The JFK Assassination Was Crazy

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I'm Mr. Beat and this x right behind me marks  the spot I'm here at Del Plaza in Dallas Texas at the very spot where history forever changed  it was here on November 22nd 1963 that President John F Kennedy and his motorcade were making  their way through when shots rang [Music] out good afternoon ladies and gentlemen you'll  excuse the fact that I'm out of breath but about 10 or 15 15 minutes ago a tragic thing from all  indications at this point has happened in the city of Dallas let me quote to you this and I'll  you'll excuse me if I am out of breath President Kennedy and Governor John Colony have been cut  down by assassins bullets in Downtown Dallas they were riding in an open automobile when the shots  were fired the president his limp body carried in the arms of his wife Jacqueline has rushed to  Parkland Hospital I have just talked to Father Oscar Hubert of the Holy Trinity Catholic Church  he and another priest tell me that the pair of men have just administered the last rights of the  Catholic Church to President Kennedy President Kennedy has been assassinated it's official now  the president is dead women here in shock some fainted grown men Secret Service men standing  by the emergency room tears streaming down their face there's only one word to describe  the picture here and that's brief and much of it it's official as of just a few moments  ago the president of the United States is dead this video is once again sponsored in part  by home title lock if you own a home you may not even know that your home's title and mortgage  information is stored and available online unfortunately thieves used this information to  transfer you off your homes title to take out massive loans using your home's Equity one poor  lady in Atlanta came home to find a bulldozer tearing down her house as it turns out a thief  had taken her off her home title and ordered the house to be torn down without her even knowing it  the good news is there are my friends over at home tile lock to prevent this crap from ever happening  to you home title lock monitors your title 24 hours a day 7 days a week and alert you if any  changes are made to your title most importantly if fraud does happen their team of restoration  experts work to ensure that your title is returned to its rightful owner go to slbe  and enter the code beat to get 10% off your home title lock subscription and a free comprehensive  report to see if you're already a victim I’m Mr. Beat, I’m standing on the exact spot  of where the 35th president of the United States got shot. He took a bullet  to the head. This is indisputable. By the way, I was going to film ON  the actual spot where it happened, but uh…yeah that would have  been way too dangerous. The assassination of John F. Kennedy  remains one of the most tragic and shocking events in American history, but  often it’s remembered for its mystery, for there is still…60 years  later…much we don’t know about it. Here is what we know….well…kind of… On the morning of November 22, 1963, President  Kennedy, also often known by his initials, “JFK,” spoke at a breakfast in Fort Worth,  Texas. After a very short flight aboard an official aircraft of the president, known  simply as Air Force One, he and his wife, Jacqueline, joined Texas governor John Connally  and his wife, Nellie, on a presidential motorcade that was to go through downtown Dallas before  arriving at the Trade Mart to give another speech. In other cars in the motorcade? A  bunch of people there literally to protect the president….mostly members of the Secret  Service, but also members of local police forces. The motorcade began at Love Field and made its  way downtown, progressing down Main Street. Folks lined the street cheering the president on.  The motorcade even stopped a couple times so that President Kennedy could shake hands with fans.  At approximately 12:29 Central Standard Time, the motorcade turned right onto Houston  Street, heading west and entering Dealey Plaza. The motorcade then made  a sharp left turn here on to Elm Street. Up there on the sixth floor of THAT  building, the Texas School Book Depository, waiting for the president with a 6 and a  half mm Carcano rifle, was Lee Harvey Oswald. Soon after the president’s car  turned south onto Elm Street, Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy. One  bullet entered the president’s back and exited through his throat. Another entered  his head. Jacqueline, right next to him, screamed and climbed onto the rear of  the limo. She was not struck by a bullet, but Governor Connaly was. A bullet entered  his upper back and his thigh. Most believe one bullet actually did much of the damage to both  Connally and JFK. But more on that later. The limousine then rushed them to Parkland Hospital  for emergency treatment. Connally survived, but it was there that doctors pronounced Kennedy dead  about 30 minutes later. He was just 46 years old. Meanwhile, as early as three minutes  after the president was shot, police sealed off the Texas School Book  Depository, so that no one could get in nor out. But by that time, Lee Harvey  Oswald had quickly left the building, walking seven blocks before boarding a  bus. After the bus got stuck in traffic, he got off and got a taxi. He had the taxi  driver stop several blocks past his rooming house at 1026 North Beckley Ave, which is behind  me right now. Believe it or not, it’s a museum now. Oh we checked it out all right. Anyway,  he then walked back here to grab his jacket and gun, spending no more than four minutes here. Dang  this room is tiny. 6 feet by 15 feet. That’s it. At around 1:15, Oswald came across Dallas police  officer J.D. Tippit near THIS intersection, 10th and Patton. By this time, Tippit had got  a radio order to drive to this area to look for the man witnesses described as shooting President  Kennedy. It was here that Tippit saw Oswald a and he looked at him and was kind of like…this kind of  looks like that dude they described on the radio. According to SEVERAL witnesses, Oswald walked over  to Tippit’s car and had a conversation with him. And then, after Tippit got out of the car, Oswald  took out his handgun and shot Tippit five times. Three of those shots hit him in the chest,  and he died just a few minutes later. Oswald once again immediately fled the scene on foot.  He began to panic as he heard police sirens, ducking into this store until the siren noises  faded. In 1963, this was actually a shoe store. The owner of the store followed him to here,  the Texas Theatre. After Oswald snuck into this theater without paying, the shoe store  owner notified the ticket attendant, who then, at approximately 1:40, notified the police. Oswald  just hid out in here, for about ten minutes, watching the movie War is Hell, before about  two dozen police officers, including sheriffs and detectives, all showed up at once and burst  in. Police soon spotted Oswald sitting in the theater and arrested him, but only after Oswald  punched and tried to shoot one of the officers. As soon as Oswald saw the officers coming toward him,  he reportedly yelled, “Well, it’s all over now!” By this time, the country was stunned by  the news of the death of their president. They were especially stunned by just  how random, how crazy it was. I mean, holy crap. It happened out in broad daylight,  in front of hundreds of people. And the way it happened…so violent…so violent that  I can’t show you the footage of it. Yes, there is footage of it, kids. Quite famous footage  of it actually. The most famous footage of the assassination wasn’t even released to the public  until 11 and a half years later. Known simply as “The Zapruder film,” it’s named after the dude  who filmed it, Abraham Zapruder. It’s the most complete footage we have of the event and is one  of the most scrutinized pieces of film in history. Meanwhile, Jaqueline Kennedy and President  Kennedy’s body had returned to Air Force One. At 2:38, Vice President Lyndon  Johnson, who had been riding in a car behind President Kennedy with his wife,  Lady Bird at the time of the assassination, took the oath of office. 27 people surrounded  him on the small plane as he was sworn in as the 36th president of the United States.  What a photo that is. Man history is crazy. That night, Oswald was charged with the murder  of both President Kennedy and officer Tippit. Also that night, two doctors did an autopsy of  President Kennedy’s body. Most historians agree that the autopsy was…uh…not done well. The doctors  were rushed and not qualified. In fact, the clumsy autopsy would later fuel conspiracy theories  about the JFK assassination. Oh, a conspiracy theory is a hypothesis really, that makes the  claim that a group secretly plots bad stuff. Conspiracy theories, unfortunately, often get a  bad rap…well…because most of the ones people come up with are not backed up by very good evidence.  And yeah, a lot of them are really wacky. On the morning of Sunday, November 24th, Dallas  police escorted Oswald to a car in the basement of their headquarters. They had planned on taking  him to the county jail. At approximately 11:21, a local nightclub owner and JFK fanboy named  Jack Ruby walked right up to Oswald and shot him at point blank range. And yes, that’s…holy  dang…yeah I still can’t get over that THAT’S a real photograph. Nonfiction is way more  interesting than fiction. Just saying. Oswald was rushed to the same hospital as  President Kennedy and Governor Connally, Parkland Hospital, where he died  shortly after arrival. A jury later found Ruby guilty of murder…huh…go figure…and  sentenced him to death. However, Ruby got his conviction appealed before dying himself of  a cancer-related ailment on January 3, 1967. Meanwhile, Kennedy’s body had been brought  back to Washington, D.C. Around 1200 people, including guests from at least 90 different  countries, attended his funeral service at St. Matthew’s Cathedral. Four days later,  President Johnson called for an investigation into the assassination, putting together a team  today simply known as the Warren Commission, named after the lead dude of it, Supreme  Court Justice Earl Warren. The team notably also included FUTURE president Gerald  Ford. The Warren Commission presented its conclusions to President Johnson on  September 24, 1964. That 888-page report, which I’m just sure everybody watching  this video has already read, concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald, and Lee Harvey Oswald  alone, had killed Kennedy and wounded Connally. Mr. Beat: So that’s it. That’s the  story of the JFK Assassination. Mr. Beat: (Looking over to grassy knoll) Wait a  second, there appears to be a second storyteller. Evan: Are you really just  going to end the video already? well it's it's Evan from the channel Necessary  Information what are you doing here I love your stuff by the way thanks Mr be appreciate it well  it's the grassy null I typically just hang out here other than the black site this is where I  get most of my filming done that makes sense yeah so you said there's more to the story what's that  about oh there's quite a bit more to the story Mr be Oh you mean the conspiracy stuff obviously you  mind if I take over for a bit oh that's fine I you know I can maybe just go to the bathroom behind  that bush over there maybe try to find JFK Jr I think he's in that general direction yeah yeah  go thanks appreciate it is he gone is he gone the CIA killed John F Kennedy I'm Evan from necessary  information home of the most mid history and CIA based content on the internet and let me be clear  okay I am in no way a historian an expert a legal citizen of the United States now I can barely  read and last week I accidentally ate an entire completed Lego Millennium Falcon but what I am  ladies and gentlemen is ready and willing to make a fool of myself on a much larger YouTube channel  for your amusement and yummy yummy internet clout yes tasty clown tasty Cloud so good and something  else I am is completely convinced that the CIA whacked John F Kennedy harder than Chris Rock  at the Oscars probably maybe I'm not too sure honestly like I said I'm still waiting for Han  and shuy to pass through my small intestin so I've clearly had some lapses of judgment in the  past but hear me out on this okay before we talk about the how let's talk about the why why exactly  would the Central Intelligence Agency want to get rid of Kennedy in the first place well to many  conspiracy theor enthusiasts such as myself the answer has everything to do with the Bay of Pigs  invasion Vietnam and an internal power struggle between the president and the CIA Center deep  State plus a healthy dose of lead poisoning and the fact that CIA agents were legitimately I'm not  kidding secretly do ing each other with LSD for pretty much that entire decade but we don't have  time to get into that to put it very briefly the Bay of Pigs invasion was an absolute garbage fire  show of an operation organized by the CIA with the goal of a covert invasion of communist Cuba  in 1961 the plan was to train a bunch of Cubans who had been exiled by Cuba's communist dictator  Fidel Castro and send them as an invasion Force along with paratroopers and a bombing campaign  utilizing World War II b26 bombers painted to look like Cuban Air Force planes when the Cuban  Exiles did invade however things did not go well for them to say the least and the CIA and its  director Alan Dulles urged Kennedy to authorize air support to make sure that the invasion was  a success now Kennedy did not want to involve the US Military and US citizens and refused to  authorize the air support and The Invasion force was quickly captured by Castro's forces the CIA  who had been cooking up this plot since before Kennedy even came into office with the previous  president Eisenhower were not particularly stoked about this it was it was not their best day so  the theory goes that the CIA and its director Alan doas blamed Kennedy pretty much solely for  the invasion's failure by not authorizing that air support even though their plan was kind of  already hot poo poo garbage and actually relied on the citizens of Cuba to join The Invasion  forces on their own free will for the plan to even succeed it's it's a long story Kennedy on the  other hand was allegedly furious at the CIA and Allen do for what he considered to be basically  tricking him into authorizing a plan that was doomed for failure making him look terrible and  treating him the most powerful man on the planet as the cia's own personal meat puppet and promptly  fired Alan doues and his cronies Kennedy also told a high official in his administration that he  wanted to quote Splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and Scatter it to the winds according to  a 1966 edition of The New York Times and he had a plan to cut the cia's funding by 20% a plan that  he never got to carry out on account of his you know being assassinated before he could do so just  saying just saying and then there was Vietnam to put it even more briefly in the 50s Vietnam was  separated into the Communist North Vietnam and an American aligned military government in the  South and for context if there's one thing the CIA hates more than anything else on God's green  earth it is dirty distribution happy Communists okay they hate Communists so much it's not even  funny it's like their whole stick so during the Eisenhower Administration the US started aiding  South Vietnam's battle against the Communist North however on October 2nd 1963 Kennedy made the  decision to remove the first contingent of US military forces in Vietnam a move that many Saw  as the first step to fully removing us support for the battle in Vietnam and against the cia's  mortal enemy dirty stinky conniving commies and then a month later Kennedy got a little bit shot  in the back of the head just saying just saying and then a mere 4 days after Kennedy's death his  presidential successor Lynden B Johnson supported intensified planning for covert action against  North Vietnam supported by oh wow look at that huh the CIA so with the combination of Kennedy's  perceived responsibility for the failure at the Bay of Pigs his decision to pull out of Vietnam  and a worry that he may try to reconcile with communist Cuba making the CIA view him as  quote soft on communism his threat to to cut the agency's funding by 20% and the threat of  being quote splintered into a thousand pieces and Scattered to the winds I hope you can see now  why the CIA uh we're not huge fans of this guy so that's the why and as for the how that involves  well the CIA obviously and a cabal of pissed off Cuban Exiles the mob organized crime and most  importantly a second shooter right there behind the grassy null but wow would you look at that I  don't have time for the house I've never been one for brevity so for the sake of Mr beat's good  name and his viewer retention I'm going to go ahead and cut it off here I guess you'll just have  to go check out my channel necessary information to learn more about how the CIA or dirty naughty  no no bad boys deserve a spanking honestly and a firm one at that right after you finish this video  hit the like button subscribe to Mr.Beat and leave like seven comments to drive up his engagement  of course or else back to you beat Meister oh would you look at that here he is now Mr.Beat:  I found him I found him! oh yeah come on let's go let's go! Some think the mafia organized  JFK’s assassination, and that even Jack Ruby, who indeed had ties to the mafia, worked for  the mafia to shut Oswald up. Others think it was the Cubans. Some even think Lyndon Johnson  orchestrated the whole thing so that HE could be president. Some think Oswald couldn’t have  fired those three shots so quickly. That HE didn’t even do it because he had no motive to.  That maybe a Secret Service agent did from one of the other limos. Or some dude in a sewer.  Others say lead witnesses died mysteriously. Most who think there was a conspiracy, however,  think the CIA or FBI or both were involved. Those who promote a conspiracy theory argue that  there were multiple shooters- at least two, with the second being right about here. Notably,  when watching the graphic Zapruder footage, which I can’t show you in this video because it  will get age-restricted but I’ll link it in the description….show JFK going (back and to the  left). But the Warren Commission insisted that experts said a bullet entering from the  back could absolutely make Kennedy’s body go (back and to the left). Critics of the  single-bullet theory mockingly call it the “magic-bullet theory,” insisting that the way  he moved defies physics if shot from behind. However, nearly all conspiracy theories  surrounding the JFK assassination miss the mark. Ok, maybe that was the wrong idiom to  use. Nearly all conspiracy theories fail to hit the target. Oh that was DEFINITELY the wrong  idiom to use. What the heck is wrong with me. There has never been any physical evidence that  proved any of these theories could be true. Well, other than the theory that there was a  second shooter at the Grassy Knoll. In 1976, the United States House of Representatives  created a committee, called the House Select Committee on Assassinations, to complete a  new investigation into the JFK assassination, as well as the Martin Luther King, Jr.  assassination which happened in 1968. What they concluded was that Kennedy was indeed  “probably” killed as a result of some sort of conspiracy and that Oswald likely didn’t act  alone. I bring this up because the physical evidence that helped them reach this conclusion  was a recording from a police officer near Kennedy when he was shot. Acoustics experts  analyzed the recording and determined that there was a 50% chance a sound representing a  gunshot came from the Grassy Knoll. That said, later experts have said the recording is NOT  evidence of a second shooter, with many saying the recording took place nowhere near Kennedy  nor during when the shooting took place. I should also add that an overwhelming number  of scientists have concluded that one bullet making Kennedy’s body move (back and to the left)  despite coming from behind is indeed plausible. Despite hardly any physical evidence  existing of there being a conspiracy, today most Americans continue to believe that  a conspiracy was indeed behind JFK’s death. One person who definitely believes a conspiracy  was behind it is Patricia Puckett Hall. Her grandma was Gladys Johnson, Oswald’s  landlord. Today Patricia owns the house, and she was the one who gave us a  private tour of Oswald’s bedroom. The thing is, Hall has good reason to believe  the CIA was working with Oswald. In fact, we now know that the CIA and FBI lied about knowing  who Lee Harvey Oswald was. As it turns out, they had been tracking him for a while before  the assassination. And how do we know this? Journalists and historians have examined  declassified records, records that GOT declassified mostly due to the JFK Records  Act, a law Congress passed back in 1992, in part in response to the success of the  conspiracy-promoting Oliver Stone film JFK. There is also evidence that the CIA pressured  the Warren Commission to conclude that Oswald acted alone and actively prevented them  from getting information about Oswald that would link him to the CIA. Indeed, the  Warren Commission ignored key witnesses and gave a lot of attention to less important  witnesses. It seemed to focus only on evidence that backed up its single-bullet theory  and Oswald acting alone. Not only that, as I mentioned earlier, the first  autopsy was messed up. Plus, look at the people who likely were just fine with  Kennedy being dead, as mentioned by Evan earlier. It’s not surprising why many…MANY Ameicans  continue to distrust the official version of events. And it shouldn’t be surprising  why MANY Americans think there was a second shooter at the Grassy Knoll. So wait…WAS  there a second shooter at the Grassy Knoll? First, let’s get one thing out of the  way. There is no doubt that Lee Harvey Oswald murdered President Kennedy. This is  indisputable. The evidence is overwhelming. But regarding a SECOND shooter? Meh, there just isn’t that good evidence  of that. It doesn’t mean there wasn’t, but it’s not likely…and…uh…well…we’ll  probably never know, will we? Now, this is just my opinion, but based on the  recent declassification of certain CIA and FBI documents, as well as the fact that the  CIA and FBI have continued to suppress classified information, I think that the  claim that the both CIA and FBI knew about Lee Harvey Oswald before the assassination  of JFK is mostly true. So there. That’s SOMETHING. I think it’s reasonable to assume  they wanted to hide stuff because it made them look bad. Perhaps the CIA and FBI could  have prevented Kennedy’s assassination. But what do YOU think? What do YOU think really  happened on November 22nd, 1963 in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas, United States of America?  Let me know down below. And obviously, I left A LOT out, but what do you expect? I make  introduction videos. Please do your own research. Check my sources in the description. There ’s some pretty good books I referenced. Also, a big thank you to Evan from the channel Necessary  Information for collaborating with me for this video. It was great to hang out with him and he  made this video soooo much freaking better. Go check out his channel and subscribe.  Viewer discretion is advised.
Channel: Mr. Beat
Views: 1,182,972
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Keywords: the JFK Assassination explained, The Assassination of John F. Kennedy Explained, who really shot jfk?, HISTORY, the assassination of jfk explained simply, death of jfk, assassination of jfk brief history, what is the jfk assassination conspiracy, was president jfk really killed by the cia, did the cia kill jfk?, the jfk assassination what really happened, why you're wrong about jfk's assassination, Unraveling the JFK Assassination, a historical event most americans disagree about
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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