Jeremy Clarkson's Motorworld | Monaco S02E01

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Honestly, anyone who is interested in Clarkson's old work should also watch his talk show "Clarkson".

It was between the time he left old TG and created new TG in 2002. It's like the BBC gave him full autonomy to do whatever the fuck he wants.

And it was fucking glorious.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mofahu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ha! The prices of the flats! 1 Bedroom flat for Β£1.2M or Β£4600 PM! Soooooo London now then?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dunksterp πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

What? Objectify women and use us as tools to sell a lifestyle that's unobtainable?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Alice_600 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 25 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

The editing is very good, but the content is quite stiff. I'm glad they stepped away from the documentary style.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/goocy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh Motorworld. I thought you said Motorweek and was very confused.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Enosh74 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] yourself a frog we're on our way to Monte Carlo for the Grand Prix what's that everything was planned for the last detail and the light clothes right passengers and what I thought neither white folks but unfortunately you can't just roll up in Grand Prix week an expectant and departing space have you a place know that bites fire spa by Joey field no oh no someone else I could talk to I am the bull captain he played renewal we knew it couches we did little the fact that the trouble is that the people of Monaco are surprised to find a boat like this as to 400 horsepower engine it's only 45 feet long they say surely it should have a walls to get a boat into the harbor when the race is on you need to be a fisherman or rich beyond the dreams of avarice [Music] the Monaco Grand Prix was pc's as a global magnet for the world's plutocrats [Music] in the old days if you talk monte-carlo people Menken system and this slightly got out of fashion the big fortune we choose some here we're live getting a little scared and they had this wonderful idea of a grand prix industry which would make people talk about Monte Carlo and Emerson this has been the major advertising feature of the city of the Principality of Monaco we talked about Monaco Monte Carlo people down the Grand Prix of the rally cars are a big noise here but to make a big noise with a car it needs to be seriously special [Music] meet Morello spider I failed with the boat but I am NOT going to fail with this it may only be a twenty five thousand pound machine with an engine from the clear that that doesn't matter here like in Monaco the resume where people come to look and other people well it did I feel like the flashiest peacock the zoo has ever seen absolutely everybody this area the wallets this car so absolutely right for Monaco is that right now only two people have got one me and Prince Albert heir to the throne in this weird and mysterious place this son parks are squillion airs may only be 3 miles long and 300 yards wide but there are 160 security cameras and one policeman for every 40 residents weird and mysterious it may be dangerous it is not - to show how much safer having the system this is a 500 franc note this is my 500 franc note which when I left home was worth about 60 quid and I'm going to leave it on the dashboard now I get back it will still be there one agreeable lunch later soul-g so these people are not burglars this woman may have a horrible dog that she's never Ram raided an electrical shop this is the only country in the world with a dress code if your helmet is not by Chanel the police will want a word and yet the government is offering big financial rewards to residents who buy an electric car your name it heard in high places you know he has a car he bought you will yield more next for Christmas and you keep it just for funding for Laughs oh dear I guess it beats walking just you know even if all the world's oil were suddenly turned into cheese miraculously I still can't see this car catching on in Monaco because it's just not that bothered about saving a few quid in a country where Mercedes out soul Citroen amperes oh this is just plain dumb and a damn nuisance yes I'm going but possibly can hateful people I promise you faithfully this is flat out but I'm sorry I'm sorry I where are we gonna do this is flat out yes yes haha we're away sorry well there we are ahead of me the casino beyond the glittering blue waters of the Mediterranean the people are elegant the sky is blue and our men and Mullenix imaginings [Music] definitely you need a big car to suit the look and the style and I guess that is equal to a man proof of that can be seen here as the doorman of the Hotel de Perry struggle to ignore the kitchen utensil which has come to their little world will they open my door now of course the main reason why you need a flash car in Monaco and let's be honest they don't get much flashier than less in because it isn't simply a question of keeping up with the Joneses you know you have to keep up with the hackin ins and the Colfax when you've made it as a motor racing driver this is where you live [Music] [Music] nearly all the top Formula One racing drivers live here and in case you've ever wondered why they're so highly paid let me fill you in a two-bedroom flat costs 1.2 million pounds you could of course rent one but that would cost four thousand six hundred pounds a month [Music] hold on a minute why do all the racing drivers live here I mean all the waiters are rude to in restaurants no one ever says thank you if you hold the door open for them you have to live in a tower block things cost an absolute fortune well I'll tell you why if you live here for six months and a day in each year you don't pay any tax but you try getting them to admit that and it's a dark day for truth and justice it's an ad uh location for traveling around the European circuit and that's not me I just think that everything in between the races I have like a little holiday in the know time before going to the next one I go back to notice I came here for the climate and then for the central part of you of course you did if you know it's in a very good climate the weather is very good most of some it's beautiful sunshine is for look guys if you want warm what's the matter with somewhere like liege it here is the better social life that you can enjoy yourself much more being edge it and it's also very central because from here you can go anywhere in europe within an hour an hour and a half it come from slouchy Erica with for traveling with us two very very good oh come on guys next thing you gotta tell me LS here it is they face having so good weather you can also have a good training for fitness and because for the racing driver is very important also to to train to have to be fitting the cap it's very nice here you have nice buildings you have nice boat you have a lot of friends because everybody is living here beautifully and I don't have much closer to Fiorano for Destin mm-hmm so that's you that's really a great place to be yeah and now the only sponsor tax thank you garage of course the other reason to live in here is that once a year you don't have to commute to work because builders bring the Grand Prix circus to your door here they're covering the entrance to an underground car park so the transporters can park somewhere here their building stands which some spectators don't need because they've paid 18,000 pounds for a weekend in Rome 801 at the Hotel des Perry Churchill favorite spot you get a marvelous view of monaco - Lily Calais that there on the hill the harbor with all the big boats could even see the tracks that cars come out from behind the Hermitage just down there and Weiser long there it must be hundreds hundred and fifty yards at least [Music] you [Music] it's all a far cry from those early days back then my neighbors would very often tell you their race cars down on trailers from England with just a few shillings in their pocket then they'd come here to the oldest casino in the world where they'd try to win enough money to pay for the start for you to pay for mechanics to pay for the garage be interesting to look back through this video tapes on those cameras up there and see Frank Williams ever been in here he probably has but it's almost certain that LLL have been here to Rosie's bar before the drivers became a bunch of overpaid early to bed fitness fanatics this is where they partied in all this it was very ethical nothing to compare with not these hilariously upper bed under the bed and then a big party without getting to learn that having big big big so who was your favorite of all the old racing drivers well in your turn he was selling most it was a terrific wonderful driver and it was also great for human and then a colleague Romney will expand the race country we do everybody loved him he has so much personality there is so many jobs the paper a great sense of humor about the great love studies on so David exactly how strict have you got to be them to be a Formula One race driver well I saw an article recently that has a grumpy drivers better than sprinklers which I can't believe that convertibles is true because I certainly don't train as hard as lens and crispy but simply the better you are the quicker you'll be in the car what happens you've got us were stopped you because I'm dressed for the occasion your wedding better leverage than a big heavy shot and you're probably sweating already it goes faster than me you think you're pretty representative of the new breed of Formula One drivers well I like to think so but I think probably people and from the outside will probably have a better idea if that's the case but certainly there's a whole band of younger drivers now who are cooked of all the very focus from the job and trying to make sure they're winning they also seem quite relaxed away from the circus I think that's important to have that sort of balance between assume yeah you were a twist on this hahaha so I'm just about that far away from a really very very big coronary thank you yeah well I don't have any medical experience I think you better stop there for those boys are looking farmer yeah oh no that's not I did however find Mika hΓ€kkinen and ask Timothy was ever tempted to have an eye job to get drunk to make someone pregnant sadly he wanted to talk about this circuit I feel very comfortable with it you know I feel I'm home you know I not accepted this corner I can close my eyes don't know which way it goes I know exactly where to turn here I know exactly how close searchers go in a barrier counsellors well you can fit just the little magazine between the wheel and the barrier and you go to the one that's cornering force so Watson TSP hundreds at 1,450 that's very suitable area and you're accelerating forth and the rest coming maximum and it's just up this wall well you don't actually touch it but you go very close and you can see it somebody actually been touching before and very difficult corner because it go so quick what do you think gives Monaco the glamour and I think the Formula one brings a lot of summer just one I thought because it special so why doesn't it bring it to Northampton it's all the grains in Northampton English people going to hate me after this no we won't he's a good guy there are still parties of course and the drivers do go to them but only because they are hosted by sponsors and they have to what do you think of Monaco say yeah it's all right for a couple of days but I wouldn't want to live here you know it should be cramped and a lot of fun not normal people how do you mean not normal well I'd also mais me behind the pub for a couple of painful things around here you know it's pretty much a good time to be honest and to go and please not on you know people have here but I'm actually live here there quite often ending water for you you have more I wouldn't see work but you had to be morning party you have to be with the sponsors quite a bit more but that's part of the job well so is glam nosiness I mean yeah you go quickly public as you know there and it's frightening some of the women they're amazing in the card faithfully Ferraris and easy also just unreal like sick how much money in there is in the world and I have parking smaller portion on it good morning after and while I was washing disprin down with a sludge the French called coffee some not so beautiful people were preparing for the biggest event in motorsports it is giving it experience to think it is didn't didn't they even turn a shopping mall is one makeshift hospital [Music] [Music] and they continue to hit bits of metal with hammers right into the night and right outside that 18,000 pound can tell them well in a few minutes the lab dammit it's taken two thousand people five weeks and its cost 30 million francs but they have turned a city note a country into a Grand Prix tracks now there are 99 fibers in my body saying gone Jeremy go to bed it's late but there's one which is saying gone have a lap even though I had a Ducati 9 1 6 the greatest motorcycle of them all apparently and even though the road was technically closed I had to double the tools first those security cameras never sleep I can't ride a bike [Music] the next day practice begins and on balconies all around the track extract invite friends over to share the view over a Bollinger or to Minako is always something different because quite unique it still is quite unique the teams hate coming here now but the sponsors won't care of letting them not come it's not bad for the spectators River it's the only play for real Grand Prix rating per game turkey races the town races that are the truth the risk on motoring six so remote Racing Grand Prix racing really began on 600 very monster those is what it is all about is our most important event of the year not only in terms of sports and the motor racing but in terms of economic terms and and then you seen the social event of tremendous importance that's all very well but I do think we should spare a thought for the poor old monocots residents the five thousand souls who were born and bred here to make sure no one sees what they haven't paid to see the fat cat businessmen who run Formula One these days put up wire netting fences everywhere in curtains we're going to deafen you we're going to invite people here in shale suits we're going to clog at your town but don't you dare try to take a peek not surprisingly most of them shut their schools their businesses their offices and they get out of town which thanks to the rules on broadcasting races is what we have to do too [Music] [Music] what you really thought we were gonna come all the way to Monaco and not what's the drone through knowledge [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Jeremy Clarkson's Motorworld Channel
Views: 638,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cars, Jeremy Clarkson, Motorworld, Monaco
Id: RgxoG5-NVVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2017
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