*NEW* TROLL Role in Among Us

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so we have added a new role in among us the troll rule literally the troll can undo crew member tasks they can wipe dead bodies from the ground they can also pick up crew members and carry them across the map so dude stick around we have two hilarious rounds in this video and do me a favor troll this video down below let's get this video to 7777 likes in one day hit the subscribe button hope you enjoyed you guys quiet quiet here we go quiet all you quiet cindy what you thinking about i don't know probably like over here over here where do you want to where do you want to go let's hang out together you want to hang out i'll protect you dude guys welcome back to among us i am starting off as the kid wow hi hello come down here and say hey what's going on hi how's it going wait do you have any comms i have comms i have comms i've come i've comes i've come guys listen if you guys are here let's do uploads to upload if you're still enjoying these uh among us mods hit the like button down below schedules tell them oh crap oh oh god oh gosh oh gosh she's having a stroke he's currently having a stroke hi hi amber we're just hitting the like button amber have you ever just hit the like button everybody ever just hit the like button if you ever just hit the like button wait where are you going wait oh you have shields you're doing shields i do shields do shields do shields do shields do shields steal shoes okay i have i have navigate oh rage left oh gosh oh wait no oh rage oh poor wait hey hey koran hey korean korean i have nav i have this thingy right here hello okay okay okay okay why where did rage go he rage quit yeah oh that was a double kill so i have suspicions that sigils is the troll why do you think that i was uh going walking past comms and i heard sigils laughing right this was last season told me to hit that like button dude and i did the task at the bottom of shields right and then when i i leave i go uh storage the doors get shut and when the doors open i see sigils doing the same task and then when he moves away from the task i then gain that task well maybe he messed it up idiot i told him to hit that like button and i started laughing because you gotta i just found it i just found it weird how the exact second you finished the task i get that task kind of weird i don't know love i'm kind of sassy you dude all right listen it's seven it's seven anyways we don't vote on seven or you'll get uh blevin you don't want that and randall is alive all right i'm skipping i'm skipping and i'm and i'm flipping i'm skipping and i'm flipping and again dudes listen hit the like button if you're enjoying these mods like i said also let us know down in the comments other mods you want us to make there is a troll at you look you can see sizzles is the troll he can delete bodies wait till my turn to be the true i'll show you everything you can do so every time sigils does a task it gives somebody else that task like it's been like a little vacuum cleaner okay so just go over here i want you to bring me somebody and then we'll cut their face off hello hello hello can you hear me why were you looking at me the camera when i'm right here i'm just looking at the camera dude seeing if anybody's here dudes what's in camp what's the camp what's the camp wait where'd the body go there's no body in here nico did you see a body in here i think he's making i saw one and i tried to bring biffle to show cause like we actually found a body so somebody cleared it are you guys clear no dude i know exactly what's going on here what's going on is it that you're not water i'm getting away from all of you right now don't you leave me don't leave me don't let me don't let me don't let me know let me know oh no oh no oh no legitimately no i'm trapped in here all right which one of you wanted to murder me huh we're all still here yeah we're everyone still still we were trying to you guys were commuting okay sigil said he found a body in camp whenever i went in there there was no body niko was there as well and he didn't see a body how long was niko with you i don't know sigils how long were they together do you know i don't know because lights went down while we were going up remember okay okay there's only when i said i knew something i the doors closed as i was trying to run away from you guys there's only one imposter and one troll we haven't voted the imposter who is trying to self-report with like i think no but why would sigils bring biffle all the way there to show him with that body if he killed him oh it was incisional i think central's i think central's is a troll because i thought he probably was like oh i'm going to clear the body blah blah blah no he was trying to come for himself wouldn't i show that he's not actually wouldn't he just clear that doesn't make sense okay you know what you know what you know what listen i am not the imposter i [Music] you know what i'm feeling confident about backed by ian just control me and fake asteroids things go off all right let's go do it let's get it let's get it let's get it that's good let's get it let's go do it let's go do it [Applause] scissors scissors cafeteria go clear it up go clean it up cafeteria go clean it up clean it up [Music] you need to pick somebody up and bring them to me dude oh yeah yeah yeah i forgot i could do that hello i got you i got you this it's for you we just hold it there's not enough people to do it let me down [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh my god dude this is the best mod ever all of you quiet right now right now one eight hundred sigils how can i schedules you i have a smidgels guys we got the troll look at this you are the troll undo task for other players oh henry okay yeah okay let's bring somebody into college i'm gonna bring somebody in the comms hello hey hey what's up hey just doing the task yeah i'm doing shields right now just finished whoa [Music] dudes i can pick bodies up i can clear dead bodies can we okay okay i gotta do i gotta go do i gotta go do this one gotta go do this one gotta go do shields got a good new shield you gotta do shields okay okay so check this out you can see on top here i have a ton of tasks whenever somebody does a task it opens it up for me now check this out check this out whenever i do this task look in the top left watch this you see it went down watch it go down watch the green bar hello hello hey hey what are you doing i'm uh oh oh oh no please clear it hello hello oh you're so lucky [Music] henry i need more tasks to be done i need more tasks to be done yeah we'll complete my password yeah obviously oh the lights are down henry anyway hi korean hi koran wait what are you guys doing amber what are you guys doing wait which one do you guys think slides which one of you guys yeah which one do you guys fix lights i'm your hero you can praise me i am the hero henry henry is anybody wicked's at security what's up man what's up man i just you know i'm just done with my tasks coming to watch this camera okay yeah i'm glad that we're watching okay okay i have information what's your information i saw information i saw sigil's vent what no you didn't reverse venting okay can we this is getting really sketchy dude i'm not sure about this okay okay okay i'll get this one i'll get this one i'll get this one eight two six three zero got it dab all right guys i have an idea get around the bottom let's get it right okay what do you want why are we gonna listen i have an idea listen listen so just get around the table listen guys hey you guys like you're having a meeting yeah we're having a meeting what color is hedwig he's green it's it's it's the like button no the like button turns blue you are literally color blind i boxed you i literally box you you are free you are freer than i'm free we were freer than a freebie did you just lock him we in there wicked for sure oh that was toxic oh you're a little the little person my my little slime hey guys hey guys how are you doing hey have you guys seen ambrose have you seen ambrose ambrose in navigation i think he was a weapons he was in navigation he was in navigation over that area i'm gonna go look because i haven't seen him in a while yeah okay still nope still no still no no [Laughter] get him get him get him i've been everywhere man search for someone okay security okay security it's good anyone else anywhere else going on in here we were checking camps why did i hear sunday laugh why wouldn't i laugh at everything i don't know oh wait no no no no no it's because it's because kareem was bouncing on the camera so we sort of doesn't say that listen listen sigils i literally have a task over here do you want to watch me do it yeah i'd like to watch you do a task okay okay come over here over here first of all look just check this out check this out okay all right one two three four five six seven eight nine and crap i messed it up i am such a robot how what do you mean how you're 38 years old you just need to count to ten dude okay okay okay ah ten there we go i did it okay all right good good job i guess we'll close the door i did it i don't understand what's wrong with you the next person who comes in let me kill them again good idea has not been with us for like seven years [Music] is amber dead oh yes he's dead okay okay we have to vote somebody out if we don't we automatically lose sigils came running in and was accusing me of laughing why were you doing that i i didn't accuse i just asked why you were laughing didn't want to be out on the joke why were you laughing why were you accusing me of laughing it's like a murder laugh it sounded like a murder left and i heard it there was a murder left wouldn't you have seen it yeah well no because that that's not how this game mode works no uh it is it is no it knows literally no no no no no no would you know huh how it works because this is like the 10th round okay okay go go go get guys we have to make a choice here we have to make a choice we have to vote for somebody because we haven't voted anyone off we haven't voted anyone off so oh that's true if we don't if we do vote and we're wrong we lose if we don't vote maybe we can get our tasks done no if we don't they just need to kill one person and then they win therefore you're actually real defensive for against the vote right now oh after we brought up the idea of voting off correct wait a minute wait it can't be quran we haven't voted anybody off if crans by himself that makes him innocent why does that make him innocent it's going to run in a duo no i'm not sticking up for credit we don't need a vote if our tasks are nearly done exactly that's what i'm saying we need to get our tasks logic i like your logic even though you're you're a little banana looking freak i like your logic and we have to make sure they don't press the button hello right here get this one oh hey hey what's up just just you know and then just doing that dude it doesn't matter we can't lose unless they get the task done which they can't because i can just undo them look at this look at this look look at the green bar look at the green bar look at that it's going down i don't know let's see the green bars are gonna go down i just went down it just went down let's do it again all right let's go ahead and do this they can't they can't they literally cannot win hey uh what oh oh put me down let's just go let's go trap him over here dude let's take him over to react let's take him out okay [Applause] no [Laughter] oh my gosh that was so beautiful best mod ever guys hit the like button if you have enjoyed hit the subscribe button if you do around here click this next video to watch the next video that is a fun mod
Channel: SSundee
Views: 9,555,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7XKmtmOlmjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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