JFK assassination: Father, son probe single-bullet theory

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of Father and Son used the latest technology to reexamine the idea that one bullet hit Kennedy and Texas governor John Connelly Luke and Michael he are featured on the PBS series Nova in a documentary titled Cold Case JFK the single bullet theory is all about what it does after it emerges from Kennedy's neck does it remain intact is it deflected what happens to its velocity how fast was it going that's important to know what kind of damage can we expect it to do to another gunshot victim such as Conley or to the car in these three fet the space between Kennedy and Connelly lie the answers that prove or disprove the single bullet theory they'll start with the soap it's very similar to Neutrogena that clear Amber soap that you can see through this has the same density and the same resistivity to penetration as muscle tissue I've also put this cloth on here so we can see a phenomena called bullet wipe range is hot 5 4 3 2 and Luke and Michael heg join us this morning good morning good morning morning wow so Luke what did you learn well it's easily demonstratable that one bullet can go through two people if you understand how this particular unusual bullet behaves and what it does after it leaves Kennedy's body what kind of bullet and how does it behave well here's the bullet or an example of the bullet this is a 6.5 mm Carino bullet made by Olan Winchester it's extremely stable which is what people didn't understand then they don't understand now so it will go through a lot of material and then when it comes out it starts tumbling or going into yaw and that's how it hit Governor Conley in yaw that's the yaw is like a badly thrown football a bullet normally flies true and straight when this bullet emerged from Kennedy or any ballistic medium such as you saw a moment ago it's now yawing and tumbling and the entry wound in connley is very important because it's the consequence of a yaw bullet so it had to be a destabilized bullet from somewhere so you do believe Mike that it was just one bullet as far as the neck wound to the president and then the wounds to Governor Connelly absolutely absolutely do you have any doubts about anything from your investigation well I think that in any shooting incident you're never going to have the physical evidence that provides you with a complete 100% picture uh we still have one shot that's basically unaccounted for uh but for the most part when you lay this physical evidence out on the table it is a very clear picture does oswal have to have been a very good marksman to have accomplished this not at all uh I've shot this drill uh these distances with a a firearm that my dad acquired that is exactly the same as Oswald's rifle with ammunition of this type these are not really tough shots and you said anybody who thinks that you have to be a marksman hasn't fired this kind of gun before this this carono was a very cheap rifle it was only less than $13 and the scope on it was $7 plus it many people could have had access to and used well a lot of people back then collected old military rifles this rifle's been disparaged as being dangerous inaccurate it's not if the boore in the rifle is good it's a good shooter and it was a good shooter unfortunately for President Kennedy one more time what did 3D technology do that made your analysis different Mike's answer on that one same thing right the 3D laser scanner uh that was used is something that's really coming into play in forensics now since about 2005 2006 this is a new tool that a lot of law enforcement agencies are bringing into play and it's a way of documenting crime scenes more thoroughly more completely than we ever had the capability to do so we walk away from the crime scene with more information uh and we can then um examine the crime scene over and over again later on on a computer so as we get new hypotheses things uh people talking about where a shooter might have been in a new revelatory type place well we can just go into that software take some calculations take measurements angles it's all right there yeah you guys were able to recreate it within an eighth of an inch which I thought was astounding but you said something very interesting quoting Sherlock Holmes you rule out the impossible and that which remains no matter how seemingly improbable is the truth elaborate on that luk it's the basis of what's called a scientific method if you're a scientist a forensic scientist you try to rule out hypotheses not go into it with an idea I want to prove something so you were ruling out what in this case how it applies to this case the usual cons the most common conspiracy hypothesis shots from the grassy no two Shooters if a thoughtful person is willing to look at the physical evidence that's step one and understand what that evidence is and what it's telling us then you'll come to the correct conclusion physical evidence always supports the truth of the matter Luke and Mike how did you guys come up with the idea to do this to test these theories well this is of course the 50th Anniversary mhm uh I had thought about that this is the classic shooting reconstruction ruction case originally it was a Firearms identification case primarily do we have one gun or two guns if it's one gun is it that gun the gun in the sixth floor Museum if it's that gun whose gun is it those questions were all answered but the question about multiple shots the behavior of the bullet that goes through Kennedy and becomes the single bullet theory became controversial because again people didn't evaluate it they didn't understand it and they hadn't looked at it then and few have looked at it now so that's mik my that may be the answer to the question I wanted to ask you why is there so much uh skepticism or is the skepticism among few but loud yeah shall I take it go for take it down I really think it's in our nature we want to think there's more to it than just a loner loser deranged Marxist who hated his country and took an opportunity there's got to be more to it than that buosi has a wonderful statement a peasant cannot strike down the king think about it a nobody did and changed the world changed the course of history wow thank you Luke and Michael hag the name of the show is called Cole case JFK premieres Wednesday on PBS's novva
Channel: CBS Mornings
Views: 5,789,651
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Keywords: dpst jfk50, jfk, assassination, single, bullet, theory, haag, cold, case, pbs, video, videos, cbsnews.com video, cbs news video
Id: Q7ERXm9OwuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2013
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