Jeju Island Travel Guide πŸ‡°πŸ‡· How to Book Flights, Hotels, and Get Around the Island

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right now in 2023 Korea is booming with tourists which is great to see after the numbers plummeted from 2020 to 2022 however with an increase in tourists you can certainly expect prices to be higher overall if you want to travel here especially as the entire world has had a pretty big spike in inflation rates the last couple of years the most popular areas in Korea to visit are the capital so the seaside city of buan and the tropical island of tedu my parents were just in Korea for a couple of weeks and we spent five amazing days in Chu together in this video I'll let you know what we paid for everything at the end of October 2023 and start off with some travel tips that are really important for people looking to make a trip to Korea's beautiful volcanic [Music] island so let's start out with how to get to Chu the most common way to get there is by airplane you can also take a ferry there from a lot of the cities along the southern coast but I'm assuming assuming a lot of Travelers probably will be taking an airplane from like especially from Soul but you can take airplanes from other cities too and some tips I have about booking plane tickets is to look at two different websites so the first one is Skyscanner and it basically just Compares a bunch of different airlines you can kind of select your dates like your departure date and your return date it'll compare prices like even in between different airlines so for example when we went we took Giana Airlines to Juju and then when we came back we came back on E and Skyscanner is just kind of a good way to get the absolute best deal because you're not always going to get the cheapest tickets if you fly the same airline there and back the other website to compare it to is just Google flights and Google flights is very very similar to Skyscanner you just kind of select your dates and where you're leaving from where you're heading to and it'll just recommend the cheapest flights based on that but one thing I noticed on Google Google flights is it doesn't recommend as many Korean only websites and when I booked my family's tickets to juu we actually booked from a website that was all in Korean and it was the best deal so in our scenario going from Kimo to Chu it was about 56,000 one and that was on a Tuesday and coming back to Soul on a Saturday was 999,000 one each so you can see there's a really big difference in pricing from weekdays to weekends what I noticed is Monday to Thursday tends to be the cheapest tickets and then Friday to Sunday are kind of the most expensive and another really good thing to know is just to avoid Korean holidays if possible for example about two weeks ago there was chusok which is like Korean Thanksgiving they go across the entire country to visit their family and if we booked tickets during that time it would have been insane like maybe upwards of like $400 for one way I'm not too sure myself but just a good idea to avoid Korean holidays if possible so let's talk about accommodation so first of all Chu has a lot of different types of accommodation there's like hotels airbnbs guest houses all that kind of stuff guest houses tend to be about 25,000 W per night and airbnbs really vary they can be really expensive for some nicer places that you can fit you know 8 to 10 people in and then they go down to about the same price as a hotel in some scenarios but in general I'd prefer to choose hotels they're not that expensive in Korea and they're just kind of easier to deal with in general when Eugene and I travel Chu we get hotels for about 40 to 50,000 W per night sometimes down to like 35,000 and in this case we are going with my parents too so we wanted to get kind of bigger nicer rooms than what Eugene and I are used to cuz we typically travel pretty cheap kind of budget travel so the best tip I have for booking hotels in juu and this applies to all of Korea as well is just using Google Maps you just kind of go to your location on Google Maps put in the dates and it'll compare a bunch of different travel websites with each other just so you can find kind of the best deal these will only compare between International websites though and uh since I live in Korea with a Korean ID and phone number and stuff I also have access to the Korean web as well so if you live in Korea and you have an ID and a phone number you should also compare Google Maps and all the international prices with the Korean websites like Yano or yogot those typically have different discounts and kind of different promotions and the prices aren't always the same as Google Maps but if you're a tourist you basically can only really use the international website so I just go with a Google Maps just compare all the different like International websites and it'll find you the best deal at least from my experience and in our case I compared Google Maps with the Korean websites and I was able to find better deals on Google Maps actually so we reserved a hotel near hup Beach which is like a really nice beach with a beautiful sunset it's also close to another Beach called kuming and it's a little touristy but also has kind of a lot of local juu Vibe as well so I'd recommend going there if you just want to have kind of a relaxed juu Beach atmosphere and we reserved a hotel called the Kai Resort for 108,000 w per night and that was kind of a big separate room so it was for four people like my parents Eugene and I for four people in a pretty nice hotel it's not too bad of a deal even when there's so many Travelers going to J for the next two nights we decide to go to soo City it's kind of the biggest city on the very southern tip payu suo just kind of has like a lot of attractions kind of throughout the southern coast so if you stay in Soo City you're kind of the closest to all of them without without being like too far west or Too Far East and normally in Soo we book a place called hotel husik which is Hotel rest in English and they also had like a laundry machine inside the room in a lot of cases which is nice but now there's a separate hotel that's kind of competing with them I think and it's called Hotel zinc it was like 60,000 w a night and it also had a laundry machine the location was really Central and we also used Google Maps to find this deal one thing we learned while booking for this trip is since we had four people and we kind of wanted to sleep separately I think it was called blue pillow and that one would book us two separate rooms at hotel zinc in one reservation so it was really really convenient to be able to compare like what it's like to book multiple rooms at that hotel versus one room at a family hotel and it actually ended up being quite a bit cheaper to book two separate rooms at hotel zinc so those are just two locations and Chu that I recommend but there's so many different areas to stay as well so I'll just put a little map here and uh just kind of like print screen it or something or save it somewhere if you're looking for other places to stay so let's talk about Transportation now and this is just for getting around the island first of all Chu doesn't have like a subway system it has buses that are they run somewhat frequently but they can be a little bit of a hassle too if you don't want to ride the buses and you have an international driver's license or a Korean license you can rent a car with lot rent a car and I was looking online I've I've never rented a car in juu personally but it looks like it's about $30 American a day to rent a car and it could be cheaper or more expensive depending on when you go and kind of how much demand there is as well I actually was able to find better deals uh with a Korean membership on there as well and kind of different cars so if you live in Korea definitely sign up on the Korean version of their website and just for reference it looks like gas is about like 1,600 W or so per liter and then let's talk about the buses so juu has buses that go all around the island and if you're curious about the price they start at about 1,151 so it's like less than a dollar American and that's for the regular bus and then if you're riding like the express bus really far it goes up to about 3,000 W which is like maybe $2 American so quite a good deal for sure the buses don't leave as frequently as they do in so so that's just something to note if you don't want to wait around a lot maybe buses aren't the best route to take but there are some really important buses just to know about there's the 101 and 102 buses which ride around either the eastern coast or the western coast of juu and those are Express buses so they don't stop at all the stop but there are regular bus versions of those called the 2011 and 202 and the last bus just to know about is the one that goes in between Chu and suip poo City so you can leave right from the airport all the way down to suo City it's the bus 182 if you want to find directions and you want to know how to take buses in juu all you have to do is download caca Maps it's a map app that works all over Korea and it's really good for finding buster sections especially in Chu you can actually see the buses in real time where they are on the map which is really really convenient cuz since you have to wait for them for a while it's just good to have that kind of indicator of how much time you actually have to catch the bus and lastly if you don't want to rent a car or take buses I'd recommend looking at taxis so usually Eugene and I don't really ride taxis that much but my parents are in their 70s right now so it's kind of hard for them to go around on the buses a lot so we decided to use taxis this whole trip they're quite affordable in Korea in general in juu they start at 3,31 for the first 2 km and then it's 851 for every additional kilometer after that so our most expensive taxi ride was from suo to Chu airport at the very end of the trip which is just about 40,1 and it was about an hour and 20 minutes it's not recommended for the absolute budget traveler but maybe if you're traveling as a family or you just want to have more of a relaxing trip and not worry about driving too much the taxis are a really good option just one thing to note is taxis and buses go pretty fast in J2 in general so if you get car sick uh you might want to pack some gravel or something like that my mom was having to have some of those from time to time and if you want to know how to book taxis you use the app called CAC T and it's kind of like uber where you just input your starting point your destination without having to speak any Korean and you can just pay the driver at the end of the the ride if you live in Korea you can register your card like I do where it just pays automatically but if you're traveling to Korea I don't think you can do that with international cards unfortunately but it's still uh you can pay the taxi drivers with a credit card like even an international one so that's not a problem or you can use your t- money card if you want uh the t- money card is what you use to ride the Subways and buses all around Korea and just top it up with a bunch of money at a convenient store a machine inside one of the subway stations and then uh it'll be really easy just to to tap it when you're on a taxi or a bus and uh then you don't have to worry about having a bunch of cash on you yeah so that kind of covers how to get to juu how to find accommodation how to get around the island if you have any questions please feel free fre to ask uh we are getting a lot more comments these days so I'm like they're backed up right now and I'm still trying to answer a lot of them so if it takes a little bit of time just uh that is why hopefully I can get to them sooner rather than later but uh yeah for part two of this video we we'll just show kind of the highlights of our trip and kind of what we did how much we paid what we ate and all that kind of stuff so yeah just grab a drink some snacks and uh enjoy we started out in Mugu so by taking the airport railroad Subway from hongik University Station to Gimpo Airport when we got there originally we were going to check in our bags at the te- luggage storage at kimpo airport station and go check out the lot Mall there which is quite huge especially for being right beside an airport but found out that the luggage storage was a minimum of 4 hours for 3,001 per bag it's still a good deal so I wanted to put it in here but we decided to just head into the airport instead is we only had about an hour and we couldn't check in our bags for less than that we then checked into the airline boarded the plane and landed in Jun our first mission when we got there was to go to our hotel near hup Beach so we boarded the 102 express bus and we were able to put our bags on the bottom of the bus however it doesn't actually pass through cup so we had to transfer to the 202 bus at halim bus transfer station we boarded our second bus and finally arrived at the Kai Resort Hotel the hotel was nice and spacious for four people it was clean and has a really nice swimming pool but it's only open in the summer after checking in it was now about 8:00 p.m. and we were getting pretty hungry and luckily there was a juu black pork restaurant right next to the hotel called and they had a bunch of tent set up for a really cool experience the meal itself was really good too we're in Jer guys doesn't get any better [Music] good the next day we woke up and headed straight to a cafe called Groove and had some great yogurt bowls and coffee the cafe had a really nice view of the beach and the price for breakfast was also pretty reasonable it was also amazing just how big the cafe was after breakfast we went for a stroll along the beach we started at yup Beach which has amazing sand and crystal clear water that doesn't get too deep for a while but we didn't swim there since it was already getting a little bit cooler at the end of October and then to the West is cuming Beach and there's a really nice walking path between the two beaches which is perfect for a little stroll this is one of the most beautiful areas in juu with palm trees lining the path you can also camp near cuming beach in this area for free which we have done multiple times in the past and it was always a really great experience kuming Beach is similar to hup but it has a bit less people overall you can rent things like Shel umbrellas and even clear kayaks for 15,1 which I'm sure would be great for families or even couples [Music] too next we went back to hiup for lunch and got burgers at a newer place called Pomo in bum chicken it has a nice patio with a view of the beach and the food was pretty good too it was now time for our afternoon plan to check out chamelia Hill so we took a taxi there chamelia Hill is a big flower Garden that you can spend about 1 to 2 hours walking around in and it's 10,000 W each to get in it's really nice to look at and it feels kind of like a maze walking around which is a lot more fun than just walking in a straight path along the path there are various trees flowers and it's decorated really nice overall for families or couples to have a good time we finished exploring chamelia Hill and took a taxi back to HTE Beach to watch the sunset this is the absolute best spot we've seen on the island to watch it because it's such a cool contrast between the black lava rocks and the Red Sun a view that can only be seen in JJ Welling [Music] Korea the next morning we checked out of our hotel and took a taxi to soo City where our second Hotel was Hotel zinc and when we first arrived we headed down to the chungan pokpo or chungan waterfalls which is a really nice walk through the forest that ends at a beautiful waterfall and it's 2,1 each to get in it's just a great place to spend an hour or so and walk around a little bit with a lot of space and nice trees to look at too we finished walking around and it was time for the main attraction of the day and something new to Eugen and I too yakona which is one of JuJu's most famous Buddhist temples and honestly we are absolutely Blown Away I've seen a lot of Buddhist temples in Korea but this one was the most memorable for me it's very Grand in size and stands out beautiful amongst the palm trees and surrounding Greenery and when you head inside the temple you can walk around inside and look at the displays of thousands of Little Buddha statues and you can also get a good look at the dragon carvings embedded into the ceiling after spending a couple of hours at the temple it was time to head back to soo City by taxi and we checked into the hotel's Inc which is a relatively new hotel and for about 50 or 60,000 w a night it's an absolute steel to be honest it was time to end our amazing day with some beers and food at the juu beer Fountain and it had a really nice atmosphere and you don't need to speak any Korean there either the next day it was time to show my parents a restaurant that Eugene and I both really like called quoda an amazing place that specializes in serving quango or hbit the restaurant is far from Soo city so we had to take a taxi there and it was really close to the ocean which is the perfect view while eating Seafood we got the quango tangu which is like a super crispy fish and chips the quango miuk or halit seaweed soup which is one of the best Mooks I've ever tried in Korea and you add the quango muuh which is raw hbit on top of soman or small noodles and a nice vinegar-based pepper broth and that pretty much wraps up the highlights of our juu trip at least the sections I remember to film it was a really fun trip overall to show my parents around juu and they're really impressed about how easy it is to get around Korea with the mix of subways airplanes buses and taxis that are all quite affordable especially for Canadian standards thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed the video please leave a like and consider subscribing if you want to watch more similar videos in the future and joining our patreon if you have the financial flexibility to do so hope you're all healthy and happy and we'll see you next [Music] week
Channel: Lost Then Found
Views: 2,556
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Keywords: lost then found, korea, travelogue, kvlog, κ΅­λ‚΄μ—¬ν–‰, μ—¬ν–‰, κ΅­μ œμ»€ν”Œ, 브이둜그, adventure, 세계 μ—¬ν–‰, LTF, korean vlog, korean life, ν•œκ΅­, living in korea, gukjecouple, μ½”λ‚˜λ‹€μ»€ν”Œ, jeju, 제주, where to go in jeju, best places to go in jeju, jeju travel guide, jeju travel tips, korea travel tips, korea travel guide, hyeopjae, geumneung, seogwipo, yakcheonsa, ν˜‘μž¬, 금λŠ₯, μ„œκ·€ν¬, μ•½μ²œμ‚¬
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 1sec (1141 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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