Jesus Knocks on Muslim Imam's Door - Zak Gariba part 1/2

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one of the most drastic and deadly life changes a person can make to renounce your Islamic religion in favor of Christianity but that's exactly what zach Kariba did and he's here to tell us why Zach welcome to full circle thank you thank you very much it's good to have you now okay let's start at the beginning because you were raised from childhood to become a Muslim Imam in fact your parents put you on that path let's talk about your childhood well I was raised as a Muslim I was trained as a Muslim my parents picked me somehow I'm not sure why my parents picked me to be the Imam of the family so I grew up as an imam I grew up as a Muslim guy and I've been to Dharavi school and learn how to read and write dialogue with language and that's how my journey started now you're you're one of six boys in your family yes and I'm the second born in normally didn't want to use the firstborn but somehow I'm not sure why they pick Nia to become the Imam of the family so I went to school I went on Abbey School actually when I grew up I was always in my class because I studied English later on but I studied Arabic language ending and the culture and they were to become a mom at the early age and you came from a family of Imams right yes your father and your grandfather my grandfather was won by my dad wasn't but I came from that line of of Muslim religion so anyway I became it was I tried to become a Muslim Imam and I was doing up and then sorry give us context what is an imam like what would you be doing as an imam as a leader an imam is somebody who has his own mosque has a follower just like a pastor has his own for a way is it like it's just like a church but we call a mosque and you have your own followers and that's what an Amanda Amanda's a Moose's almost the same thing like pastors devil but since I was trained to become a mom I went to a place called Nigeria so I went to Nigerian and I became an imam of this particular mosque and I loved what I was doing I was enjoying what I was doing I met this Christian friends I've no idea who this Christian guys where by Mendes Christian friends and we said the talking they brought their Bible I I brought my Quran arise that they'd be beating with them I said that I came with a acida to tell them that you know water but the Bible is the Quran is much stronger than the Bible but unfortunately we went back on foot and where I kept beating them up here then they come and they bring the Bible and III give you then I beat them up but to cut them up so but what happened was that we said I get back and forth they I wanted to get rid of them because they are so quiet and I wanted to get into the world where I could get rid of the fine ways to get rid of them so they asked me if I could can drop them at the place where but they have this Christian meeting and just going to drop down say well if that's what you wanted to do I would do that so in Africa we don't have phones so we planned the six months in advance so I went to this beautiful I went to I took them to to this place but new wildest my landlady has a little girl whose chair feels old who's paralyzed from her wish to have fought so on that day since I've no choice I carry here with me today Christian quite friends and a little 12 year old girl who's paralyzed away with you in your car yeah going to a big stadium where somebody was speaking at this but just went dropped them so I got to this stadium and I pack at the back of the stadium but me when tobacco descended to speaker facing me and this guy in the speaker was saying Jesus Jesus I didn't know I don't know what was all about I knew I was going to speak about Christians and they were doing they were speaking about Christian meeting but as I pack at the back of the stadium something there happened the girl wanted to come out of there out of the car now you were stuck there you wanted to believe well sure but you were surrounded by cars yeah because I packed the car and I wanted to find someone who could give me the direction but people thought I parked the castle people pack around me and they blocked me in the back of the stadium that's the key of what to do I think the problem was because I'm the Imam in that neighborhood everybody knew me so I'm never snipe I don't want them to know that I'm a Buddhist just to meet you so I've been trying to hide my face but the problem is this girl was it was so hard but I wanted to walk on this day walk I walked to this bench so I'm sticking here to this bench I suppose they came to this bench and so you carried her yeah I cut it in my arms but as I was walking to the students something happened and this guys at the speaking in speaking on this pika and this and it said I said Jesus Jesus Jesus but I would try to close my ears he's not working but as I was walking faster this girls like moved and I'm saying oh wait a minute laziness yeah and I said wait a minute this is voodoo this is witchcraft yeah but what happened was that this subtle the more this guy said Jesus the less his thunderman and then I got nervous and she said to me I want to walk I said no you can't you ain't my aunt's anyway to cut but this short she bit me she wanted to get down we were not whatever thank you I have this guy here he bit me and I slammed it to the floor but recommend made the naked of my eyes I saw this girl walking she paralyzed from birth yes and I'm seeing how could somebody mention Jesus name and a girl will completely be healed so that was my then I started looking for what what is this that something has to be with this somebody mentioned Jesus know him name alone so anyway I went home on that day met her parents and went to the mosque on that day as I was at the mosque I was at the most somehow I'm not sure what happened I was leading my mother I was leaving the prayer and then suddenly my this words came out of my mind I don't know where it came from they served me to see Muhammad sallallaahu Hollywood Salaam I said Jesus Christ of Nazareth right in the middle of the mosque and how many men are around you lots of people I mean our and you know this are behind the stadium behind us and they kicked me out you want to yeah I want to kill me yes and that is the beginning of my problems so my older brother helped me to come to Canada so as a students I came to Canada and I completely knew I wanted to become a pagan I wanted to become Christian wasn't question like when you said Jesus Christ of Nazareth did you start a say who is that anyways because my friends have been talking to me about this so I was wondering wow how can these words come out of my mouth even I didn't plan it I never need who's going to come out of my mind as I was going to say something else but something else came out of my mind but on I remember on January 3rd 1997 that is so pivotal for me I was in the hours in my room and I planned on that day to kill myself I was really going to end my life because my parents deserted me they have nothing to do with me they made a funeral for me everything was just crushing down so on January 3rd I planned to kill myself and as I was planning the claimants that I said 3 o'clock in the morning I had the pills and everything ready 3 o clock in the morning and I had a door knock at my door and I was so angry I went to the door there was nobody there I said that is strange in Canada people have phones they call you ahead of time anyway I had a second knock and I went there and the Ted didn't and I said you know what maybe the person is good to knock potato so I said to come them my foot so the person would think I'm walking back to the bed but I stood there and I had this no bang bang bang and I opened the door and I had this voice that I've never had in my life he says your mother and father forsake you I'll be there for you and I look around and I say oh now I'm hearing voices this guy said I am Jesus mmm now I'm calling you to do something else that's wait a minute wait a minute I'm missing Jesus Christ of Nazareth in the mosque I got myself into trouble I don't want to have anything to do with you he said I am the God of Abram Isaac and Jacob I'm ready to help you and that was the beginning of my life Wow amazing okay now we're gonna take a quick break and when we come back Zack will tell us what life is like now and why he says he is ruined for the ordinary stay with us
Channel: 100huntley
Views: 1,667,847
Rating: 4.532001 out of 5
Keywords: HS9017, 04, Full, Circle, Nigerian, Imam, christian, pastor, miracle, arabic, Jesus, transformation, paralyzed, walk, walking, healed, healing, prayer, mosque, vision, muslim, jesus knocks on muslim imams door -- zak gariba on full circle -- 1/2, muslim sees jesus, zak gariba, jesus knocks on muslim imam's door, gariba, muslim vision of jesus, muslim imam, christianity
Id: 5ik44QY3EPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2012
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