GTC 2015: NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang Interviews Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk (part 9)

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People are really reacting negatively to the self driving cars thing, but...I really don't empathise. I love driving as much as the next person, but the opportunity to never have to do it, or more specifically, never have to call a cab or look for a parking space ever again would be worth not getting to enjoy driving for 5 minutes before running into traffic or being cut up on the motorway by some douchebag.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/scribbledown2876 📅︎︎ Mar 18 2015 🗫︎ replies
I can't imagine someone who enjoys cars and building cars and building self-driving cars and figuring out where the future of cars is going to go and has broken every rule in building cars and somehow managed to have created just an amazing company I still remember the first car I bought from him my only question for Elon at the time was are you gonna be around to service this car if something happened to it and he says no trust me and look what happened what an amazing achievement I have all three versions of his cars it just gets better and better not only does it get better and better each version gets better and better it just delights me to no end when I get an OTA in the morning you know and I read it oh wow all these features I didn't even pay for it I'm not suggesting that I'm willing to pay more for it but ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen please welcome Tesla CEO founder Elon Musk you wanna come on up I've never seen anybody walk this low how are you welcome welcome guys Elon Musk now now I you know we made it a point not to not to rehearse anything and so as I just want to just as a just a reminder you're you're my last thing okay okay could you not ruin the whole thing all right all right so remember no speaking of that speaking of that I think everybody would like to before we get into all of the good stuff okay and they want to go directly to the juicy stuff okay okay and the juicy stuff is this look you know you were quote as a saying that that artificial intelligence is more dangerous than nuclear weapons and I said potentially and and well it goes on it goes on in this go on yes you said you say that it's like summoning the demon it could be how do you consolidate rationalize the that conflict between artificial intelligence of course deep learning that that obviously is going to be very important to self-driving cars how do you think through that well I don't think we have to worry about autonomous cars because that's sort of like a narrow form of AI and it's not not something I think is very difficult actually I think the to do autonomous driving to a degree that's much safer than a person is much easier than people think and yeah I I'm I think it's gonna just become normal like if you're like an elevator like nobody's to have elevator operators and then we you know we developed some simple circuitry to have elevators just to automatically come to the floor that you you're at and you can just press the button even that nobody needs to operate the elevator if the car is just gonna be like that and the elevators these days are even smart I mean it knows it knows where to position an elevator so so that if you were to need an elevator it's pretty close to you cars in the future will be pretty smart about that too yeah you'll be able to tell your car like take me go here go there anything and it'll just do it yes yeah I did an order-of-magnitude safer than a person mm-hmm and in fact in the in the distant future I think it's probably going to be if people may outlaw driving cars mm-hmm because it's too dangerous like you can't have a person driving a two-ton death machine now if we if we have the right type of intelligence in a car we we also don't have to make the cars that heavy I would think you know cars are getting heavier and heavier and it's got more and more stuff in it because it needs to survive all these incredible collisions and things like that if I wonder if if we were to design cars that that just simply don't collide as much I wonder if we could we could relax on some of those laws and and yeah make cars more fuel efficient and lighter and better to drive you could definitely do that if you could count on not I'm not having an accident then you can get get rid of a huge amount of the crash structure and the airbags and it'll be we're a long way from that because there's always gonna be some for a very long time there'll be some amount of legacy cars on the road and I think it is important to just appreciate the size of the automotive industrial base like it's not as though like when somebody makes an autonomous car that suddenly all the cars will be autonomous it's like there's 2 billion of them ok so the but the total total number of cars and trucks on the road is 2 billion and climbing the capacity of car and truck production is about a hundred million a year so if tomorrow all cars were autonomous it would take 20 years to replace the fleet assuming the fleet stay at the same size arguably it could get smaller if things are autonomous but still it's it's still you know maybe 15 years or something and it's not all gonna transition immediately it'll take quite a while so I mean and it's the same for electrification of cars changing that industrial base to be electric I mean if if all-cause were suddenly four cars produced were electric tomorrow it would still take 20 years to replace the fleet and right now it's less than 1% so now you you uh you're you mentioned just now about about self-driving cars being easier than people think now you have a your vision of how to go from where we are today now my model my p85d has Lane detection and so it gets a little you know when I get close to a door lane yeah it detects the the the speed signs and then uses a uses computer vision technology to do that and but and that's today's a dance what is your what is your roadmap you know how is that different than other people's roadmap how do you think about how to get to self-driving cars yeah well you you kind of need the the hardware foundation the sort of sensor and computing foundation and then you can keep uploading new software at least you can with the Tesla because so it's always connected so the car that you have you'll notice that it it's the features of start steadily improving we're now you know have active cruise control so it'll it'll use radar and camera fusion to track the car in front of you it's also looking at at was with of some things that are coming out it's got it looks at the brake lights so it anticipates that the cars got the brake lights are active it's gonna get basically smarter and smarter even with the current hardware suite so the current hardware suite is 360 degree ultrasonic sensors they go up to about just over five meters it's a Ford Cameron a Ford radar so will make but even with just just that sensor suite we can actually make a huge progress in autonomy we can certainly make the car steer itself one on a freeway we're gonna do lane changes it's really autonomy is about what level of reliability and safety do you want even with the current sensor suite we could make the car go fully autonomous but only to but but not to a level of reliability that would be safe and say a complex urban environment at 30 miles an hour where the lane markings out there and children could be playing and things could be coming at you from the side so in order to solve that you need a a bigger sensor suite and you need more computing power and I think what you're doing actually with the tigress in the future is super interesting and will really be a big enabler for autonomous driving so I think you know what videos doing really great stuff on that front I appreciate that yeah so some of the challenges that you see what are the what are some of the technological hurdles that and there's all kinds of researchers in the room there all kinds of engineers in the room what are some what are some of the technological hurdles they need to think are really important for us to go tackle I'm Shirley Shirley we're gonna get to some better cruise controls on highways but beyond that what are some of the things that you would like is to go focus on the tackle for the car industry well it's it you know where it gets tricky is it's just the is that sort of urban environment around 30 or 40 miles an hour so like right right now it's fairly easy to deal with say things that are sub 5 to 10 miles an hour because we can do that do that with the ultrasonics we just make sure it doesn't hit anything you know because you can always just the right thing to do in large like why would you want to hit anything with so at 5 10 miles an hour you can stop within the range of the ultrasonics and that then from let's say 10 miles an hour to you know call it sort of 50 miles an hour that that area in in complex suburban environments that's that's where you can get a lot of unexpected things happening like let's say there's a like a road closure or a manhole cover open children playing is a big issue bicycles once you get above 50 miles an hour and you're in kind of a freeway environment then it also gets easier again like the the the the set of possibilities is much reduced so like that so high highway crews is easy low speed is easy intermediate it was hard and so being able to recognize what what you're seeing and make the right decision in in the suburban environment in that 10 10 miles an hour to 50 mile an hour zone is is the challenging abortion but it but I really think like its I mean I almost this may sound welcome faced by almost view it as like a solve problem like we know exactly what to do and we'll be there in a few years just like Mars but that's it's kind of the the the the the spirit of of innovators send me in a lot of ways in your mind you kind of you kind of see things solvable or arguably arguably solved in and a lot of it is is really about getting there yeah we'll take autonomous cause for granted and in quite a short period of time it's amazing how comfortable you get and how quickly you get comfortable with it so now what about government government policies like one of the things that I would like to do is I would just like to keep working on my email as I'm driving to work sure there's there's a thirty what somebody will do that already like I said I would like to do it without without without breaking the law so where do you okay where do you think government intervention falls in and some of this stuff because you know I obviously have you car drives by itself and it does it even better than people you would like it to drive by itself but largely the laws don't allow you to do that today right absolutely so how do we cross that bridge and how do you think about government intervention regulations right so I think it'll be from the point at which a car is definitely safer than a person but there's probably at least another two or three years after that before regulators will allow that to be the case because they will want to see a large amount of statistical proof that it's not merely as safe as a person but much safer so I think what you can do is you can run run it in shadow mode and essentially say okay this is what the computer would have done in all these circumstances and was there a crash or was there not like what are the false positives felt that false negatives and then you know it's to achieve a large population group and then and then make a really clear statistical argument with the regulator's and then they're gonna digest that observe it for a while see if they agree with it and and then I think they will because the evidence will be overwhelming yeah and the evidence is actually already worked quite overwhelming that if you if you if you would've would have noticed break light in front of you in the highway and you didn't you didn't crash into what we were in collision right a lot of city lies are safe you know ideally ideally hopefully people don't don't overreact with this with this unknown technology and and prematurely regulate nope immature regulations well I mean drinking regulate I was a joke haha I think when it comes to public safety I think there's that there's an argument for being you know quite cautious and and making sure that things are okay before before there's a change and I mean and I don't think it's the case that right now there's a fully autonomous system and regulators are not approving it but that that really be a substitute for people but there will be in a few years we get more computerized technology into these cars and this card becomes really a software-defined car I mean a lot of your engineers are software engineers I mean yeah absolutely one of the great things about Tesla you guys right here in Silicon Valley you're rich with software engineers and and you have that you've got computer sensibility about architecting a computer properly designing the software properly designing the software for many generations of cars or refines and gets better and better and it has been getting better I mean the software from the first time you sent me my Tesla attendant now it's just like unrecognizable software right there's a big improvement so that's what the first thing we try to do is establish the the hardware platform make sure that we have the the sensors and compute power and and so we do that first even though the software is only taking advantage of a small percentage of the sensors and compute power and then we do continuous updates to make the car more and more capable we're gonna see a lot of that happen later this year I didn't have an announcement Thursday morning I would be saying a lot more of it yeah the audience doesn't understand why they have to wait until Thursday morning you tweeted it already you're announcing you're gonna do an OTA what kind of announcement is that I'm gonna do an OTA on on Thursday that's like a new product announcement these days it's just it's just that well it's just saying that there's gonna be a call on Thursday morning and we describe what's gonna be in version 6.2 or anyone who's interested that's so awesome though I'm interested I get excited every time I get an OTA and and it's you know one of the things that was really interesting is in the beginning when we first built the first Tesla together the tegra in it we thought was more than enough and recently you said can we just squeeze more performance out of that platform and it just happened in literally two years you know several versions of your software updates all of us on the computing platform is not powerful enough right and and it's because you want to add more features and a lot of temperatures these days are based on software true yeah and so so I'm one last question and it's it has to do with I guess something that that a lot of people are very concerned about which is your card becomes a software platform and software platforms get hacked how do you think about that how do you think about security and what are some of the things that we could do to try to make make make the car more resilient to two security attacks yeah I think that that becomes really important when the cars are fully autonomous I mean the way the cars work right now every system the car it's assumed could actually have a mechanical failure or some client or or a logic failure a fundamental logic failure so you can always overwhelm the braking of the car with your foot and you can overwhelm the steering wheel with your hands so but but when when there isn't a steering wheel there isn't you know brake pedal or something in the like you know many years from now then it's really really dangerous you know because but even as it is right now where we spend most of our time on is making sure that it's it's very difficult to do a multi-car hack if you have direct access to a car just like if you got direct access to a computer or any even a conventional car you can do a lot of things to it but that's less of a concern than somebody being able to hack an arbitrary car or multiple cars so that's what we focus our energy on is making sure that that in that ways it's a lot like a like a cell phone or a laptop you know you focus on making sure that the kite they count or that it's very difficult for there to be any kind of system-wide hack so we put a lot of effort into that and we have third parties try to attack it and and in certain parts of the the car at the very fundamental level like the drive unit controller or the steering controller have an additional level of security so somebody may be able to you know hack something that's cosmetic but it's much harder to hack something that's that's actually physically dangerous there's multiple levels and so this way of you if you were to able to penetrate maybe the infotainment system it doesn't allow you quickly as a result of that all right I display a funny message or something but it would not you would not be able to then control the steering or the motor yeah well the future of cars is so exciting and the work that you guys are doing are so exciting and it's it's it's great to see you guys pioneering these computerized cars I mean a lot of people think about thinking about Tesla as the electric car and but I think it's obviously more than that it's an electric car but it's a whole computer platform on top of that yeah I think Tesla's retells sort of the leader in electric cars but I think we'll also sort of easily der and autonomous cars at least Thomas cars that people can buy and I mean does anybody's interested in working on autonomous cars we'd love to have you work at Tesla by the way so we're gonna put a lot of effort into automotive autonomous driving because it's gonna be the default thing yeah and it could save a lot of lives yeah save a lot of lives and hopefully hopefully one of these days like it would be nice of invidious campus has no parking lot yeah right it drops us off and and meanders off to a place where the lands a little cheaper and you know and parks a whole bunch of cars there and and when it's time to go home yeah summon at the top it will be extremely transformative that's for sure but yeah I mean when it comes to AI I'm not really worried about some narrow narrow AI like like autonomous cars or like you know a smart the air conditioning unit at the house or something it's more like sort of the deep intelligence stuff that is where we need to be cautious I actually like there's many potential flavors of AI and you know it's odd that we're at we're so close to the advent of AI like it's strange that would be alive in this and this time well come back every year come back every year and you'll see the the work that this this group is gonna do I mean there's so much deep learning work being done here you have you have a lot of engineers here as well at night they're there it's fantastic to see the whole community focused on advancing this field and along the way we're gonna spin off a whole bunch of new capabilities that you know that's gonna make cars just safer and more fun to drive long before we have to get to essentially a self-driving car there's gonna be a lot of versions along the way that's just gonna bring joy to a lot of people yeah absolutely I just hope there's something left for us humans to do well I'm not gonna look but I go of my steering wheel you know I've got mine on it on the craziness mode and the same board steering mode is that the way you have it I don't you you get driven to work now no I well I Drive half the time actually and which mode do you have it in I always have an insane mode yeah all right you love you thank you the engine the engineer of engineers Elon Musk okay let me summarize very quickly we announced four things today we had really exciting show really an exciting event a lot of its gonna focus on deep learning you guys know why now deep learning is so important deep learning is so important to us and the tools that we're going to create so that we can create the future together first I announced tight next the world's fastest GPU I announced digits def box a GPU deep learning platform so that data scientists could plug it in and get right to work Pascal it's going to be ten times faster than Maxwell in deep learning as a result of three fundamental technologies on top of the Pascal architecture 3d memory mixed-mode precision and MV link those three capabilities in on top of the Pascal architecture will give us a 10x boost and then I talked about the Nvidia Drive px a developer's platform that enjoys the ability to bring deep learning to augment today's 8s and start us down the journey of creating more exciting cars in the future a deep learning platform for self-driving cars everybody have a great GTC thank you
Channel: NVIDIA
Views: 108,495
Rating: 4.9052696 out of 5
Keywords: Tesla Motors (Venture Funded Company), Nvidia (Venture Funded Company), Jen-Hsun Huang (Organization Leader), Elon Musk (Organization Leader), Interview, GTC 2015, GPU Technology Conference, GPU, deep learning, automotive technology, self-driving cars
Id: TDm6Snkle70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2015
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