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I'm mayor I'm Sophie and today Breaking Bad episode 11 season five and we did not miss watch it guys like we're sorry we told y'all we were sorry but so basically what happened is since everybody in the comments are really upset and I understand I'll actually be upset too if I was a reactor and they miss clicked or whatever literally we would just start an episode in per usual at the remote see what we're reacting to and do the old Clickety click and then yeah because that would happen it's really because that was the last episode Netflix was on that was the last one it was on and it's because he had to screen record so yeah we want to go that in depth y'all really want to know there's a mistake some understand some don't and I get all of it it is getting crucial as y'all been saying these last episodes are apparently the greatest television in history make sure if you smash that like button guys for the end of Breaking Bad Man and click the link in our bar for patreon if you want to see this early a whole week earlier in full length reaction subscribe to join us on the journey and as always let's get right into it I'm gonna decline some differences of opinion and it got a little messy um so you were right Walter didn't plan that feel the train start moving and you're I'm On Top you shouldn't even be telling them I mean right I don't know but this is what his uncle or something right I just I'm interested to see how he's gonna tell him about the kid and how he's going to feel about it but nobody's supposed to know nobody's supposed to know that they did what they did money then but the kid that's good but I don't know something about him still telling them I don't know I don't know [Music] that Uncle both of them was his uncle right one of them these are some other kid with a helmet which was interesting because that's exactly what the other kid looked like and the other one had it looked like blood on his boots I'm not sure what those are supposed to indicate guys I'm going to talk to you about your partner Heisenberg see I know he's my brother-in-law involved that's the look Jesse's just over it bro maybe you guys aren't uh getting along so good all right aren't I eat me I'm saying yeah Jesse don't let him get to you I mean it's even though Hank said that he would make all his situation away I still wouldn't benefit him I know you want that I don't think Jesse wants that deep down you don't want to you know what right I don't think right but he might not want to deal with him but I don't think he would just like he said agent Schrader beat any good suspects lately tall and taller okay what kid unconscious last time they were alone together they tried it yeah now's over now everybody leaves to try to remain calm but will you do me a favor and tell me what is up with no assault so I Saul stop talking I don't care just make it happen work your magic and call me when he's out bro better call slog will be so juicy because they're always telling Saul to just work it out right go do it so go go do it I can't wait to see what he's doing bro I can't wait wow you about to put on some makeup I'm about to do what Jesse did in season What's That season one season two she wants me to help her with some computer thing ah I I guess that uh yo what's a junior I do want to talk okay are you okay yeah here sit down here you go about to manipulate well it's a young years you should stay like you need to go okay I know that's hard but I beat this once there's no reason to think I won't again we'll talk about this later yeah yeah I'm staying oh yes good song Good Son it's just I got some things I gotta chased off what what things Maria China Marie trying to end this she trying to have Walter in the cell because it's that simple the only way it was about to be about to do what's he about to record the episode was called confessions huh I think I know what he's gonna do he's going to confess and get his wife and son out of there interesting why would he yeah I don't know we wait for Hank and Marie right oh my God are you kidding me are you hitting me this is like the worst thing to do to me I hate when Hank and Walter is in the same now you are vicinity I hate it it gets on my nerve I hate it's so hard for me to watch when they're in the same area look how they imagine though it's so bad bro my name's Trent I'll be taking care of you today can I start anybody off with some beverages Margarita all right how about some of our tableside guaps be right back with some water yo look at me that's why I can't bro Junior has been through a lot already this year you are just this investigation hearing these things he's gonna hear it when I kick in your front door and arrest you they not but they really aren't thinking about Walter Jr they're not and then they don't understand that you have no evidence to support your class I'm a scholarship now why because she was careless family apart but I said that though Hank think he's doing a good thing but he's he is gonna put their whole Like Walter Jr in a bad position you know there's nothing to accomplish [Music] what happened anyway guys on a drug I lie into your son to all of us is that right what do we have to do you believe me you kill yourself whoa whoa okay see this is mine okay okay I understand Hank but what I also said is it's crazy to think that there are people in positions like Hank and if someone in their family was doing something they would not rat them out and in this position they're not thinking of anybody I feel like Hank's not thinking of anybody else but him so I don't care because I feel like you can't he's looking at it from a one-sided way Walter clearly should have made a better way of making money that's his mistake right and that effect his brother-in-law who is a cop of course he's gonna have the ambition to take him down based on his background and and what he is get a negotiate your way out of this thing there's only one solution Step Up be a man and admit what you've done that's it there is no other option oh man he's digging he's digging deep into Walter right now and Walter's gonna have to end him I I'm telling y'all he's gonna kill Hank I'm telling you okay if you kill Hank then Marie can just what you mean you can't keep Maria Right Live either telling you and you know what I'm not I don't like picking songs but I feel like he's gonna kill Hank and I don't agree with that decision because that's that's not helping either he gave him the CD that is I don't think he's gonna kill him I don't think he's gonna do that man but in this situation my only problem is they didn't even ask Walter what made him do it like understand it before just bashing him down Hank has been building a meth Empire for over a year now and using me as his chemist today he asked that I use my chemistry knowledge wait Hank took me on a ride along and showed me just how much money even a small meth operation could make oh this is crazy I wound up paying his medical bills which amounted to a little over hundred and seventy seven thousand dollars oh yo to keep me in line he took my children for three months he kept them oh my gosh recently I tried once again to quit and in response he gave me this yeah yo mother turned his whole TV off bro hope that the world finally see this man but what he really is I I cannot wait for the people in the comment section that's me on Heisenberg's side to say about this really really really what do y'all have to say about this what was his reasoning why did he do it how could it have benefited him get ahead of it that video is a bunch of lies no they're not gonna believe it cause you gotta think about it 77 thousand dollars oh yeah he didn't and he and Hank didn't even know about all that I just wanted the best why didn't he kill me because I do think you would refuse it and without it you may never have been able to walk again oh gosh dang bro this is this is ridiculous it kills me here I mean it's the that's the last nail it's like that's the last name on the coffin that is that is that is because what you said about the money yeah that is that drug money was paying his thing how did we really know if Hank was in it or not and so a lot of people how didn't you know this genius Heisenberg man he's just too good are we gonna talk about the arena Kaka the kid brought down upon us you want a hazard to guess what his little Charity Drive cost you why don't you go take a walk so oh my goodness I don't know maybe maybe it's time for you to just leave all of this behind that's what he was trying to do I tell you if I could I'd trade places whole lifetime ahead of you with a chance to hit the reset button oh oh we get it we get it can you just uh stop working for like 10 seconds straight I stopped jerking me around I mean right he's telling him what to do with his life it's all about me and turning over a new Leaf but it's really it's really about you dang he figured it out guys just tell me you don't give a [ __ ] about me and it's either this or you'll kill me the same way you killed Mike wow wow what are you thinking right now I don't know what he trying to do hugging him because that Walter that didn't really help you out there I thought he was about to say something else but I think there was no point in him talking because he's always telling him what to do or whatever oh Jesse figured it out man you got a history with this kid If You Catches win that you're trailing him and this explodes he could sue try and take them off yeah and honestly too the way he acts with him too that CD was not working his favor it wouldn't because he don't even and like even here dang Walter came up with a masterpiece with that one per usual crazy thing I feel the most bad for Jesse honestly I feel bad for nobody else yeah it's not gonna take you if you show up high so stop screwing around or it's both our asses well that's a start now give with the dope he don't want to go she's only gonna pick where I go swim with the dolphins what about Alaska okay well that's it what the heck anywhere you can get a fresh start is going to be good you ready I mean the thing is like it's sad but I kind of like it because I feel like even everything before he met Walter like still like when you think about his um relation with his family and stuff like that you know I feel like it would be good well I want everyone to see chassis for the rest of the show I hope we do is this really Jesse saying goodbye oh oh the phone oh oh I know what happened I know what happened I already know what happened before it even happens he'll pickpocketing them again because Walter told him to do it for the rycin I don't know no I okay maybe I shouldn't or pause it like that I'm sorry y'all let's see what he took heal when when Hill's big Bahamas at the door he was scooting by and he was like excuse me dang he picked pocketed him again but what did he just like last time and Walter probably told Saul to tell heel to do that we're about to figure out what he picked and there goes the person and you don't think he's gonna go in he's not gonna go in because he realized what Walter did not going away cause y'all y'all be for real Jesse realizing oh crap he had no show why didn't you call why didn't you oh you stay where you are you know what Andrew took a ride out of my pocket yeah why I want to know I know he took something he boys abroad he poisoned the Brock at you you helped him okay Jesse oh I see what's happening I see what's happening yes oh my goodness believe me I don't want any of this he can't shoot Saul right that wouldn't make sense right unless the unless it was like before back up oh guys I know I I think that's right because even when it was called confessions okay him doing that thing was one thing but I had a feeling someone just was gonna happen no I know I know I know I actually I think I know it's me you got a big problem wow guys Jesse finally figured out that Walter poison Brock this is gonna be a crazy reaction from Jessie yeah of course that is hey oh reason [Laughter] I know a gun hidden in the oh he bought that he can't he getting ready to shoot Jesse if he has to Bro oh my goodness I'm gonna go head on over to the drugstore okay yeah okay all right I'm pretty sure she knows something's up but she's kind of yeah probably oh my God is he gonna burn their house Jesse your actions are what did you ever could be in a house and oh jeez I don't know if this is the best way to go about this ah no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you know what no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no in the future it was burnt down and it said Heisenberg because Jesse probably does right on Walter well I don't say rat because Jesse's not a rat he was being lied to and he decided to go pay background that's what's gonna happen and I think the last episode is going to be Jesse and Walter against each other that's what it's really going to be it has to be a three-way though I cannot see Hank not doing anything guys first off no what I think is is that Jesse always had that cigarette with rice and you gotta think about it I think he always had it because there's no way he would just open it and then it's like it's missing because he probably marked it a certain way to know that it's always in there so he opened and realizes not in there that's when he realized okay and then he just made and then he just made everything else that's like the only other thing no all that ball I know for sure is Jesse realized it either what you said or what I said stealing something the ryzen or cigarette whatever he'll just took it and he realized and he said you know what Walter I'm burning your house down yeah because you gotta think about it if he if he's going away to start a new life well my thing is it's like was that smart for Walter to do like what it had been smart to just let him have the rice in imma just start off with the Deep conversations I I am not picking aside but y'all have to understand that Walter never cared about Justin does not care about Jesse and I'm not saying it no more he cares about him in a different way he cares about him Walter cares about Jesse if I was gonna Bend Walter looks at jet like okay when he was telling him to go away I knew it wasn't just for like Justin to start a new life I already knew that I already knew that it had to benefit Walter at the end of the day now Jesse burning down his house definitely is not that's very irrational of you Jesse like you usually do but it's like my thing is that's pretty crazy hmm um why there doesn't doesn't care about Jesse him tell him to go start a new life telling him to leave yeah it is going to benefit Walter but he's also Trump but he also is trying he's indirectly helping him by like listen you can go certainly live you don't gotta see me and you're gonna start a whole new life and forget about this that's Walter's way of like see I care about you it just happens to fit in the way I needed to benefit me it's in a way like it's in the I care about your way like oh I got you sitting here and your best friend right here I kill your I shoot your best friend and then I say I care about you so I'ma keep you alive that's the way Walter cares about Jesse he cares about him in a sense of yeah I care about you Jesse but I don't care about you to the point where I care about your feelings yeah okay say that Walter doesn't care about Jesse's feelings at all yeah that's why he continuously lied and manipulated him now Walter is doing that because that's that's Walter Jesse's doing with the understandable but it's just the way he's going it's always the way so I'm happy he finally figured it out well yes for Jesse's sake because I understand why he forgot everything too he probably gonna figure out Jane and all that yeah because I under because I because I'm not saying I'm on Jessie's side but because I feel bad for him because of what he's been put through he's like I am happy he's happy he's not for anger but it makes sense at the end yes it does make sense because Walter did a lot of terrible things to him and think about it he's the one who has to leave and start a new life now you know what fine let's since you know like these last couple are gonna be crazy let's end off with what you said yeah the the battle basically who is it gonna be now I like what you said with Jesse and Walter I do like that that would be interesting but you know they're not gonna die Jesse or Walter is not gonna perish whoa you know that right no I don't know out of someone one of them is okay you know what fine you're right it's gonna be a battle now I'm just trying to theorize it um because clearly right now the attentions are high between Jesse and Walter but like I said but like Hank is going to have some input because of how much he doesn't basically it's basically everybody against Walter Skyler Hank think is in there is important but only in the sense of like oh yeah like this is the this is the um professional way to take you based on what we know in the future which is probably like a year maybe ahead well from what it looks like he is gonna set his house on fire Jesse is going to definitely say his house and that's the reason why in the future that house looks all abandoned and it says Heisenberg and I think like I said I don't know Jesse I really actually don't feel like he's gonna work I don't think he's going to tell Hank what's gonna happen it's gonna be something about both of them and again Walter's gonna eventually yeah Walter's gonna eventually have to go away with his family it can't be that tape yeah that tape can't get out because if it got out people wouldn't think Walter's Heisenberg I know so that tape didn't get out I mean technically he's still Heisenberg because he's the one who's the chemist that was the pro oh yeah actually you're right he still would be Heisenberg it would just be like oh well it wasn't really my fault I was forced to do it you know what that's what happens y'all Walter White does win he gets his way and I'm telling you but who does he come back to kill listen he either kills wow he listen he defeats I think he's going to kill Jesse Walter defeats someone and then the tapes get released he gets the new identity goes away and that's how everybody is not the chemists why does he come back why in that episode he came back to his hometown to get that thing out his wall I mean what has the future so we don't know why I don't know now that's not actually I don't know I don't know well hope you guys enjoyed our reaction and we'll see y'all I'm on that next one peace out perfect [Music]
Channel: Mair & Sophie
Views: 9,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9ueCRx3Pi6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 42sec (1542 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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