll Mr Jordan no Mr Jordan votes no Mr Isa Mr Buck Mr Gates Mr BS Mr Bigs votes no Mr ment Mr Mento votes no Mr Tiffany Mr Massie Mr Massie votes no Mr Roy Mr Roy votes no Mr Bishop miss sparts Mr Fitzgerald Mr B Mr Klein Mr Klein v no Mr Armstrong Mr Gooden Mr van Drew no Mr vandrew votes no Mr Nells Mr Moore Mr Moore votes no Mr Kylie Mr Kylie votes no Miss Hegman Mr Moran Miss Lee Mr Hunt Mr Fry Mr Fry votes no Mr Nadler I Mr Nadler votes I miss Lofgren Miss Jackson Lee Mr Cohen Mr Johnson Mr Johnson votes I Mr Schiff Mr swell Mr Lou Miss gal Miss gal votes I Mr kareah Miss scanlin Miss scanlin votes I Mr nus Miss mcbath Miss Dean Miss Dean votes I miss Escobar Miss Escobar votes I miss Ross Miss Bush Mr Ivy Mr Ivy votes I miss ballant miss ballant votes I Mr Tiffany votes no Mr Gooden votes no cck report Mr chairman there are eight eyes and 12 nose uh the amendment is not adopted the question now occurs on the adoption of the amendment in the nature of a substitute this will be followed immediately by a vote on reporting the legislation all those in favor say I I those oppose no Pion the chair the eyes have it in the amendment the nature of a substitute is adopted the reporting reporting quum being present the question is on favorably reporting the bill as amended all those in favor say I those oppose no no opinion of the chair the eyes have it roll call roll call being requested the clerk will call the role on Final pass Mr Jordan yes Mr Jordan votes yes Mr Isa Mr Buck Mr Gates Mr Bigs Mr Bigs votes I Mr mcclint talk Mr mcclin talk votes I Mr Tiffany Mr Tiffany votes I Mr Massie Mr Massie votes I Mr Roy I Mr Roy votes I Mr Bishop miss sparts Mr Fitzgerald Mr B Mr Klein Mr Klein votes I Mr Armstrong Mr Gooden Mr Gooden votes I Mr van Drew Mr van Drew votes yes Mr Nells Mr Moore Mr Moore votes yes Mr Kylie Mr Kylie votes I miss Hegman Mr Moran Miss Lee Mr Hunt Mr Fry Mr Fry votes I Mr Nadler no Mr Nadler votes no Miss Lofgren Miss Jackson Lee Mr Cohen Mr Johnson Mr Johnson votes no Mr Schiff Mr swell Mr Lou Miss jaul Miss jaul votes no Mr kareah Miss scanland Miss scanland votes no Mr nus Miss mcbath Miss Dean Miss Dean votes no Miss Escobar Miss Escobar votes no Miss Ross Miss Bush Mr Ivy Mr Ivy votes no Miss ballant Miss ballant votes no we got ky's in he's not it's is he already at the event gentleman from Morgan Mr B votes yes gentle lady from Texas M Jackson Lee votes no Mr Fitz Char B ey clck report Mr chairman there are 14 eyes and nine nose uh the the eyes have it in the uh the uh guys having the Bill's order to be reported favor to the house members will have two days to submit uh views without objection the bill will be reported as a single Amendment the nature of a substitute incorporating all adopted amendments and staff is authorized to make Technical and conforming uh changes Mr chairman I'd like to strike the last word General lady from Texas is recognized Mr chairman we have had um a series of initiatives on robbery um uh now we have assault on a peace officer and I just want to make it very clear as you all attempt to when I say that my Republican friends Mr chairman attempt to divide us amongst these issues of our First Responders of which we hold in the highest esteem I want it to be very clear uh that there's not one member on this side of the aisle and I'll speak generically uh that has um uh any more affection any less affection for law enforcement uh and ensuring their safety in the course of their work uh but I think it is uh too many got you bills that give the impression uh that we are not full supporters of law enforcement I hope that we'll find I know Mr Ivy and I have legislation that deals with the responsible uh interaction with police and many others may have that as well let us have those bills on the floor uh excuse me uh in committee for markup uh let us provide more resources uh for law enforcement to do their job let us uh provide dollars to local law enforcement who have a backlog of cases I'd love to be able to work uh with my colleagues I'm getting ready to introduce a bill because I'm seeing it firsthand in my local jurisdiction that they want to get backlog cases to be unback logged but they don't have the Personnel they don't have the equipment uh they don't have the technology why can't we work on that as opposed to a bill that is going nowhere uh and uh emphasizes that there is something different between Republicans and Democrats in our affection for law enforcement they're in our families they're in our communities and I want it to be loud and clear let it reach all the way to Houston Texas and wherever our members uh represent that there isn't a divide but we want to have responsible legislation not use law enforcement in Immigration gimmicks and you realize that to not have du process or to not have uh the the right of a a uh conviction for you to be detained no matter what the issue is you know that's right you know we're right by arrest and a charge and you're going to be uh detained and there are many other ways of dealing with a violent criminal many other ways that can be dealt with and the only thing that we're attempting to do is to be just and fair not to be against law enforcement just and fair so I'm I'm challenging colleagues to find legislation that is going to help local law enforcement do their job it's going to help federal law enforcement do their job with that the do is open um and I look forward uh to some member walking through the door uh as we work on legislation to truly help policing and law enforcement in this community I will soon be introducing uh legislation that we have had to encounter before and I want it to be perceived as helping law enforcement and also helping the system of justice with that Mr chairman I yield back well I I appreciate the G lady's remarks that uh I think the G lady understands that Republicans are strong supporters of law enforcement We're the Party who actually wants to fund the police not defund the police uh so I appreciate her remarks this concludes the committee's business for as well Mr this meeting the meeting is adjourned
Channel: Forbes Breaking News
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Length: 68min 43sec (4123 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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