Jeeves being a judgemental drama queen for 13 minutes straight

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that's a bit more like it eh extremely invigorating sir yes steve that's just the word i would have used yes makes you want to get up and barely will have a run around the park my feelings precisely is that i'm in love with miss wickhamson we are going to kidnap that child i shall be returning to the cottage now sir if that is consistent with your wishes really speaks to me that song you know jeeves i'm sorry to hear that would you like to hear the rest of it i shouldn't like to put you to any troubles huh this white mess jacket is brand new i assume it got into your wardrobe by mistake sir or else that had been placed by your enemies i will have you know jeeves that i bought this in can and wore it too every night at the casino beautiful women used to try and catch my eye presumably they thought you were a waiter the loud is when outspoken dispositions earn had made an approprious remark respecting my appearance what did he say about your appearance i do not recall sir but it was appropriate i now intend to give it a bit of a run-through on the piano is that why is her so soon after a heavy meal good good uh well bingo's got a bit of a problem jeeves delicate subject jeeves as a matter of fact very good sir jeeves what on earth the mata jeeves jeeves i apologize sir it was unforgivable of me i shall be better directly it's just mr little's tie it has little horseshoes on it oh yes yes i noticed that hmm it's sometimes difficult just to shrug these things off sir you're just the sort of person we need in the movement the working masses i hesitate to contradict you mr spode but the working masses and i have barely a nodding acquaintanceship good afternoon we should loosen his collar i hardly think such drastic measures are called for miss basid what is it chiefs there are some curious objects in the wardrobes uh curious objects the handkerchief jeeves handkerchiefs uh i think not uh they appear to have writing on them oh come now jeeves i bought a couple of dozen of them the other day and they offered to put my initials on see bww i see you said with what purpose in mind sir i think they look dashed smart [Music] do you realize i don't usually get out of my pajamas till five in the afternoon and then i just put on a sweater like this don't listen jeeves jeez i'm sorry jeeves you shouldn't have heard that i should be better directly sir and about five or six wagon loads of sardines [Music] sardines sir sardines well they took a bee geez it's not my fault [Music] surely not frightened of a tiny little dog james if i may be so bold as to contradict you sir the creature seems to me to be above average in muscular development i would also draw your attention to the number and size which suit would you wear sir oh well this one i think very good sir trying to improve my mind i'd say that seems scarcely possible sir i regret that the terms of my employment do not permit me to take part in criminal activities jeeps really get to borrow him for an hour in any case there's nothing remotely criminal about bringing two loving hearts together that is not an assertion i should care to see tested in a court of laws well you disappoint me jeeves is this the way the jeeves of old faced fearful odds i should imagine sir that it must have been or else the line would have been speedily extinguished you see now that is clever jeeves really so i shall follow a few steps behind if that is acceptable sir i should not like to be seen in association with that hat you know the trouble with the trombone jeez so after half an hour or so once lips get incredibly numb perhaps it would be wiser not to persist with the instrument uh oh nonsense jeeves i'm only concerned with your health sir the numbness of which you speak may be a symptom of some deeper melody brought on by over-exertion of the labial and maxillary muscles i envied that chappie you know having a jolly little girl clinging to him trusting me and whatnot someone to look after if you know what i mean yeah i wish i had a daughter i can't help feeling jeeves that i could do better justice to this song if i understood what the words meant oh i doubt that sir this is a new razor isn't it yes sir i took the liberty of buying it yesterday what on earth for the other one was perfectly all right i did not think that it was performing its task with the required efficacies jeeves i am not going to discuss my facial arrangements very good sir i read a most stimulating article in the new york times uh the author of which asserts that mustaches are a most notorious cause for divorces really makes you think doesn't you indeed are you proposing to appear in public in those garments well certainly jeeves but uh bit vivid do you think not necessarily is that i'm told that mr freddie he's a riot flower dew often appears on the music hall stage in comparable attire what happened in 1776 i prefer not to dwell on it if it's convenient to you sir should i lay out one of your novelty handkerchiefs for you today sir oh come off it jeeves everyone wears things with initials on them nowadays i thought practice was restricted to those who are in danger of forgetting their names then oh it sends shivers down my spine well perhaps if you were to put your jacket on you would feel the cold less keenness what on earth is biffy doing getting engaged with noria gossip i could not say sir i mean there probably are fellows in this world who could get engaged this gossip menace and like it tough hearty chaps with strong chins and glittering eyes but biffy is not one of them sure they did not sam no no not at all no nothing she'd like better than you to see the grounds we know him jeeves i fear so sir she'll find a cottage and resume my studies in that case sir i fear i must give my notice james did i hear you correctly yes sir you would actually consider leaving my entourage only with the greatest reluctance sir but if it is your intention to continue with that instrument within the narrow confines of a country cottage jeeves you say that instrument in an unpleasant soupy voice do i take it that you dislike the trombone it has well been said sir that the trombone is not an instrument for a gentleman i rue the day when you first saw ben bloom and his 16 baltimore buddies at the alhambra theater most heartwarmings eh he needs your help i fear that it is hardly my place mr worcester to intervene in a private matter affecting calm no sir i would be taking a liberty this is a story about minnie the moon bring me my white mess jacket with the brass buttons oh good heavens uh it was most remiss of me but i fear i inadvertently omitted to pack the garment i know you did jeeves but i didn't you'll find it in the other wardrobe very good time the rift between tuppy and my cousin angela appears to be serious jeeves hmm indeed sam well i've had rather a stunning idea jeeves and i've been in conference with mr gossip and everything is taped out and lace his luncheon orange juice with it sir not me sir but this article appears to have found its way into our luggage yes rather snap here i bought it a bit i am surprised uh no come off of jeeves i told them i was going to new york and they came up with the goods no mention was made of a carnival or fancy dress occasion so jeez it's a perfectly good hat i shall be the boo brummel of broadway i thought i heard a little fairy boy saying his name over and over and we all help it's going to be an exciting week ah jeeves what hell good afternoon sir you know it really is extraordinary jesus they're almost like coming home so what's been happening while i've been away i know sir it has been very quiet well what do you think i only hope the poor creature died a peaceful death so what oh the coat yes it's rather snazzy isn't it i was referring to the moustache the old soup strainer very striking sir yes rather ronald coleman i thought it was lord kitchener who sprang to mind on first sightings er do you know what i look for in a song jeez not precisely so no i have often speculated oh i'm sorry sir i could not possibly engage in anomalous activities in any house in which we are guests good afternoon sir your master is an extremely worried man jeez sir stop playing with the house jeez i knew you wouldn't like it well not at all sir oh good heavens it has its name printed on the inside how convenient the alpine did you purchase the article in a shop sir well of course i bought it in a shop jeeves a department store oh i see say yes one reads about such places of course i was merely wondering whether they also stopped the leather trousering which would undoubtedly set it off to full effect oh by g held me on with the jacket jeeves um which way up does it goes eh you'll pardon me mentioning it sir but i discovered this article on our hat rack i can only assume that a tradesman left it oh geez we're not going to have a difference of opinion about that hat howie i'm not yet in a position to say so this is what is known among the fashionable elites the 42nd street skimmer jeeves gentlemen do not wear straw hats in the metropolis you had a mustache then i do declare you look so much handsomer without it mustaches really are the end are they not alpine joe we call him there on account of his peculiar headgear yeah he's got it with him now she never moves without it so you think you'd have the sense to adopt some rude disguise what a do eh don't miss it we're engaged just so i don't know i'd let you know to lady florence that is not her father let me be the first to congratulate you sir you were you don't disapprove jesus it's hardly my place to say is uh well i know it's hardly your place to say this that doesn't normally stop you well i'm glad to see you're taking so well so there it is huh [Music] you just have to act your age i placed it by your bedsides uh i took the liberty of glancing through the volume and thought it might make an excellent remedy for insomnia i trust that your optimism is justified sam you're being a positive wet blanket this morning geez i'm going down to the drones why do you pack very good then [Music] it rhymes you see sweden neden almost sir [Music] what oh jeeves [Music] something is arresting your attention geez a smut on my nose perhaps no sir on your upper lip i thought for a moment that a caterpillar had lost its bearings ah you're alluding to the moustache yes well as you could see i've not been idle while you were away rather netty don't you think no sir i do not [Music] [Laughter] jeeves you may get rid of those handkerchiefs i owe it to you thank you sam i destroyed them last night
Channel: Old better-or-for-worser
Views: 126,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #jeeves #jeevesandwooster
Id: oBbT7WRlDwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 11 2022
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