Trapped In A Religious Private School

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in the United States where I live there's something called separation of church and state and of course the schools are owned and operated by the state so there's no religion in schools but there's a loophole so we're gonna talk about religious schools today and I've got some good news I brought in godless engineer to help me talk about it what's up heathens and thank you telltale for allowing me to come onto your channel and give my two cents anytime old buddy let's get into it [Music] religion has to be completely separated from schools in the u.s. it's much like courthouses or public parks where if a Christian tries to erect a statue of the Ten Commandments or something which being a graven image is hilarious for all kinds of reasons the state has to give the right to erect statues representing any religion in the same location lucky for us we have groups like this a tannic Temple who have the resources and will to fight in court for the right to put a Baphomet statue right next to the Ten Commandments statues much as many groups hate that fact it's that law that protects their religious freedom to do whatever they want and not have to worry about another group coming in and taking over so schools are held to the same standards as any other government sponsored program or property they aren't allowed to endorse one religion over another this actually results in some interesting workarounds they won't have Christmas break they'll have winter break it'll just be right at Christmastime they won't have Christmas dances they'll have snow balls I know clever name right but every now and then they'll brazenly break the law because they assume that every one of their students is a Christian with Christian parents unfortunately for them I am not so I've been watching very closely waiting for them to do something stupid at which point I've been planning on starting a phone call campaign to the Board of Education they've made a few mistakes in the past but nothing to warrant unleashing the wrath of twenty thousand subscribers on them I hope you guys will be there if I do need you though she has nine years of school left we'll see what happens that being said there are some kids who aren't as lucky one solid way people have found to sidestep the laws against religion in public schools is by starting their own private schools you can say anything you want there almost anything at all as long as it's a religious conviction godless engineer you went to Catholic school didn't you I was hoping you could tell us the three worst things about it well yes tell-tell I did go to a Catholic private school up until the fourth grade now my experience doesn't exactly match the experiences of other people that have gone to Christian private schools one of the things that I really hated about my time in the Catholic private school is of course the uniforms a lot of people don't like the uniforms to me it represents a lot of the conformist ideology that exists within Christianity and religion in general I mean basically what I had to pick from was either mustard ketchup or three colors were all that we had to pick from and I really hated that going to school there not just because you know I can't exactly express myself through clothing but because of the conformist ideals that it really ingrained into you which leads into the next reason why I don't really like Catholic private schools the religious indoctrination of children is also another thing that really grates on me thinking back to it I mean I was heavily indoctrinated by my Catholic private school for one thing we had religious studies that went on during school hours which is fun because it was a private school but we also had to go to Mass twice every week it's no surprise that you know at a young age I felt that a belief in God was just innate to people that it was just the norm and I didn't want to go against the norm so I didn't really question my faith or anything like that until much much later but you know this conformity and religious indoctrination really combined together to create the third problem that I have with religious institutions or Catholic private schools or anything like that and that's the predatory nature of the people that usually come to work there I don't know if you guys have seen the keepers on Netflix but basically it chronicles the investigation into a nun that was murdered and she was murdered by other priests that worked at the school that she was at a Catholic private school because these priests were sexually abusing the girls that went to this all-girls Catholic private school they had their hands all deep inside of like the police department and inside our government and they were allowed to continue this abuse for years and years and like in the keeper's the one nun that tried to speak out and actually stop it she was killed for that this isn't only to that one specific case either since the spotlight feature on the predatory nature of pedophiles in the Catholic Church many many more rings of pedophiles have been discovered to operate within the Catholic Church in different cities and in different countries that's true one might be inclined to think that it's an isolated incident and I can understand that it's a horrific thing and people don't want to believe that society is really like that all the time and it's true it isn't like that all the time but there are pockets of people with certain shared mindsets that allow them to justify horrific behavior and not only does it allow them to justify that behavior but as with Jehovah's Witnesses it drives people to hide it when it's discovered they don't want the secular government involved in church business or they think the events are blown out of proportion it wasn't really as bad as they're making it out to be but ultimately there's no excuse or justification for something like that and the Catholic Church has been acting as a shield to protect these people from prosecution just as the Jehovah's Witnesses have been all of this is because of the vulnerable nature of kids that attend these types of institutions the way that these religious schools want us to conform to a certain perspective or a certain ideology obviously that really compels people to not step out of line and speak up against any of these priests or church officials that do sexually abuse kids the religious indoctrination teaches them that God is placed above all others and is not to be questioned so when your priest the mouthpiece for God here on earth tells you to take off your pants and allow him to rape you it doesn't really click in your mind that this is wrong and it shouldn't be happening because you've been indoctrinated to believe that these people are trusted by God and that they are just people and they are blessed by God and all this holiness it doesn't ever occur to you this is wrong luckily though some people do know that it's wrong and that's what I hate most is that it allows people to hide behind religion in these cases in the case of priests that are sexually assaulting and abusing young children who are vulnerable and who are looking to be accepted especially by a priest or someone in authority now I wasn't molested or abused like that when I was in Catholic private school but all that I can think of now is that I was one of the lucky ones that didn't then I just so happened to go to a specific school where that to my knowledge didn't happen but there's always that thing in the back of my mind that says that I don't know that it didn't happen and I don't know if anybody was abused by anybody that I used to go to school with or was taught by so I hope this opened your eyes a little bit as to the Catholic private schools and at least how I feel about it I would love to know what you feel about it down in the comments below here are some of the regulations with regards to public schools in my state quoting from the state regulation of private schools document from the Department of Education no requirements for accreditation which means they don't have to get a certification saying they're qualified to run a school they can just put up a building and start enrolling kids no vetting of any kind registration is optional they may register with the State Superintendent of Schools if they want if a school registers to operate it has to administer a comprehensive test of basic skills on an annual basis but as I said this is a hundred percent optional and outside of the annual test no other provisions apply there are also no requirements for licensing approval is optional but you have to get approval to exempt kids from school so they're going to want to get approval to operate from the local Board of Education if they do get approval though as I said before they don't need to be accredited licensed or registered in any way they just say or do what they want in class they are not required to provide factual information and they can still be an approved school in this state there's a curriculum to which they must adhere among other things they have provide at least one year of instruction in state history before completion of eighth grade what's said in that history class is more or less up to the school they also have to have some civics courses which is basically teaching how our political system operates the state is legally required to provide transportation textbooks special ed and a few other things at the public's expense so the private school will receive grants and things to cover the cost of some of that stuff now let's talk about homeschooling I was actually homeschooled from seventh grade to around 11th grade for religious reasons of course my Jehovah's Witness parents felt like education was kind of irrelevant in the system of things so what I needed to know could be taught by life and there were some other underlying reasons relating to my dad but I'm not going to get into that right now long story short I ended up going back to public school in 11th grade and of course I didn't learn for the entirety of the four years I was out so they put me back in tenth grade it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me because it exposed me to the real world I was completely sheltered for that entire period of my life I didn't have any friends I didn't communicate with anybody because I wasn't allowed to being Jehovah's Witness so homeschooling hits home with me here are the requirements for homeschooling a child in my state the person providing the instruction shall annually obtain an academic assessment of the child for the previous school year so the kid has to take a yearly test it can either be an approved standardized test participating in the state's testing program a written narrative indicating that a portfolio of samples of the child's work has been reviewed by a certified teacher which basically means a teacher has to write up a little essay saying that they reviewed the child's work and it was legit or evidence of an alternative assessment of the child's proficiency I remember taking a few of these standardized tests but it really wasn't enough I just sit there all day and all night with nothing to do for years and once a year I'd take a test the test wasn't terribly hard either and I'd already learned all of the material from sixth and part of seventh grade in public school and I was taking tests for tenth grade home schoolers so needless to say there's almost no regulation on private schools or home schooling in the u.s. it's a serious problem there are approximately 5.4 students of religious schools and 1.7 million homeschool students in the u.s. out of a total of 320 3.1 million u.s. citizens of course not every home schooler is being homeschooled for religious reasons but even estimating low that is an unacceptably high number of kids who are getting subpar education if any education at all I talked to some subscribers about the top three worst things about going to a religious private school I've boiled it down to a few specific points here's what they had to say 1 no sex ed that is a big problem they think kids will just figure it out on their own when the time comes and that's true to an extent people will figure it out but sex ed isn't intended to explain the physical operation of it it's intended to teach kids how to be safe how to prevent teen pregnancy or unwanted pregnancy in general how to protect themselves from STDs and a number of other useful lessons it's appalling that people are pushing to completely remove the discussion around this it's killing people literally killing people they can either have no abortion or no comprehensive sex ed not both but they don't want abortion and they don't want sex ed well that's fine but they have to understand that abortion rates are going to go up in areas without comprehensive sex ed classes whether they like it or not and they aren't going to prevent abortions from happening even if it's going to be in a back alley people will find a way if they're determined enough I don't want abortion nobody wants abortion but it's a fact of life it's going to happen so let's regulate it and let's prevent it by preventing pregnancy in the first place or is that us in to number to a strict uniform policy girls have to wear knee length skirts and they can't wear nail polish or have earrings I'm assuming that's because they don't want the girls to dress like harlots it's pushing this idea that women must keep a certain demeanor about them and they're to blame if somebody's attracted to him they shouldn't have dressed that way if they didn't want that kind of attention and to that I say what about the men the men are all out there gelling up their hair and wearing trendy clothes seems to me like they're the harlots if they didn't want girls to think they were attractive then they shouldn't a dress the way they did they should dress like garbage everyday so nobody gets the wrong impression three they're obsessed with gender roles the boys take out the trash only the boys are allowed to do that boys always have to hold the doors open for girls they're called rude if they don't of course they have prayer before lunch and breakfast and all the teachers are anti-gay and pro-life somehow everything always gets circled back around to God how did the dinosaurs get here God how long have people lived on earth six thousand years when did Noah's Flood happen four thousand years ago even in history and science classes like I said there are zero regulations on what they can and can't say in classes it's like going to church eight hours a day five days a week it's indoctrination to the fullest extent and it has to stop this kind of has to be regulated more closely I believe that all children should be required to get an education equivalent or better than the one they'd receive in public schools and if a school wants to exempt kids from going to a public school they have to follow the same laws a public school would like keeping religion out of it I don't care if you want to send the kids to a religious school for eight hours a day but they should have to spend the first eight hours of that day in a school dedicated to delivering a fact-based education anyway so that's all I've got for you don't forget to check out godless engineer Thank You tell-tell for allowing me to come on today and give you my two cents on this issue and I guess I will see you heathens over on the dollars engineer Channel thanks for being here and don't forget to subscribe to both of us links are in the description and there should be an annotation in the video here to get to his channel and one more thing I have a discord now I'm putting that link in the description too thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Telltale
Views: 104,649
Rating: 4.8732467 out of 5
Keywords: telltale, telltail, trapped in a religious private school, school, private, religious, private school, catholic, catholic school, jesus, christian, religion, godless engineer, engineer
Id: v233J27f9yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2018
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