Jelly Layer Capsules ! Eye Spy Under Wraps

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cookies world hello cookie fans well we've got another top secret box from LOL surprise whoo what could be in here we can't Oh first we have to crack the secret combination code then hopefully it will open up ooh good thing I had this top-secret code sheet see we can barely see them so have to take my little magnifying glass oh there we go so we'll try the first code a tiara into diamonds there's the tiara and Simon there we go did that work no still won't open now let's try fire and snowflake fires snowflake nope it's still walked candy and Olympic all right let's try that looks like we've got three of these under wraps like big giant capsules ooh can't wait to check these out this is so mega exciting Oh what does it say it says there's fifteen surprises inside you can totally unwrap the doll four different outfits okay our first surprise layer oh we've got our little magnifying glass oh we've got two dolls on here Oh looks like we've got a secret message right here let's see it says at a slumber party and it looks like the capsule is golden away here we have our stickers that also have little secret codes on them all right we have to try the combination in order to get out all of the surprises because if we press the button it just won't pop open so we'll try the same one that we use to get into the little safe it was a candy and a lemon right there press the button she's like covered in like this jelly layer and we've got surprise sitting here too all the under wraps collection is super secretive look these cute dolls 80s baby Kansas cutie the great baby countess Thrilla soul day they've got such cute dolls in this set alright let's open up the surprise oh we've got heart sunglasses and oh they're teeny tiny little bracelets I can't believe how cool she is now we can get this jelly layer off of her we can reveal her eyes whoo whoa we can remove and reveal her little gloves that are holding her hands in whoa and she's got these little boots on whoa look at these little gummy shoes now we can peel her mask off it's like a jelly mask well there we go to remove her face mask what here we go we can remove her wig that she's wearing look she's got this jelly outfit on or we can kind of separate the two pieces so now she actually has pants and a jelly shirt we can unlock the other two chambers for more surprises let's try that sweet and sour coat again sweet and sour press nope it didn't work clover and face no peace and love fire and snowflake oh it flipped open there we have our surprise we have oh she's got a little can of soda pop it looks like a Pepsi pop and now we have another chamber over here we'll try that again fire and snowflake nope didn't work let's try that one what bears the surprise in here oh we've got some white little boots so if we wanted to change out her jelly shoes we can take the jelly boots off there we go and she can wear these boots with her outfit one more surprise capsule right in here whoa what's the surprise and now oh she's got this totally awesome outfit so we can go from this glam jelly outfit to beach wear to totally pop it through cool so this one is pop art let's open up the next capsule oh that's pop hard on the front whoo got our magnifying glass that looks like a blue capsule here's our message let's see on top of a mountain all right we got our code so we should be able to get this doll out of here we keep trying all the codes until they pop open Wow there we go we popped it open so here we have our doll in here with our surprises look at her sleeping in her sleep chamber whoa she's cool she is whoa well open her surprise mine max and here we've got a silver pacifier and oh some really cool chain glasses all right let's unwrap her now oh I cannot believe out gummies she is she's cool she kind of looks alike like a bighorn sheep with these horns here and she's just kind of woolly looking Wow all right here we go so now we're gonna peel everything back yet to reveal peel her eyes what there's one and two take her gloves off and now her shoes take these little jelly boots off you know we could peel the facemask off or we can just peel it off altogether and reveal her she's got beautiful brown hair okay she's adorable oh I wonder what it's gonna look like let's open up the little surprise chambers well there we go flipped open there's one surprise and on the other side of the capsule what this chamber and this one whoa so we've got a really cute little red outfit for her whoa here's our red sippy cup and she's got some black shoes now we can take her jelly outfit off it's like a separate shirt piece and get her all dressed in her new outfit now she's super stylin but I super duper like this jelly outfit for her too so you can totally change up their outfits - all right one more surprise capsule another gold capsule oh and our secret message under the sea really all right let's open up the little side capsule surprises first it's a sparkly one open this one and turn it around press the button here we have some really pretty silver boots whoo and of course look at the sippy cup matches perfectly oh yeah all right who gets to wear this glittery awesome outfit all right let's open up her chamber oh look it's the golden it looks like a cupcake alright press the chamber button oh there we go we got it to open here's a blind bag oh she's got these cool hoop earrings and alders oh that is cool little gummy mermaid tail so she's been sleeping in here she's super duper gummy she's almost ready to come out and she's got oh she also has a pair of her own chain sunglasses right let's have her come on out and we will reveal her oh it's just so so cool all right we'll start with your gloves teeny tiny little gloves off it almost looks like she's got multiple layers like she can either wear a long sleeve where we can peel it off oh and see and make it a short sleeve outfit what there we go look at that hair what a helpful peel and reveal her eye color she's got blue eyes ooh there we go so we can remove her mermaid tail there we go so now we can attach her flippers on as a separate piece and now she's got like this long skirt piece alright let's review what she looks like Oh No wow she's amazing we're gonna totally glam afire even more we're gonna be putting on her hoop earrings oh okay I can't get her earrings oh wait I got him in oh no okay I can't get them to stay in very well to a pool now no but let's get her all changed in her outfit separate these two pieces so it's two separate pieces now - cool you might be my favorite one now it's time to see what else these lol can do so I've got 2 cups of water I've got cold water in hot water let's see if they can do any color changing dip her in and she color change at all okay didn't notice anything there dip her into the warm water off her hair is color changing pull in her little tear next to her I went away oh and her polkadot leggings also color changed all that is so cool dip Rebecca we color changes again looks like we've color change her swimsuit to dip her in and don't color change back all right here we go thrill of dip on in any color change anything color change no dip into the warm water Oh her hair looks the same everything looks the same all right let's check out bling Queen into icy icy water any color change oh she's making bubbles oh and now into the warm water no color change alright awesome now we can get the LOL surprise right back into their sleep chambers whoa now that they have their little jelly suits on they're ready for sleep put each one in their little sleeping chambers look there we go hop on it and now they can get some sleep or a cookie bath I hope you enjoyed this video stay absolutely amazing thank you again LOL for these amazing under wraps LOL surprise dolls whoa i'm gonna take a quick nap - and then i'll see you guys in my next video for more fun baggage fans hello cookie fans did anyone noticed that there was something else in the video me was it a baby a shopkins or a horse hockey fans [Music]
Channel: CookieSwirlC
Views: 53,978,726
Rating: 4.3336263 out of 5
Keywords: jelly, layer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 29 2018
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