How Flight Attendants Are Trained

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hey Zack you late you could have no obstruction no fire no water go to open your exit and it doesn't work it's a jammed a lot of the times I think the perception is that we're waitresses in the sky first and foremost we are safety professionals anything that can happen on the ground can happen in the air come this way leave everything my name is Patrice Hillis hey my name is trill any Bundrage my nickname is truck we're here to show you what it takes to be a Delta Airlines flight it's in it a lot of magic happens down here in the training center over 195 thousand applications come in to Delta Airlines and of those 3,000 for this year alone we'll get to come through these doors and be a Delta Airlines flight attendant initial flight attendant training is six weeks of intense training they start here in week one and they learn about the foundations of Delta Airlines and then we go to week three and those are non phase specific things like security emergency management medical situations that can happen on board the aircraft and then week six it's all about customer service and so within those six weeks we have a fully rounded Delta Airlines flight isn't it who is ready to go out there on any aircraft this area is what we call our mock-up areas and these are aircraft that have been cut out from the desert they've shipped them here and our flight attendants go into these mock-ups and they practice different types of scenarios a lot of what we do is very customer service driven flight attendants are able to balance that customer service piece as well as being mindful of any type of emergency situation that could happen on board the aircraft studio is where we have all of our doors windows tail cone exits I'll talk through the new vacuum here after we've boarded the aircraft and we're ready to go trill is going to armed this store which means if we open the door armed going to get slide deployment when we practice our evacuation we want the door to be armed all right Charlie you ready no pressure no pressure here we go bend over stay down stay seated stay seated she's thinking about her commands where her exits are she's thinking about how to operate those exits where her emergency equipment is she's also thinking about people that got on board that could help her in an emergency you helped at the bottom you helped at the bottom and she's also gonna think about the people that got on who might need her assistance we do want thinking flight attendants we do operate with a lot of checklists but in the end sometimes things come down to a judgement call we travel the different time zones different countries and maybe we can't sleep and then you're expected to make good judgment calls and you're expected to remember all your training and respond to emergencies and be Delta gracious and patient and all of that unlike asleep as well sometimes [Music] we are gonna head to our motion based trainer it is our one and only trainer that does shake does move our flight attendants have a week of training for emergency that could happen onboard the aircraft and learning our different types of commands this is one of those come this way leave everything jump and slide if you don't stay calm then your anxiety will feed off of that person it's definitely important to make sure you stay calm now welcome to our ditching maka we have a 767 mock up and the flight attendants have a little light bet and they jump right in and they work together as a team to handle ditching getting into a raft helping each other stay warm while they're waiting for rescue we like to take flight attendants train them in these particular scenarios with the hope that they can take that knowledge and transfer it out to a real live aircraft and when those situations happen in real life their training kicks in one of our most common emergencies is medical emergencies when there's someone who has a heart attack in the aisle I know where the medical equipment is on board the aircraft and I'm fully able to handle those types of situations are you okay are you okay I'm Patrice I'm a flight attendant I can help typically on the aircraft there would be three of us involved in this scenario there would be an Assessor a collector in a communicator I was the Assessor trol was my collector she brought me my equipment and then she stayed with me the whole time the third person that we would usually have is our communicator communicator is going to be talking to the flight deck they're going to be paging for medical assistance they're going to be trying to get in touch with statmd they're going to be filling out our medical assistance form or helping us to do that in some way clear clear not touch the patient anything that can happen on the ground can happen in the air so we have to be mindful of always being gracious but in the back of our mind always thinking of the other things that could possibly happen on board the and knowing that we're fully trained to handle any type of situation flight attendants have to maintain a 90 percent average within the six assessments that they take but once a flight attendant leaves and graduates is a flight attendant flying out there on the line their training isn't over we have something called continuing qualification and that is where flight attendants that are qualified and out there flying have to reek wala Phi every eighteen months they come back to training and they do have to be proficient in their door evacuations in their EMV scenarios CPR security we do hold them to a pretty high standard and so being calm being patient is something that we learn and we also give feedback on so that when they are on the line is an active flight attendant they're able to handle any situation
Channel: Insider Business
Views: 7,984,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Business Insider, Business News, flight attendant, delta, flights, planes, airlines, training, travel, safety, safety measures, first aid
Id: a8lbitoBhP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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