Jeannie Cunnion: Rediscovering The Holy Spirit (LIFE Today)

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[Music] the following program is sponsored by friends of life outreach international so many christians are missing out on the intimacy that we are invited into with god the father and god the son there's this wrote religion and there's we're just checking the boxes and and following these steps and and we have been invited into so much more we can be in this intimate beautiful relationship with god the father and god the son and that's what the holy spirit does jeannie cunha urges you don't miss out after she discovered the significance of the holy spirit's work in her life next well we're so glad you joined us i'm james robinson my wife better not welcome your life today because you're going to experience i'm you're going to be exposed to life today real life we're talking about the holy spirit power now with all the challenges that face us today i mean there are many mountains in many valleys sometimes the valley of the shadow of death and believe me when you've lost a child as we have you understand how great and grave and challenging that valley can be but who is it that anoints our head with all who is it that would enable our cup to run over who is it that gives us peace in the midst of the storm and in the darkest valley it is the holy spirit another of the same kind the paraclete just like me living in you well we have a wonderful guest g cuny who is uh from uh up north and uh canada connecticut where she lives and and when she came to tape the yukon had just beat our baylor girls so we really had to have a real time of forgiveness but the point is that that and genie is just really annoying i want you to look at this don't miss out don't miss out on what daring to believe life is better with the holy spirit genie we're glad to have you thank you i'm so glad to be here and is it nice to visit the promised land it is so nice to be in i'm from the promised land so it's nice to return well i know you're having a very effective outreach there and your husband has a a wonderful job and what he does there is meaningful okay you speak at conferences if someone wanted to say all right i want this woman to come and share in our church our circle our setting where would they find you they can just go to my website that's pretty simple it's pretty simple everything they need is there all right the book don't miss out why'd you write the book i tried not to write the book to be honest uh several years ago my prayer was simply lord i want more of you i want all of you i want everything you have for me i want and that and that's not in the context of spiritual like blessings or material blessings right of possession it was more of i just want you i want to know you better and his answer surprised me because really that began this journey of the lord reintroducing me to his spirit it was a reintroduction i was raised as a preacher's kid in a presbyterian church uh and the holy spirit was very much part of my upbringing and i experienced him in church and at home but i think in many ways i had lost sight of the necessity the essential role that the holy spirit plays in the believer's life on a daily basis and so the lord just began to reintroduce me to his spirit who he is what he does and why it matters so much and it really looked like me just sitting down and opening my bible opening starting in john 14 and just slowly reading what jesus taught the disciples in the gospel about why he was going to return to the father and why jesus said it's for our good that he was going to send the helper i missed that my whole life i'd missed that jesus said it's actually for your good that i ascend because i'm going to send you another helper and he is going to be for your benefit and let me tell you all the things he's going to do for you and i just began to relearn who he is it's hard to believe that it'd be better for us he said if i go away but i'm going to send another just like me and this is the amazing thing everybody that got around jesus wanted to stay around jesus yeah and they watched god in all of his fullness his magnificence in this person in so many ways like them and yet in so many ways not like them but when he said i need to go away that's the last thing they wanted to hear but he said it's necessary because you know i'm only one place at a time even though i'm all-knowing i'm one place but i'm going to go away and i'm going to send another just like me and he's going to live in every one of you yes you know when he said you'll do greater things than i do well because he goes to the father and he sent the holy spirit because there's more of him and more of us all over the world so he can actually be everywhere in the world in the fullness of his personal power and the holy spirit is the living jesus living in us amen with us all the time and it's like the disciples didn't seem to get it you know they got it a whole lot better after pentecost when the holy spirit that was in them resident became president in king power kingdom of god reality they were totally different the shy were bold they spoke the word of god with boldness they spoke it with the language of the people and the dialect where you could understand what they're saying holy spirit in filling will help us communicate effectively with people of all levels all tribes all camps all groups all races all nations so this is holy spirit power we're getting excited about this you said you're talking about that's why he could he he sent his holy spirit he that's why he could say i will never leave you nor forsake you i am within you i will now leave you as orphans yes yeah i love how jesus said um scripture says that jesus saw that sorrow filled their hearts because like you said they didn't get it they had no idea what was coming and i think a lot of christians in many ways are like that we say well jesus we don't want just your spirit we want you or why do i need the holy spirit if i have jesus and as he said to his disciples you know him because he's with you but now he will be in you and so it's this incredible post-pentecost promise that we have that and and what kind of god indwells his people right i mean what a what a gracious and generous god we have that he actually almighty god takes up residence inside of us so that we are never without the power of the holy spirit and i think so many christians i know i was are trying to do the christian life on our own strength meanwhile he has given us his spirit to follow him to grow in his likeness and we're striving to do all these things in our own strength and and uh these are the beautiful benefits of having the holy spirit that i think so many of us are forfeiting and it's why i'm so excited to be with you and to talk about them today so how do you get people interested enough to become seekers and to yield this vessel to the fullness and filling of the holy spirit how do you tell them to do that how do you invite him to do it well i think one of the things that not all christians recognize is that we are all filled with the holy spirit i think one of the things that we don't talk about enough is that in that moment that we put our trust in jesus god puts his spirit in us absolutely and we don't talk about that you know we talk about eternal life but we don't talk about the victorious life that jesus has given us now over sin and shame and temptation of the enemy because we have the holy spirit inside of us i think there's this misconception that it's something that we achieve somewhere down the line right he's only he's only for the super spiritual or he's only for uh when you reach a certain level in your walk and so i think that so many christians just don't even realize that if you have put your trust in jesus the spirit of the living god dwells in you at this very moment the same spirit that raised jesus christ from the dead lives in you today and he wants to champion you we've we've attached so many stigmas to him and there's all this baggage that i think we need to unpack so that people realize he is this incredible friend and he's a champion he wants to help us in our weakness and and we are settling for so much less than what god wants to do in us and so i think we have to begin to take this open posture we have to be really willing to think about the misconceptions that we have about him maybe the labels that have been attached to him that we're believing and we have to get to know him for who he really is we have to open the bible and discover who he really is because we're believing a lot of things about him that maybe we've just heard or seen maybe we've seen his power misused or abused and we fail to realize that he is he is a divine person he is not just a power he's not a power we wield he's not a he's not an it or a force he's none of the symbols that he's represented by he is a person with a personality with a mind and a will and emotion who is a dear companion and a loyal champion and there is so much that he wants to do in us and through us that we are forfeiting by neglecting his presence so i just i ask you to open the bible read john 14 through 16 read acts and just see who this incredible person is that god has given us and i think there's times i know in my relationship with the lord and his spirit within me there's times when you might just feel overwhelmed yes and there's no words to speak but that is god's spirit within you he's interceding for us yes and he brings that peace that you can't explain you cannot explain it i do believe that there's something to i love what peter lord said i don't know if you ever heard the name peter lord he's a great preacher that impacted many of our lives he went to be with the lord very recently and peter was trying to show people the holy spirit is in you but have you received him you know they even asked that question have you received the holy spirit since you believed well if you believe and you're born again you're born of the spirit you're born from above of the spirit so the spirit is in you all right but he may not be controlling all of you and peter told the story he said you know my mother-in-law moved in with us years ago this is years ago when she did and he said my mother-in-law i've been living several years and he said you know some challenging things you know your mother your wife and here you go and we're taking care of so it looks like a challenge and of course you have five boys so you got a house full of challenges too but anyway you said the the he read that verse have you received the holy spirit that you believed and he said the lord said to me said you know your mother-in-law moved in with you you know your mother-in-law was living in your house uh peter have you received her since she moved in your house wow and he said boys just holy spirit conviction i hadn't received her at all i was at best tolerating her i was putting up with her or i was ignoring her and all of a sudden realize you know we tend to do the holy spirit that way he's here but we haven't received it and there is really something about giving god the yielded clay to let him shape us to know that when we yield the full house to the fullness of his spirit he will fill us to overflow and paul said pray to be continually filled with overflowing okay it's not like you okay you've got this vessel you've got this water in it so we use it all up now we go put it back under the spout the spout where the glory comes out and we get some more no he's saying you so yield this vessel to the fullness of jesus the fullness of his spirit that you live continually overflowing with the fullness the fruitfulness the love joy of peace and the self-control even all those things that don't you think that there's something other person reaching a place i i know i'm possessing i want him to possess me i want him to feel me does that make sense it does and i think one of the things we overlook about when he says be filled that it's not it's not a friendly suggestion it's actually a command he's commanding us to be filled because he knows that the christian life cannot flourish without the holy spirit that we cannot produce the fruit of the spirit without the power of the holy spirit you know i joke that one of the things that became very clear to me in the writing of this book is that i know it's called the fruit of the spirit but i was very much living away that suggested it was the fruit of genie that i was trying to produce all of these things in my life that i was trying to manifest the character of god the character of the holy spirit by trying harder you know by in my own strength and the beauty is that the larger we allow the holy spirit to become in our life i just like to just envision him becoming larger in our lives letting him flood every room in our heart and as we do that as you said as we yield because we do we have to submit we have to surrender we have to yield it's like in galatians when he says let the holy spirit guide your life and then you won't be doing what the sinful nature craves and so god has given us this incredible champion to guide us so as these forces are battling our sinful nature in the spirit he has given us the power to defeat that temptation when we yield but yielding is difficult right laying our lives down saying have your way in me um is difficult and yet there's no there's no greater joy there's no greater prize than being in alignment with the will of god and you use the word yield which is so much more appropriate than uh um surrender because surrender can be under pressure yield is a choice you know the best-selling book purpose-driven life i always said i know it sold 30 million copies way to go rick but the point is i i don't really i'm not comfortable with purpose driven life i'm comfortable with purpose-led life and that the kingdom purpose of god which the holy spirit jesus in us the kingdom of heaven is at hand the kingdom of heaven is in you i am the king of heaven i'm the king of kings lord of lords i'm in you so let's receive him as who he is in all of his fullness that's the father's will is done on earth through the son who fulfilled every desire of the father he did only those things was pleasing but i feel like there's something about yielding our life to the father to say okay you've always cared about my dreams but i want to lose my life in your dream in your desires coming true and that means jesus in us fulfills the father's desire so if we will say and this to me is what you're inviting everyone to do not miss out present this house this temple this body this vessel created for honor through which i flow my will my love my peace see it's one thing to look at people and talk to it's nothing to really love them and when we are full of the holy spirit and you get around people they're gonna know yeah he cares you may disagree but that guy cares somehow i believe that person wants the best for me jesus came to deliver the best he wants to live in us to reveal the best he's the greatest and if we would yield our life to the fullness of his spirit they could behold the lamb they can behold the glory of the lamb living in this land this fertile field does that make sense is that in line with your book it is and you're reminding me of what happened in acts because peter was so filled with boldness after he was filled with the holy spirit and what happened it made people say what does he have wow what's happened to him right and what did he do he pointed them to jesus yeah so that's the opportunity that we have when we are filled with the spirit my prayer is that people will read the book and they will be so filled with the spirit and the joy and the hope and the boldness that the spirit gives us that we will be able to respond like the disciples did in the book of acts where people will say what do you have what's different about you and we can say let me tell you about my jesus because that's what the holy spirit does his whole goal is to glorify jesus and i think that's beautiful his ministry is to magnify the work of the son and through the holy spirit we are invited into that love and into that intimacy and so many christians are missing out on the intimacy that we are invited into with god the father and god the son there's this rote religion and there's we're just checking the boxes and and following these steps and and we have been invited into so much more we can be in this intimate beautiful relationship with god the father and god the son and that's what the holy spirit does and that's the reason jeannie's here and that's why she's saying to every viewer of life today all over the world don't miss out here's the thing she used the term yield i think it's the most perfect uh word you're not doing this because all of a sudden all hell broke loose and the pressure came but i just realized that i was created by god for god's purpose and his glory and his kingdom purpose and his will being done on earth in me right here through me so would you yield paul said you wear his cultivated field you to bring forth the fruit would you yield your life to be a vessel of honor would you right now just say lord i place my life in your hands simon peter denied jesus but when filled with the spirit he became the keynote speaker at pentecost filled with the spirit of the christ crucified and raised he had denied and now alive in him would you say god do that just tell him right now god do that in me jesus take this house my body my life fill me to overflowing with your spirit that is in me by spiritual birth fill me so that the fruit of the spirit the gifts of the spirit the power and presence of the holy spirit is manifested in me and through me to others in jesus name did you ask him don't look for a feeling just trust the promise by the way if you'd like to have janie's book and there's the address again if you want her to come speak and share but you can get it online probably in bookstores but i tell you what we're going to ask you to manifest the holy spirit's love and help us save some precious little lives some precious families and if you will help us we have some gifts to send you just to bless you because we love you but if you want genius book you just ask for it you love somebody with the holy spirit love say would you mind just sending me that too i think it'll help me i want you to watch closely betty this is very very moving and god knows you and i have been all over and seen all this and my clothes up watch clothes i want you to feel like you're right here in the midst of what you're watching these mothers are working hard struggling each day they try to grow food for their families with little success not from lack of work not because they don't love their children but because they just don't have adequate resources ongoing drought in angola and record-breaking floods in south sudan have made it almost impossible to grow the food their families need in south sudan mothers are forced to rely on feeding their children leaves from trees and golden mothers will forage for pods from the baobab trees at best the children can relieve their aching stomachs when they eat from the pods but they receive little or no nutritional value unfortunately as hard as these mothers struggle to keep their children alive a small grave is where the story ends too many times in january this mother had to attend a third funeral for her children and i asked her on any given day what's your number one concern and it's one thing getting food for these children that's all she thinks about every single day morning noon and night all she thinks about is where can i get something to feed these children today and she said many times she has to put these two to bed hungry and she tries to encourage them and you know what she says to them who knows what tomorrow will bring she's trying to keep hope alive and mission feeding saves lives we've done it before but the need has never been greater we need your help today we need your help now there is no expression of love any more clearly revealed than in the life of a mother and when you see a child you love so much and you're trying to lead them i saw that mother early in that clip just with her little child trying to lead that child to help to food you're the answer to her desire it's like sheila said to her when she's asking her she just wants to find life and buddy life today life outreach people full of the life of god they share it i'm praying that there wouldn't be a single person that wouldn't say i'm going to be the answer to that mother's desire and that child's need and you can be the answer of so many children that are going without food and the answer to the prayers of that mother's heart she would go to any outreach any source that she could find to feed her children when she's run out of options and we need to offer hope to these precious mothers they love their children as much as we love our own each one is is so important to them she's like this mother lost three she has two left they're so important to her and i'm just asking you to reach into your heart now and let's join together and then save the lives of these children without food they will die and we're asking you to help us feed 350 000 and i'm knowing right now and that they're far more than double that need and need help god we need a miracle today we have told the missionaries what we're going to ask our viewers to do god i wish you'd lift us above our dreams and our hopes to be the answer to the mother's dream and hopes and the needs of those children in jesus name now please listen this is not total child care this is not housing this is emergency life-saving nourishment 30 50 100 will enable us to feed three five or ten children for the next months if you give a thousand and feed a hundred please do so go online dial that number take your bank card and use it like a check we're going to give you some gifts to bless your life you're going to be giving the greatest gift life itself and they're going to hear about the source of life jesus because of the love of god through these mission and relief workers would you make that gift right now please and keep in mind we need to rebuild 16 malnutrition clinics that were destroyed this is the last step for life it's the last hope for a miracle and uh this is going to cost nearly 400 000 so if you could give a thousand or several toward those clinics you'd become the indescribable miracle for some please right now very prayerfully following the lead of the holy spirit make the gift god put on your heart thank you for doing it across the continent of africa children are suffering facing severe malnutrition and even death with food reserves gone and many areas experiencing severe famine we urgently need to replenish supplies to keep feeding the 350 000 children who are counting on us call now with your life-saving gift of thirty fifty or one hundred dollars to help feed and care for three five or ten children for three full months also please consider an extra gift to help immediately rebuild malnutrition clinics destroyed by record flooding in south sudan the urgent need is 392 thousand dollars above our normal feeding budget and is critical to help save the lives of those who are suffering most with your gift of any amount we'll send you it is well quiet time bundle featuring an instrumental music cd with 12 classic hymns and a 31 day prayer booklet to help renew your soul with your gift of 100 or more request the no greater love frame print this portrait is a reminder of our savior's love and the price that was paid for our salvation finally with your gift of a thousand dollars or more to help feed and care for 100 children be sure to request our inspiring bronze sculpture divine servant please call write or make your gift online today well we're really excited to send you the uh it is well bundled the quiet time bundle you're going to love it you'll love the hymns and the thoughts and the prayers and the no greater love beautiful beautiful uh praying picture of jesus i mean you'll see and uh if you'd like to have genie's book what a sweetheart she is mother five boys the oldest one is adopted from haiti don't miss out daring to believe life is better i mean life is really found in fullness in the power of the holy spirit so genie thank you so much for coming bless you your ministry thank you for being here thank you so much for helping us share life god bless you for it and i know he will i know he is this house no longer feels like tomorrow on life today james and betty discuss the remnant of god's people and the role we play in a world that has rejected the truth of god's word life today is made possible by the supporters of life outreach international your gift will be used exclusively for the exempt purposes of life the ministry features specific outreaches as examples of the programs it supports and conducts gifts are considered to be without restriction as to use unless explicitly stipulated by the donor the ministry is a member of the ecfa
Channel: lifetodaytv
Views: 228
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: life today, james, robison, christian, television, tv
Id: 9ioSCFEJzlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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