Jewish Mums Try Other Jewish Mums' Latkes

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really need a joke hi i'm melissa a mum of two and i'm about to try some other mum's potato luckers latkes are traditionally made at hanukkah time as they're fried in oil and hanukkah is about oil i like eating them more than i like cooking them because they make your house smell they make your hair smell it's not the most healthy food but it tastes really good mine are different because i put grated onion pan fry them in olive oil then i put them on a tray in a really hot oven to finish them through my lacquers are different because i try to get them crisp on the outside and soft on the inside some people like them a little bit coarse try and get them soft as i can but they are generally very tasty i'm really interested to see how the other mums serve their potato lakers especially when it comes to size because size does matter i like to serve mine small because you get the crispy batter and maybe if they're a bit bigger you'll lack some of the batter everyone loves the luck car you've got to love a lot car i'm hungry can we do this now yeah it looks really nice i like the um where you can see all the onion it's quite a simple um mix of ingredients to make a potato latke nice and crispy particularly around the edges it smells smells very like curry smells just like i want to eat it it does look a little bit burnt just at the top perhaps a little overcooked here i probably would have put a little more seasoning in them and i don't there's any onion in or not much onion if there is any [Music] it's very potatoey all luckies are different some have a higher potato content some might have a higher onion content and this is more of a potato potato like that does that make sense um but that is not a bad thing it's good it's very filling i think because there's so much potato in it they're quite thin which makes them a different texture because they're thin you get less of a soft bit in the middle and more of the crunchiness which is quite a nice nice way of serving it complements the food on the plate even though i might have noted that it was looked a little burnt it certainly doesn't taste burnt or overcooked the batter is really tasty i i like the fact it's nice and crispy on the outside i like the texture overall it's it's not bad at all it's still nice even if a touch bland um i've give this snack just needs a little more seasoning but i like the crispiness of it it's really good i would give this potato luck a seven out of ten there's so much to register i was focusing on the oil the look and then actually after i had several mouthfuls then i realized it was bland looks nice but a bit smaller come on i like a bigger one black is i really like the idea of subbing something sort of slightly acidy the sharpness of the acidity of the sour cream with the onions and marrowing with the fried lakka really nice idea it traditionally they'd be much bigger you get more of the inside being soft and obviously more of the outside being crisp [Music] that's got mozzarella on the outside i think it's got a sort of like ready ready texture to the outside of it not it's nice but it's different i don't know if it's got any onion in there i can't taste the onion mmm that's delicious that is a lovely locker you're about to finish it being greedy i'm just leaving that it would be rude not to finish it i like the contrast of the two things that have been served i like the combination of the onion you could taste salt you could taste um potato it was cooked perfectly i personally put flour in mine not mozzarella i can taste the difference there but there's nothing not bad at all it's just different i would definitely say that to my family it was just a bit small but give me three and i'd be happy and give this one a seven because i'd like to see it bigger and i'm not so mad on the matzo meal flavour on the outside i'd give this luck nine out of ten it was really delicious just a bit small but perfect [Music] i'll have more next time please circle and have some more i like the size it looks good smells very oniony which i like i like lots of onion in my lockers it looks like it's the same as mine really potato onion probably egg as well quite a soft texture [Music] there's a lot of flavor in this which is nice it's um quite salty but i like that i feel like i'm getting lots of flavour oh hot what i like about it is the texture the look of it doesn't look too greasy i'm loving the consistency of onion even though it's still quite potatoey there's a really good amount of onion too it's very very tasty i think it might need a little bit more salt inside for my palette i'd be interested to know what oil this is cooked in because the taste of the oil is not overwhelming the lacquer at all i just think they've fried this really well soft on the inside crisper on the outside very tasty i love it probably be interested to know what they um what herbs or spices they added to this because it it is full of flavour i give this lakka eight out of ten i'd give this lacquer a nine out of ten because it's full of flavor i'd give it a ten out of ten if it was a bit smaller because then i could just eat more of it great lovely that's nice to know it's nice to know my family will write i do make the best luck cause never mind to be fair they were both really good luckers you
Channel: BuzzFeed UK
Views: 222,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best, BuzzFeed, BuzzFeed UK, Cooking, Deep Fried, Europe, Food, Fry, Frying, Hanukkah, Jewish, Latkes, Mums, Oil, Onion, Perfect, Potato, Potato Latkes, Recipe, Review, Taste, Test, Three Jewish Mums, Traditional, Try, VXWf, Worst, banter, buzzfeed tasty, buzzfeed video, buzzfeedvideo, cooking, drama, food, food challenge, food porn, food review, foodie, jewish food, jewish mums, moms try, mums try, people try, potato, potato latkes, recipes, taste test, tasty, uk, yummy
Id: ET85mW603Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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