Jesus in the Book of Judges: How to find Jesus in the OT pt 16

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all right so here's what we gonna do tonight we've been looking at Jesus in the Old Testament tonight in in pursuing that understanding where we can identify Christ's pictures of Jesus and all that throughout the Old Testament we're gonna survey through the book of Judges the whole book of Judges looking at pictures of Christ this this is this doesn't mean Jesus is physically showing up necessarily it might just be an a picture an analogy an allegory or a template I'll explain that in a minute how a template if something kind of fits the Jesus template so to speak these types they're gonna vary in strength some are stronger some are weaker but we're allowed to just say maybe that's a type and leave it hanging in the air because we're just looking to see what God may have done with the sort of literary tapestry of the Scriptures but they also can vary in kind one can be like that's a clear type this over here is more of like a template this over here might be even a Christ often II these are very different kinds of things so let's dig in about the book of Judges if you've read the book of Judges or even more if you've tried to teach through the book of Judges as I have you find it difficult it's easy in the beginning and it's much harder as you progress along because it's a very particular kind of book in the Bible so let me set the stage for us by just reminding us what the book of Judges is what's up with that alarm it sounds like a building alarm to me oh well if it was a robbery it was very short so so let's back up and just give you like a quick intro to the book of Judges I'm not gonna do a survey of the book for the sake of the book we're doing it for Jesus in the book but get an idea of the context of judges right so think of Abraham in the Bible we have the calling of Abraham that's probably around 2,000 BC that's when Abraham is called so four thousand years ago then we have Moses after his descendants go into Egypt and then they come out with Moses that happens around probably 1400 BC that's my understanding of the timeline then we have Joshua who leads the people of Israel for a while he actually leads them into the Promised Land and they go into the Promised Land or Joshua that's in the 1300s BC that's around time now between Joshua and David we go from the 1300s to about a thousand BC well the book of Judges David's a king of Israel the the second king of Israel Saul was the first David was then the next one well the book of Judges takes the time after Joshua before David and that's in general that's the timeline that's where the book of Judges is and Israel's not being led by Kings they don't have a king and they don't have one leader like Moses or Joshua but rather the people are just supposed to in their tribes handle their issues follow what the law says and it'll be a good society if you'll just do what God says well that doesn't happen the people sin and then they get in trouble and then God brings up a judge or a deliverer to rescue them and that's that's what these judges are the judges themselves are not like we think of like judge like almost like they're coming to like judge dredd is showing up to deal with you that's that's not quite the idea with the book of Judges and the word judge could actually be translated deliverer and that's what they largely are they have a couple different jobs these this group of people there's a twelve or so of them in the book of Judges and what they do is they they come and they handle the hard cases of Israel this is what Moses did Joshua probably did it too when the elders of a tribe or a group they couldn't deal with an issue then they would take the issue to Moses and he would answer that issue he would only take the hardest cases well the Kings do this later as well they could appeal it's like appealing to the Supreme Court right they go to the judge so they would judge cases like court cases but they would also instruct Israel on what to do maybe bring him maybe bring a message of God but more often they would gather the armies of Israel and be a military leader to overcome and overthrow the enemies of Israel so they had like those two sort of jobs ultimately to deliver Israel the book of Judges goes through cycles it's cyclical and it goes through these various cycles and the cycle goes like this to understand the book you got to get this first the Israel does whatever they want they don't care they don't follow God they do whatever they want whatever religious weird stuff they do they want to do it they go ahead and do it then God allows them to fall into bondage and sends them a deliverer that's the judge Gideon Jeff the Samson you know II hood we read about these guys they show up to liver Israel from the bondage to their enemies that resulted from their sin then the deliverer himself will always fall short generally speaking the delivers are always a disappointment in the end so later on in their life they get the more you like home man I like that God you know it's like that happens a lot in the book of Judges and I think this demonstrates the need for Jesus this cyclical thing demonstrates a need for Jesus how there's sin there's bondage to because of sin there's a deliverer that rises up but even the deliverer is fall short Jesus is the one who will not fall short Jesus is the one who will ultimately deliver these are pictures of Jesus I think the judge is in a big sense our pictures of Jesus so chapter one of the book of Judges we get this story set up like this um it talks about how after the death of Joshua there in the land but they are also inhabiting the land with the enemies of Israel and so they're like okay what do we do we got to go up and fight against the Canaanites or the ammonites or the different groups of people that are around us we've got to deal with them how is that gonna happen so they go up and they fight against them and God instructs them but they fail they fail to chase them out it happens over and over again so chapter 1 lists like a tribe of Israel and then it says and they failed to drive out the Canaanites then it lists another tribe and says and they failed to drive out the Canaanites and another tribe and they failed to drive out the Canaanites so that's the setup for the book of Judges here you are in the Promised Land but yet it also still is inhabited by those you were supposed to drive out then the that gives us the basic beginning scene for us and we can look here in judges chapter 2 verse 1 I'll pick up here and read it says now the angel of the Lord went up from Gilgal to Boheme and said I brought you up from the land of Egypt or from Egypt and brought you into the land that I swore to give your father's I said I will never break my covenant with you and you shall make no covenant with the inhabitants of this land you shall break down their altars but you've not obeyed my voice what is this you have done so now I say I will not drive them out before you but they shall become thorns in your sides and their gods shall be a snare to you as soon as the angel of the Lord spoke these words to all the people of Israel that people lifted up their voices and wept and they called the name of the place spoken and they sacrificed their to the Lord this is interesting this this is actually I think we have a good case that this angel of the Lord like I've already did a whole study on the angel of the Lord you could look up online just put the angel of the Lord in the search but but this angel of the Lord I think is a theophany and I'll give you the reason why if he didn't already notice it notice how he speaks right when a prophet comes and he speaks in the name of the Lord he says thus says the Lord the angel of the Lord doesn't do that the angel of Yahweh the angel of the Lord he goes up from Gilgal to Boheme which means he's traveling he's physically present in some sense and he travels from one location to another delivering a message how would you get a message out to a group of people you walk around giving it over and over again to different groups of people so he travels from Gilgal to Boheme and he says i in verse one I brought you up from Egypt and brought you into the land that I swore to your father's to give you I said I will never break my covenant with you now he's quoting what God said but he's taking credit as being the one who said it and you shall make no covenant with the inhabitants of this land you shall break down their altars but you've not obeyed my voice what is this you've done so now I say so it's all first-person like God speaking directly and then they sacrifice to the Lord so I think this angel of the Lord is a theophany and so we could see Christ in that you know being the the one who brings forth the the Word of God so to speak the message though is interesting it sets up the book of Judges for us the message is hey you failed after the death of Joshua you failed you blew it and now failure is the theme of judges and that's why this book's hard to teach the further on I get in the book the more I'm like looking for a good guy and I can't find one have you noticed that when you read about like the story of this this these two tribes and they have a big fight and then you're like but you're all bad guys now like I don't know who to root for and that's the idea you don't need to root for them if they need a root canal it's is that a thing they hate it there's just no good there's no good guy in this scenario and that makes the book reveal I think the knee for Jesus ultimately so failures the theme and it only escalates from their judges to ten is a good like summary statement of this it says and all that generation also were gathered to their fathers and there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done for Israel and so this is this is that the passing on of generations new generations they they apostasy is they don't hold to the faith of their fathers they don't stick to Christ I mean this this feels like America right now you know how we've had these watered-down Christianity to now just a rejection of Christianity that seems to be where we're moving at the moment so after telling us that there's these antagonistic nations in the land that are still there it finishes the summary in judges chapter two verses 11 through nineteen so I'll read this this is kind of the finishing of the summary and then we'll get into more of the pictures judges 2:11 and the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the Lord and served the balls and they abandoned the Lord the God of their fathers who had brought them out of the land of Egypt they went after other gods from among of the gods of the peoples who were around them and they bowed down to them and they provoked the Lord to anger I mean realize how terrible this is it's just so terrible that God calls the people that gives him his his law but what is it it's showing us that all sinned and fall short of the glory of God that's what it's revealing they abandoned the Lord verse 13 and served the ball's and Ashtaroth so the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel and he gave them over to plunderers who plundered them and he sold them into the hand of their surrounding enemies so that they could no longer withstand their enemies whenever they marched out the hand of the Lord was against them for harm as the Lord had warned and as the Lord has sworn to them and they were in terrible distress then the Lord raised up judges who saved them out of the hand of those who plundered them yet they did not listen to their judges for they horde after other gods and bowed down to them they soon turned aside from the way in which their fathers had walked who had obeyed the commandments of the Lord and they did not do so whenever the Lord raised up judges for them the Lord was with the judge and he saved them from the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge for the Lord was moved to pity by their groaning because of those who afflict it and oppressed them so as wicked as they are God has pity upon them he brings them judgment and that has pity upon them as they groan under that judgment so he brings them a deliverer what does that sound like verse 19 but whenever the judge died they turned back and were more corrupt than their fathers going after other gods serving them and bowing down to them they did not drop any of their practices or their stubborn ways so it's not just cyclical it's like a downward spiral it's like if I took a slinky and I open it up and it's like here's Israel that as they come around there oh the deliverer comes but then they go down even lower then a deliverer comes and they get Eve next generation is even worse even worse and you see this in judges the generations get worse and worse and worse so they're just they're lost there it's revealing the sinfulness of mankind okay so that's like the intro in fact chapter 1 verse 1 all the way through chapter 3 verse 6 is like the intro to the book of Judges it gives us this the scene of how this happens then in judges 3 verse 7 we get the first actual judge and that's a guy named off Neill so I'm gonna read off Neil it's just what five verses verse 7 of chapter 3 all the way up to verse 11 so let's read it and we're gonna get from him a template of what the judges are like and how this I think relates to Christ so and the people of Israel did what was evil in the sight of the Lord verse 7 of chapter 3 they forgot the Lord their God and served the balls and the Ashtaroth therefore the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel and he sold them into the hand of Kushan riseth i'm king of mesopotamia and the people of israel served Kushan Russia Thames eight years but when the people of Israel cried out to the Lord the Lord raised up a deliverer for the people of Israel who saved them off Neil the son of kin as Caleb's younger brother the Spirit of the Lord was upon him and he judged Israel he went out to war and the Lord gave him gave Kushan riseth i'm king of mesopotamia into his hand and his hand prevailed over cush on Risha thane so that the land a so the land had rest for 40 years then off neil the son of king has died not a lot of details there right we're just getting like this bare-bones overview of the story of Othniel but it's a template and it has I think six parts so it can be quick the six parts of the template because I think we can apply this to Jesus directly here's the template first people sin to second first - is that right people sin is the first one that's second - they are brought into bondage see they cry out F the deliverer comes at for for part four Episode six no it's five the Holy Spirit's upon him and then finally as long as the judges alive they're okay so four principles again probably distracted you from them but people sin they're brought into bondage then after the bondage they finally cry out then the deliverer comes the Holy Spirit generally is upon him that's not in every case with the judges sometimes the Holy Spirit's upon them other times just not mentioned like with Samson the Holy Spirit was upon him specifically with off male there was in verse ten and then six as long as the judge is alive there okay that's really consistent with the template why do I say it's a template cuz it happened to over and over again and we can use templates to relate to Jesus because of Acts chapter 7 well in Hebrews and John and the rest of the Bible I mean it's like consistently templates are being used this sort of you know this happens again and again and again and so we look for a way that relates to Christ so the template here is like this one step when people sin well Romans 3:23 says all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God so sin is really serious then part two they're brought into bondage as it happened with Othniel so Jesus says if you have where is it there it is okay so Jesus says in John 8:31 if so jesus said to the Jews who had believed him if you abide in my word you are truly my disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free implying they need to be set free and they answer to him we're offspring of Abraham and have never been enslaved to anyone how is it that you say you will become free jesus answered them truly truly I say to you everyone who practices sin is a slave of sin the slave does not remain in the house forever but the son remains forever so if the son sets you free you will be free indeed and so there's this sin the bondage of sin the ultimate bondage the bigger bondage that whoever's given you a hard time my sin issues are way bigger than the issues of whoever bugs me whoever is oppressed me in my life my own sin issues are the bigger issue in Christ he's going to deliver us from those things and that ultimately the sin is the thing according to Scripture that triggers all the bondages all the bondage and all the hardships that we experience in life then for the third step they cry out and Romans 10:13 it says for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved and that's the idea like the people of Israel gather in sin yeah they're not worth it but then they cry out to God and God sends a deliverer so he you cry out to Christ you can be saved the fourth part of the template is the deliverer comes the deliverer shows up the problems with these delivers as they're temporary there in sand they're insufficient like it has delivered Israel from the Moabites then it really fix Israel from the Canaanites the ammonites but didn't really fix the problems Christ comes and he's gonna actually fix the problems Galatians 1 what speaking of what Jesus delivers us from Galatians 1 verses 3 through 5 it says grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age according to the will of our God and Father to whom be the glory for ever and ever amen so we're delivered from sin we're delivered from the bondage that that we have to sin we're delivered from the consequences of our sins we're delivered from Satan and the powers of this age as well were delivered into the from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light so so he's the escalation remember that theme of escalation as we see these Tim these pictures of Christ and then the fifth one is the holy spirits upon him that's happens fairly regularly in the book of Judges the Holy Spirit is upon these guys in some way as it was in verse 10 of Judges 310 with auth Neill well in Matthew 3:16 we read this and when Jesus was baptized immediately he went up from the water and behold the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him all right when he was when he was casting out demons he says in Matthew 12 28 he says that he cast out demons by the spirit of God so he was you know walking in the spirit he was empowered by the spirit so to speak but what he says in John 334 is really interesting see cuz you know often y'all had the spirit in some sense but what Christ had was so much more than that in John 334 it says for he whom God has sent utters the words of God for he gives the spirit without measure and so he in other words he's speaking the the truths of God because he has an immeasurable amount of the spirit like Colossians says all the fullness of the deity dwells in bodily form so much more than whoever much anyone else has been filled with the Spirit Christ was and then number 6 as long as that Judge is alive they serve God and this is kind of a bummer with judges and you get frustrated because you read this great deliverance story and then the judge dies and it's like well in a new days of you know often eel they serve the Lord as soon as he died they apostatized and got even worse than the generation before them and it happens over and over again here's the cool thing about this when you look at the picture and how Christ is better Christ never dies he died once he raised again he's alive forevermore he never dies so where they fall short Jesus excels he brings us to God and eternally brings us into relationship with God so we're forever with him all the other types are failing types that's consistent in the scripture we look for where they fail we look for where the type falls short that's why it speaks of a need for something better than this right the Old Testament law it fails because I'm unable to perform it Moses he brings them out of Egypt but he can't bring him into the land Joshua he brings him into the land but he can't drive out the inhabitants and really bring the fullness to them the judges themselves they fail as well the temple made a way for God to be with the people but even with the temple and sacrifices they're still separated from God there's still these layers of separation so it's insufficient it's not enough it's not enough Solomon fell short as the son of David he's the son of David but then he falls short the kingdom is have divided as a result of his actions you know in the in the days of his son so we get we get this sense which they all just keep falling short where Christ he succeeds okay let's look at the second example that's good you hood I won't go in the details of the story hood though is a very interesting story and he deals with King Eglon and he he makes a very interesting point with the king one day I don't think there's any clear typology with e hood or perhaps there's one I'll venture to guess that there may be a piece of typology here with a hood but basically e hoods this the Eglon comes in and he is oppressing the people of Israel because their sins again this is in judges three verses 12 through 30 and he would comes with a with a where do they call it when you when you give money to the king of a foreign land it's a tribute that's the word tribute so they come they come with the tribute and he's gonna bring the money so he brings the money to Ed long after they've dropped the money off he's leaving with his group of people who brought all that money in whatever as they brought and they're leaving and then he stops and he turns back and he goes secretly to Eglon and he tells Eglin i have a message for you from god and now that now it's like it's suspicious right he left the rest of his he doesn't want his other people to know maybe he wants to be on my spy maybe so Eggland's like okay I'll have a private meeting with you well II heard the left-hand a guy and he he straps his sword into a unlikely position so maybe they're not checking him maybe they don't check in that spot you know as they do quick checks possibly then he goes and he's like so what is the message from God you know and II could give him the message he pulls a sword out and he stabs him in his gut Eglon sir it says he was a very fat and so he's extremely large and he stabbed him so far in that the sword just goes all the way in right and then he pulls his hand out and the guts come out that's the description given and so then he locks the door and he tells the servants of Eglon that Eggland's in the bathroom don't bother him and then he runs away so and then he gathers the people of Israel and they start fighting against the king or against his people I should say cuz the Kings already dead how could this be if it's the template if it's the basic template so in a sense he's a picture of Christ because he's fitting this template the picture that fits Jesus but one could see a picture in the trickery done to King Eglon because here's the trickery right he hood feigns submission and an apparent he's yielding in subjection to Eglon but secretly he using he's using that very situation to strike the fatal blow against the king and in a sense this is kind of what Jesus does on the cross it is a trick it's a trick it's not a trick on you it's a trick on Satan oh here's your great victory go ahead and celebrate I mean Satan puts it into the heart of Judas Iscariot to betray Jesus he wants to destroy Jesus and he gets his greatest victory but in that is his total defeat and so there's there's maybe there's a picture that's there Jesus feigned a loss to the powers of darkness but he used that moment to strike against them and ruin their authority so that maybe there's something to be said there the next judge we get is in judges 3:31 it's a guy named Shamgar Shamgar his buddies just called him ShamWow he was so impressive um we only get one verse about Shamgar it says after him was Shamgar the son of an ass who killed 600 of the philistines with an ox code and he also saved Israel so just a tiny little snippet on this guy the only thing I can gather from Shamgar that might relate to Christ is that Shamgar is unconventional he's using an ox code which is a farmer's implement now don't get me wrong you could kill people with it I mean you know you can kill people lots of things right if you ever you know watch modern movies you can kill people with anything and killed people would like my fingernail probably I don't know it's probably a movie with that in it you pencils and pins I remember straight pastor Kerry was our pastor was at a airport and they were bugging him because he had like some nail cutters or or was like or like a little pocket knife type thing and they were bugging him like you can't bring this on the plane and he goes I could kill you with a pin and it was like you're not making a better pastor just submit you know anyway he's expected to get out really soon so so he's unconventional he's a farmer and he's unconventional in his sense you wouldn't look for deliverance from a guy with an ox goad you look for oxes or oxen from a guy with a dog's guard and so Christ he was unconventional we get this a lot in Scripture these unconventional saviors right just like David he's the king but he's a shepherd and he's like my Who am I you know God took me it says in second samuel 7-8 about david and him being unconventional it says now therefore thus you shall say to my servant David thus says the Lord of hosts I took you from the pasture from following the Sheep that you should be Prince over my people Israel this sort of exaltation from this humble like nobody position to this being the deliverer and so Christ he comes he's a carpenter he comes in he's he's he's nobody you know who's this guy from Nazareth anything good ever come out of Nazareth as they said of Jesus like what prophet rises from Galilee that's what they said about Christ what prophet rises from Galilee of course two of the prophets did come from Galilee in the Old Testament Jonah and Hosea interestingly enough but so Jesus was unconventional maybe there's a connection there then we get to Deborah and no study on women in the Bible is incomplete rather without looking at Deborah Deborah is one of the judges like she's a she's a judge like they're taking these court cases to her and she's giving instructions to Barak on where this is this other this military leader where he should take the army and fight people she's like the mouthpiece of the Lord at the time she's a female she's a judge she's also called a prophetess she's really interesting really interesting story Deborah so though I don't really see special pictures in the story of Deborah and Barak it's in chapters 4 & 5 of Judges if it's there I'm I'm cool with it I just don't see it except for the general template you know we sin we get in bondage we cry out for deliver deliver arise it's like that that templates there I'm just looking for other details I don't see that maybe it's just too complicated because you have Deborah and then you have Barack and Hebrew and he leads not Obama this is a different one and then he leads the army of Israel but he's hesitant to do so and that way that therefore the leader of the enemy falls into the hands of a woman named Jael and she drives a pent tag through his head and that kind of puts the end to that so now taking all together we can see this is a picture of Christ because all these activities kind of work with Jesus the final strike upon the enemy that kind of thing but the bein the main theme with Deborah as you read her song this song she sings in judges 5 her main theme her thinks she's really driving out that she's really excited about and says Barack they both sing the song they're excited when the people willingly offer themselves to God that's what they're so excited about is when people willingly serve God when leaders lead in Israel and people willingly offer themselves praise the Lord that's what she says and so there's this sense in which this is like more about people serving the Lord people trusting in God people just going for it and living for God in their lives that's the excitement of Deborah and that story then we get to Gideon in chapters 6 through 8 we have the story of Gideon Gideon you know we all know Gideon because we all know the story of the fleece and we know the story of the 300 you know who went up against the the the hundred thirty five thousand Midianites and so here's the story of Gideon in short right the Midianites are oppressing israel his real cries out and then a prophet comes out and this time before gideon shows up there's a prophet and his main job is to rebuke people and call them to come back to god well that sounds like John the Baptist to me you know that was his his for he was the forerunner so this prophet goes out he does another name he's not given a name but he comes out and does that and then this happens and it's a it is an angel of the Lord passage but we're gonna focus more on Gideon in this passage I'm so judges 6 verse 11 it says now the angel of the Lord came and sat under the terebinth tree at Afra which belonged to joash the abbe the abbe is right while his son Gideon was beating out wheat in the winepress to hide it from the Midianites so the Midianites what they would do is they would come and steal the crops of Israel when they got ripe so what he does is you know grapes and we get ripe at different times so he does he takes the wheat and he goes and hides it in the winepress and he's in the winepress and he's getting the chaff off the wheat he's threshing it hiding it for the Midianite so they won't see him in there but that's what they had to do because they were it was being stolen from them their food was being stolen by the Midianites so there he's doing that now some people would say well he's a coward that's why he's hiding well I think he's just being smart I wouldn't you would too you're not a coward when you hide from from the Midianites in this situation I don't think not that he isn't fearful he's fearful in other places but nothing's wrong with what he's doing verse 12 and the angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him the Lord is with you o mighty man of Valor and Gideon said please my lord if the Lord is with us why then has all this happened to us and where are all his wonderful deeds that our fathers recounted to us saying did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt but now the Lord has forsaken us and given us into the hand of Midian and the Lord turns to him and said and now notice this in verse 14 it changes it is not the angel of the Lord it's the Lord turned to him questioned right okay wait is it the angel of the Lord who turned to him and it's been you know the angel Lord simply being called Yahweh or is it that God is in addition the angel of the Lord God is speaking to him somehow like God attention that comes upon him in some sense I don't know and I don't know how to answer the question in this passage on that once maybe you could figure it out for me and let me know but verse 14 the Lord turned to him and said go in this might of yours and save Israel from the hand of Midian did not I send you and he said to him please Lord how can I save Israel behold my clan is the weakest in Manasseh that's his tribe and I am the least in my father's house and again we get this he is he's a nobody a nobody is being raised up as a deliverer that's another consistent thing they God doesn't isn't looking on the proud and the high and mighty because he wants to make pictures of Jesus to humble and lowly 416 and the Lord said to him but I will be with you and you shall strike the Midianites as one man and he said to him if I now if now I have found favor in your eyes then show me a sign that it is you who speak with me please do not depart from here until I come to you and bring out my present and set it before you and he said I will stay till you return so he's looking for some confirmation he wants to know that this is for real so Gideon went into his house and prepared a young goat and unleavened cakes from an ephah flour the meat he put in a basket in the broth he put in a pot and he brought them to him now there's just one him that he's brought them to he clearly was talking to the Lord when he said I'll bring you this offering so there's only one person here so maybe that implies that the angel of the Lord is the same as the Lord here I'm not sure possibility then in verse 20 the angel of God said to him take the meat and the unleavened cakes and put them on this rock and pour the broth over them and he did so then the angel of the Lord reached out the tip of the staff that was in his hand and touched the meat and the unleavened cakes and fire sprang up from the rock and consumed the meat and the unleavened cakes and the angel of the Lord vanished from his sight boom the angels vanished he's not visible anymore then Gideon perceived that he was the angel of the Lord kind of an important term in the Bible is that well it was the angel of the Lord and Gideon said alas o Lord God for now I have seen the angel of the Lord face-to-face and now he thinks that some harm will come upon him just by seeing the angel of the Lord and it seems biblically that he would be worried if he was seeing God so maybe there's a case there for this being gone I obviously I think the angels Lord has got from other passages I'm just trying to isolate this one and see what we can get from it so verse 23 but the Lord said to him peace be to you now so the angel of Lords vanished but the Lord is still speaking then interesting piece PDU do not fear you shall not die then Gideon built an altar there to the Lord and called it the Lord is peace to this day it still stands at Oprah which belongs to the obvious rights that night the Lord said to him take your father's Bowl and the second Bowl of seven years old and pull down the altar of Baal that your father has and cut down the Asherah that is beside it and build an altar to the Lord your God on the top of the stronghold here with stones laid in due order then take the second Bowl and offer it as a burnt offering with the wood of the Asherah that you shall cut down this is interesting he's like cut down this pole this Astro pole which is a wooden Idol and he was chopping down and used it as firewood to make an offering to God like I just I like that I think that's really it's like yep that whatever whatever you know the the wickedness of my past sword it has now burned up and offering to you it's been offered to you that's that's neat you know this is this is like someone who's been hooked on drugs using their experience their past life and drugs to help others with rehab you know it's like they're taking that thing and they're destroying it to the Lord and kind of neat let's see verse 27 so Gideon took ten men of his servants and did as the Lord had told him but because he was too afraid of his family and the men of the town to do it by day he did it by night so he does it by night mm-hmm and and we have this angel of the Lord that I think didn't think of us as a theophany I think it's so consistent in other passages where it's clearly even in judges later we'll get to one that I take it as a kind of a theophany so in judges 634 we also have another reference to the to the Holy Spirit it says but the Spirit of the Lord closed Gideon and he sounded the trumpet and the Abbey his rights were called out to follow him so he now he's first he does this thing destroys the idols of his father's house then he calls the people gathered together together for war but it says the Spirit of the Lord came upon him so I just want you to see the template we see the Holy Spirit coming upon him just like we did with Athenian just like we were with Samson Samson who is really terrible guy lots of ways then we get the fleeces the fleeces I'll just read this quickly judges 6 36 through 40 then Gideon said to God if you will save his rule by my hand notice he's already called the people of Israel to battle he's getting nervous right he says if you really save them then verse 37 behold I'm laying a fleece of wool on the threshing floor if there is do on the fleece alone and it is drying all the ground then I shall know that you will save Israel by my hand as you have said and it was so when he arose early the next morning and squeezed the fleece he wrung enough dew from the fleece to fill a bowl with water then Gideon said to God let not your anger burn against me let me speak to you just once more please let me test just once more with the fleece please let it be dry on the fleece only and on all the ground let there be two and God did so that night and it was dry on the fleece only and on all the ground there was do so first time you know wet fleece dry ground second time dry ground wet fleece and the there's there's a lot of people that will theorize as Tim how this might picture Christ and then to dry the way I'm not really I don't feel like really strong about that so I'm not gonna go there personally but I will say this if I back out and I don't focus on the details of the fleece I'll just say this a miracle was there to confirm the things that God had said so Gideon has a few things he has a messenger from God he has a miracle to confirm and he also has dreams in the future there'll be a dream that he hears so like a prophetic dream so he has a prophetic dream miracles and a messenger and these are the things that Jesus appealed to as the evidence for who he was right he had the messenger who goes before him he had John the Baptist he had the prophecies that foretold about his coming and he had the miracles that he was doing and ultimately the resurrection itself that miracle so I see that as perhaps being related okay in Chapter 7 of the Gideon's story God reduces their numbers Gideon has a 32,000 according to text 32,000 and God's like let the people that are scared to go home then he has 10,000 so they dropped in never significantly but they still have 10,000 and God's like you got too many people so he splits them into groups he goes go ahead and get water and whenever you see them he says the people that lap the water that pick the water up and they lap it with their tongue I think is that the way it was I always forget which group it was but basically God when is the smaller group so it's interesting God doesn't tell him which group to pick he goes separate them into two groups if they drink them if they drink water like this put him on that side if they drink it like that put him on that side he puts them all on two sides almost everyone's on one side God goes yeah use the other side yes use the small group so now Gideon has 300 men he has 300 guys what we get in the end is that 300 of Gideon's men will face 135,000 Midianites because not very good odds in judges 7 - God tells us why it says the Lord said to Gideon the people with you are too many too many for me to give over give the Midianites into their hand lest israel boast over me saying my own hand has saved me God wanted to make sure that when God used Gideon to deliver the people of Israel the people of Israel knew that they didn't get credit they don't get credit for their salvation they don't get to boast for their salvation what does that sound like to you Ephesians 2 verses 8 9 it says for by grace you've been saved through faith and this is not your own doing it is the gift of God not a result of works so that no one may boast so it's the same as with Gideon he's like I'm gonna I'm gonna deliver you in such a way that you'll know I get all the credit and you get none of it well that's what Jesus did and he gets all the credit praise God so judges 6 16 when he first called Gideon I want to recall to your mind now something God said the Lord said to him but I will be with you and you shall strike the Midianites as one man as one man and that's kind of what he wanted not that Gideon would get the credit but he wanted it to be this give give the people of Israel the sensation that they were being delivered by one guy and not from themselves and that's what you get in judges it you you know the judge will lead a group of people to do something but it sounds like just one guy did all the job because it's picturing that Jesus is the one man that does the whole job that holds the whole job of our salvation in Romans 5:18 and 19 or I should say 5:19 it says for as by one man's disobedience the many were made sinners so by one man's obedience the many will be made righteous so we're saved by one man now Gideon though he's still worried he's still concerned he's not sure if he's gonna make it and so God sends him to spy on the Midianites and he's got his 300 men camped out and he sneaks into the Midianite camp and this is what he overhears judges seven verses thirteen and fourteen he hears this from the Midianites from the so called bad guys right in the story judges seven thirteen when Gideon came behold a man was telling a dream to his comrade and he said behold I dreamed a dream and behold a cake of barley bread tumbled into the camp of Midian and came to the tent and struck it so that it fell and turned it upside down so that the tent lay flat and his comrade answered this is no other than the sword of Gideon the son of joash a man of Israel God has given into his hand Midian and all the camp interesting that the enemies knew before begins people knew that they were doomed you know like when Jesus encounters the demoniac and they asked him are you here to torment us before the time like they're like we know it's coming we know we've lost or you know are you here to do it before the time we thought I realize it was now didn't think the time was right but they're interesting about this dream is they're defeated by bread right the the picture of the Midianites is just this big tent the picture of the defeat of the Midianites is a loaf of barley bread rolls down the hill hits the tent flips it over now this is interesting because this is what they were stealing from the from the from the Jewish people they were stealing bread they're stealing their wheat well this is what Gideon was threshing out in the threshing floor right the wheat and he goes yeah I just a loaf of bread is gonna get you guys I'll beat you with a loaf of bread jesus said I am the bread of life and our deliverance comes from bread from him who who we partake of who we simply accept and partake of so the moment of the battle comes and that's in judges seven 15 through 22 we're gonna read this story it's interesting how it takes place how do 300 guys take out this massive army judges 715 as soon as Gideon heard the telling of the dream and its interpretation he worshiped and he returned to the camp of Israel and said arise for the Lord has given the hosts of Midian into your hand and he divided the three hundred men into three companies a hundred each right and put trumpets into the hands of all of them and empty jars with torches inside the jars now they had originally this massive number so they probably gather resources from that big number for the 300 so they've got enough trumpets for everybody and then they take a torch in a jar and he said to them verse 17 look at me and do likewise when I come to the outskirts of the camp do as I do when I blow the trumpet I and all who are with me then blow the trumpets also on every side of all the camp and shout for the Lord and for Gideon so so Gideon and the hundred men who were with him came to the outskirts of the camp at the beginning of the middle Watch so the beginning of the middle watch when they just set watch that would be a time when there's there's a camp and there's guys on the outside of the camp and the camp etre keeping watch well half of or all of them rather they're going to sleep and a whole nother crew is coming out so to the middle of the night a bunch of armed guards are being replaced which means a lot of guys are walking around outside the camp or around the camp in the dark with swords it's so it says and they blew the trumpets and smashed the jars that were in their hands so they had apparently smoldering torches and they smashed the jars they caught brighter flame again now you might be like how did they do that actually for those cultures keeping fire smoldering is kind of what you do all the time it's really normal to do that you don't let your fires go out gettime smoldering for hours there's ways to do it we just don't know them because we have bic lighters and matches and stoves they cook you know some don't worry about that though so verse was I on there 20 thank you then the three the three companies blew the trumpets and broke the jars they held in their left hand to the torches and in their right hands the trumpets to blow let me ask you guys where are their weapons the torch trumpet I hope this works so they do this and they cry out a sword for the Lord and for Gideon every man stood in his place around the camp there surrounding the enemy and all the army ran they cried out and fled because guess what nobody puts a torch in every guy's hand nobody puts a trumpet at the mouth of every one of his army if you've got 300 trumpets blowing at 300 torches you've got you're surrounded you're doomed yeah we're scared so they just start stabbing each other because it's in the middle of the night and there's guys walking around the campus swords and they're scared and they see the trumpets and they think they're under attack so this is what they do verse 22 when they blew the three hundred trumpets and the Lord said every man's sword against his comrade and against all the army and the army fled as far as Beth Cheeta towards Arara as far as the border of a bell mahalo and by Tabitha so you guys we all know where that is of course but um so check this out there's a lot more to this story of Gideon but but I'm sitting the types the typological aspects right they won by breaking a jar shining a light and blowing a trumpet there were no swords they had a trumpet in one hand in a jar and the other with a torch they simply had faith and they called on the name of the Lord and a guy named Gideon who is part of a template type of Christ they just called out in faith the Midianites defeat themselves on their own swords Colossians 2:14 and 15 talks about how Jesus used the the sword of the enemy against him it says that Jesus by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands this he set aside nailing it to the cross he disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame by triumphing over them in him he used the cross to defeat the enemy he used their own his own weapon against him his judo is very good his kung-fu is fantastic right whatever you use on him use it against you they break a jar they shine a light and they blow a trumpet well jars represent bodies in the Bible frequently like first Timothy 2:20 it says it talks about us being vessels a great house has many different kinds of vessels what kind of vessel are you are you a vessel of clay or one for honor for dishonor in second Corinthians 4:7 it calls our bodies earthen vessels Adam was formed of the dust which is the same thing you make clay jars out of Jesus came in an earthen vessel and it was broken to bring us salvation Jesus is also the light of the world so we have the broken jar we have the shining light and then we have of course the trumpet blowing and of course that's associated with Christ not specifically at his first coming really more at his second coming and then when the trumpet blows and Christ returns and really that not one picture of Gideon is I think first and second coming of Christ kind of being pictured together which happens a lot in Scripture after this the picture changes there's a lot more people engaging now it's they're not just as one man they'd gets kind of complicated just recording what really happened historically with the people and then Gideon has major issues he builds as this this Aoife this gold and Aoife that they end up worship and he seriously falls short and this is a point in judges right they fall short Jesus does not they weren't good enough we need someone better than Gideon we need someone better than Moses we need someone better than Aaron we need someone better than these people that have failed then we get to the next guy and Abimelech is his name and to debate whether he's even considered a judge or not he's one of Gideon's offspring and he's kind of a knucklehead and he doesn't seem to be called by God at all he kind of used SERPs Authority and eventually he gets killed because of it I don't see any picture that's there unless it's of the Antichrist so then we get another judge puah and that's he's a minor judge he's just he only gets two verses in the beginning of chapter 10 the first two verses there he judged Israel for 23 years not a lot of details about him Jer another judge gets three verses judges 10 verse 3 through verse 5 just another little thing not a lot of detail there then they have pasta size again they worship false gods the ammonites oppressed them for 18 years and we get to my favorite judge Jeff that Jeff is my favorite probably because no one showed me this type I just found it on my own which is more fun you know when you find these things on your own but in Jeff though chapter 11 judges chapter 11 Jeff that we read about first one now Jeff the the gileadite was a mighty warrior but he was the son of a prostitute Gilead was the father of Jephthah and Gilead wife also bore him sons and when his wife sons grew up they drove Jeff the out and said to him you shall and you shall not have an inheritance in her father's house for you or the son of another woman then Jeff the fled from his brothers and lived in the land of table or table I really do I should look that up I don't know how to pronounce that and worthless fellows collected around Jephthah and went out with him after a time the ammonites made war against israel and when the ammonites made war against israel the elders of Gilead now they feel like hey Jeff though we like you now right they went to bring Jeff though from the land of toab and they said to Jeff tha come and be our leader that we may fight against the ammonites but Jeff does said to the elders of Gilead did you not hate me and drive me out of my father's house why have you come to me now when you were in distress and the elders of Gilead said to Jeff the that is why we've turned to you now right because we're in distress that you may go with us and fight against the ammonites and be our head over all the inhabitants of Gilead I'll just mention real quick that the judges frequently weren't over all of Israel there were over portions of Israel I'll just mention that verse nine Jephthah's said to the elders of Gilead if you bring me home again to fight against the ammonites and the Lord gives them over to me I will be your head that's important to him he goes I will be in charge I'll be the leader and the elders of Gilead said to Jephthah the Lord will be witness between us if we do not do as you say so jephthah went with the elders of Gilead and the people made him head and leader over them and Jeff the spoke all his words before the Lord at Mizpah now here's here's the thing about Jeff this story um he was at first he was the son of a prostitute he's the son of a prostitute now there's actually intimations in the New Testament that Jesus his parentage was questioned and it's in John 8 in particular so I'll read a few verses to you from John 8 that kind of imply that they were questioning Jesus's parentage in John 8 verses 18 and 19 he says I'm I'm the one who bears witness about myself and the father who sent me bears witness about me they said to him therefore where is your father all right where's your father Jesus you know that would make sense considering that Joseph wasn't his father where's your father jesus answered you know neither me nor my father if you knew me you would know my father also it's really exposing their spiritual ignorance when they ask that but there's more a little bit later on in John 8 39 through 41 there's more they answered him Abraham's our Father jesus said to him said to them if you were Abraham's children you would be doing the works Abraham did but now you seek to kill me a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God this is not what Abraham did you were doing the works of your fought your father did they said to him we were not born of sexual immorality we have one father even God what what why how is sexual immorality have anything to do with this I think they may be implying something about Jesus then again in John 8:48 same chapter the Jews answered him are we not right in saying that you are a Samaritan and have a demon now Samaritan challenges his Jewish lineage they're suggesting that he's not really Jewish the Samaritans were not by them they were not really considered fully Jews they were considered to have this water down half Gentile lineage and so they seemed to be in John eight saying something like you're the son of a immoral woman that's what they seem to be implying so Geoff the son of a prostitute and then initially rejected he was initially rejected Jephthah well in John 1:11 we can read this that Jesus came to his own and his own people did not receive him Christ is not accepted largely by the Jewish people after his rejection before the Jewish people accept him again Jephthah goes out to Gentiles and is received by them but not just by any Gentiles by worthless people this to me is a beautiful picture verse three right says then jephthah fled from his brothers and lived in the land of toab and worthless fellows collected around Jephthah and went out with him taub is an area outside of Israel that's this area it's outside of Israel at this time in Israel's history and they're worthless fellows that word worthless it means empty vain poor wicked or unprincipled they're not great people dude that's the church we're a bunch of worthless people that have gathered around Jesus and I think it's beautiful first Timothy 1:15 it says this saying is trustworthy and a serving of full acceptance that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners and then Paul adds of whom I am the foremost you know he who's been forgiven much loves much well I love much and it's sad reasons why it's good forgiveness worthless people gather around him just like David during during David's rejection of the people rejecting David he goes out during that time and Saul's hunting him and first samuel 22 2 it says and everyone who was in distress and everyone who was in debt and everyone who was bitter and soul gathered to him and he became commander over them and so we have this picture of Christ between the 1st and 2nd coming in Jaffa Jesus himself made a point of noticing how this happened several times in the Old Testament we're people who were sent to Israel were received by non Israel right by Jew non-jews so he mentions Elijah who took care of the the woman who was a widow and then how Elijah healed name in the Syrian and both of them were Gentiles so Jesus is trying to draw their attention to this Jesus himself says this is a legitimate template for for Christ's typology so Jephthah fits that pattern and then um the condition of him saving them Jephthah's like fine I'll save you but I got one condition I'll have to be your head I've got to be in charge you can't just take me as Savior you need me as Lord Jephthah said to the elders of Gilead if you bring me home again to fight against the ammonites and the Lord gives them over to my to me I will be your head and they agree to do this and this is what will happen of course there was a great revival coming for the Jewish people then where they're like you know Jesus we need you we need you you're the Messiah and we did not receive you but we want you now you'll be our head you'll be our Lord there's a lot more to say about that but for the sake of time I gotta move forward okay judges 12 mentions three more briefly and verses 8 through 15 that's absent Ilyn and abdun by the way Jephthah then his whole story just derails after that but but it's not related to the to the pictures of Christ so I'm moving off of that then Samson comes Samson is probably the biggest failure out of all the judges he probably is and consistently so it's like he didn't even start good right his parents start good that's about it he's not really a type I don't except for the general template I don't see specific things in Samson's life like let's see when he sleeps with Delilah what is that picture and I'm like him being a horrible person that's the whole pictures you know he just is not a good guy whenever he does deliver Israel he always does it for carnal selfish reasons the only time he will fight the Philistines is for his own needs and his own reasons not for the sake of Israel he's just he's just kind of a lousy guy this is why I think when God predicts stuff about Samson he says he'll begin to deliver Israel doesn't even say he will he just says he'll begin to it's like he's not really even gonna get the job done then he's the last of the judges in the book of Judges the next one is Samuel who's in the book for Samuel he's the last one who leads to the Kings but let's read what happens at the birth of Samuel because there we have something that's related to Jesus Oh Samson Thank You Samson however many times I said Samuel you have to figure out which ones were right and which ones were wrong okay judges 13 verse 1 Samson's parents and the people of Israel again - what was evil in the sight of the Lord so the Lord gave them into the hand of the Philistines for 40 years it seems like the length of time is pretty long - right and there was a certain man of Zorah of the tribe of the Danites whose name was Manoah and his wife was barren and had no children and the angel of the Lord here we have the Angels allure decamp very interesting appeared to the woman and said to her behold you're barren and have not borne children but you shall conceive and bear a son therefore be careful and drink no wine or strong drink and eat nothing unclean for behold you shall conceive and bear a son no razor shall come upon his head for the child shall be a Nazarite to God from the womb and he shall begin to save begin to save Israel from the hand of the Philistines so he's not and he's not from Nazareth he's a Nazarite which refers to a vow where he doesn't drink alcohol and he doesn't cut his hair and he stays away from unclean things of course he's going to blow it in these areas because Samson's not gonna follow the ways of the Lord but in judges 13 verse 6 keep in mind as the angel of the Lord speaking to them Manoah the wife hears this and then the woman came and told her husband in verse 6 a man of God came to me and his appearance was like the appearance of the angel of God very awesome so it wasn't it was she's called tells him in ma'am but it's obviously more than a man he's visual appearance that was like whoa something amazing here I did not ask him where he was from and he did not tell me his name keep that in mind he didn't tell me his name but he said to me behold you shall conceive and bear a son so then drink no wine or strong drink and eat nothing unclean for the child shall be a Nazarite to God from the womb to the day of his death then manoa prayed to the Lord and said O Lord please let the man of God whom you sent come against us coming into us excuse me that'll be terrible uh-huh come again to us and teach us what we are to do with the child who will be born and God listened to the voice of Manoa and the angel of God came again to the woman as he as she sat in the field but no Manoa her husband was not with her so what's clear so far is this is someone who's sent by God but he's like more than human is an angel of the Lord but then when we get to verse 16 we have the next stage when he actually meets the husband and the wife it says in the angel of the Lord said to manoa if you detain me I will not eat of your food but if you prepare a burnt offering then offer to the Lord for manoa did not know that he was the angel of the Lord and the Noah said to the angel of the Lord what is your name so that when your words come true we may honor you and the angel of the Lord said to him why do you ask my name seeing it is wonderful however she wanted to know his name he wants to know his name he wants to give honor to this angel of the Lord and the angel of the Lord says why do you ask my name seeing it is wonderful in other words the one thing you know about this Angel's name is that it's something amazing and wonderful that word wonderful means like beyond comprehension it's like so amazing and so wow that word wonderful is only used one other time in the Bible and it's in Psalm 139 verse 6 where the psalmist talks about the knowledge of God and the things God knows right he knows all things he's omniscient and then he says such knowledge is too wonderful for me it is high and I cannot attain it that's the only other use and it's related to the knowledge of God being too wonderful and here he goes my name is too wonderful for you what in all creation has a name that's wonderful well I do think of Isaiah 9:6 his name shall be called wonderful counsellor so we read on verse 19 it says soma Noah took the young goat with the grain offering and offered it to on the rock to the Lord to the one who works wonders and Manoah and his wife were watching and when the flame went up toward heaven from the altar the angel of the Lord went up in the flame of the altar goes up into the flame and goes up I don't know if there's a picture there that Christ actually is going to be the offering he goes up in the flame and maybe now Manoah and his wife were watching and they fell on their faces to the ground and look at how they interpreted the angel of the Lord appeared no more to Manoa and to his wife than Manoa knew that he was the angel of the Lord just like when Gideon knew oh and he gets freaked out and he says manoa says to his wife we shall surely die for we have seen the angel of the Lord no wait that's not what he says he says we shall surely die for we have seen God they interpret this as seeing God that's their conclusion I think that here there is a christophany I think there's the appearance of Christ incarnate not incarnate but pre-incarnate christ so those are just a bunch of pictures Samson of course he's the last judge before Samuel the story gets worse and worse and from the rest of the book of Judges I see no pictures of Christ in fact it's like Christ lists it's like so sad and so messed up and it's like watching a bad soap opera and all the weird things people are doing and the harm they do to each other it's terrible and I think that's the point of judges you guys you fail you fail you need a real deliverance you need to deliver who can bring you out lead you in the truth keep you close to God at all times you need Jesus the picture and judges ultimately is these Savior characters who come who represent the ultimate Savior but they can't do it good enough and they can't do it long enough they can't do it fully enough right and Christ comes and he delivers this delivers us entirely it ends and judges 21:25 by telling you in those days there was no king in Israel everyone did what was right in his own eyes which in biblical language is very bad news right a modern day language do what's right in your own eyes sounds great well read the book of Judges if you want to see what life is like when you do that so I think that's the picture and judges ultimately we need we need the ultimate deliverer we need the King Jesus let's pray father we thank you for the Savior who has come we've been in bondage to our sins we cry out Jesus save us you will be our leader you will be our head Christ the head of the church lead us in your ways Lord just continue to teach us to live not a worldly if not an ungodly life not a life full of compromise but a life full of just christ-centered kingdom seeking and righteousness Lord we we love you we want to live out the life that you called us to live we pray you'd be glorified we thank you for Christ seen throughout the Scriptures and pray as we continue this series of Jesus in the Old Testament that we would continue to just have our eyes open to see see the Scriptures through the lens of Jesus Christ in Jesus name [Music]
Channel: Mike Winger
Views: 15,872
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Keywords: jesus in the book of judges, how is Jesus in the book of Judges, Jesus in the Old Testament, How to find Jesus in the Old Testament pt 16, Types of Christ in Judges, Types of Christ in the book of Judges, Typology in judges, Mike Winger, part 16
Id: CTOokqZSj34
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Length: 63min 12sec (3792 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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