Jensen Huang — NVIDIA's CEO on the Next Generation of AI and MLOps

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Jensen: For the very first time in human  history, we are producing, manufacturing   intelligence, like production. Raw material comes  in. A lot of genius goes into that box. And what   comes out is intelligence that's refined. Lukas: You're listening to Gradient Dissent,   a show about machine learning in the real  world, and I'm your host Lukas Biewald.  Today on Gradient Dissent, I interviewed a guest  that I've been looking forward to interviewing for   quite a long time. This is Jensen Huang, who is  the CEO and founder of NVIDIA. If you've trained   a machine learning model, you've probably  trained it on NVIDIA hardware. We get into   machine learning and we talk about  his views on what the future holds.  This is a super fun interview,  and I really hope you enjoy it.  Lukas: All right. Well, thanks so much for  doing this. We collected questions from   our community; they had a ton, so there's more  questions that I'm sure we can get through. So   I'm going to get into my questions first. Jensen: Okay.  Lukas: I wanted to start with the number one  question I wanted to ask you which I've always   wondered about. Which is, I think almost everyone  training machine learning models these days uses   NVIDIA, and I was really curious  about how conscious of a strategy   that was. Like when you started to think  about it and how you made that happen.  Jensen: It started when almost simultaneously,  three different research teams reached out to us,   asking us to help them accelerate  their neural network models.   Turned out the reason for that was because  they were all trying to submit for ImageNet,   the big competition. And so deep learning came  into our consciousness kind of around that time.  Lukas: What year is this? Jensen: This is...when was Alex's ImageNet?  Lukas: It must have been like 2011, maybe. Jensen: Yeah, I was going to say 2012 or   2013. But anyhow, it's something like that.  Anyways, AlexNet, it was that year. It was kind   of around our consciousness around that time. The thing that was really exciting was...we   all know that computer vision was hard to do.  And for Alex to have created a neural network,   trained it on a whole bunch of data, and broken a  record of computer vision experts — of which many   of them were at NVIDIA trying to do the same  using human engineered features — that giant   breakthrough caught a lot of our attention. Computer vision, as you know, is one of the   foundations of artificial intelligence and  all of a sudden a giant leap happened. And   when discontinuity happens on something that  important, it really caught our attention.  I think the difference between what happened  around the rest of the world versus us is we took   a step back and we said, "What is the implication  of this?" Not just for computer vision,   but ultimately how software is done altogether. Recognizing that for the very first time   software is not going to be written —  features weren't going to be engineered or   created by humans, but somehow automatically  extracted out of data, refined out of data   to recognize patterns, relationships,  and somehow learn the representation of   some predictive model — that observation  early on caused us to ask the question,   "How does this affect the future of software?" How does this affect the future of computer   science? How does this affect the future of  computing? How would you change the way a   computer...if the way that you write software is  different, then how does it change the way you   would design computers? And if the software that's  written is written by a computer versus a human,   how does that affect the type  of computers you would design?  We had the good sense of thinking about it —  from first principles — the implications for   the entire field of computer science and the  entire field of industry. Which ultimately   led to asking the question, "What about the  implications to all the different industries?"  I think that the good fortune was  we were interested in computer   vision. We saw the gigantic breakthrough from  Alex and Geoff Hinton and the folks at Toronto,   and we simultaneously were working on it  with several other labs at the same time.  So I think it was partly good fortune, partly  having the sense to realize the profound   implications to computer science, and then asking  ourselves what the implication is for everything.  Lukas: I think one of the things that  you've done amazingly well is just stayed   dominant in this space. You might've had a  head start, but of course, lots of other people   have noticed that this is a really valuable  space. And I've been hearing since maybe 2014   companies saying, "Hey, you know, we're going  to make the next deep learning training...GPU   or TPU," or something like that. But you've actually really maintained   this ubiquity in the market, and I wonder what  you attribute that to. Is it more the architecture   of the chip or is it more the software, like  CUDA and cuDNN? Or is it something else that   kind of keeps you ahead of the competition? Jensen: Well, partly because the company   was formed properly for this opportunity. We were  always in the field of accelerated computing.  If you could go all the way back to  computer graphics, all the way since   the beginning of our company, this new way of  doing application acceleration — domain-specific   application acceleration of which computer  graphics is one; scientific computing and   physics simulations and others is another;  image processing, for example, is another;   you could argue that deep learning is yet another  — these different domains of applications,   the company was started with that mission in mind. Now, in order to do accelerated   computing — domain-specific accelerated computing  — you really have to be a full-stack company.   You have to understand what is the application,  the nature of the application you're trying to   accelerate. You have to redesign the algorithm,  because the way that you would write an algorithm,   development algorithm, for sequential processing  is radically different than parallel processing.   Algorithm engineers, our company has  a richness of algorithm engineers.  You have to think about the system software  and the systems differently because the   workloads change the bottlenecks. And so you  have to think about system software differently,   you have to think about systems differently,  you have architecture of the chips differently.  Our company is fortunate that we are a full-stack  company that goes all the way to the research of   algorithms. That's what it really takes  to be an accelerated computing company.  But I think the advantage that we  have is that we've been a full-stack   computing company for a very long time. We  have taken that skillset from computer graphics   to imaging, to scientific computing. And then  when deep learning came along, it was a problem   that our company was very adept at solving. Lukas: That's a good segue into a question   a lot of people had that I have also,  which is, "Is there a lot of tension   between the needs of gamers and crypto miners  and scientists and people in deep learning?" And   how do you trade those off into a single chip?  Like how do you prioritize the different needs?  Or maybe there's no tension because  everyone has to do the same type of   workload. I'm curious how you think about that. Jensen: Yeah, there's absolutely a tension.  For example, scientific computing...because  it has a large body of historical code,   and they could be in FP64, whereas for consumer  applications, FP32 is just fine. Whereas for,   deep learning, it's quite a large amount of  different types of format that could be used.  The nature of the processing could be a  little different. Sometimes it's very dense   computation. Sometimes it's a little bit more  sparse computation. Ray-tracing, for example,   is very sparse. Rasterization on the other hand  is rather dense. Image processing is rather dense.  You have different computation natures. You have  different precision that you have to support.   Each one of the industries  have a very large number of   applications that are in use that you want to  support and be able to accelerate. And so each   one of these industries are a little different. We try to build...we build a GPU that is   universal, in the sense that all of these  applications can run on any of our GPUs.   And that gives developers a very large install  base to target. They know that when they develop   on our architecture, it'll run it everywhere. The only question is, in each one of the   processors that they run, is it better for  scientific computing or is it better for   machine learning or is it better  for imaging or computer graphics?  We shape the size of those capabilities — those  functionalities if you will — for the different   applications, different markets that we serve.  In the case of GeForce there, there is no FP64   richness, although it runs. It runs rather  slowly. In the case of deep learning chips,   it'll run computer graphics, but it will run  less well than GeForce and so on, so forth.  We adjust the size of the functionality  to the market that we serve.   In combination with the software stack  that goes on top of it, we should be   able to bring the best products for the use case. Otherwise, everything is universal and everything   just kind of works. Computer graphics, scientific  computing, training inference. We really believe   that developers ought to have  the largest possible install base   and not worry about whether the software's  going to run or not. It should all always run.  The question is whether it  runs to its fullest capability.  Lukas: I see. Well, another question along those lines is,   do you think radical changes are coming? In  particular, do you think quantum computing is   something really relevant to you? Like something  that will be a practical reality in the   our lifetimes or the next five to ten years? Jensen: It will definitely be in our lifetime   because, Lukas, you and I are still pretty  young. So we'll definitely see it. However   it's not likely to, in the next  five years, to be generally useful.  On the other hand, the important  thing is — and this is really the   marvelous thing about machine learning and  deep learning — in many of the applications,   whether it's drug discovery or large combination  planning and optimizations (pathfinding,   traveling salesperson problems) — these type  of problems people have historically thought   would need quantum computing...because of machine  learning, because of AI, we've made giant leaps.  It's not, you know, Moore's Law-type leaps. If  you look at the body of work of your customers,   and our customers, and the scientists that work in  both of our companies, in the last 10 years, where   Moore's Law — if it was moving at full rate —  would have increased performance by probably 100x,   many applications — because of machine learning  or deep learning — it's improved by 1,000,000x.  Lukas: Totally. Jensen: We've improved   performance by a million times. And over the  next 10 years, I fully expect that — because   of a couple of different innovations between  accelerated computing and the further advances   that we're expecting in deep learning, and this  new field called physics-informed neural networks,   we're doing some really fantastic work there —  in many areas in science scientific discovery,   we're going to see probably another 1,000,000x. 1,000,000x advance is something that's kind of   hard to wrap your head around. But we're going  to see that in so many different fields, whether   it's in healthcare or climate science or other  fields of physics that are really important to us.  Lukas: Are you someone that believes that  we'll see AGI in our lifetime? Do you   think the singularity is coming? Jensen: I don't know about that.  However, if we reframe the problem, if we  reframe the question just slightly and say,   "Will AI be able to do things that are much  better than humans can?" You and I both know that,   in fact, if you reframe the question that way,  AI in many, many fields are already superhuman.   And I think that the number of superhuman  skills that AI will learn over the course of the   next is quite extraordinary. I doubt that there will be many manipulation tasks   that are repetitive, that robotics  won't do better than humans.   Which is one of the reasons why there's so  much work in surgical robotics. Their hands   will never shake. They'll be able to make the  most minute and the most precise of incisions,   and its perception ability  is going to be incredible.  So I think that in the coming years,  we're gonna see superhuman AIs.   They won't be like us, but in many domains  of activities, they'd be quite incredible.  Lukas: But I imagine where you sit, you're  watching AI help with chip manufacturing and   design better chips. And you're probably seeing  that have compounding returns, which I think is   sort of the thesis behind the singularity,  right? It's sort of, AI starts to create AI.   You just see this exponential... Jensen: That's exactly right.  Look, we're not going to be able to  build next-generation chips without AI.   And that's kind of a remarkable statement.  That all of the chip design process,  the architectural   we have 5 of the world's top 500 supercomputers  in our company, and we are producing software   that gets shipped with all of our AI chips.  Without AI, we can't produce software that runs   the AI. And in the future, without AI, we wouldn't  be able to design the chips that we use to run AI.  So that's right, the circular, positive feedback  system is about to go into turbocharge. I have   every confidence that the next 10 years,  we're going to see even greater advances.   Not necessarily at the transistor level,  but absolutely at the computation level.  Lukas: Do you have any concerns  compute gets more and more important to advances   in science, that there's impact on the climate  or even impacts on access of who's able to make   scientific discoveries or who's able to kind  of make the next really exciting company   if they need a supercomputer to do that? Jensen: First of all, one of our greatest   contributions to the industry is we democratized  scientific computing. Because of NVIDIA GPUs,   the breakthroughs for AlexNet wasn't a  supercomputer in the cloud, it was a GeForce card.  Simultaneously, researchers around  the world were buying GeForce GPUs.   And because architecturally they're all the same  as the supercomputers we're building, they were   able to use that to discover the next...the  breakthrough that we're all enjoying today.  The same thing is happening in so many different  fields. And so I'm really proud of the fact that   we've democratized high-performance computing.  We put it in the hands of any researcher.   They don't have to go get gigantic  funds to be able to do their research.  One of the scientists that was in quantum  chemistry said to me one day that he had learned   from his son, who was working at one of the  computer companies here in Silicon Valley, that   he should go and buy our gaming cards, and  download the CUDA SDK, and port the quantum   chemistry software that he was running on  an IBM supercomputer onto our gaming GPU.  He was so amazed how fast it was. He had to wait  for the rest of the week for the supercomputer to   finish, so that he could compare the results, that  it was the same. And then he went and bought as   many GPUs as he could from the retail stores and  made himself a bespoke...a homemade supercomputer.  Lukas: That's awesome. Jensen: He said to me, "You know, Jensen,   because of your work, I'm able to do my  life's work in my lifetime." In a lot of ways,   we built him a time machine and he was able to see  the future in a way that he otherwise couldn't.  So I think the first contribution is  we democratized scientific computing.  The second thing that we did...because  of artificial intelligence and this   idea of pre-trained models and transfer  learning, we now have the ability to essentially   have large companies pre-train intelligence. It's  almost like creating a whole bunch of new college   grads — super well-educated college grads —  that are now going off into the world, that   people can then adapt to their particular skills. In a lot of ways, Lukas — the work that you do,   the work that I do — what we've done is we've  actually lowered the bar. We've democratized   intelligence. We democratized computer  science so that almost anybody can download   a pre-trained model and perform superhuman  capabilities for their application domain by   retraining it, by adapting it, by applying  a transfer of learning capability to it.  I think artificial intelligence  is the most powerful   force that has come along. And one of its benefits  is going to be to democratize computer science.  Now, one of the things that you  mentioned earlier about energy...I think   that one of the greatest projects we're  working on is this thing called Earth-2,   which is a digital tool which...we're going  to try to build a digital twin to mimic the   climate of the earth. It's a multi-physics  problem, thermal dynamics and fluid dynamics and   chemistry problem, and a biology problem, and  the human driver problem, and economic problem.  All of it contributes in this  geometry-aware...because, you know,   terrain matters and multi-physics...and we  finally might have the necessary algorithms   to be able to take a swing at this and build  a full-scale digital twin of the earth.   And hopefully inspire us by giving us a model to  test our mitigation strategies, and our adaptation   strategies, and simulate whether the technologies  we're going to use to absorb carbon or   carbon emissions will have the necessary impact  a decade, two decades, four decades from now.  If not for deep learning and the work that we're  doing, that wouldn't even be possible. I wouldn't   even imagine doing it. Lukas: Cool.  One of the things I wanted to make sure I asked  you, on a personal level, is I've really admired   how you've run the same company for a really long  time. It doesn't look like an easy company to run.  I mean, there's a lot going on, and a lot  of physical things, and it clearly hasn't   just been this rocket-ship SaaS startup.  And yet you seem very technically current.   It really does seem like you stay on top of  trends and keep a level of technical depth.  I was wondering how you do that, how you stay  educated about what's going on in scientific   computing and machine learning and other topics. Jensen: Well, I'm a little sleepy right now   because I was up at three o'clock reading  and...there's just no other way. I think you   just have to keep on learning. Lukas: You're just interested   in the topic and you just- Jensen: -I don't know. I don't know that   there's...I wish, Lukas, there was wisdom to pass.  I paused for a second. Was there a secret? Nope.  I think partly, of course, is really, "Where's  the energy and the curiosity juice coming from?"  Being surrounded by really bright people,   you learn from them, which allows you to  combine a lot of your own understanding.   And when you decode a puzzle or you learn  something new, it really gets you fired up.  I think one of the most important missions — and  the purpose — of a CEO is to create the conditions   where amazing people could do their life's work. I really take that very seriously. I try   very hard to create a condition where  amazing people could come and be surrounded   by other colleagues that are incredible.  That, I think, contributes a lot to it.  And then the rest of a CEO of a tech  company, you really need to enjoy learning   about what's happening in your company — which  has plenty to learn — and what's happening   around the industry, and see if you could  imagine a future that's better for everybody.  Lukas: I think a big part of my learning  process that's hard to do running a company is   tinkering and stuff. I'm wondering if  that's...I think you're originally an   engineer. Do you find time to ever write  a little code or put something together?  Jensen: Not for a long time. But we  get to tinker through other people.  This is the wonderful thing. NVIDIA is now  24,000 people. If I could tinker a little   something with everybody, the amount of tinkering  that's going around the company is incredible.  There's a phrase that I say. I reach out to my  friends — and I really see them that way — I   reach out to my friends all over the company,  and we brainstorm a little something and they   go off and try something and somebody else  they're brainstorming with, they try something.   That's, I guess, tinkering at scale. Lukas: That's super cool. I love it.  Another question a lot of people ask...I'm  curious, people originally think of NVIDIA   as for games. Are you a gamer  at all? Do you play video games?  Jensen: I haven't played much games. I see almost every game that goes by,   because we get the benefit of   some collaboration that we do with just about  every game company in the world. So when they're   in the labs, people will tell me and I'll run  down, and go check it out, and play with it a bit.  But the last time of my favorite  games was when Battlefield first came out.   My kids were teenagers at home and they were both  coming into their gaming age. And the three of us   playing online Battlefield was just incredibly  fun. That was probably some of the funnest   memories I've ever had. Lukas: That's awesome.  I'm curious. A lot of people have been talking  about, you know, supply chain issues and a global   chip shortage. Is that something that's on your  mind a lot? Is that a problem for your company?  Jensen: Sure. Yeah, sure. We build the largest chips in the world and the   most complex computers in the world. DGX is a few  hundred pounds. It's so heavy. It's the heaviest   computer that's being built today. It is so heavy  that it takes a robot to build it, like a car.  Most computers don't have to be built that way,  but DGX is a miracle of computing. And we built   it completely from a blank sheet of paper, wrote  all the software and all the tools that went on   top of it. There's a lot of components inside,  especially...something that's a few thousand watts   is quite a miracle. There are a lot of parts,   and all it takes is one diode or one voltage  regulator to keep it from shipping. So our NVIDIA   supply chain is quite an amazing machine. We know that artificial intelligence   is such an amazing thing because  we are producing intelligence.   For the very first time in human history, we  are producing, manufacturing intelligence,   like production. Raw material comes in.  A lot of genius goes into that box. And   what comes out is intelligence that's refined. And so, large companies are depending on us. AI is   intelligence being manufactured at large  scales. So the teams are working really,   really hard to keep up with demand. Lukas: You've been running NVIDIA for quite a long   time. I was curious how you feel you've changed as  a leader over the decades of running the company.  Jensen: You know, you're almost asking  the wrong person. You could ask almost   anybody else around me. Lukas: Fair enough.   How has your experience changed? Jensen: That's an easier question for me.   When I was 30 years old, I didn't  know anything about being CEO.   I did a lot of learning on the job. There were  many management techniques that were just really   dumb, and I don't use them anymore. Lukas: Like what?  Jensen: Well, alright. I'll give you a couple. Lukas: Awesome. Thank you.  Jensen: The list of dumb things that I've done  over the years is quite large. I could write a   book. But for example, I really wanted, in the  early days, for the chips to tape out. I thought   what we needed to do was motivate  the engineers to tape out the chip.   So we had this thing called a "tapeout  bonus". And that's just a supremely dumb idea.  The reason for that is because if the engineers  could have taped out the chip, they would have.   Putting that bonus there is unnecessary. On the  other hand, by definition, they're gonna be late.   And when they're late, it becomes a de-motivator,  because they no longer can earn a bonus.   The tapeout bonus — for all the CEOs  that are doing it — it's a de-motivator,   not a motivator. It's a little silly. I think the answer is, a chip gets taped   out when a chip is ready to be taped out. We can create the conditions by which great   work can be done. We can be good listeners  and eliminate obstacles for the team.   We could be part of the solution by highlighting  issues, recruiting. All kinds of things that we   can do to help them reason about priorities,  help them reduce the scope of their work, and   try to seek the minimum viable product  instead of building such giant things.  There are a lot of different skills that we  could've instilled into the organization,   but the one thing that it doesn't really need  is a tapeout bonus, an achievement bonus.   Because everybody's trying to do their best. That's one example.  Lukas: That's a great one. What else? If  you've got others, I'd love to hear them.  Jensen: Okay. Here's another one.  Well, I want to be diplomatic as well,   because there's so many CEOs that are out there.  They could be using some of these techniques,   and I hate to be critical of them. So this  is not a criticism, this is just my style.  I tend not to do one-on-ones. If  there's anything that I need to say,   I tend to like to say it to the team and the  group that is working on it, so that we're all   hearing the same things. I'm hearing the same  things, everybody else is hearing the same things,   instead of being translated. Lukas: Interesting. That's a really unusual   perspective. I think a lot of  people think you absolutely must do   one-on-ones. So you do that across the  company? Do you think like your reports-  Jensen: -I don't do it. I don't do it,  but I have many leaders who do. I don't   criticize them for doing it, I just don't do it. The reason that it's probably more important   for CEOs not to, is  can't eliminate it completely, but   you want to reduce the amount of, "Jensen told  me," or "Jensen told me that," as a way to   somehow steer a conversation that  otherwise should have been done on merits.   And instead of my will somehow being translated  and repeated and interpreted through a chain.  If I had a particular objection towards  something, I would say it to more than one person.   If I believe that in working  with the rest of the company   a particular strategy or direction ought to be  taken, I would tell everybody at the same time.  I've worked towards this approach because  I feel it's much more transparent.   It puts knowledge and the access to information  in the hands of as many people as possible.  And of course it attracts more criticism to  myself. For example, I might say something   to ten people and it is the dumbest thing in the  world to say. It was a terrible idea, you know,   couldn't be a worse possible strategy.  But instead of saying it to one person,   I don't get the benefit of refining my ideas and  then broadcasting it and always being a genius.  Therefore, in this technique, you need to be  a little bit more vulnerable, and you need   to be able to deal with the fact that every so  often you said something that wasn't perfect.  Nobody holds me to a standard that needs to be  perfect, anyhow. And so I, after nearly 30 years,   I've kind of worked my way past that. If  I say something dumb, don't hold me to it.   Give me a chance to change my mind. Lukas: Is it a different   experience, running a company where it feels  like it's struggling versus now, where the stock   seems really high and probably everyone's  feeling really good about the prospects?  Do you have to do different things  in those different situations?  Jensen: I'm never different. I don't think it's  possible to find a correlation between my behavior   and the stock price. And I would say for 29 years,  my behavior and the way that I approach problems,   the way I approach people, the way I  approach a company or work...exactly   the same. There's no correlation whatsoever.  You just got to give me a second, I'll  find all kinds of issues to talk about.   I've got nothing but problems know,  CEOs are surrounded by problems, not good news  I happen to enjoy that. I enjoy solving  problems. So I completely separate   the financial success of the company from the  importance of the work and doing impactful work.   I've historically always done that,  whether the company is doing well or badly.  When we were doing badly, particularly during  the time when we bet the farm on accelerated   computing — we wanted every single chip to have  the same architecture that I mentioned earlier —   the pressure on our financial performance was  immense. But I was equally as enthusiastic then,   and believed as much in the future, as I do today. Lukas: That's incredible. You don't feel the   outside pressure at all, or are you  able to separate yourself from it?  Jensen: No, as a public company you're  going to feel a lot of outside pressure.   Some investors are really artful in expressing  their displeasure and criticism, and   some investors are understandably less patient. But it's our job to express the reason why we're   doing what we're doing. CEOs have to be...we  have to be reasoned. We have to have a purpose   by which we're doing something. If we're  clear in expressing why we're doing something,   and our vision for it, and we genuinely believe it  — we genuinely believe it — my experience has been   that people are willing to give it a shot. When we first started our company,   consumer 3D graphics didn't exist. Even APIs for  it didn't exist. We had to go evangelize that.   And it took longer than people thought. When  we moved into accelerated computing, for about   15 years it didn't exist. It took longer than I  thought. I thought it was going to take 2 years,   but it took 15. AI was the same way.   I spoke endlessly about the importance of machine  learning and deep learning for the first 5, 6,   7 years. I think people just didn't get it. Which  is fine. That's part of building a new market and   building a new approach. You have to recognize  that it takes time for people to come along.  I think the industry has been really patient  with us, and our employees have been very   patient with me. I've really appreciated it. Lukas: What's the thing that really motivates you   right now? What's the purpose that you  feel like you're serving at this moment?  Jensen: Our mission...the company  doesn't have a mission statement,   but nobody's confused at our company in what  the mission is. It really is as simple as,   "Do impactful work," that takes a very long  time to succeed — because it has to be hard   for it to be meaningful for our people — and  that we are the best in the world at solving.  We seek those problems. I seek those problems.  There are two areas that I'm  super excited about right now.  One area is recognizing that we — in several  domains — have invented the intelligence   capability, the technology of intelligence.  Whether it's in perception or speech AI   or language understanding, we're now able to  have some technologies that can do these things.  However, ultimately what's valuable is not  intelligence. Ultimately what's valuable is   skills. We hire new college grads with lots of  intelligence, but very few skills. And then we   give them skills by adapting them to domains. In a lot of ways, that's essentially...what   is missing right now is to take the intelligence  technology and translate it into valuable skills.   Valuable skills, whether it's driving, autonomous  vehicles. Valuable skills like customer service,   and call centers, and such. Valuable  skills like automated checkout.   It could be automated skills like radiology.  Put a radiologist right into the instrument.  There are all kinds of really valuable skills  that we can now create. That's a big part of   where our energy is right now, how to take this  enabling technology and translate them into skills   that customers in the industry, developers, could  then adapt it for all kinds of different domains.  That's one, the large-scale  application of artificial intelligence.  Second, is the next era of AI. We've done a  really good job with soft AI that's in the cloud.   Recommending music, recommending  movies and the next item in the cart,   and so on and so forth. It's really incredible. The thing that we would really like to do   is to...if we want to take AI into the point of  where people are and into this next phase of its   journey, AI has to learn the laws of physics. Many of the world's challenges — whether it's   climate science or autonomous vehicles or  manufacturing or whatever it is — the AI   can't just make a prediction.  It has to make a prediction that   obeys the laws of physics, conservation of  matter, conservation of energy, and such.  It has to understand the concept of synchronous  time. It has to be working within our time.   There are a lot of these types of problems  that are really impossible, to develop that   AI unless we have something that is essentially  a virtual world that obeys the laws of physics.   Which is the reason why we built Omniverse. We built Omniverse so that several things could   happen. It's physically based. It's distributed.  It's very large. It has the ability to support   very large models. And the goal is several fold. One, you could teach a robot how to be a   well-functioning robot in this physically based  environment. You could connect it to IOT systems,   for example, running a robot hardware  in the loop. It has the ability to   be connected to the physical world and stay  synchronized, meaning to build a digital twin.  The concept of a digital twin has been  around for some time, but in combination   with artificial intelligence, the digital twin  is going to have a profound impact on the future.  So, I'm super excited about  these areas. One is just   the application, and then the  other's the next phase of AI.   That's what Omniverse is all about. Lukas: Yeah. I totally agree that   things like Omniverse is really  critical for making robotics work.  It sounds like you're interested  in getting your company closer to   the applications of AI, is that right? Jensen: We'll stay a couple of clicks   away from the actual application. But what  we would do is we would create an application   framework for people who are building  applications to build applications.  One of the application frameworks that I'm  really excited about created a little demo.   They called it toy Jensen, at the last (GTC)  keynote. Basically, it's a robot. But it's a   virtual robot, otherwise known as an avatar. It has computer vision, it has speech AI and   understands language. So on and so forth. I'm  super excited about that because in the future,   many applications...we really need to go  into the application to experience it,   whether it's a virtual  factory or virtual hospital or   what not. It could be for entertainment, like  the metaverse and the next era of the internet.  You want to go into that world. And the way to go  into that world is through a wormhole called VR.   We can go into that world. But we could also  have those agents come out of that world and   collaborate with us. They would come out through  the wormhole called AR, and be in our world.  But otherwise, the metaverse is enjoyed using my  favorite display, which is a computer display.   People think that you need to wear  head-mounted displays for the metaverse, but   it's furthest from the truth. The metaverse  will be enjoyed largely on 2D displays.  Lukas: Interesting. Well, we always end with   two questions that I want to make sure that  I get them in. The second-last question — and   you've touched on some of these topics, but I'm  curious — when you look at machine learning,   do you feel like there's a question that's  underexplored? Like you would recommend to a grad   student to look into, or if you had more time  you'd like to spend some more time investigating?  Jensen: Well, some of the research work that's  being done right now — there's so many smart   people working on it because it's really important  — the self-supervised learning approaches that   are multi-modality...Lukas, that's going to  drive the living daylights out of the platform   you're building and the platforms we're building. Multimodality AI, where you have vision — and the   vision doesn't have to just be images.  It could be video, speech, and natural   language — that's going to take perception to a  brand new level. I'm super excited about that.  I'm excited about zero-shot learning. To be  able to learn from whatever you're trained on,   plus the priors that you have, is  really quite exciting and powerful.  I think that one of the areas that is being  explored now is to project the framework of graphs   into the framework of deep  learning. Or, graph neural networks.  Graph neural networks...graphs, the relationship  of things, is basically a structure that can   describe almost everything meaningful  in life. That's why it's so useful.  Lukas: Totally. Jensen: But the processing of graphs   is cumbersome. The breakthroughs  with DGL, and GNN, and geometric, and   all of that to project the graph into the  framework, the constructs of a deep learning   pipeline, puts it into our world where  deep learning has been so effective.   I'm excited about that, and I hope  that a lot more people do that work.  Lastly, I think there will be more innovation  and more design and more creativity that's   going to be done in the virtual world,  than all of the creativity and design   that has ever been done in the physical world. What people call the metaverse is going to be   just brand new ground for manufacturing,  for design, for artists, for entertainment   of all kinds. I'm super excited about that.  I mean, there's so many things to work on.  Lukas: Awesome. That was a great answer. Our final question, in the last few minutes   we have...there's this trope that machine  learning, especially deep learning, projects   almost never see the light of day. That they're  way harder to manage than traditional engineering.  I'm curious. When you look across your  customer base, what are the most common issues   that prevent machine learning from really solving  the problems that customers actually have?  Jensen: Yeah, this is really great. It's a great  question, and it's also one of the things I love   the most about your company and  the way you think about this.  There's a fundamental difference  between the technology of deep learning   and the harnessing of deep learning and machine  learning to write software. The importance of the   methods and the process and the tools, that is so  vital. What could be described as MLOps, so vital.  You have to understand not just the neural network  architecture — and to be able to invent something   that produces excellent results is of course  groundbreaking work there already by itself — but   a company, in order to take advantage of this,  has to realize that in the final analysis,   this is an intelligence factory. You have to think of it   like a factory. That's the reason why the  word "ops" makes sense. It's a factory.  You have the raw material  coming in, which is the data.   It gets transformed in the middle, through a lot  of stages of very complicated transformation.   Which is one of the reasons  why your tools are so popular.  It's really complicated stuff. To manage that  workflow in a productive way and transform that   raw material into ultimately an output  that is a neural network or otherwise   intelligence-at-scale is  quite a significant process.  It's a fundamentally new way of thinking about  computer science. We used to have just engineers   do it. I don't mean "just" in that way, but we  had engineers do it. But now we have engineers   backed up by giant supercomputers  that are operating these incredible   operations — software stack — that you build. The refining process, the continuous refining   process, the validation process,  the simulation process...that entire   process had to be reinvented for machine  learning, reinvented for deep learning.  This is the reason why your work is so  important. You guys are doing a great   job. I really appreciate the work that you do,  and all the researchers that you support, and   all the workflows that you are making possible. This is what every company needs to understand.   That software development in the  future is a bit of a refinery process.   It's a refinement process.  It's an MLOps process. It's,   you know, manufacturing. Lukas: Well, thanks so much. That's really   kind of you and I'm touched. I appreciate it. Jensen: Keep up the great work.  Lukas: If you're enjoying these interviews and  you want to learn more, please click on the link   to the show notes in the description where you can  find links to all the papers that are mentioned,   supplemental material and a transcription that we  work were really hard to produce. So check it out.
Channel: Weights & Biases
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Id: kcI3OwQsBJQ
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Length: 48min 55sec (2935 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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