The Goodness of God Restores Everything | The Power to Change Today | Pastor Gregory Dickow

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[Music] [Music] welcome to the power to change today i'm so grateful for the connection that we have and there is power in our connection you know that the bible says one can put a thousand flight but two can put ten thousand to flight so you and me together we have multiplied power together and i wanna encourage you to stay connected and i wanna encourage you to take advantage of this connection both in our tv show and our services online or any way that you want to connect with me i'm here for you also i'm going to teach you today about how god restores you and how his goodness restores everything lost in your life god is the god of restoration and you're i'm sure i'm not the only one who would raise my hand when if i said raise your hand if you need something restored in your life i know you would have your hand up as well maybe you need restoration your health maybe you need restoration your finances maybe you restoration in a relationship restoration it's god putting it back into proper working condition or god restoring to you what's been stolen what's been broken what's been taken from you god wants you to get it all back and i prophesy restoration over you in jesus name now watch this and i'm going to pray for your specific restoration after this broadcast i'll be right back god bless [Music] the goodness of god restores everything and i want to talk about restoration some more today we visited on this topic two or three weeks ago and the lord put it on my heart to drill down a little bit deeper and a little further in this topic of how the goodness of god restores everything i believe that you're coming into days of restoration i'm coming into days we're coming in to days of restoration and god has made promises to restore the word restore to put back in its original condition or to return back to the original owner do you know that god made you an owner of the things that he owns we're stewards over his things but we're also co-owners we're joint heirs with jesus christ that means we're not just managing what god has given us we're part owners of god's kingdom and god's inheritance and we're joint heirs with jesus christ you're a joint heir with jesus christ man say that i'm a joint heir with jesus christ one translation says a co-heir a fellow air it's equal he's made us equal boy jesus solves the inequality problem we're trying to solve it as in every way that we can but jesus solves it ultimately and he establishes our equality not just with each other but he establishes our equality with him and our quality with each other is so much easier when we recognize our equality with him and we have that royalty mindset that we don't let anybody take our crown we've been we've been crowned with royalty and we're not letting anybody take our crown jesus gave it to you a crown of authority crown of identity a crown of royalty and we need to we need to act like it's ours and refuse to let the devil rob us of that crown and that sense of our equality with christ joint heirs with him but man i believe and i prophesy over you today's season of restoration is coming to you the restoration of your peace the restoration of your finances the restoration of time the restoration of help or health excuse me a restoration of health a restoration of relationships you know i believe god has promised a restoration of all of these things and so much more but let me just go over these first few with you god promises to restore peace to us has your peace been tampered with by the enemy tampered with by the pandemic tampered with affected or even destroyed stolen the peace of god we're talking about what god gives is his peace jesus said my peace i give to you not as the world gives this is not a piece that's depending on something happening or something going your way politically or in this world system that's not what determines whether you can have peace we can have the peace of god and god says he will give us his peace jesus said my peace not just any old peace my peace i give to you it's a gift he restores to us the peace that passes understanding even says in jeremiah 33 verse 6 and verse 7 i want to read these verses to you jeremiah 33 verse 6 and verse 7 behold he says i will bring to you health and healing and i will heal them and i will reveal to them an abundance of peace and truth i will restore the fortunes of judah and the fortunes of israel and rebuild them as they were at first notice what he says he'll bring us peace in verse six health healing an abundance of peace boy there's three things right there health healing an abundance of peace and truth that makes us free and he says and i will restore your fortunes your fortunes i will restore your finances your fortunes the inheritance stored up for you he's the god of restoration amen and he wants to restore these things he promises to restore whatever the enemy stole it includes finances proverbs chapter 6 verse 30 in verse 31 look at what he says in proverbs chapter 6. he says men do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when he's hungry but when he's found he must repay sevenfold he must give all the substance of his house the thief has been found as the thief that comes to steal kill and destroy it's the thief that has come to disrupt your peace disrupt your finances disrupt your home disrupt your family disrupt our world but god is the god of restoration he heals and he restores he delivers and he gives back everything you see when the thief is found he has to repay and i'm going to show you how the thief gets in does it peace that you need him to restore is it finances you need him to restore is it time joel 2 25 god says i will restore the years i will restore to you the years this translation new american standard i will make up to you for the years the new king james i will restore to you the years that have been eaten that have been devoured and really all of these things peace finances time health relationships god wants to restore all of those through the access or through the avenue of your soul everything starts in the soul the soul goes first the soul prospers first and everything follows that beloved i wish above all things third john verse two beloved i wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers the rest of your life goes as the soul goes and that's something that's a theme that's in the word of god throughout from genesis to revelation it's a theme in life changes church we're all about the soul and the health of your soul because it everything flows from there it affects everything else psalm 23 verse 1 the lord is my shepherd i shall not be in want he makes me lie down in green pastures the green pastures and then he leads me besides still waters still waters means you can see your reflection in the water that the waters are not there's not waves and ripples but they're still it says king james version new king james many other versions he leads me beside the still waters what does that mean those still waters means it's like looking into a mirror the word of god is the still waters is the word of god when we look into the word of god we see who we really are we see who we are in christ it's only in christ that we find out who we are and what we're living for and so when we look into the the still waters of the word of god it's to be a reflection we're not looking into the word of god for the do's and don'ts for all the rules and regulations we're looking in the word of god for who we are and we're seeing the reflection whoa we look just like jesus in our spirit and it's working through our soul as we meditate on god's word as our mind stays on his word we experience the transformation of our lives from glory to glory from sickness to health from from fear to faith from anxiety to peace from feeling angry to feeling and having kindness flowing through our our soul yes god he says he makes me lie down and green pastures leave me beside the still water so the still waters is the word of god but the green pastures is the church you start seeing doors open that no man can close because your soul is being restored that's when you can walk through the valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil because your soul is being restored that's when his that's when you can experience the comfort of god erod and your staff that comfort me when your soul is restored prepares a table for you he said he anoints my head with oil prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies anoints my head with oil my cup overflows runs over goodness and mercy follow me see we don't need to chase things down that we think are good for us those good things are going to chase us down we just trust god trust in the blood of jesus trust in the finished work of the cross and goodness and mercy are going to follow you all the days of your life there are three things i want to help you to to expose the devil and how the devil has caused your soul to maybe be unhealthy in some ways these three things are what satan loves to corrupt our soul with remember when the soul is sick everything else follows and when the soul is restored to health everything else follows so there's three things that i think satan loves to use to corrupt and keep our soul unhealthy number one grievances number two grief and number three guilt they're all g's today okay we're geeing up today right but grievances grief and guilt those three things satan loves to stir up people to have grievances now what is a grievance a grievance is bitterness resentment or anger over something or someone that you feel treated you wrong or unfairly a grievance is bitterness or resentment or anger over something or someone even even if it's imagined it could be real or imagine in many cases it's real in many cases we imagine it ourselves but it still creates the same emotion of grievance i've got a grievance i've got something against somebody i've got a complaint against somebody the bible says uh when job kept his complaint going he he it brought all sorts of negativity into his life boy if we could just get a hold of that one that that if we let go of our complaints and start trusting god that god what god can do for you is greater than whatever anybody else did to you what god has done for us is greater than what anyone has done to us what jesus has already done for us is greater than what anybody has done to us and what jesus has done for us is greater than what anything life has done to us we have to understand that grievances will sometime well grievances will corrupt the health of your soul to hold on to a grievance job chapter 5 verse 2 in the good news translation says to worry yourself to death with resentment would be foolish a senseless thing to do to worry yourself with resentment he says it would be foolish and a senseless thing to do a grievance you know in hebrews chapter 12 verse 15 it says we fall short of the grace of god and a root of bitterness springs up and what he's saying there is to fall short we've learned we've studied these words i've studied these words with you and shown you the meaning this word to fall short it means to be less than the word short is actually comes from the same word as inferior so to fall short it means to be inferior to the grace of god you see god has not there's no way we can live without god's grace there's no way we can be everything god created us to be without his grace his grace is sufficient for us but when we look at people based on what they've done to us we're living less than what grace has purchased for us we're living beneath and below what the grace of god has purchased for us the grace of god has purchased new life for you a new identity for you new righteousness for you new hope new favor new blessing all these things jesus on the cross he became cursed so that his grace could be revealed to you so that his blessing could be yours and when you are giving more weight to what somebody has done to you or what life has done to you more than what jesus has done for you you live a life that is inferior to your grace purchased life your grace purchased identity your grace purchased purchased by the blood of jesus your grace purchased blessing your grace purchased royalty your grace purchased sense of of confidence grace purchased righteousness to be able to stand before god without guilt without inferiority without shame you see so a grievance causes us to look at the what the person did to us rather than to look he said look carefully at the grace of god look carefully at what jesus did because if you focus on what they did you are going to let a root of bitterness spring up it's going to cause trouble in your life and it's going to defile many areas of your life and many people in your life the goodness of god frees you from your grievance i believe that all bitterness is the evidence that we are not believing in the goodness of god at that moment we're not believing in the goodness of god in that season of our life that all the grievances go away when you simply believe in the grace of god when you don't understand in the goodness of god when you don't understand what's happening when you can't figure something out knowing that god is good is enough because his goodness explains everything when you don't understand something knowing god is good will be enough for you it will be enough it will be i know it sounds so simple but it will be enough i want you to see that the next thing that really makes the soul unhealthy is grief grief is the sense of loss grief is the emotion that comes from a sense of loss and what we have to realize is that god has found us and he provides us with everything that we need and so even though you may have lost some time and lost what we started with peace finances time health relationships god's going to restore all five of those things in your life but when you feel like you've lost those things it creates grief and grief darkens the soul and makes the soul unhealthy until we pour that grief out on the lord by giving it back to him because in isaiah chapter 53 verse 4 surely he has borne our griefs and our sorrows he carried so what we need to do is we take our grief take our sadness our sense of loss our despair our depression our discouragement our sorrow and we need to give it to him say lord you bore it so why should i bear it too you took this grief so why should i take it too and hand it back to jesus because he already nailed it to the cross lay it at the cross that he nailed it to lay it at the same cross that he nailed it to not guilty not guilty don't keep beating yourself jesus took the beating so you don't have to take it anymore stop beating yourself jesus took the beating so that you could be free from guilt today today is your day today is the day god's going to restore all this stuff to you i want you to see something in romans chapter 12 verse 19 because i want you to believe this with every fiber in your being that god will abandon you he said never take your own revenge beloved but leave room for the wrath of god he's for it is written vengeance is mine i will repay says the lord i want you to understand something when he says i will avenge you i will repay what he's saying is this i am going to right every wrong god himself is going to right every wrong listen he is the one that turns things around he turned the nile into blood he turned the sea into dry land he turned the curse into the blessing he turned sorrow into joy he turns grief into dancing he turned two fish and five loaves into feeding thousands he turned dead bodies into resurrected bodies god is your turn around king and i want you to hear this god will right every wrong he'll write every wrong that the enemy has done to you we saw that in joel chapter 2 verse 25 god will right every wrong of the enemy is done to you god will right every wrong that people have done to you he turned things around for joseph his brothers threw him in a pit god turned it around he will he will write every wrong trust him today god will right every wrong that time has done to you god will right every wrong that the enemy is done to you god will right every wrong that others have done to you god will right every wrong that time has done to you god will right every wrong that you have done to you that i have done to me how will he do that let's close with this how will god restore these things how will god right every wrong number one give him time it says in ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 11 he makes all things beautiful in its time he makes all things beautiful in its time give him your trust give him your time give him your words isaiah 42 verse 22 says god will restore these things to us as we declare restore the reason why they were getting stolen and robbed from is because no one was saying restore it so you can see it in this verse verse 22 no one says restore but when we prophesy restoration our words start becoming an army on our behalf to restore we're going to do this in a moment we're going to do this in a moment we're going to give god our words we're going to give the universe our words give him time give him trust give him words and give him praise you know when it comes to giving god praise you know what you know what causes god to be praised is when you let go of your opinion and believe him trust him when we surrender our thought life to him that's really giving him praise that's what worship really is we're not worshiping god just because we sing we're worshiping god when we surrender our opinions and we say i take god at his word and that's what renews our mind romans 12 1-2 is talking about presenting our body as a living sacrifice it's a sacrifice of our opinions it's not a sacrifice of our physical bodies it calls it a living sacrifice how does god restore these things god's god's going to restore this is our time of god restoring your peace finances time health relationships how does he do it give him trust give him time give him your words and give him praise well how about our god he is the god who restores all that is lost he restores all that's been stolen don't forget this that you know god is the restorer he will restore your peace he will restore your finances he'll restore your time your health your relationships how's he going to do it as you give god trust give god time speak forth words and give him praise and i'm going to pray for you in just a moment for your restoration personally but before i do i want to remind you of the mission that we're on together our mission together in this ministry is to see 30 million souls saved and lives transformed over the next five years now we are translating the bible um we have the bible in the solar powered audio bible that we're getting into people's hands it's powered by the sun so it never runs out and we have the messages that we're preaching our top messages translated into 90 different languages um both the subtitles as well as the actual language audibly and i want to encourage you that that's one of the ways that we can fulfill the great commission to go into all the world make disciples of all the nations that's what we're doing together and nothing can stop us like i said when one puts a thousand flight two can put ten thousand flight we have multiplied power to see this world change so join me partner with me in these incredible projects let's get these solar-powered audio bibles into as many people's hands as possible and translating the word of god into as many languages as possible so my announcer is going to tell you more if you can give a special gift i'm asking you to give today a special gift of 250 or more if that's you if that's on your heart if the holy spirit puts it on your heart move generously today i want to ask you to just pick up the phone call the number on your screen or go to it's so easy to do these days let's stay connected and let's connect broken lost lives to the great good news of the gospel of jesus christ and when you do give today that special gift my announcer is going to tell you about some special gifts that i'm going to send your way and i'll be right back to pray for you there are more than one billion people in the world who either cannot read or are blind and many of these precious people are deeply impoverished and they will never hear the good news without your generosity your gift today will help us reach thirty thousand people with your gift of thirty dollars or more to help provide and distribute solar powered bibles we will send you today's teaching in its entirety the goodness of god restores everything as well as his brand new teaching titled the 10 miracles of god's goodness simply ask for offer goodness of god won with your gift of 60 or more to help provide and distribute solar-powered bibles we will also include gregory dickow's popular 4 cd series restore just ask for offer goodness of god too with an extraordinary gift of 250 or more to help provide and distribute these solar powered bibles worldwide we want to send you your very own solar powered audio bible plus if you call today for offer goodness of god 3 gregory dekau will include everything you see here plus his life-changing book changed by love along with gregory dickow's brand new digital jump drive card of all these teachings and more please don't wait gregory dickow needs to hear from you today live operators are standing by to take your call or you can go online right now to [Music] well i'm just asking the holy spirit to bless you to inspire you to encourage you move on your heart to do something that will change people's lives for eternity with our solar powered audio bibles or one of our translations in many languages getting the messages out to as many people as possible go into all the world and preach the gospel jesus said that's what we're doing that's what we're doing together and i want to thank you let me pray for your restoration father thank you that you are the god who restores you restore time you restore health you restore finances i speak and prophesy restoration of health i speak it over you right now yes you i declare and prophesy restoration over your finances restoration over your health restoration over years that have been lost restoration in your relationships restoration your businesses and your jobs and your finances in jesus name amen well thank you for joining me today connect with me online social media don't miss our next broadcast set your dvr so you never have to miss one of them and i can't wait to see you then god bless [Music] you
Channel: Gregory Dickow
Views: 2,602
Rating: 4.9672132 out of 5
Keywords: Gregory Dickow, Pastor Dickow, Gregory Dickow Ministries, Fast From Wrong Thinking, Power to change today, Life changers church, gregory dickow sermons, pastor gregory dickow, FFWT
Id: 51OGOYR_Vs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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