EPIC 1000 lbs of Jerk Chicken! Jamaican Street Food Tour

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Jamaican jerk chicken is Iconic and it's definitely one of the most consumed dishes for both locals and tourists on the island today I take you to the biggest producing jerk Center in Port Antonio serving up over a thousand pounds of the Smoky spicy Gem and shout out to our patrons for making this around the coast street food tour possible hopefully foreign [Music] [Music] 15 bucks right to the deer right in 11 o'clock tonight wow those are flip chicken [Laughter] original [Music] [Laughter] Can't Stop foreign thank you so juicy how much years of experience yeah six years sixth year wow me never knows there's so much chicken in an idea and them are ready to sell foreign [Music] um Portland originally right in Portland all right that means they also bought a normal forecast Portland away um yeah Vibes all right yeah but here it's primarily chicken and eat right [Music] all right so as a man who experienced jerks in what make phone a jerk chicken different apart from it being juicy yeah why did I say yeah [Music] no no oh you'll make it you know but like the flavor wise them not all your method like it's more spicier more spice to see the spice spice yeah right for this one again all right so a Chevron Jamaica quite often how long you guys have been voting for 18 years cool so is there a particular reason why in a tool to just me and the chicken is there a reason for that who might believe what we're getting finished the boss said um hold the place to talk if you want to do the mix respect that mix it okay cool nice so tell me what the festival is Festival is a big thing still I want to do the festival is uh foreign really all right so about the soup if one chicken buffalo the beef and chicken for two or early at the start we made this over and ready for my lunch time tomorrow at 8 o'clock you know eight o'clock yeah same time after a year [Music] all right juices cause foreign here on a Sunday and it was closed together [Laughter] otherwise back at it again yeah yeah so a question I always want to ask people is when Mr people in our fast food industry and myself food I'm always asking get them get tired of the food after a while for you with jerk chicken with I say I get tired later or no when you know why Jerk it sometimes I know everything we want the chicken every day we get that constantly right all right that makes sense so all you know when I time to flip it again every five minutes return the chicken every five minutes so if you ever take a break somebody else can manage the fire all right they never take one five minutes to cool the fire right on but that means that yeah medium [Music] all right tell about the festival cause honestly I first met was so much Festival in my life this is a little bit in comparison before Corona uh yo just from looking at the festival menu says are pretty well done Festival so when you come from eight o'clock in the morning wow the rules Festival pretty inconvenience basically so you make a good note saying that um all the time kind of slow things you realize that you're getting better and better now by month [Music] s leave my timer let's go no trust me I believe is it because being in the kitchen here realize that oh without a lot of the jerk man lemon you know that type of setup on the other more like commercial attack or settings yeah yeah Maria likes on the cars are buckets so no even though things slow though how much book it is but I'll go through on a weekday seven buckets I'm on a weekend right now yeah cause when I when I first entered the kitchen I saw the pond pool I know behind time already good for the hotel so would you say at this moment Nintendo Master aircraft or you feel like it's still I learn every day in terms of the business foreign [Music] foreign mentioned that because a lot of people watch the videos they man eat food but then I realized to the kitchen us but almost reality I said I go to our beer or whatever birthday quality in the kitchen thank you foreign [Music] as well I have a big plan sure so yeah we'll be here for that long so he was the best dressed you're trying to get that better quality from this dress for chicken softer okay 50 birds in a one bag oh my God and yeah go too much back 15. sir you are the money at the kitchen in terms of you're seeing like a calm cool and collected if I meet a situation in a kitchen where something just done and people just want things seriously difficulty yeah right now foreign [Music] [Music] Ty can get like a bit of a discount when you go shopping no wow that's why in terms of a chicken standard no when we used to normal [Music] my father wow you think what some people will buy food I really understand you know is that if uh the chicken name is away about three pounds yeah yeah quarters divide that if I'm on a flip a chicken boy 10 15 times expanding towards Kingston yeah people will put me from with Kingston yeah James Bond yeah this building wow which one are they which one of the arm pain was that remember foreign oh so this building was burnt down yeah cause I remember a couple of the films I think were shot by like Firefly in our Portland so chances are so then come outside and eat food and anything they are just yeah everything alone are you mentioned no days are so fun day on the Sunday we're gonna close the day of no you know come I need no floor no no no no no okay Street or your money like family life and working so much everybody I thought I said because supposed to speak enough for it is so the business said everybody foreign what do you know beautiful [Music] thank you foreign London series the season right there our vibes opportunity let me know one big one What a Wonder Woman I want a nice woman I need it yeah I love me up yeah that means yeah I I already seriously yes one yes nice steamed fish nice to Pork pool rice and peas sweet rice and peel only five nights vegetables yeah yeah do it number five yes sir [Music] yourself one bucket restaurant wing on the next right [Music] so they're half done so that means [Music] right right and that means they know our people I mean so the board anytime you know if um yeah chicken ready for them but I understand yeah problem we're not like amplifier we just turn it on put the festival fan over the pot that means any Festival then keep warm so then a whole name and then keep one another bucket then after all the sweat and water so don't get cold the winter remember to do that one with two of them small fire warm them up so that means that if you don't get a chicken at that time [Music] Grill you know professionals again what are all the jobs they ever do yeah this is one of your favorite ones I'm working with food yeah yes jerking chicken well that's about to get a job I'll make you happy when you do it enjoyable okay yeah yeah by the CMC again yeah [Music] oh yeah John Stockton just didn't live like tonight finally we're living we're five minutes in the morning to live another night um as soon as let me have cover up one more about right away on the grill [Music] thank you foreign [Music] thank you that one PS2 system well Josie yes oh man and a small flip up on it all right amazing okay one more bug again so juicy you're saying that um he will cook some chickens halfway through so when you're eating at night for The Rush right you finish it off yeah smart problem okay yeah foreign so I've been back there in the kitchen for quite a while and I was withhold in trying the food too early but let me try a festival and try a piece of the direct chicken and hands down is one of the best jerk chickens I've ever had when a man said juicy I was laughing to myself I was like come on but really chicken really juicy and what is the note you don't need to dose the chicken with um with ketchup you don't eat the dose chicken with sauce just by itself it is just well seasoned it's super flavorful and imagine I'm back there smelling all these Aromas for so long you know except you expect that my taste buds will be a lot more dull the flavors are just so pronounced it's amazing so I'm gonna order something right now and first of all them the festivals are exceptional it's one of my favorite style of Festival it's not too sweet not too soft not too dense nice light crispy anyway ready for order so I just got my plate a while ago hot right off of the grill oh my God so I did mention you don't need ketchup but I did put a little bit on this one because I really want to try it with you this jerk sauce when you come to Jamaica and you see jerk sauce don't overdo try it first I'll make sure it's safe you can manage the spice [Music] this chicken I'm not sure what the seasoning flavor this is even better than any liquid taste so when we get to work it's all good and I like the jerk sauce is spicy but it's not blinding the spices not like bitter it's a nice savory spicy Pizza you get from it bro on this one it's not a pan chicken this is a jerk chicken you feel what I'm saying other tendency people on the Riverside most of the times are panicking this is a jerk chicken was true and true this is a delight to try I'm really really happy that I stopped here wow a nice dollar for that jerk sauce [Music] all right the jerk sauce would taste like it's a jerk season itself but a little more Saucy just not like super spicy it's mostly like seasoning and the festival [Music] it's like a magic trick for your mouth yo this is just amazing [Music] it's a Jamaican train Direction all over Drake is so common but the flavors on this one is not coming at all this one of the Buddies when they moved there Portland so far this is probably the best drill chicken I've had in Portland for sure hands down probably overall foreign [Music] juicy we got figures Mighty God it's a market number almost no um [Music] something then whatever things 10 Burger chicken um it's better than regular oh for clean out dude yeah so how long you already yeah yeah yeah sure come on [Music] yeah the top secret part of me can't sit yeah completely understand that yeah long time ago teach me to do this yeah somebody just have to keep up with it tonight and try to make it leave a lot more I just I development it is I'll be like yeah you understand yeah many different items I see it any jerk I forgot to answer them paper typical yeah I don't know I want to do the season for no special with contact for that you know spice make sure to say it good yeah we realize it's like a proper operation for real because you see me one person chatted the jerking part me and one person putting up nearly one person seasoning up mainly one person selling mainly but when I can't jump around and help each other at the same time I understand foreign so so you don't know so we ever get anything ready [Music] foreign [Music] come on yeah good while you understand okay all right because some of the time we can chickens so yeah I want you enough chicken you know [Music] you personally stay young that chicken one for C is you see for yourself say oh it needs to be done no I know that Twitter do this you understand for the soup for the soup for tomorrow morning so away I see it later on and I know we attack them I've never seen a jerk operation like that when I eat in my life yo they know cause I don't know yeah so yeah foreign doesn't say let's have to get anything done better send it on there wait let me get it you know I would go to this when I just came in here there's a pile of chicken I know this pile actually I moved away we don't want that yeah goatee so yeah cooking wow yeah guys look at that rich seasoning see that you you don't you don't know what is in that season at all let us know it is a goodness that is it trust me the seasoning no joke no joke [Music] [Music] there's someone that's still there so I really don't consume Festival [Laughter] Long Island everything yes sir it is uh no chicken yeah so that means that girl calling you know say it's a hard worker in the kitchen and out [Laughter] all right guys today was uh yeah one of them did it to be honest like tell everyone we're coming for a morning until no late nights and I'm still around their fried Festival this is the most jerk chicken I've ever seen at what I've been chopped cut up season or whatever all the chicken is going on but there and when you're seeing food being cooked so much you know say people out there want the food and trust me the food is amazingly good [Music] but I'll catch you guys on the next video and I hope to get you guys here at piggies in Portland Jamaica remember a few things love nature and adaptation and always remember to keep the link [Music] come on come on come on now come on now [Music]
Views: 99,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jamaica Vlog, Jamaica, Soai Vlogs, things to do in Jamaica, Vacation, travel vlog, food review, food video, street food, ASMR, Jamaican Street food, Mark Weins, How to jerk chicken, Jamaican Jerk chicken, The Jerk chicken Kings of Jamaica, How to cut up chicken, How to butcher chicken, EPIC 1000 lbs of Jerk Chicken! Jamaican Street Food Tour
Id: DP65vPImExU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 30sec (3090 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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