Jaylen Brown Breaks Down Basketball Scenes from Movies | GQ Sports

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Space Jam is not a movie it’s a documentary

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SportsMasterGeneral πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love me some Jaylen Brown

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dog_gazed_duct-tape πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I skimmed through it and didn't see Catwoman and I am very disapointed

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/respaaaaaj πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love JB

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jordanwolf98 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

can't believe they didn't include high school musical 3 smh

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/amm0ranth πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

love and basketball but not including Above the Rim is a joke

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OrangeKookie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Didn't even include Kuroko no Basket smh, that's the most realistic basketball show ever!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/solarscopez πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
2 500 push-ups and 1 000 suicide pause yo 2500 push-ups and 1000 suicides before you could play on the high school basketball team my high school coach would have told me that jaylen brown would have never made it to the nba i'll tell you that right now he would have never been there agq i'm jaylen brown and this is the breakdown [Music] first up he got gangs go to big state right right there high school player dealing with pressure of choosing the college you know highly touted you know i feel like i was in a similar position not as dramatic of course but i know what it feels like to have a lot of pressure and making decisions and having all that stuff happening around you as a kid spike lee did a great job of embodying that i think there's definitely more pressure probably picking the college because that is such a determinant of your future once you get drafted you got pressure because you might not know where you're going but for me it was like it's just like a monkey off my back i've been thinking about working towards and dreaming about the day that i was going to be drafted all my lives so when it finally happened it wasn't a celebratory it sounds weird but it was almost like finally it's over like now i can move on and focus on what's next i'm gonna take them shines off that go you gonna take that low jack off don't come off son jegs knee braces he could have selected something a little bit familiar i don't know what he got on man he got on these old man knee braces but great movie man i just want to watch the whole thing game time sometimes you watch movies and they got actors playing basketball and you could tell right off the bat like nah buddy nah this is not your deal denzel could actually play didn't teach you that though did i that's something i didn't teach you that's something you got to learn on your own cause that was dope about basketball you could talk trash and that's just a part of the game now it's so sensitive on the floor you can't really say anything to anybody you might get a tech you might get a fine i appreciate you know those moments that i had growing up in the neighborhood that i grew up in playing against you know family members friends of family members and all that stuff you get to talk trash it's nothing more fun than that [Music] because that's the offensive foul like in any league in any country on any court but you call the foul and you saw that's something to talk about because it'd be awkward situations you start to play and they get intense like nobody want to call foul because if you call fouls like you don't want to be that guy but dude obviously got fouled man at a certain point it just turned into football and then that's when i gotta go that's when it's time for me to leave because you know at that point we ain't about to play we're about to fight you playing on the street you got to be prepared for that you got to be ready for that [Music] game time to me it's a big difference between college and the nba college is cool i feel like to help develop you mentally to get ready for the rigors of the nba like emotionally socially spiritually all that type stuff but to be honest on the basketball side i was ready to play in the nba when i came out of high school i'm not saying you don't develop in college but you develop the most in the nba when it's your job to play and basketball playing against the best it's going to force you to get better the rules have just changed in terms of athletes being able to get paid on their likeness but when i was in college no you would not be compensated for for anything other than your tuition and if you left like me you didn't leave on good terms they wouldn't pay for you if you wanted to come back but luckily i left on good terms at some point i'm coming back you know i better pay for my stuff i ain't playing he got game classic legendary movie spike lee did his thing i'm hearing he got game two is coming out if you're looking for you know somebody to play a lead role or somebody to come and audition look no further man i'm right here next up is coach carter before you can play on this team you owe me 2 500 push-ups and 1 000 suicide pause yo 2500 push-ups and 1000 suicides before you could play on the high school basketball team my high school coach would have told me that jaylen brown would have never made it to the nba i'll tell you that right now he would have never been there i think the worst punishment i was thinking in high school definitely when we had conditioning before the season start we have to run a mile and then run an indian mile the whole team is running together in a straight line and the last person has to get to the front of the line you got to keep going until you finish four laps around the track i remember when i was doing it our coach he was he was kind of halfway paying attention i suggested and we hit the curve everybody slow down he can't see the curve so we did it as a team we finished the mile so the coach we think we about to you know break it down and get out of here the coach said which one of y'all mother decided to slow down on the on the curve i think everybody was going to snitch on he was like y'all want it y'all don't want to say nothing all right i got to do it again people was mad at me but nobody snitched on me i got some real day ones from the crew what is your deepest fear mr cruz that you're inadequate give up mr cruz go home you got to respect it though how many kids you know possibly including myself would have just been like you know what this may not be for me or i need to transfer schools i need to go somewhere else the fact that crews stuck it out i salute cruz for that and uh the fact that coach carter you know did what he did to bring the best you know out of his players was great i've been able to you know spend time in richmond which is in the bay area where the movie was taking place so i've gotten to meet some of the actual people that was in this movie which was dope see i believe in all of that i think that was no and you know everybody looks at this movie and like i was noble with him and he waited till this man did a thousand push-ups and a thousand suicides by himself where you could have helped me from the jump like why are you going to why you weigh all the way to this moment so i'm dead tired my feet hurt my back hurt i ain't got no nothing left and now you want to be no i would have been hot i would have been upset but you know everybody seen them in a moment this movie everybody overlooked that but i agree with teamwork if one person struggle we all struggle one person down we all down i believe in that and i don't just apply to basketball out of plot of life and apply to any group effort any business we in this together next up white man ken jones hey one more buck and me and zika splitting seventeen hundred dollars a bucket you will never see yeah yeah you tried to hustle spike working plays it wasn't good enough man game on the line that's that's when that's when the trash talk and get to get to his peak when all the pressure on that's when you're gonna see what somebody's about especially on the streets that's what makes the game fun that's what you like to see it's different playing out there and then playing an nba because you never know what might happen after a game on the street and not about to happen in nba i thought he was going to pass the ball man of course he ain't here we go here we go baby one more week man somebody say dia i mean it's a it's a crucial point in the game and you got to get a stop you got to play some good defense right here they're clean to me i didn't see no travels no no double dribbles everything looked vote solid y'all yes go back to seaworld 17 you got to stay down on shot face that's crucial he jumped on the bit on the chauffeur defender he obviously either was trying to get you off your feet or trying to get foul you got to stay down when you bite on the shaft that is like a piece of you dies on the inside when the defender gets you up on the shaft i hate that like i hate that more than anything to lose like he just did on that i know that stunned i know he's sick right now next up space jam you're doing it you're becoming mighty come on guys it first i'm digging the warm-up aerobics you know it's a great way to get going that's all i wanted to say keep going guys look who's finally ready to play michael jordan for sure has been an innovator in the sneaker uh space um he's definitely set trends and and made waves culturally that are still relevant to today so got to tip your hat and give respect where respect is due i'm a firm believer that if you look good you will play good so sneakers are very essential i think that is a culture behind sneakers especially you know growing up the crazier the sneakers the the better you better play i think there's an emphasis on on sneaker culture and basketball no question i've seen some guys like having a bad game switch their shoes at halftime i've seen a lot of different things guys they have a good game in a pair of shoes they wear them when another big game comes up i think that people believe in the magic especially when it comes to the sneaker game i want to stop again i just wanted to point out everybody in the nba probably can agree to this everybody knows a guy like that just affectionate for no reason lots of love and hugs you got to appreciate them space jam is a classic for sure next up semi he makes the start here in fact it looks like he's running the offense i'm gonna pause it right there before we even get started why is will ferrell in the basketball jersey there's some foolery going on here will ferrell should not be in the basketball jersey in any shape or form describing alley-oop is when a player with the ball throws the ball to his teammate in proximity of the rim and his teammate catches it while in midair and scores it sometimes you make eye contact sometimes you don't sometimes it's just to read um it just all goes in the flow of the game foul no two fouls foul i didn't touch anybody i'll burn your house down oh hold on hold on hold on i've played on some teams with some interesting guys with tart a lot worse to the rest i think the most disrespectful i think player that i've ever played with for sure isaiah thomas what was so absurd about it he was the littlest dude on the court and he talking crazy to everybody that was isaiah and he backed it up so i gotta got to salute him for that this is one of my favorite movies this is a great movie next up loving basketball one game one on one for what i know what she's about to say all right i know what you're about to say i didn't probably see in this movie at least 500 times i know everywhere i can go word for word i don't want to do that i can go work for word for the whole rest of the thing first five scared i got better things to do there's a lot of rules in one-on-one depending on you know where you play at but most people where i know they play three dribbles one-on-one or they play like five seconds and nobody got time to be guarding somebody for a whole shot clock or letting them dribble 55 times one-on-one those it helps with the real game but a lot of times if you don't have the responsibility or the trust on your team to be able to do stuff you're doing one-on-one it's totally different your role on the court might be different from one-on-one where it's just you and a defender pause i love watching women's basketball i think the only difference is maybe you know athleticism and strength but skill level and all that stuff is is there it's dope you watch the game you learn different tactics i've trained i've worked out with female you know basketball players teresa witherspoon spoon you know when i first got into the league she was one of the first people to put the battery in my back defensively she gets after it like no other everybody knows that i would say she's probably one of the people that i've always turned to or appreciated because i got to work out with her in worchester and she her passion for the game that i always appreciate it so shout out to spoon [Music] you got to finish you got to make that it's a layup you had him so now he now now he can't go out like that play [Music] [Music] pause all right yeah that's one of my favorite yeah that's one of my favorite parts all right let me get myself together i think having dominant lead female roles is important especially within sports i think there's a lot of misogyny in our in our society and i think future is female so having visual representations of strong female lead roles in sports and music and any other shape or form and any other type of you know business or etc is important i think just being able to have that visual representation and i think there's always been like the lack thereof in hollywood and in film and and then other stuff so this was a great movie with a female leroy and a cal graduate did her thing so shout out to her for paving the way for a lot of female roles and a lot of athletes female athletes who probably this is their favorite movie too thank you guys for watching these clips with me hope you enjoyed these movies and as much as i did growing up i'll tune in with you guys next time
Channel: GQ Sports
Views: 1,013,582
Rating: 4.942462 out of 5
Keywords: jaylen brown, jaylen brown 2020, jaylen brown interview, jaylen brown gq, jaylen brown gq sports, jalen brown, gq sports, breakdown gq sports, the breakdown gq sports, jaylen brown nba, nba, basketball, basketball movie, jaylen brown basketball movie, jaylen brown breaks down, jaylen brown space jam, jaylen brown watches space jame, basketball movies, space jam, coach carter, he got game, white men can't jump, the breakdown, breakdown, celtics, sports, gq
Id: l_8xZiFd9ZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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