Breaking Bad Reaction Season 5 episode 7 | Say My Name

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last night I'm breaking bad we saw everybody exiting on the gig like Mike was like I'm done Jesse said the same thing too and then Walter says something to Jesse which kind of implied I don't want to say he manipulated him but something that he said made Jesse think twice about like not exiting out I'm here I'm Sophie today we're watching say my name episode 7 season 5 of Breaking Bad the link is in the description guys start patreon uh full length reactions and show reactions are on there we Early Access I guarantee you will not be disappointed and let's get the swim oh no so they already know the deal and they about to say it to the people well sir please please let this be a smart deal please you think someone's gonna I don't think they're gonna dream he'd be having like tablet size bombs so if you agree to give up your cook sell my product instead I'll give you 35 of the take 35 I don't like how straightforward Walter is coming off scaring me grade school t-ball versus the New York Yankees yours is just some tepid off brand these are all bad Cola do you really want to live in a world without Coca-Cola yeah like I said oh okay he brought his piercing Burger that's 130 million dollars of profit that isn't being pissed away by some substandard cook you listen to me maybe you better listen to Heisman bro we can take his deal before he blow you up with a pipe bomb it's just I'm just in my head thinking they got no backup yeah that's the only problem you all know exactly who I am I see it say my name oh my goodness it seems like they really don't know who he is but let's see what they actually do his prideful behind what did you be proud I'm the man who killed Gus Fringe Ah that's right now say my name you know what's funny I'm mine they do know Heisenberg they do they just never knew what he looked like Eisenberg like oh my goodness you're you're goddamn right like Sylvie I never said I hated him I just as a person his decisions can be annoying but obviously it's parts of me is like okay that was tough can't lie I need a little help getting things up and running during this transition you can at least do that for me right come on don't worry we'll figure it out hmm okay sure yes sir Mr White that was very intimidating it was thanks for the five million dollars no sorry for chaining into a radiator just get the bug Walter [Music] how about Walters because because to me Walter just makes it more annoying because he does stuff like that like no thank you like are you gonna hear your knees and beg like what bro good just look out for yourself look at his face yeah because that he looks crazy he like nah you ain't taking my henchman away right you ain't doing that okay Jesse back it up bro and Mrs way oh man it's so bad like the first time they met scholar said do not do anything with my husband and look at them now even though it wasn't Jessie's fault who are you hiding it from worry about it in the office and let us do this we'll get it out of your hair um I don't know oh man you see so but so you gotta understand everything worries her I think Walter is I think what he does can be cool and intimidating but I feel like Walter doesn't care about anybody he makes that apparent [Music] but why that one didn't seem like the um well I feel like that didn't seem like the one she was unlocking this is money being paid to people maybe laughs oh right yeah I don't care that was Mike Distributing his money don't worry about the families they'll keep getting their deliveries they had me thinking involved in drug money in real life yeah probably a lot oh he about to bury the laptop [Music] is this Mike retiring basically that's what it seemed like [Music] yo Mike is crazy crazy or prepared really really really prepared because he really distributed all his stuff all around and then left his Carter please search one I'm worried about that you just said what did you just say he's always prepare right cop kills himself they want a full report single contact one why do you think he's so calm and he's not dumb too I feel like he barely even brought any of his work stuff to his house anyway I didn't get going on that settling tank that would be a huge help he left that stuff in there too long after the last cook Walter he's supposed to not be helping you I just want to get my money and and get out that's the thing about breaking bad too they haven't moved up at all that's what irritates me more about Walter they haven't moved up at all look I know how upset you are about what happened to this boy I am just as upset As You Are you really yeah whistling and being all Jolly after just seeing how upset you were you'll keep saying that and it's [ __ ] every time always you know what I'm done you just give me my money and you and I we're done uh seems so simple right no no no no you shouldn't touch that dirty money I'll save you from that Jesse come on yo that oh my goodness work with me and make 10 times 20 times as much whatever man do you understand me nothing Jesse oh man oh man oh what's this what's wrong with him huh maybe if you just gave him the five million everything would just be cool that was an hour of judgment won't happen again you're damn right at one I'm just gonna bottom line this for you their surveillance budget for urban trout is now zero dang we clear oh crap he's gonna do it on his no of course Hank's still gonna be trying to do stuff behind the scenes but can't be mad at that move right there you can't personally choose a case out of all the cases in this city or whatever you can't do that the Hank is on the song he know who he is right so that's why he is right in his face we found out more about the lore you want me to start telling a lawyer like the [ __ ] ain't deep enough for you already hey Remy said we couldn't follow Airman trout he didn't say anything about anybody else oh my goodness you know I know oh my God there's no laws every time you work with someone else it's well yeah we'll see how good Todd is [Music] I got some of that blue stuff no all that's left I guess is talk money we can talk money once I get this right yeah hmm yeah I think Walter likes them too especially after he made that that decision very nice thank you Dan yeah put little faces on I think she's starting to pick up what's going on oh my God hey um hey uh hey um I'm trying to think of an excuse me all that money like that uh people make money right right I don't know I'm just trying to think of something I don't know I went on FanDuel possibly work out I'm trying Hank I really am I'm trying but there's there's I mean it's like I don't even exist to her I mean I know she's struggling I know but I uh put your back once again he's gonna do he's willing to give us Airman trough um that's son of a [ __ ] wait if I'm do you think he's gonna kill Mike um who Walter I don't know Mike I just don't want them to get caught cause now they can get my own if they get this episode and everything that actually leads backwards they couldn't find anything to show proof for Mike now that they can that's not good because that's going to open up other stuff so he has to get rid of Mike I don't need a oh you know what I'm that far I'll come to you you just type he already know that was so obvious and something about some lawyer someone is talking Mike and they're coming for you right now oh my goodness oh he wasn't aware go Mike go run you don't want to leave his granddaughter if he get caught his blender never go get the money he gotta go pretty feeling this is crap oh my goodness you know Jesus fool me once right look he won't flip his nine guys will yep right they're not getting people I know Mike probably not gonna happen but it's the people around him and then I said let's go get them caught [Music] I knew that's obvious of course he got home lawyer he's a half shut up Saul and get the bag hey Mike I can get it to you all right just tell me what to do no [Music] why is he trying to help him right I can do it okay it's not a problem no Jesse Jesus I'll do it besides you're out remember yeah mom I can care less if if Walter get caught as compared to Jesse yo what if he's shooting I literally said that Walter looked like he was getting jealous because Jesse was trying to help if he does this this makes no sense what you mean how because if they if it gets tracked back to Mike then basically everybody else is not going to benefit Walter that's too close to him getting flipped out the names of your nine men he can't beat him in a fight he'll have to shoot him or something I have a plan or stab him that's a couple things that could happen right now I'm saying other than the fist fight you know because he can't beat him physically he probably planted a bomb in his bag I don't know I want those names Mike you owe me that much I don't owe you a damn thing all of this falling apart like this is on you wow wow we had a good thing you stupid son of a [ __ ] we had Fring we had a lab we had everything we needed it all ran like clockwork you could have shut your mouth cooked and made as much money as [Music] wrong man I'm sorry to be the man if you had done your job known your place we'd all be fine right now hey Michael pseudo foreign how would you shoot Mike why would he shoot him yeah well sir he don't know what he did he shot him out of anger though I know and clearly Watson wouldn't be respected as like I said like a big boss realize that Lydia has the names I can get him from her sorry Mike bro this whole thing could have been avoided shut the [ __ ] up right bro that's not like shut up bro just let him die go away cause like why would you do that why that's what I'm saying like I know Mike was in a way but Mike was literally going away from y'all getting away you could have got the names from somebody else dealt with all the problems and left Mike alone yo no I don't care everybody in the comment section be quiet everybody I don't care mirror oh you want to do this to be quiet Watts or wife it makes a rational decisions I don't I don't care if he was mad I don't care if he wants to be a Heisenberg I don't care any of that you have to come to senses of things that are like in your way and the rational things I'm talking about Mike was literally leaving he was not the problem the problem was his people that was the problem that could have got Walter caught Mike would have never said anything he would have went away what does he do who's denying people Mike tell me tell me right now boom Oh wait wait I could have got it from Lydia oh crap I'm sorry Mike I just killed you but I don't know I would not want to see Walter die get caught I'm on his side I really am on Walter White side you know what I'm saying I'm not just gonna be on his side no matter what I'm gonna be on his side depend like uh I'm gonna be on the side for reasons if he does a dumb action I'm gonna admit he did a dumb action that was dumb you should have never did that a lot of things he does is dumb yeah even after he shot him like to me it's okay he definitely looked concerned but I'm talking about like at the last moment where he's I could have just got from Lydia and my head is like what's he been thinking that and it's kind of like well I just wanted to kill you like I don't know he killed Mike and cuss no he no he really had no I mean I said that I said no but I've been sizing him killing Gus is only going to make things worse Sylvie I did say that that is why I feel like I like Walter it's just even yes we can go back to Gus Gus was not his problem it wasn't him right because we figured out that it wasn't even him according to what y'all said it wasn't even happening that was the reason why he keeps telling Jesse like no more people have to die if we just do it like this because I feel like for him he feel like he has no soft autonomy if he's working with people I feel like you're always gonna have to work with someone once you're like you're not just gonna have your own meth I mean they could do that but it will begin so like really slowly but at the same time you're just thinking back on what Jesse said when he initially said he just needs 737 and now it's like we can make more money and just think about like how he is with his family right now like how is any of that money like realistically gonna matter because I feel like knowing Skylar right now I feel like she's never going to want it so he's doing all this essentially for no reason and right yeah I said that he didn't have to go guns and he definitely didn't have to kill Mike definitely didn't but he killed Mike out of anger like so even doing this is I don't know how anybody does not see that is just for himself he is doing this for himself I've never met a character that does it only for them like only like not even thinking about at least one more person that can like build up and do that but like I know you say that but like Jeremy he is not no I'm talking about a man in this situation he's like a narcissist he do no he was like crying in front of um in front of in front of Hank about Skyler like I feel like don't just look over everything he's doing right now he literally don't care about anybody from uh um other than himself like yeah he don't put anybody in his family he don't put anybody else above his family but you got to see that there's parts of Walter that does care about you know what happened about Jesse and his family nothing's like two sides is the size and then and then there's the Walter White I think it's the way it's being pre is being projected because I don't feel like someone like that okay I'm sorry but like this thing about Voldemort he was doing all that for himself he's not just going to kill someone in his family because if if that was really the case he would have been found a way to indirectly get um to kill Hank be for real cause that's really the only reason why the case is even still being worked on is literally because of Hank that's actually the problem there's really nobody else outside of Hank I feel like if Hank really gets in his way he will do it and he'll he'll do the same thing here's what you're not understanding no he don't want anything his whole point of doing what he's doing right now is so that it never leads back to him so Hank doesn't get closer clearly every time he realized oh wow Hank is getting a clue that could positive connect to me he gets rid of the other person not Hank he can't why the why would he get rid of him like because she's not going to do that no he wouldn't do that he would not do that he would not get rid of Hank there's no way I believe that there's two sides to it there's the side of him being angry and being Heisenberg and acting on pride and ego and this and that and then there's the Walter White side that comes out when he realizes what he's done that just showed with him killing Mike it came out and I think that's a fact he could have got it from Lydia I don't think that was him lying he genuinely was like oh my God oh my God Mike I'm sorry I could have got from Lydia he was genuinely looking out like oh my goodness he looked out and he was like crap and then he and then he did apologize but here's what you don't see one of these same thing happens even with people he care about You're Just Like Jesse you don't see it oh he's not he wouldn't do that if Hank got close he wouldn't act off of anger and do something yes he would and then he would be like oh my God what did I just do no yes he would okay because to me I think Hank is the only one where I feel like it would get to the or actually I'm lying the other people he's working for the other people the other guy definitely them or or go me might kill him by like anger or getting in his way or something like that I'm telling you it's gonna I know this show is gonna end crazy it's gonna be something like that or I said this in the beginning Skyler Scarlet white is gonna die yep by him so he's gonna kill his own wife it's gonna be an accident or something I don't know um okay Sophie come on we know this season I don't know where I listen I'm saying multiple names but I know one person of importance other than Mike just now and maybe Other Side characters along the way is going to die in the show or maybe Walter maybe he might kill us maybe he might die that's gonna be crazy too well but I was clearly an intense episode and I hope you enjoyed our reaction and we will see you on the next one perfect [Music]
Channel: Mair & Sophie
Views: 12,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: f05k4enfRTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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