Jerry Seinfeld: Everything In New York Is Irritating | Late Night with Conan O’Brien

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i'm sitting here with jerry seinfeld what in the world is happening that i am on the conan o'brien show yes it's a crack in the comedy space-time continuum i used to own this network what's happening everything is back everything is backwards yes i dismiss you now i'm here hoping that you like me desperately wanting to be liked well it's working it's working very well it is great to be here really is it's been a long time i'm very happy that we were able to do this you know what's funny is a couple of weeks ago i'm walking down the street and i hear someone call my name usually that's not a good sign i turn around it's you we have a very nice conversation and it got me thinking you're just walking down the street yeah backpack and i thought what is it like for you to walk through manhattan it seemed to me like you're that kind of guy that just walks around well you're kind of that guy too yeah you walk around yes but it was a very interesting moment see now i know i do walk i was being carried at the time but by two chippendales dancers those are lovely guys by the way huge chopper yeah that's a favorite jerry what's up how's it going this is lars this is yeah i love when you see like for me it's like i know he thinks i'm some psycho on the street i go hey conan but as soon as he knows it's me he's gonna change from oh no psycho to guy i know yeah and it was very funny to watch you go oh you know you see that that's how i'm with my wife every day oh yeah it's like when you don't answer the phone you don't know who's there who is it right right oh oh but but people are there when people see you it's like you come out of the television you're the you know the so famous for being a new yorker yeah and you are the same i don't know people think i come from some other dimension you know i'm like a parade float going down the street i don't think it's the same people don't connect me on a human level it's like being in a focus group all the time yeah people are always telling you i didn't like the zantac joke last night you know you're always getting ratings on everything you do doormen are just yelling at me or cabbies they yell at me and you know how you're doing they go i like this i don't like that right you know what i get i get people telling me i saw the thing you did on the show last night then they explained to me why they were up at 12 30. right they say i love that thing doing the show last night you see i take a medication for a rash at 12 30. all right now you have said uh famously it's been quoted a lot that you think new york city manhattan is good for comedians it's good for comedy what's the theory behind it irritation is good for comedy and everything in new york is irritating yeah i i have always right too i used to do this thing about how i also love the thing about when you're in new york and you're the back of a cab and you look through the glass it seems like it's happening on tv and whatever the guy does you think oh well he's a cab driver i'm sure he knows what he's doing you don't think for yourself he's going to kill me it doesn't seem real and you trust you see the license and you trust it yes even though a lot of the letters are like elements from another planet or something but you just trust in new york that cab drivers know what they're doing but it is very annoying that you put your life in this person's hands that you don't know you've never met them no they know them they've never been here before and i'm sure he knows what he's doing right right now you are you've also said you think it's good to be a cranky guy that comedians are all cranky a little bit irritable do you think that's really yes yes you name it i can't stand it right and that's where it all comes from i don't like things right everything things irritate you everything irritates me humans all inanimate matter uh oxygen it all irritates all irritates me yes yeah well what a wonderful life you have this well if you you know you try and make a joke about it yeah yeah i want to mention uh something else uh you're also here uh to mention and it deserves mentioning seinfeld the complete series box of my life in that box right here and uh phenomenally successful show and i wanted to point out quickly a show i think a lot of people don't know this it's surprising people just accept when something's a success and i think it was always a success seinfeld struggled i actually remembered in the early years yeah it struggled three and a half years we were very borderline people didn't at nbc were not excited about the show when we did the pilot and there was only one guy at nbc who really did like the idea his name was rick ludwig he was from the late night and specials department and he's still with nbc in fact he's here tonight his reward for saving seinfeld and making it all happen is to stand and monitor each one of our shows but if it wasn't for him that would be an empty box right now and uh i deserves mentioning uh we struggled too in the first uh well a little longer than you probably uh and rick ludwin was one of the people who stepped in and said i think the show has potential and uh he was eventually proven wrong so thank you rick [Music] you're batting 500. good for you uh b-movie is in theaters now uh seinfeld the complete series will be in stores on tuesday i think everyone's going to want to have that big thrill for us thank you so much seriously
Channel: Conan O'Brien
Views: 1,369,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Late Night with Conan O’Brien, Team coco, andy richter, best moments of conan, best of, celebrity, celebrity interview, classic, coco, comedy, comedy sketches, conan, conan classic, conan funny moments, conan o'brien, conan obrien interview, conan obrien podcast, first, funny, humor, interview, late, late late show, late night, late night show, late night with, late night with conan obrien, max weinberg, night, original, show, special, stand-up comedy, talk show, talk show hosts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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