Jig Fishing on Stumps for Black Crappie!

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there we go oh baby what do we got fish and eggs welcome on back to the channel we are here where many adventures begin at the Bucky's gas station I just found me it's something pretty cool you know what they got here I mean this was just me standard-issue BAM Bucky's hooking it up that ethanol three puffs we're gonna trip with some good stuff in here filler on up and head over to Lake Fork trying to catch the infamous big black truck ethanol free gas is the boss let's make sure this is not deaf without more ethanol for you okay speaking of death fluid update on the truck I want to thank you guys for commenting and some of you even sent me emails from problems with some of these Chevy diesel engines and turns out it was a manifold issue they got to order this part from GM hopefully I did the truck back here in the next you know three to five days but for now taking dad's adventure wagon and we will be using it oh my goodness y'all take it in I'm smelling fresh-cut grass right now y'all can't smell it obviously but enjoying this awesome view right here at Lake Fork a little backstory this place that I'm gonna be literally just camping here I'm gonna be sleeping in the truck tonight in this guy's backyard cuz I don't want to infect my germs in this place but a fishing buddy of my dad lives here he's letting me use his boat ramp he has a private boat it's pretty awesome and he catches fish off his docks he's got a dock right here he barely has to put his boat in the water he's got brush piles out there this is a really good spot and if y'all don't know I mean literally the name of the channel Lake Fork guy this place is where I fell in love with bass fishing and really just fishing overall it was the first place I've ever been where I saw a culture that was really circulating around fishing and this entire community of these towns around here it's it's just all about the lake there's this mystique about Big Bass legendary big bass one of the best big bass lakes in the country right here behind me and the first time I came here I obviously saw how great the fishing was there was just all types of grass and fish swimming around everywhere and it was during the spawn and all the restaurants everyone was talking about fishing everyone's fishy fishy fishy fishy fishy and I was like these are my people this is what I want to do with my life I want to be a part of this and make my way into this world somehow and I'm just extremely blessed to be standing here in front of you today sitting by Lake Fork and be a part of the fishing industry and been able to contribute to that and live out my dream of really just being in the industry all so man I'm just blessed and I just wanted to say that before I dump the boat in the water and we're gonna be tackling some crappie today oh my that water clarity looks good look at that stump right there I think there's hasn't been a big bass spawn on that stump I mean get up all now I came around this time last year and I was catching them in just a couple of feet of water so we might have to strategize a little bit deeper fishing method I love to catch them in the shallows so like just casting you know it's literally like fishing a spinnerbait for bats you throw it out there real by some brush BAM I've already got some little jigs tied on some little these are eighth ounce so we're pretty much all ready to go we're just need to get in the water and find them gratis before I even could throw my GoPro on first cast first castle on a jig wow I hope that's not like a bad luck sign beautiful black crappie right there though definitely keeper go into the whale my friend okay so I actually have not even left the dock area how just like you know what these stump line looks pretty good and I just threw out one of these stumps or some current that's coming by here that is a good sign though cuz that fish was shallow and that's that's how I really want to fish I want to be able to throw up the shell there's life got another crappie there we go baby nice nice paper mouth almost lost you I almost lost you because you're so papery now this one is not it's not a very big one for this lake but still very nice they got to be ten to keep got an 11-inch er that's gonna be a very very tasty fish to take back home there we go join your friend a little jig head I'm using here it's just a custom one that somebody so why don't you sent me and it's got a little sickle hook on there I like it I like it looks like it'd be weird for hookups but looks up really well as long as you're not jerking on them too much that stump was in like six feet of water it might just be one of them's these deals where I'm just plucking them off stumps you know just a couple out of time I don't know if they're gonna be in the full-blown grouped up mode hopefully we find that oh right on that wood oh it's a bass [Laughter] live together y'all imagine that was like a 10 it's crazy it's really funny when you start crappie fishing you actually figure out a lot about bass - like where they're setting up and and they they really share a lot of the same areas I've thought for sure that was gonna be a crop he's locked on the wood unfortunately bass will just tear your stuff up so I got to get rerigged here show you guys any of y'all that are new to crappie fishing it's really basic stuff it's a lot of a lot of jig heads at least a lot of the tactics that I use it's kind of like bass fishing them literally flipping stumps it's just you don't go for crappie it's not a bass little grubs are good little straight tail little situations are good a little tiny stuff but I'm gonna be using one of these these lft baby shads with a sickle tail on it a sickle tail just adds it's like a grub tail and I've got a bunch of little grubs here too I can throw on I'm a baby bottle world got a few days left thread that through just like I would with any other swim bait on a jig head just like that and then I'm gonna add a little bit of chartreuse on the tail literally just using the cap off the different glow I'm not even dunking it in there you don't need very much at all okay now we're ready to get back in the game got him oh my that's a big bass what in the world oh my gosh Oh Lake Fork I love you you're just awesome that's a postponed her there geez I love fish my butt off yesterday for six seven hours to try to catch a fish like this and then I come out here crappie fish and catch one in ten minutes that's just crazy look at that skinny fish four and a half pounder probably big old mouth crappie fishing y'all unreal look at that little bitty J didn't that something did that crazy what happens though is there's a lot of fry garters you know I've been seeing some fry and fry garters will attack anything and even betting fish they'll they'll inhale little jigs like that like it's nothing like it's a little peanut just slurp it in it's really non-threatening and they just take it as yeah it's a little flea let me just put that out of here I'll suck it in my mouth nice fish right there you're not going in the fryer buddy don't worry see you dude Oh hopefully you're an eight pounder someday okay let's see what other kinds of fish are lurking around in here it's crazy I learned so much about bass fishing when I'm one of crappie fishing and you'll hear stories from people talking about crappie fishing out here and they hook some Magnum bass absolute giant there's a big one that's a big bass too I mean I just found the bass that's a big bass oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh it's like five powder a lot of crappie Pole unbelievable unbelievable oh he's in a he's in a tree he found that tree he's gonna break me off nope oh he's not like the braid might have saved me there now he's in another tree come here oh this one's fighting so much more than that last one I get you is go be a daggone miracle at the surface come here honestly he's not that much bigger he's just he's just a dadgum Bulldog ah yeah yeah about the same size no flippin you in the boat ah look at that y'all y'all are wondering why lake for guys the name of this channel because the first time I came out here fell in love of fishing I mean just the mystique of the bass there's so many bass out here this size you know four or five pounders and you can just have a field day with them I'm not even trying to catch them right now amazing absolutely amazing good fish again on the jig I think they're frog orders bloody tail so hey listen keep throwing the crappie jig I might KitchenAid powder today all right just ran into another Creek and fished up shallow for a minute I mean it was really shallow this is actually an area I caught him last year and I think they're just done spawning and being up in that like super you know two to four foot but I just found myself a little stumped out here roll by it with a side imaging and I can see each gap so that's the stump right there I'm gonna drop down see if I can catch up I want to say they were like 10 feet down so I've got myself a little just a straight a little plastic on there no moving appendage cuz I've got a vertical fishing apologize for the chainsaw noise there's nothing I can do about that though man's working on this beautiful yard out here Lake Fork can't fault him for that his trees got fry all over it - they're definitely on this side of the tree I had them on for a second come on my little babies get on there now got it there we go oh man a little crappie little crappie that's probably why they weren't getting it you're just a little too small but you've shown yourself now I gotta remember that depth my rod is eight feet long so kind of get a gauge with that there he is there's keeper there we go baby you can see them on the electronics right there there's a bunch of them mm got it it was like another good one yes sir keep her crop your right in the top of the schnozzle there so what I did is I basically went to the first most illogical spot the first drop off good drop off with cover that was close to a spawning area where I caught him last year you know they weren't there they're done spawning so I came up to this this little break and I just started idling around it and the first tree up I thought I found him but I think there were white bass moving through because they weren't really on the cover so when you're looking for crappie you could pretty much bet that they are gonna be on the cover on the wood most of the time and I drove by this one and I saw on the side image it was just littered with him you know it had like a dozen or more so that was a good indicator those are crop she's got to get the right size ones here got it little guy these are sitting significantly deeper in this Creek got it soft bite or they're just small that's another reason okay i'm gonna switch up colors see if i can get get a little bit bigger one we're gonna go with a little electric chicken right here electric chicken finger-lickin just got floated got a bomb got it little little black crappie this is so cool catch crappie like this I have like a racing stripe dip down their back it's really pretty that's just a tiny one [Music] where's your mama and I could see a couple juicy ones down here right next to the tree got him there's the keeper I think yeah you're close look at them all Oh bunt but got him come on now sir get up in here keeper there we go a little bit better not exactly what we were looking for but he's definitely a keeper so I actually saw all I mean oh if I could tell electronics but it was it was quite a wad you looked down there there's brush and there's fish all mixed in in the brush it looks like a tasty treat I just moved up to that top of that brush balling see fish right there in it boy yeah we're we're not getting that back sometimes you're you're doing heads will Bend out like that one just did okay so even though I found a buttload of crappie right there I'm gonna bounce from this spot because I think there are a lot of small crappie again that's only like 100 yards from that last spot when I got on top of them you know that seems like they don't fight nearly it's good I have to cast and they're in like a tree that is it comes up to seven it's kind of laid down it was like 50 of them in that tree but that just looks small I mean I just confirmed it I had one keeper my first five is not a keeper so I'm gonna keep moving I may just go back to the creek man where it all started and keep working all the way back there just pitching shallow stumps I like that better you know just that's where the keepers were that I caught and unless I just absolutely see a maggot wad like bigger than that one I don't think I'm gonna fish see few trees come on big crop is got some spin zhilie looking trees right here coming up on a point hooked up big crappie big mega crappie yes yes there we go y'all that is what we're coming out here for sorry my GoPro ran out of juice right there but that is a big healthy black crappie I'm looking for you've all day are you gonna give us any friends yeah no that one actually thumped it good I mean when they hit it a big crappie it's like a bass jig bite boom suck that thing in little bass another little bass at last crappie could have eaten you there's just a lot of stumps right here in this five foot of water so I'm hoping to just pick a few more Mondo's off like the last one I caught just fish in a small little grub right now and I'm throwing past these stumps like ten feet slowly swimming it from what I've seen on the electronics if they're not grouped up I think the little ones are the ones that are stacked together and these bigger ones there's only like one or two of them together and they're like in the tops of the trees when I'm island and deep deeper water but they're only you know like seven feet down or so Oh got it crappie big uns on all then keepers man that's not really a big one but definitely keep her all those keeper bites coming on these stumps just isolated like five to seven feet of water see if I can get another one there I didn't even see the stump by throwing in between the stumps I could have come on another one it's like a freaking huge bass sitting on it to like see the outline of that football right there ooh just had just had a bite Oh got him oh geez definitely a crappie bite good one ah I had him he's swimming with it Wow what is going on here what is that got him hot spot like that I don't think that was just oil absolutely freaking Halen well damn I'm hung up now there we go Oh baby what do we got oh is this mega crappie oh I think it is no it's a large e dadgum it I was about to say that that's her that's old big baby can I fling this fish in oh man you're a healthy fish there we go if you think a 2-inch grub can't catch a bass and the nose you're wrong two pounder healthy as an ox very nice you know what that fish feels like on this rod it feels like a eight pound bass on a normal bass fishing rod can't tell me that's not fun another just mega fatty toad asset in the perfect depth man they're sitting off of these stumps like the crappie are I'm getting pretty excited about my bass fishing adventure [Music] all right we are back at the dock we're gonna close it out right here a beautiful day on the world famous infamous sometimes Lake Fork and there it is big and beautiful you were definitely gonna go on the dinner plate my friend my dream is to catch up on three pounds so that was the biggest one of the day I ended up with I think nine other ones as well you know the key was basically swimming a jig or a little grub or a little you know swim bait by those stumps for the bigger ones I did find lots of fish out in deeper water but it was it was really just the mostly small fish I couldn't pull any big ones out of there so honestly more fun for me to like getting to target those areas and learning about the bass fishing at the same time I mean it's it's really cool how the two species integrate together I'm not full crappie crazy but I'm getting there I'm pretty darn close because there's so many things that are similar to bass that you have to unlock and figure out and it really is like dialing really dialing into specific things sometimes and definitely today it was you know for the bigger ones anyway finding those stumps five to seven feet of water swimming that thing by they're just so and then pop it so I am gonna close it out right here at the dog get the crappie in the cooler and tonight we might even do a little bass fishin connect but I'm gonna save that for a whole nother episode and I'm gonna be camping in the truck I would never call it redneck when I'm sitting right next to the water's edge listening to the water lap over and beautiful camping weather probably 55 degrees tonight Wow and I know I've been hearing it in the comments but let me know if you want to see more properties I honestly enjoy doing it and I think I think some of you were turning on the crappie as well go ahead and dabble smash no no special it might like to make it a negative you just hit it hard one time big old like button and thank you guys for being here god bless you I will see you soon [Music]
Channel: LakeForkGuy
Views: 535,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bass fishing, fishing, travel, fishing videos, outdoors, lake fork guy, lfg, lakeforkguy, outdoorsman, bass fishing tips, fishing tips, vlog, fishing tips and techniques, how to fish, jon boat fishing, jon boat, catfish, crappie fishing, googan squad, boat, fish, catch, how to, vlogging, homesteading, crappie, lake life, insane, 2020, jigging, googan baits, googan, lake fork, black crappie
Id: 8GiqQYFE2-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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