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so once again welcome back to among us this time we've added in the juggling jester [Music] [Applause] the jester's goal is to get voted out they can access the cams they can see where dead bodies are they can teleport to dead bodies and they can vote twice this gets intense oh gosh hit the like button down below let's get to 60 000 likes in a day hit the subscribe button hope you enjoy i will foot all right all right all right all right alright what are you saying jerome dudes welcome back to among us as you know i'm looking at the imposter i'm gonna kill everyone this is gonna be sick so sense nico is the gesture my goal is to set him up for him to get voted out and that's how we win and the jester has some really cool abilities i'll show you whenever it's my turn to be the gesture after i finish this you know after we get a quick dub as the imposter dude this is hot hello hello what you thinking about uh think about doing vials okay have fun and nico just teleported to the dead body now he's going to try to set himself up as he do as him doing that okay all right i got so scared that i almost peed myself i'm good on top of the vent but he didn't actually do because i think he knew that i could see him in the oh amber is dead wait what do you mean what do you mean he stood on it for like 30 seconds no no no no no no we didn't smell it together okay ambrew just died wait why did you stop and stand on the vent for as long as you did no i think you're lagging okay no no no what if rage is 300 iq'ing us and he's the the or the jester no no no we have to vote together the gesture has two votes in total so if he wants to get himself out he has a better job so everybody said we should do meme votes obviously i mean vote henry every time imagine being happy right now okay so i voted me got it oh no who voted me that would be why would you vote me mom i am not your mother no i am your foot literally oh you're my you're my you're my you're my literally oh no they all just got boxed they literally all just got lost they literally just got boxed why are you guys oh no oh no i don't like this anymore i don't like anything i don't like anything did both see that hello coming from huh where are you going where are you in such a hurry ah all right it's nico oh why'd you kill that bodybuilder why is it nico i just saw nato stubbed uh i think it was ambro uh wait do it no wait okay where was the body where was the body where was the body there's an electrical top right i was doing the uh you know the one where you flick the lever up and then you got to go and the fuse one okay so there was a there was a dead body and electrical yep i was doing that and then i came out with a menu and then there was just a dead body there and nicole was stunned i walked in and i saw i bet it was loath that did it oh no okay did you say this was electrical yeah because i think it's leaving electric yeah i was leaving electric i did not see i did not see anybody in there it's definitely cool so did you actually see him killed no i didn't see him killed but i saw him walk in and then i saw a dead body i don't know okay we all got to skip everybody skip everybody skip i don't like this i don't like it oh who voted for flicko oh no oh no i'm gonna reactor scan can you guys verify me oh gosh i literally can't breathe i literally can't breathe i can't i'm doing silence so i literally don't care about your offseason that's toxic dude that's literally toxic no okay there's king perfect okay all right okay all right i think loaf might be right i just walked into reactor and there was a body on the ground it was jerome's and nico jumped in event right as i walked in i told you i told you what if this is the 300 iq and he's the jester i mean i saw him ben i saw him ben he is either the imposter or the the killer so what do we do here what do we do here we can try to catch another kill i guess but like i don't know what to do we're losing more people yeah we have we have one more death before we have to vote oh that's right if we don't vote oh that's right we're gonna have to make a choice probably next round if another person dies though are we gonna pull the trigger on on flico i kind of don't think so but who then okay all right well i can't breathe right now i'll get that i'll get the top one i'll get the top one top one i'll get the top one this is so tough i'm trying to set nico up five six three five nine five i got it i got i got i got i got it i got it i got it i got it i got it i have information what's your information what's your information no information and loaf were running completely away from it oh really running by they were like they just kept running left [Music] oh oh but he hit the button wait why did you hit the button i thought someone would be dead by now and then to be on six because no we are trying to figure out why you and loaf ran away from oxygen oh yeah so i i need to finish my attack i'll admit i thought it was reactive so i went to react and then likely stories says the one that nico was saying that killed the guy in electrical round one but i wait no but since you'll saw nico event and i saw nico next to the buddy yeah i saw you guys okay okay okay does anybody have any ideas what are we doing we're just skipping again yeah we have one buff for life it's seven we don't vote on seven okay let's go listen i'm linda good job boys we all skip that see this is what teamwork is all about it literally makes the dream work you know what i mean dang it this is so tough hello hi what you thinking about i'm doing wires can you can you protect me yeah i'll protect you predict me oh i can't see anything though i literally can't see anything i'm really hold up okay flicko can teleport to that here yeah hello right nico oh biffle died it's not nico because nico has been at every single body right wait was he at that body too yes yes so i feel like i was walking up to it i wasn't walking away from it okay guys listen like if it wasn't we wouldn't have been everybody we have to make a choice now if we don't we run into that stalemate i think nico is the jester you think nico's the jester because he's been at every single body and i don't think the imposter would say a pastor i know king you are the only one that i obsess of no he didn't run away from reactor he ran away from oxygen i was doing oxygen and then after oxygen i ran back down to the the center part the admin i was at admin looking at the the table but that's the body was just down from there wait where was the body you didn't even say where the body was it was at the top of storage that's not i didn't see anybody when i was in admin so you're saying the kill just happened i don't know i didn't kill him i'm so confused okay king where were you at this round i was in storage wait touch one okay all right all right we have to vote we have to there's no there's no choice no negotiator it's king dude oh that was close did we win we this is a this is either a win or lose spot right here it's a winner loser gg or no reed no so it's literally game over wait no we can play why are you laughing three votes versus three votes oh wait why are you watching me i'm not lying you said a little happening are you laughing no i'm not right right right let's think about this okay there's a gesture and an imposter so that gives them three more we also have three boards well i don't know what we can do okay i've voted for who i think the killer is that's who i am what is what's happening i don't i'm so why would they okay okay if the jester is still alive why would the jester never vote for himself that's what i'm trying to figure out who did you vote for ian they go vote for yourself you idiot oh my gosh you're so dumb you're literally so dumb i voted for ian oh my god it's literally we cannot lose we can't if you start decrypting things oh no the meltdown's about to go down oh no the meltdown no not the meltdown i'm gonna report it oh yes you're voting for yourself your job is to want to get voted out oh my gosh it's literally like rocket science for him i don't wanna mess this up i'm trying to get my stats up gg dude that is so that is difficult damn on yours dad no you shut up no i shut up it's a me mario i gotta be shielded i gotta do this i gotta do this i gotta do this i'm currently doing this okay i'm gonna watch you i'm gonna watch you on my wife look i'm playing i'm gonna minecraft you p view minecraft okay so i have to set this up look i can i can access the camera hello he didn't see that hello hello hey hello hello oh loof didn't see the body oh what he didn't see it dude i need to go set myself back up with it so like i said as the jester i can teleport to bodies look at cams anytime i want and i have two votes is anybody gonna find that body i gotta go find sigils they're not gonna find that body there's no way they find that body how has no one found any bodies yet hello bruh that is good that is so coincidental so the weird part about this body is it was in the bottom left corner of comms like as if someone dragged there's no reason the body should be there wait no i saw a loaf down in the bottom right near shields and that area of like five times this round wait i saw you there as well that's not why we're there no no no no don't you try to throw me under the bus loaf i am very suss of loaf he is suss of me are we suss of anybody else yes i'm such a me i'm sorry remember we have to vote together or the jester will just a later his gesture hole you know what anything let's don't say those words i don't even what are you uh we're gonna lose why are you so obsessed with the suscelators yeah why are you so successful this is because you were assisting me and then you were the only person i saw down there okay that makes a lot of sense okay well let's talk about it let's talk about the sigils come over here let's sit down why we were suss of him hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa um i did not see the body i think the imposter is sunday why me no no no no no it's right in front of your eyes what do you what do you mean colorblindness listen listen maybe you're lying okay listen listen listen we need to have a conversation about stuff okay what's the conversation about comments it's about feet okay okay check this out see where the dead body is on the map and then i can click teleport and teleport to it okay i need to set this up better i need to set this kill up better hello oh no so i don't know i don't know what to think here was it king or sigils which one of you killed him youtube i don't know i'm innocent every time i walk up to your body listen to what i'm saying no no i walk up and king and sigils are both on it you were talking to henry you said let's have a conversation about feet i said i don't want to be a part of this i walk down this hallway and i start to come back and there's a body no no no no no no no okay listen listen listen listen no no no no no no no no i have the megaphone i have to make a talk right now not you okay sonny's a murderer listen listen listen listen listen if you are wrong then the killer and the the jester they only need one more attempt right that's fine that means we have an attempt to use we have an attempt to use it's fine that is true okay okay we'll go okay all right so who are we voting off we don't have to vote yet but every time i find a body he's there no no no no no no no no i agree he doesn't look like he's just there yeah king left him alone with them kate came from the other way i hundred percent clear king the last king i have left ian alone with the person and they have died please don't do this i'm skipping i'm skipping skipping skip vote skip phone okay okay okay guys so wait someone voted on two wait i could have just got myself i didn't i did not i voted for him no i skipped i literally i skipped i skipped i'm telling you oh no i can't see anything i can't see anything i literally can't see anything i literally oh good job king good job good job what's going on [Music] get away from you murder i'm not a murderer it's not me why do you keep thinking it's me because you keep being around bodies and you every time every single time no no no no no no no no no no no no no found out it's you i'm leaving okay okay you can go ahead go ahead leave if you want you go ahead and leave if you want go ahead the murderer what are you doing oh nico is that body in here okay we have to vote i trust signal to nico right now i'll vote whoever you guys want but i have a feeling nico have you seen anything i'm feeling it's ian i'm not like 100 i also think it's ian okay listen listen listen listen listen listen no wait here's here is my my predicament okay every time that a body dies sigils finds it too no no no no no you're right he does he wasn't no well he was in camera room next to the one when i originally called we have to make a call dude i think it's ian and i left loaf alone with ian and he died and i left henry alone with ian anyway wait i i i did i did math for once in my life if there's an imposter and there's still gestures isn't that three votes and there's three of no there's four there's no there's four this is the last time yeah this is literally the last time we can vote we have to make a shot here sigils why do you want to vote me so bad every time i leave somebody alone with you they died them so that's unfortunate that's a bad sign [Music] that was the best thing you called me out so perfect they never stood a chance guys hit the like button if you have enjoyed hit the subscribe button for new rounds here click this next video to watch the next video oh gosh i think i just threw up in my mouth a little all right well
Channel: SSundee
Views: 5,282,380
Rating: 4.9448552 out of 5
Id: pZLHmMzmjts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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