Jim Caviezel's 2014 Shelby GT500 Super Snake - Jay Leno’s Garage

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That's a pretty awesome car! And it had a nice history

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Quilldino2 📅︎︎ Sep 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
no it feels very good at very firm yeah both write nicely I feel like Steve McQueen movie right now I love driving this thing it's fantastic [Applause] well another episode of Jalen's garage the car featuring today 2014 Shelby Mustang Super Snake 5.4 liter 850 horsepower which seems almost inconceivable but this car has a great story it belongs to my good friend Jim Caviezel he's a terrific actor a thin red line passion of the christ' most recently the TV show person of interest but more importantly he's here today as a car guy not as an actor so let's bring him in Jim how are you my friend hey Jay good to see ya thanks for having me yeah so tell us about this Mustang how long you had it since 14 x-14 okay I picked it up with Dave kawaki right our good friend yeah Dave's been here many times David no Allison Transmission guy as well 850 horsepower seems a little high yeah were you in on the build of this car did you tell them how did it come about was it built you start on the floor you order it what happened well I talked to a friend of ours a Dave kolache and we originally were talking about you know possibly building a Mach 1 or something like that and 69 and then Carroll Shelby came to mind I was gonna do a film actually going to play yes and it didn't happen we met several times and and then you mentioned something about the 14 and I really like the 14 I love the just the dimensions of it it it was the ultimate muscle car in my opinion and just you know if you were gonna do a build on it maybe you know you might have some problems here and there and they you said to me that you know they spend millions of dollars on really refining these things Oh what did you get the car we were down at Torrance California and they had the one I was looking for with matte stripe on it and right away we started talking about you know doing a build with Shelby America and um David really helped me out as far as just getting it the way is begging out the car yeah did and I was gonna be speaking on the USS Midway soon and they said you know they could probably take a crane and put that on the carrier and so that's what we ended up did yeah did you do a Burnout on the carrier uh they wouldn't let me do that though only the airplanes oh okay that's fine but that's pretty cool cuz I know you're very involved with the military aren't you yes yeah yeah I know you do wonderful work for them in fact this car has a special significance can we show them sure but you know what we're talking about alright that's a big supercharger kenny bell yeah they've caught signed by carroll shelby right there yeah but more significant tell us about the names here well this was the extortion 17 operation that happened in Afghanistan where 19 of our beloved Navy SEALs were killed on a chopper chinook this trident belonged to a man named Chris Kyle I spoke at Marcus Luttrell's event who also Dave kalakijo build a Mustang for marcus luttrell wrote a book called lone survivor Navy SEAL who was part of Operation Red Wing him Matthew axelsson Michael Murphy and Danny Dietz were a part of the an operation with three of them didn't make it one did and he wrote a book to tell about it in the book he mentions the film I did called The Count of Monte Cristo he writes like the character Edmond Dantes writes on the wall to keep himself inspired he writes God will give me justice marcus luttrell right does the same thing in his book he talks about him when he was being chased by the Taliban a friend of mine told me to read it I read it and it just it took me about 36 hours and my wife found me just sobbing what these guys gave that ultimately after that I went to help Marcus raise money for a lot of soldiers that when they come back they're obviously going through a massive post-traumatic stress as he was and they had a farm and he would go out and fish on the farm and he just just being out with nature just helped him to you know instead of being in Bethesda Maryland and some hospital right he was out and it really helped him so they raised money that night I spoke at that event afterwards him and Chris Kyle came over Chris pulled out his trident and he says here I'm going to stick it on you of course he didn't but that's an honor for them to do that and we went to a restaurant that night and until about 4:00 in the morning and he asked me massive questions but he asked me a lot about the Passion of the Christ and Jesus a lot on the wheels Shelbie America put my initials JC and a lightning bolt I was struck by lightning on the passion and I've just he asked me if I would go and visit the family of Matthew axelsson family and Jeff the brother and the family sat down in the room and spoke to them and it was based on that night I talked to khalaq about it because I just wanted to do something more right and my uncle who was big into cars he loved a Mustang he was a crew chief in in Vietnam and he owned the f4 phantoms and so he I just thought would be great if I could talk about the the Vietnam soldiers and also the guys that have just sacrificed so much and a couple of my seal buddies gave me a shirt with the names of these gentlemen on it and just tied the whole thing together and put it into the car well it's a nice tribute it really is it's really it's really heart rendering it's really terrific and think when you take this to events and you show that to people I can't imagine anybody not being moved by it yeah it's it's it's really it's really terrific it's nicely done how long did you had the car after you got the car and then you did this how long after what was actually happening at the same time and that's why you and Dave collect as far as Shelby you know just this needs to get done at a certain time in order for the for it to be on the carrier well it's really terrific it's a great great story what other modifications have they been made to the car now let's see you got this just massive supercharger on here yeah it looks like it barely clears the hood I can't imagine what space there is over there and it's it's liquid cooled which is kind of cool yeah nicely and it runs on pump gas right you know race fuel 91 just okay we wanted to get the most from it and make it the easiest right I love these hood pins me too and explain that the tips of the sword explain that well the tips of this sort obviously is the the SEAL Teams I'm in there when Special Forces operations goes in those guys are the first guys that are there they're quite extraordinary unique individuals seals a little bit different because of the water factor most guys that when they get in those confined areas and especially in the water some guys just are not it built to handle that they are going to special forces in other areas but water is just the equalizer yeah it takes everything out well the thing I find fascinating about when you talk to Navy SEALs you realize they can do everything better than you can do they can do geometry they can spell they can beat you up you can make a lot better than you they can run faster there's nothing you can do better than one that's why they're annoying to be around you all right guys look I'm not even in this and whatever you think you can do you can't be good at anything you can't be better than than anything that's that's the funny part about those guys and they're just terrific they really are the best that we have and it's just fascinating the how rigorous the training is and what they go through and they're just the bravest guys we have it's really a great great story and of course that was the movie lone survivor lone survivor like Mark Wahlberg started yes he did Mark Wahlberg did and then of course there's Clint Eastwood's film on Chris Kyle as well too that they did on the second sniper that's right right yeah very good let's move to the back of the car here this RV this is new the wide-body here yes thank you very much for helping me get that done they only did so many wide bodies right and I generally like smaller butts but all right a car that looks amazing okay not a big butt guy now so the boots did the rims here these are originally 345 and I have those but we put the 355 s on because Dave felt it would fit and it did and some hazing when I get a lot of people asking me about that no normally the Shelby Emily will go there but that is not the seals now tell me about that mm well that's not a trident that would be the official seal emblem this is part of extortion 17 and then Chip Foose enhanced it he put thought Knights head on and put the US flag oh okay nicely done let's take a look at the trunk this is where it all started here's the gentleman that these are the soldiers that lost their last year let's all hold it up so yeah the two gentlemen that I were with Lafe and Chris we were at st. Patrick's and they presented that to me and they had just gotten done going to over two weeks of funerals right oh man and this was every day 19 of these guys just gone like that oh man and the front is that obviously the crest and I was what that gave boost the design and we were thinking of you know the ultimate Warriors are the Knights very few of them there very few seals right and of course just a regular trunk with a giant I'm not an audio guy yeah I mean the exhaust pipes of my speaker so woofer tweeter is it that's not my thing that's a cool very very good very good cool what do you think we're about to take it for a ride see what 850 horsepower feels like yeah be great let's give it a shot sounds good no it feels very good very firm yeah you know I've got a 65 Mustang and the door thing is this you know the doors it's thick it's just such a small car just think has such an apple to it but all kinds of power I loved it because it just said I was looking for a muscle car well is it looking for something refined right as a you know European especially a lot of the European interior even a lot of American sports cars now the interior in Chevrolet Corvettes were looking really nice now and yeah they just but I wanted something that had the just pure muscle and I think this for me this was the ultimate have you gotten stopped in this one and all oh all the time oh really yeah yeah now because you played G doesn't that give you a break beautiful hey wait a minute sometimes I bless them yeah give me a warning yeah do you remember we were when we were on The Tonight Show and commercial break you said you know you guys are actually bigger than the Beatles right now and the passion just opened and then any pause and you said actually you can have that one if you want that was really funny [Music] let's bring one full cell hind of it all the way through that's what I love about it just keeps keeps going kolecki put those 350 fives on the back oh it's just great in the terrace I read the first of interest might have gotten picked up somewhere else or now I always think it will come back somewhere else I know there's a big demand for it I mean how many years I did five seasons oh that's that's indication right oh yeah yeah it was 103 well that's good but they were what was great about it is it's the quality of it just yeah spot-on and yeah you know Jonah Nolan just as extraordinary how he thinks really in my opinion took television to the highest level yeah as he surprised him and his brother have done and filmed for years he's a great visionary well this brothers Chris right that's correct yeah and they had this had that World War two movie that came out yeah Kirk got Nam and that was good really good great shooter and then they got Westworld right now yeah he goes yeah let's go do it on film just watch it quality olds right nicely yeah you like the manual I like a manual I like Mustangs and this feels like the suspension in the latest Mustang you know it moves so quickly now I Drive some of the earlier cars and I see a huge difference you know this is a live axle though right this is not independent suspension on this one I don't believe [Music] [Music] but it's not obnoxiously down you could take a trip in this car it's not to get up above maybe for granted starts to make some noise so you almost like the American stuff I did you know my uncle my dad's brother Uncle Tom was you know in Vietnam and Andy was a mechanic for the f4 phantoms he was accommodated he was just meticulous never lost a a phantom due to mechanical failure or whatnot and he come back and he was very meticulous with his cars he always had Fords and Chevys right so I was something I've you know I've always thought long and hard about and specially when they came to me for play Carroll Shelby yeah yeah it's kind of you know a lot of those guys with great innovators and you know he took on Ferrari right right I heard you're a big Ferrari fan you know I like the cars like this was a great scene in there with him and Ferrari yeah yeah basically tells him yeah why does Paul tied this thing so I imagine this is the car you hold on to for a long time yeah yeah oh I'll die with this one yeah yeah well I think it's great what you've done with the tribute to the soldiers you know a lot of times I meet guys and they kind of paint up the outside they put their name on the door and it's it's more about them you know I think this is just the kind of tasteful tribute the two men would appreciate it you know less is more yeah it's love with dignity and grace and I think that's really important you know it's funny when we do stuff with the USO and the soldiers most of the men and women are car people you know they want to know about it what do you got you know and most of them are in the early 20s oh all they have is their Navy or Marine or Army pay whatever it is you know so they want to know all about the cars and ask your questions and you know the more jitan adamancy of the show so it was just a big hit on the aircraft carrier yes it was yeah that's funny and how far up to see was the air was it it wasn't in it was in dock yeah it's on the Midway okay it's parked right there okay but they're really cocky has great pictures of them craning in and putting it on it now you feel like just clawed at the ground now malaria my transition those tires just fighting for grip now the brakes on these these are not for break with you know these American American Shelby the package they put on egg package yeah yeah which I just love I just wanted to make it the best I could make it yeah it's not even all the way to the floor because I can I'm just backing off before the tires break loose and it's great though too because it's just the gravel and the turns you know yeah I think she handles very nicely it's not a car you can find its limit on the street though have you taken it to a track at all no I haven't done that yeah yeah I Drive it a lot around through the canyons right and the radar is great because you can go really fast on the 101 and we get north of certain speed limits uh it just continues to grab this has got to be one of the best super snake savor of a building it's really tight you can handle very nice on a great suspension in it boy I'm really fantastic it doesn't Bend they've got it but I I'm so glad we put the white body on there I love driving this thing it's fantastic it sounds like Christopher Walken I love driving this thing it's it's fantastic J that's very good it's a beautiful walk I can do a one word Travolta impression did you find don't touch the hair so I remember you do pretty good Swartz and anger well sure I think it so we just like to do it to its face because you I idiot let no you so stupid well Jim I want to thank you you know I know it's a wonderful thing you've done here this little tribute and it's tastefully done and it's the kind of thing where if people want to see it you show it you know and it's it's a great way to honor these just amazing amazing man this is a bit of a more serious one today because it's really more about the men that about the car but if it wasn't for those men and their sacrifice we wouldn't be able to have these things absolutely J they've been like brothers to me and I'm all like brothers they're like the little brothers that can't do anything on their own Big Brother take care of us I'd be honored if you'd sign the car I would be honored to sign the car sure what do you want me to sign it hood okay cool I think we should dedicate this episode to these 19 brave men Jim thank you buddy god bless our men and women of the Armed Forces you [Music]
Channel: Jay Leno's Garage
Views: 836,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chip Foose, Jim Caviezel, Passion of the Christ, Mustang, Shelby, Carroll Shelby, Super Snake, Navy SEAL, tip of the sword, Extortion 17, 2011 Afghanistan Chinook shoot, Marcus Luttrell, Lone Survivor, Person of Interest, GT500, Jay Leno, Jay Leno's Garage, car reviews, compares cars, classic cars, vintage cars, sports cars, super cars, cars, car gear, McLaren P1, Porsche 918 Spyder, Camaro Z28, jay leno garage, jay lenos garage, car collection, cnbc, episode, motorcycle
Id: nod9yNw1UE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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